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US 20080083524A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2008/0083524 A1
Sulzer et al. (43) Pub. Date: Apr. 10, 2008

(54) METHOD OF AND MOLTEN METAL Publication Classi?cation

(51) Int. Cl.
(76) Inventors: John Sulzer, Ontario (CA); Willard B22D 11/06 (2006-01)
Mark Truman Gallerneault, Ontario 322D 1”00 (200601)
(CA) B22D 41/00 (2006.01)
(52) U.S. Cl. ......................... .. 164/462; 164/429; 222/591
Correspondence Address:
Richard s. Milner (57) ABSTRACT
Cooper & Dunham _ The invention provides a feeder for delivery of molten metal
1185 Avenue of the Amel‘lcas into a mold formed between confronting casting surfaces of
New YOI‘k, NY 10036 (Us) a continuous casting machine. The feeder comprises a
projecting noZZle tip having at least a loWer Wall provided
(21) Appl- NO-I 11/884,572 With a molten metal-contacting inner surface, a generally ?at
_ outer surface and an end surface at an outer extremity of the
(22) PCT Flledt Feb- 24, 2006 tip extending between the inner and outer surface. The inner
surface is generally ?at and preferably slopes toWards the
(86) PCT NO.I PCT/CA06/00267 outer surface considered in a direction moving toWards the
extremity of the tip at an angle of slope of no more than 8
§ 371(c)(1), degrees. The end surface is generally ?at and extends from
(2), (4) Date: Nov. 21, 2007 the inner surface to the outer surface at an acute angle of less
than 88°, e. g. in the range of 15 to 80 degrees, relative to the
inner surface in a direction aWay from the extremity of the
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data tip. The feeder casts a metal sheet article having reduced
surface defects caused by rupture of the metal oxide during
Feb. 25, 2005 (US) ........................................ .. 11/066625 casting.

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Patent Application Publication Apr. 10, 2008 Sheet 4 0f 5 US 2008/0083524 A1
Patent Application Publication Apr. 10, 2008 Sheet 5 0f 5 US 2008/0083524 A1




US 2008/0083524 A1 Apr. 10, 2008

METHOD OF AND MOLTEN METAL FEEDER Jun. 10, 1997, and US. Pat. No. 6,725,904 Which issued on
FOR CONTINUOUS CASTING Apr. 27, 2004. These patents disclose feeder designs that are
intended to produce non-turbulent metal ?oW into the cast
[0001] This invention relates to the continuous casting of [0008] European Patent No. EP 0 962 271 B1, Which Was
molten metals, preferably aluminum and aluminum alloys. granted on Dec. 17, 2003 to HaZeleft Strip-Casting Corpo
More particularly, the invention relates to a method of ration (inventor Valerie G. Kagan) discloses a belt casting
introducing the molten metal into the casting cavity of a apparatus With a metal delivery device that “pours” the
continuous caster and the design of a metal feeder used for metal onto a belt. The tip of the delivery device is spaced a
this purpose. distance aWay from the surface of the belt and it terminates
at an end surface disposed at right angles to the metal
BACKGROUND ART contacting inner surface of the delivery device.
[0002] Continuous casting of metals has been carried out [0009] US. Pat. No. 4,648,438 Which issued on Mar. 10,
for many years, eg by using a tWin belt caster, tWin roll 1987 to HaZelett Strip-Casting Corporation (inventor Robert
caster or rotating block caster. Continuous casters of this W. HaZelett, et al.) discloses a belt caster and metal delivery
kind usually have a horizontal, or slightly doWnWardly device in Which the end of the tip is “squared” and is
sloping, casting cavity formed betWeen tWo confronting and arranged at right angles to the casting surface.
continuously rotating casting surfaces. The molten metal is
introduced into one end of the casting cavity and it is cooled [0010] The folloWing are examples of strip casters having
and solidi?ed as it is draWn through the casting cavity by the tips in Which the interior of the tip is tapered in the direction
rotating casting surfaces. A cast ingot, slab or strip of of the tip:
solidi?ed metal emerges from the casting cavity at the [0011] US. Pat. No. 3,774,670 Which issused on Nov. 27,
opposite end. 1973 to ProliZenZ AG (inventor Ivan Gyongyos); US. Pat.
[0003] Molten metal is introduced into the casting cavity No. 5,660,757 Which issued on Aug. 26, 1997 to Hunter
by some form of molten metal feeder that introduces a Engineering Co., Inc. (inventor Denis M. Smith); and US.
stream of molten metal betWeen the casting surfaces. The Pat. No. 6,173,755 Which issued on Jan. 16, 2001 to Alu
feeder may be in the form of an open topped trough, in minum Company of America (inventor Nai-Yi Li, et al.).
Which molten metal is directed by means of an open spout
or channel into the casting cavity (referred to as “pool DISCLOSURE OF THE INVENTION
feeding”), or more preferably by means of a noZZle Which
encloses and con?nes the molten metal until it emerges from [0012] An object of the present invention is to improve the
a tip at the extreme end of the noZZle. continuous casting of molten metal, especially molten alu
minum and its alloys, particularly With a vieW to reducing
[0004] As-cast ingots produced by both DC (direct chill) surface defects of the cast article and more particularly to
and continuous strip casters produce metal slabs or strips reduce the incidence of oxide incorporation into the cast
having surface defects of various kinds. In DC casting such surface.
surface defects are often removed by means of “scalping”
(i.e. removing a thin surface layer from the cast article). [0013] According to one aspect of the present invention,
HoWever, in continuous strip casting, scalping may not be there is provided a feeder for delivery of molten metal into
practical or economical and it is desirable to provide an a mold formed betWeen confronting casting surfaces of a
article at the outset having a minimum of surface defects. continuous casting machine. The feeder comprises a noZZle
having a projecting tip including at least one Wall provided
[0005] Surface defects may be produced by a variety of With a molten-metal-contacting inner surface, an outer sur
mechanisms, including reaction With the refractory materials face, and an end surface at an outer extremity of the tip
of the metal delivery system and localiZed cooling non extending betWeen the inner and outer surfaces. The inner
uniformities, and many improvements have been made to surface and the end surface interconnect at a line and form
reduce the siZe and number of such defects. an included angle of less than 88°, and the Wall of the noZZle
[0006] Another common mechanism involves entrainment has a thickness adjacent to the line in the range of 0.5 to 3
of surface oxides that form “cold shuts”. Such defects arise mm.
from the inevitable surface oxides that form on the meniscus
surface of the molten metal Where it exits the metal feeder [0014] According to another embodiment, there is pro
vided a continuous casting machine comprising a pair of
to contact the moving casting surface. As the meniscus is
endless casting surfaces confronting each other across a
dragged along by the moving casting surface, the oxide ?lm casting cavity, means for moving the casting surfaces in the
becomes strained and breaks, causing relatively large and same direction at the same speed, and a feeder for introduc
visible surface defects of an irregular nature. This not only
ing molten metal into the casting cavity at one end of the
affects the appearance of the cast article, but also can
cavity. The feeder comprises a noZZle having a projecting tip
introduce structural Weaknesses that cause rollability prob
including at least one Wall provided With a molten-metal
lems. The defects are particularly critical in surface critical
contacting inner surface, an outer surface, and an end
applications such as foil stock, can stock and automotive
surface at an outer extremity of the tip extending betWeen
sheet, and can limit the speed of casting. the inner and outer surfaces. The inner surface and the end
[0007] There are various prior references disclosing feeder surface interconnect at a line and form an included angle of
design and methods of metal introduction into a continuous less than 88 degrees. The Wall has a thickness adjacent to the
casting cavity, eg US. Pat. No. 5,636,681 Which issued on line in the range of 0.5 to 3 mm, and the line is positioned
US 2008/0083524 A1 Apr. 10, 2008

during casting at a spacing from an adjacent casting surface of the noZZle Where the projecting Walls terminate at a ?at
Within the range of 0.5 to 3 mm. end surface that extends at right angles to the inner metal
[0015] According to yet another embodiment of the inven contacting surfaces. The Walls also have outer surfaces that
tion, there is provided a process of continuous strip casting in use extend along the casting surfaces With a small gap.
a molten metal to form a cast metal strip article. The process Using this type of noZZle, it Was noticed that not only Was
comprises feeding a molten metal Which develops an oxide the frequency of oscillation of the meniscus sloW and erratic,
layer When in contact With air from a noZZle having a but the oscillations bring the metal into contact With the end
projecting noZZle tip onto at least one moving casting surfaces of the noZZle Walls, causing oxide Whiskers to form
surface such that the metal forms a meniscus having a and build up, thereby causing further sticking and interfer
surface coating of metal oxide betWeen an extremity of the ence With the oscillations. The inventors found that this
tip and the casting surface. The metal is fed from a tip having effect could be minimiZed or eliminated by “cutting-back”
a Wall provided With an inner surface and an end surface that the end surface by a feW degrees or more. This means that
interconnect at a line and form an included angle of less than the end surface is caused to slope in a rearWard direction
88 degrees. The Wall has a thickness adjacent to the line in from the line of contact With the inner metal-contacting
the range of 0.5 to 3 mm. The tip is positioned during casting surface to form an included angle (the angle Within the
such that the spacing of the line from an adjacent casting material of the noZZle Wall) of less than 88 degrees, more
surface is Within the range of 0.5 to 3 mm. preferably 85 degrees or less, even more preferably 80
degrees or less, and most preferably 75 degrees or less. The
[0016] The present invention is concerned With obtaining minimum angle is preferably 15 degrees, because a smaller
a continuously cast strip article of good surface quality. As
the inventors obtained improvements in surface quality by angle may be currently impractical for constructing the
noZZle (although the desirable effect would still be apparent
making general improvements to the casting technique and if the constructional limitations could be overcome). Amore
apparatus, they noticed the presence of periodic surface desirable loWer limit for the cut-back angle is 30 degrees. An
striations extending across the cast article at right angles to
even more preferred loWer limit is 45 degrees. Most pref
the direction of casting. The inventors found that these
erably, the end surface of the noZZle Wall is ?at along its full
striations Were due, at least in part, to oscillations of the
length, i.e. from the intersections With the inner and outer
meniscus formed betWeen the casting tip and the casting Walls, and from side to side across the noZZle. This has the
surface. When casting reactive metals, such as aluminum, advantage of making the striations more regular, particularly
the meniscus is coated With a layer of metal oxide and the
across the Width of the casting cavity.
oscillation of the meniscus can cause this to break. The
underlying metal thus exposed rapidly groWs a neW layer of [0020] The line of contact mentioned above (the apex of
oxide upon reaction With air, but the break forms a visible the included angle) forms a so-called “take-off point” for the
defect in the surface of the cast product as the oxide layer is meniscus, i.e. the point at Which the molten metal loses
draWn onto the casting surface. It is theorized that meniscus contact With the noZZle and is brie?y supported by surface
oscillations are inherent in continuous casters, at least in belt tension before contacting the casting surface. It is necessary
casters used for casting aluminum and its alloys, as Well as to provide such a line (i.e. an abrupt change of direction
other reactive metals, and that they cannot be entirely Where generally planar surfaces meet at an acute angle).
eliminated. The inventors therefore took another approach, Without limitation as to the theory of operation of the
i.e. of increasing the uniformity of the oscillations to pro invention, it appears that the line and the acute angle at this
duce a cast article having small, regularly spaced striations position ?xes the point of metal departure from the tip so
that do not manifest themselves as surface defects because that it does not Wander onto the end face of the noZZle Wall.
of their regular and ?ne appearance. In particular, it Was Oscillations of the metal instead appear to be localiZed at the
found that an oscillation of the meniscus of at least 50 Hertz, take-olf line Where they break the oxide layer on a regular
eg in the range of 50 to 200 HerZ, Was required to impart and frequent basis as the metal leaves the tip, thereby
an acceptable appearance to the cast product. causing regular and ?ne striations in the ?nal product.
[0017] The meniscus tends to oscillate at right angles to its [0021] Again Without limitation as to theory, it seems that
surface, i.e. it tends to become more rounded and then less the amplitude of the meniscus oscillations increases With
rounded in the region extending from the noZZle to the casting speed (i.e. the speed of the casting belt). A greater
casting surface With each such cycle representing one oscil amplitude of the oscillations increases the risk of meniscus
lation. “Wander” onto the end face of the noZZle, so the “cut-back”
[0018] The inventors found that the frequency of the angle may desirably be decreased as the casting speed
meniscus oscillations can be affected by various parameters, increases (i.e. the angle of the end surface With the inner
eg the application of external forces, such as pneumatic surface should desirably be made smaller, e.g. Within the
pressure in the small gap betWeen the noZZle and the casting range of 15 to 80 degrees). For fast casting, the angle should
belt, and the application of a varying magnetic ?eld in the preferably be made no larger than 75 degrees, and 70
area of the meniscus. HoWever, the inventors found that the degrees or even 65 degrees is a more preferred upper limit.
most effective Way to increase the frequency of oscillation is
by improving the design and placement of the noZZle used [0022] Ideally, the meniscus should be caused to oscillate
at a frequency of 50 herZ to about 200 HerZ at least for
for injecting the molten metal onto the casting surface.
aluminum and aluminum alloys. The range of frequencies
[0019] With regard to the design of the casting noZZle, the depends on physical properties of the metal, e.g. density,
conventional noZZle employs a pair of projecting Walls that viscosity and surface tension, but only for signi?cant
de?ne a molten metal channel betWeen confronting inner changes in these properties. The variation among aluminum
metal-contacting surfaces. The channel has an exit at the tip alloys is quite minor, but a change of base metal (e.g.
US 2008/0083524 A1 Apr. 10, 2008

aluminum to copper) may produce signi?cant changes that [0035] FIG. 9 shoWs a macrophotograph of the surface of
affect the oscillations more noticeably. an aluminum alloy strip cast With a noZZle in accordance
With the present invention having an angle betWeen inner
[0023] In the present invention, it is found that the spacing surface and end surface of 88 degrees;
betWeen the “take-off point” and the casting surface should
be quite speci?c. If it becomes too large, it is dif?cult or [0036] FIG. 10 shoWs a macrophotograph of the surface of
impossible to maintain a stable meniscus as it may “Wander” an aluminum alloy strip cast With a noZZle in accordance
onto the end Wall of the tip and the metal may run back under With the present invention having an angle betWeen inner
the tip of the noZZle. The How characteristics change to surface and end surface of 78 degrees;
become more like pouring a liquid rather than casting at
speed. However, the spacing should be large enough to [0037] FIG. 11 shoWs a macrophotograph of the surface of
alloW a meniscus to form betWeen the take-off point and the an aluminum alloy strip cast With a noZZle in accordance
casting surface. The minimum distance is controlled by With the present invention having an angle betWeen inner
restrictions placed on the tip by methods of construction and surface and end surface of 48 degrees; and
the need for the tip to be spaced slightly from the casting [0038] FIG. 12 shoWs a macrophotograph of the surface of
surface. The preferred spacing (take-off line to casting an aluminum alloy strip cast With a noZZle in accordance
surface) is about 1 mm+0.5 mm. HoWever, the invention is With the present invention having an angle betWeen inner
effective With normal noZZle Wall thicknesses (usually about surface and end surface of 33 degrees.
1 mm or 1/32 inch) and a spacing up to about 3 mm.
[0024] The metal can be fed into a closed noZZle or to an BEST MODES FOR CARRYING OUT THE
open-topped noZZle from a conventional head box or INVENTION
tundish. The present invention may be used With both types
[0039] As noted above, continuous casting of metals to
of noZZle, but a closed noZZle is preferred.
form strip articles (often referred to as sheets, plates, slabs,
[0025] When the noZZle is of the closed type, the tWo Walls ingots, billets, layers, etc.) has been carried out for many
forming the noZZle may be ?at and parallel throughout their years and in many different types of continuous casting
length, or they may be “?ared” or “divergent” at the end, i.e. machines. For example, a tWin-belt caster is disclosed in
With the Walls adjacent to the metal delivery end bending detail in US. Pat. No. 4,061,177 Which issued on Dec. 6,
outWardly at an angle of usually no greater than about 8 1977 to Alcan Research and Development Limited (inventor
degrees. This alloWs the Walls to converge toWards the Olivo Giuseppe Sivilotti), and casting machines of this kind
casting surfaces by a small angle at the extreme end of the (as Well as others) are suitable for carrying out the present
tip. invention. The disclosure of this patent is incorporated
herein by reference, and a brief and simpli?ed description is
[0026] The present invention may be used With both provided beloW.
horiZontal and vertical continuous casting machines, e.g.
tWin-belt casters, revolving block casters and even tWin-roll [0040] The illustrated tWin belt caster 10 has upper and
casters (tWin-roll casters are preferably operated at high loWer endless rotating metal belts 12 and 14 arranged so that
speed When the invention is employed). closely spaced moving confronting casting surfaces 16, 18
of the belts are disposed essentially parallel to each other
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS through a region Where they de?ne a casting cavity (casting
mold) 20 from a cavity entrance 21 to a cavity exit 22. The
[0027] FIG. 1 is a side vieW, partly in cross-section, of a belts are guided as they rotate through suitable oval or
tWin-belt caster (Without metal feed apparatus) of a type otherWise looped return paths betWeen the entrance and the
With Which the present invention may be employed; exit of the casting cavity. The upper belt 12 passes around a
[0028] FIG. 2 is a cross-section of a metal feeder and cylindrical driving roll 24 and then travels along an upper
adjacent parts of a tWin-belt caster of a type With Which the path Where it may be further supported, if desired, by roWs
present invention may be employed; of idler rollers or the like (not shoWn), and then around a
semi-cylindrical bearing 25. The loWer belt folloWs an
[0029] FIG. 3 is a cross-section of a part of a prior art essentially identical but mirror image path including a drive
noZZle and an adjacent casting belt and molten metal ?oW, roll 26 and a semi-cylindrical bearing 27 similar to the
shoWing the development of a metal meniscus; bearing located immediately above. Molten metal is intro
[0030] FIG. 4 is a vieW similar to FIG. 3, but shoWing a duced into the casting cavity by a feeder 30 (not shoWn in
part of a noZZle in accordance With the present invention; FIG. 1, but illustrated in FIG. 2) incorporating a noZZle 32
having a projecting tip 34 provided With a molten metal
[0031] FIG. 5 is a top plan vieW ofa test device used in the outlet 35 at the outer extremity (extreme end) 36 of the tip.
Example described beloW; Hence, molten metal enters the apparatus from the feeder 30
in the direction shoWn by arroW A (FIG. 1), the metal
[0032] FIG. 6 is a cross-sectional vieW of the test device
solidi?es Within the casting cavity 20 and a cast strip article
of FIG. 5;
emerges from the apparatus at the exit of the casting cavity
[0033] FIGS. 7A, 7B, 7C, and 7D shoW cross-sections of in the direction of arroW B as shoWn. The reverse (inner)
tips used in the Example 1 described beloW; surfaces 17, 19 of the casting belt are generally cooled by
means of jets of cooling water, eg as shoWn at 23.
[0034] FIG. 8 shoWs a macrophotograph of the surface of
an aluminum alloy strip cast With a prior art noZZle having [0041] FIG. 2 shoWs an enlargement of the end of the
an angle betWeen inner surface and end surface of 93 caster adjacent to the entrance 21 of the casting cavity 20.
degrees; The belts 12 and 14 are shoWn in dash-dot lines. As
US 2008/0083524 A1 Apr. 10, 2008

previously noted, the apparatus is provided With a molten and oxide rupture to occur. In this tip, angle 0t (referred to
metal feeder 30 Which may be of the type disclosed, for as the “cut-back angle” and also as the “included angle”)
example, in US. Pat. No. 5,636,681 issued on Jun. 10, 1997 betWeen the inner surface 55 and the end surface 56 is an
to Alcan International Limited (the disclosure of Which is acute angle less than 88°, preferably betWeen 15 and 85
incorporated herein by reference). The feeder 30 comprises degrees, more preferably betWeen 15 and 80°, more prefer
top and bottom noZZle mounts 38 Which hold metal delivery ably betWeen 30 and 80 degrees, and even more preferably
noZZle 32 in place so that its tip 34 projects betWeen the tWo betWeen 30 to 75°. When such an angle is employed, the
moving belts 12 and 14 of the belt caster. The mounts 38 are meniscus 58 is free to oscillate, and, absent any outside
bolted to the caster structure (not shoWn) and support the in?uences, takes on a “natural” frequency determined by the
noZZle 32 such that an upstream opening 40 can mate With physical properties of the molten metal, the contact friction
a similar opening in a tundish or feed-box (not shoWn) used betWeen the molten metal and the moving substrate (casting
to feed the caster With molten metal. A resilient refractory belt) and the spacing of the tip to belt distance (spacing “S”
seal (also not shoWn) is used betWeen upstream faces 41 of shoWn in FIG. 4). The use of the acute cut-back angle 0t, in
the noZZle and the tundish or feed-box. The noZZle 32 is combination With a precisely de?ned spacing S of tip to belt,
fabricated from refractory materials, for example as means that the geometry of the meniscus is reliably con
described in US. Pat. No. 5,636,681, and the tip 34 has a trolled betWeen the casting surface 61 of the casting belt 12
slightly divergent shape as shoWn. Spacers 46, in the form and the line of intersection 65 (referred to as the “take-off
or Wire mesh or metal strips, are provided betWeen the outer point” or “take-off line”) betWeen the inner surface 55 and
surfaces of the noZZle and the adjacent casting belts to the end surface 56 of the noZZle tip, so that the frequency of
maintain a ?xed and controlled spacing betWeen the noZZle oscillation is stable. The use of the acute cut-back angle 0t
and belts. The noZZle includes refractory Walls 53 that have ensures that the ?nal point of contact betWeen the molten
inner molten-metal-contacting surfaces 55 confronting each metal and the noZZle is con?ned to a ?xed position on the tip,
other across a molten-metal-conveying channel 50 leading namely the line of intersection 65. At this point, the molten
from the upstream opening to the metal outlet 35. The Walls metal surface transfers from a supported condition (sup
have end surfaces 56 that interconnect With the inner sur ported by the noZZle) to an unsupported condition (in the
faces 55 at lines 65. The Walls also have outer surfaces 54 form of a meniscus) and the oxide ?lm on the metal surface
that confront the casting belts 12 and 14. is repetitively ruptured along this line as the meniscus
oscillates. The oxide rupture has the same regular frequency
[0042] The present invention is primarily concerned With as the frequency of oscillation and takes place in small and
the delivery of molten metal into the casting cavity in the
region of the noZZle tip 34. This is explained in more detail
regular breaks, thus creating regular and minimal defects on
the metal surface.
With reference to FIGS. 3 and 4.
[0043] FIG. 3 shoWs a conventional noZZle tip 34 in Which [0045] If the cut-back angle 0t is not acute (eg if it is 90
only the loWer Wall 53 of the tip is shoWn adjacent the loWer degrees as in a conventional noZZle tip), the meniscus 58 can
casting belt 14. The upper Wall of the tip and the upper touch the end surface 56 of the tip during oscillation.
casting belt can be visualiZed as mirror images of the loWer [0046] This rapidly forms oxide Whiskers on the end
parts. The illustrated tip has an outer surface 54 extending surface of the tip and this in turn causes adherence of the
generally parallel to the surface of the adjacent casting belt meniscus to the end surface 56 beloW the line of intersection
14, a molten-metal-contacting inner surface 55, and a nar 65. This adhesion is variable and prevents regular and free
roW end surface 56 that is disposed at right angles to the oscillations of the meniscus from occurring. The breaks in
inner surface 55 of the tip (as indicated by the small the oxide layer are consequently irregular and delayed and
rectangle). In the delivery and casting of molten metals, a the resulting surface defects are larger.
meniscus 58 (i.e. an unsupported metal surface) bridges the
gap betWeen the noZZle tip 34 and the adjacent casting belt [0047] The amplitude of the meniscus oscillations appears
14. For reactive metals (i.e. metals that spontaneously form to be someWhat casting speed related, i.e. larger amplitudes
an oxide layer When in contact With air) such as aluminum are encountered at higher casting speeds. As larger ampli
and its alloys, the meniscus is covered by an oxide layer 60. tudes can result in the meniscus being more di?icult to ?x on
As the belt 14 moves through the casting cavity, the oxide the noZZle, it is desirable to reduce the angle 0t at higher
layer 60 is draWn along by the belt by friction and is subject casting speeds and an angle no larger than 75 degrees is
to stress in the region of the meniscus. It is found that the usually desirable for high casting speeds. On the other hand,
oxide layer on the meniscus Will periodically rupture and the if the cut back angle is less than 15 degrees, it becomes
exposed metal Will instantly form a neW layer of oxide. The dif?cult to construct a noZZle tip having the requisite stilf
resulting oxide breakage and re-groWth causes surface ness and strength properties.
defects in the cast article. The inventors of the present
invention have found that the effect of the inevitable oxide [0048] The spacing S (Which is the distance betWeen the
rupture on surface quality can be reduced or minimized by “take-off point”65 and the casting surface 61 of the casting
ensuring that the oxide membrane ruptures frequently and in belt at the point Where the meniscus contacts the surface)
a controlled manner rather than randomly.
affects the performance of the casting process. For most
alloys and casting operations, the spacing S should be in the
[0044] In particular, the inventors have found that by range of 0.5 to 3.0 mm. The spacing S includes the thickness
causing the meniscus to freely oscillate at a controllable of the loWer Wall 53 at the tip, and so this thickness must
frequency of at least 50 HZ, the effect of oxide layer ruptures necessarily also be Within the range of 0.5 to 3.0 mm. The
is controlled and reduced. It has been found that a noZZle tip most preferred distance for spacing S is 110.5 mm. This can
designed and used in accordance With the present invention, be achieved, for example, by making the sideWall 53 from
eg as shoWn in FIG. 4, Will alloW such regular oscillations an alumina-silicate ?berboard (e.g. Fiberfrax®) having a
US 2008/0083524 A1 Apr. 10, 2008

thickness of 1 mm at the tip that is slightly compressed With

a rigidizer. As the material is slightly compressed and TABLE 1
changes in thickness slightly during use due to thermal
Cut back angle Figure Number Observation
expansion, the spacing S can be maintained at about 1 mm
With a slight gap forms betWeen the sideWall 53 and the 93 degrees 8 Severe oxide banding or folds
irregularly spaced about 30 mm
casting surface. The indicated material has su?icient apart
strength and rigidity despite its narroW thickness, and desir 88 degrees 9 Oxide banding or folds irregularly
ably it also relatively loW thermal conductivity. spaced about 30 mm apart
78 degrees 10 Regular ?ne banding about 1 mm
[0049] The invention is illustrated in further detail With 48 degrees 11 Regular ?ne banding about 1 mm
reference to the following Examples, Which are not intended spacing
to be limiting of the scope of the invention. 33 degrees 12 Regular ?ne banding about 1 mm
[0054] Cut back angles of 93 and 88 degrees are outside
[0050] The effects of different feeder tip angles Were the range of angles of the invention and the sheet cast using
investigated on a single mold plane (Water cooled) utilizing tips at such angles exhibit unacceptable oxide folds or
an open-topped box With a sliding bottom, to simulate the banding. A spacing of 30 mm, typical of such bands,
metal ?oW conditions from a stationary feeder tip onto a corresponds to a frequency of about 4 to 6 Hz. Cut back
moving Water cooled belt. The apparatus employed is shoWn angles less than 88 degrees shoW an absence of such heavy
schematically in FIG. 5 (plan vieW) and FIG. 6 (vertical bands, but display ?ner more regular surface marks With
longitudinal cross-section). spacings of about 1 mm, corresponding to a frequency of
over 100 Hz.
[0051] The metal Was poured into a box 70 and a bottom
plate 71 Was pulled horizontally at predetermined speeds 1. A feeder for delivery of molten metal into a mold
and molten metal temperatures, alloWing the metal 75 to formed betWeen confronting casting surfaces of a continu
How from an end 72 of the moving bottom plate onto a sheet ous casting machine, the feeder comprising:
steel mold 73, Where it solidi?ed progressively toWards the a nozzle having a projecting tip including at least one Wall
moving bottom plate. The moving bottom plate (forming a provided With a molten-metal-contacting inner surface,
thin slide) Was made of the same material as the feeder tips an outer surface, and an end surface at an outer extrem
used for continuous casting, and the right hand end Was ity of the tip extending betWeen the inner and outer
changed in geometry as shoWn in FIGS. 7A to 7D to study surfaces,
the effects of such changes on the solidi?ed metal, such as characterized in that the inner surface and the end surface
meniscus break lines and other ingot surface defects. The interconnect at a line and form an included angle of less
speed of extracting the bottom plate Was varied to simulate than 88°, and said at least one Wall has a thickness
different metal ?oW rates and conditions of the tip to the adjacent to said line in the range of 0.5 to 3 mm.
mold surface. The geometry of FIG. 7A corresponds to the 2. A feeder according to claim 1, characterized in that said
present invention, having a cut back angle of 75 degrees. included angle is in the range of 15 to 85 degrees.
FIG. 7B has a cut back angle of 120 degrees, i.e. outside the 3. A feeder according to claim 1, characterized in that said
present invention. FIG. 7C has a compound surface but the included angle is in the range of 15 to 80 degrees.
angle at the inner comer (“take off point”) is 120 degrees. 4. A feeder according to claim 3, characterized in that said
The second angle does not affect the meniscus because it included angle is in the range of 15 to 75 degrees.
does not form a take-off point. FIG. 7D has a curved outer 5. A feeder according to claim 3, characterized in that said
surface and there is as a result no clear inner corner or “take included angle is selected from a range of 30 to 70 degrees.
off point”. All conditions in FIGS. 7B, 7C, and 7D resulted 6. A feeder according to claim 1, characterized in that said
in undesirable oxide breaks at the solidi?cation juncture, but thickness is 110.5 mm.
the conditions of FIG. 7A, an undercut tip angle of 75° 7. A feeder according to claim 3, characterized in that the
angle, gave good results. For the same design as in FIG. 7A, tip has tWo of said Walls aligned With each other With said
the undercut angle Was changed to 60 and 30°, all With good metal-contacting inner surfaces confronting each other
results, attained by the sharp upper edge shoWn in FIG. 7A. across a metal-conveying channel.
8. A feeder according to claim 7, characterized in that said
EXAMPLE 2 Walls of said tip diverge from each other in a direction
extending toWards said outer extremity.
[0052] A series of casts Were performed in a pilot scale 9. A feeder according to claim 8, characterized in that said
belt caster using metal delivery nozzles having various Walls diverge from a longitudinal axis of the tip at an angle
cut-back angles. Casts Were made on copper belts using of about 8 degrees.
aluminum alloy AA5754 cast 10 mm thick cast at a speed of 10. A continuous casting machine, comprising:
8 to 10 meters/minute. a pair of endless casting surfaces confronting each other
across a casting cavity;
[0053] The surface of the as cast strip Was observed and
photographed. The results are shoWn in FIGS. 8 to 12 and a means for moving the casting surfaces in the same
are summarized in Table 1 beloW. direction at the same speed; and
US 2008/0083524 A1 Apr. 10, 2008

a feeder for introducing molten metal into said casting 17. A casting machine according to claim 16, character
cavity at one end of said cavity; ized in that said Walls of said tip diverge from each other in
Wherein said feeder comprises a nozzle having a project a direction extending toWards said outer extremity.
ing tip including at least one Wall provided With a 18. A casting machine according to claim 17, character
molten-metal-contacting inner surface, an outer sur ized in that said Walls diverge from a longitudinal axis of the
face, and an end surface at an outer extremity of the tip tip at an angle of about 8 degrees.
extending betWeen the inner and outer surfaces,
19. A process of continuous strip casting a molten metal
characterized in that said inner surface and said end to form a cast metal strip article, Which process comprises
surface interconnect at a line and form an included feeding a molten metal, Which develops an oxide layer When
angle of less than 88 degrees, said at least one Wall has in contact With air, from a nozzle having a projecting nozzle
a thickness adjacent to said line in the range of 0.5 to tip onto at least one moving casting surface such that the
3 mm, and said line is held during casting at a spacing
metal forms a meniscus having a surface coating of metal
from an adjacent one of said casting surfaces Within a
range of 0.5 to 3 mm.
oxide betWeen an extremity of the tip and the casting
11. A casting machine according to claim 10, character surface, characterized in that said metal is fed from a tip
ized in that said included angle is in the range of 15 to 85 having an inner surface and an end surface that interconnect
degrees. at a line and form an included angle of less than 88 degrees,
12. A casting machine according to claim 10, character said at least one Wall has a thickness adjacent to said line in
ized in that said included angle is in the range of 15 to 80 the range of 0.5 to 3 mm, and said line during casting is
degrees. positioned at a spacing from an adjacent one of said casting
13. A casting machine according to claim 12, character surfaces Within a range of 0.5 to 3 mm.
ized in that said included angle is in the range of 15 to 75 20. A process according to claim 19, characterized in that
degrees. the ?nal contact betWeen the molten metal and the tip is
14. A casting machine according to claim 12, character
con?ned to a ?xed position on the tip by providing the tip
ized in that said included angle is Within the range of 30 to
With an inner metal-contacting surface and an end surface
70 degrees.
15. A casting machine according to claim 10, character that interconnect at a line and have an included angle
ized in that said spacing is 110.5 mm. selected from a range of 15 to 80 degrees, and causing the
16. A casting machine according to claim 12, character molten metal to flow over said interconnecting line onto said
ized in that the tip has tWo of said Walls aligned With each casting surface.
other With said metal-contacting inner surfaces confronting
each other across a metal-conveying channel.

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