Workbook N 4

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Whose clothes are

@ Complete the conversations.

1. A: Whose hat is this ? 2. A: Whose Skirt IS this › 3. A: Whose boots are these
B: it’s Daniel´s , B. it's Tiffany's . B: they're Jade's

4. A: Whosesneakers are these 5. A: Whose high heels are these 6. A: Whose T Shirt iS this
they're Daniel's B: B. they’re Tiffany's .
B‹ it’s IJade’s

B Complete the conversations with the correct words in parentheses.

1. A: WhO5d (Whose / HisJT-shirt is thisz Is it Lisa‘s?
B: No, it’s not h ert (her / hers). It’s mine (my/ mine).
2. A: Are these your (your / yours)jeans?
B: No, they aren’t my (my / mine) jeans. Let’s ask Keith.
I think they’re his (his / he’s).
3. A: Are these Annie’s and Jennifer’s socks?
B: No, they aren’t _ theirs (their /theirs). They ’re
vours (your /yours). A: I don’t think so.These
socks are white, and mine (my / mine) are blue.
Whose jeans are theses' • 21
What season is it? How is the weather? Write two sentences

2 it s spring.
it's raining

3. it's summer 4. . fall.

it’s warm and sunny it’s windy and cool

it's summer it s winter. it’s cold and

5 6.

it's very hot and humid

windy or it's cloudy

22 • Unit 4
Waiting for the bus

A Write sentence s. Use tne words in parentheses.

Todd Alicia Chui-

Maya Maggie Hugo

3. Chul-woo is wearing a T-shirt
4 Maggie is wearing a skirt (dress)
5 Maya is wearing a dress (sneakers)
6, Chul-woo and Maggie are wearing sneakers {scarf)
7 Todd is wearing a scart (hats)
8 Todd and Hugo are wearing hats

@ Correct the fals* sentences.

. Chul-woo is near ing jeans.

2. Maggie and Hugo are .veering raincoats.

no, they aren't/they're not. They’re wearing jackets/suits

3. QliCld i S W0a M!1g a skirt

no, she isn't/she's not. she's wearing short

4. Maya is wearing pa annal.

no, she isn't/she's not. she's wearing a dress
5. Alicia a nci Maggie are weari g T shirts.
No, they aren't/they're not. They're wearing blouses
6. Todd and Hugo are wearing shorts.
No, they aren't/they're not. They're wearing pants

Whose jeans are these? ?
Compfete the sentences.

1. My name’s Jane. I 'ITI WOQFiPQ 2. It 'S snowing, but Amy

a T-shirt and shorts. i 'm wearing isn I wearing boots — she 's wearinq

sneakers, too. It ’S raining, high heels. She Isn t wearing gloves, and
but I 'm not wearing a raincoat. she isn't wearing a hat.

aren t wearing
3. It’s very hot. Tom and Sue is
4. Roger a suit.
sweaters today. ’re wearing isn t
pants. He a belt, but
IS wearing › he is wearing a tie.
It’s sunny, so Sue h›t.
and Tom is wearing sunglasses, He IS wearing shoes and socks.
It’s very windy,

Complete these sentences with and, but, or so.

1. He’s wearing jeans and sneakers, 60d he‘s wearing a T-shirt.

2. It’s very cold outside, but I’m not wearing a coat.
3. Her skirt is blue, and her blouse is blue, too.
4. It’s raining, so I need an umbrella.
5. He’s wearing an expensive suit, but he‘s wearing sneakers.
6. It’s summer and it’s very sunny, so it’s hot.

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