AL 2 Prelim

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Kihare, Manolo Fortich, 8703 Bukidnon


Name: Hambre, Michelle P.

Year Level and Section: BEED-3L

Assessment of Student Learning 2 Practical Examination (Prelim)

I. Direction: Please create your own Sample Rubric Assessment of Faculty Performance in the
elementary level using the 5-point scale, where:
5 – Outstanding 4 – Very Satisfactory 3 – Satisfactory
2 – Fairly Satisfaction 1 – Unsatisfactory
Also, please use one (1) category:
1. Personality Traits (20%)
2. Classroom Management and Discipline (20%)
3. Teaching Style (30%)
4. Research (15%)
5. Extension (15%)
Afterwards, please provide the mean and its qualitative interpretation with the corresponding
percentages and its equivalent
For example:

Categories Mean Qualitative Percent % Equivalent

x̄ Interpretation

Teaching Style (30%) 5 4 3 2 1

1. Has mastered the subject matter 

2. Has good command of the medium of 
instruction used
3. Present lesson in an interesting and 
understandable manner
4. Delivers the lesson effectively 
5. Explain the lesson and concepts clearly and 

6. Uses interactive teaching strategies fitted to the 

7. Utilize creative teaching techniques suited to the 

8. Employs innovative approaches in presenting 

the lesson
9. applies appropriate visual aids and multimedia 
technology to enhance instructional technology

10. Has a good sense of humor 

11. Gives relevant examples and activities to 
support the lesson
12. Integrates values relevant to the lesson 
13. Relates lesson to other fields and daily life 

14. Is broad-minded in explaining the lesson 

15. Observes the art of questioning by avoiding to 
repeat questions and answers

Mean: 4.6

Category Mean Qualitative Percent % Equivalent

x̄ Interpretation

Teaching Style 4.6 Very 30% 18.3


II. Direction: Using your computer, please compute the raw scores and provide the following
90 108 97 96 108
140 107 92 135 109
95 95 96 99 130
100 138 106 91 98
110 98 100 94 96
122 99 115 99 94
108 97 97 120 100
93 108 108 125 108

Mean 105.525
Median 100
Mode: 108
Standard Deviation: 13.23745173
Sample Variance: 175.2301282
Kurtosis: 0.830371638
Skewness: 1.25874097
Range: 50
Minimum: 90
Maximum: 140
Sum: 4221
Count: 40

III. Distinguish between Authentic and traditional assessment and give example for each
assessment (10points)
The authentic assessment is personalized, natural and flexible relevant to the
students’ level of difficulty, skills, and abilities and it is fair because skills and
abilities are appropriate to the learners. It gives the student (self) and peer (classmate)
the chance to evaluate their own work and work of their classmates, respectively and
identifies the strengths and weaknesses of the students’ skills and abilities. It
promotes good rapport or bonding between the teacher and the student due to their
mutual understanding and develops the students’ responses because they are made to
perform the learning task in a real-world situation. It gives the students freedom to
choose evidence of good performance and makes use of performance test in real-
world situation and portfolio assessment while the traditional assessment is
impersonal and absolute owing to uniformity of test without regard to the skills and
abilities of the students and it is unfair since learners are forced to accept the contexts
of the tests even if these are inappropriate to them. It is only the subject teacher
evaluates the performance of the students and there is a tendency of subjectivity and
compares the performance of students to others. It has poor relationship between the
teacher and the students caused by impersonalized and absolute tests since the
purpose is to compare the test results of students to others and requires the students to
choose the options prepared by the teacher. The teacher prepares the tests and
students have to respond on what is asked on the test. This leaves the teacher not
being able to showcase his expertise and involves paper-and-pencil tests in which the
students are required to choose the correct answer among the options prepared by the


Authentic Assessment
Traditional Assessment Let the students provide each one
When notebook paper is folded to piece of note book paper with the
make a boat, what physical property of same size, color and shape. Let
the paper change? them list/ record the physical
a. color appearance of the paper, the color,
b. weight weight, shape and smell.
c. shape Make/transform it into paper boat.
d. smell Compare what is/are the different
from the list they made from the
present form.

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