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• Diagnostic: Knowledge in identifying an illness & diff with other illnesses | Knowledge to learn
all methods to obtain diagnosis (integration of intellectual activities, manipulation, and arts)
• Ways of diagnosis:
1. Clinically
2. Laboratory
3. Pathology

Veterinary Diagnostic
• Diagnostic Process: Integrated activities • Understand basic knowledge to support
of intellectual manipulative & arts diagnostic:
o Able to identify a sick animal o Bacteriology
that is suffering o Virology
• Diagnostic tools: Ability to obtain o Parasitology
complete history through physical o Immunology
examination and give basic information: • Abnormality (disorder) can be:
o Logical & planned diagnostic o In the structure (anatomy)
o Avoid unnecessary exams o In function (physiology)
• Identify abnormality by clinical process: o Quantitatively (local/ general)
o Anatomy o Qualitatively (mild/ severe)
o Physiology
o Biochemistry
o Pathology

Abnormality is called as SYMPTOMS of illness or disease

Symptom: Syndrome:
• Indicator of disease known thru ∆ • Combination of disturbance produced
showed by expression by single causal agent / gen happened
• Any feeling of illness or physical or tgt showing differentially clinical feature
mental change that is caused by a • A group of signs and symptoms that
particular disease occur together and characterize a
• Subjective evidence of disease or particular abnormality or condition
physical disturbance; broadly: (Merriam-Webster)
something that indicates the presence
of bodily disorder (Merriam-Webster)

Symptoms of illness: Disease: structure or functionally changes

• Objective: detected by 5 senses body tissues that have abnormal condition
• Subjective: conclusion 1. Related with inflammation (pathognomonic
Diagnose: ➢ Swelling (tumor)
• Etiology ➢ Redness (rubor)
• Tentative/ temporary ➢ Heat (kalor)
• Symptomatic ➢ Pain (dolor)
➢ Functional disturbance (functiolessa)
Differential Diagnosis: differentiation among 2. Unrelated with inflammation: Disturbance
symptomatic characters that almost the same of metabolism, organ dysfunction,
condition tumor/neoplasm, duct obstruction


• Basic diagnosis is very difficult

• Patient x helps Veterinarian
• Depended on:
1. Veterinarian
2. Disease or traumatic condition
3. Fear feeling or pain due to examination process
4. The place of animal
Prognosis: Veterinarian opinion that explained to the client regarding the disease
• Possibility of disease healing:
1. Fausta (High possibility to recover)
2. Infausta (Little possibility to recover)
3. Dubius (Fifty-fifty possibility to recover)

Prophylaxis Preventive Metaphylaxis

• Prevention process to keep • Prevention by giving • Efforts to prevent animals
animals in health condition therapy process suffered from the disease
• Prevention of disease by • Deworming by using • Ceftiofur crystalline-free
injection of toxoid vaccine in anthelminthic acid for Swine Respiratory
case of tetany (tetanus) Disease (SRD), in the same
time it also prevent another

Clinical symptoms: variable, depended on the intensity of disease

• Pathogenic — specific symptom

Examination method:
• Animal handling: for safety of animal and examiner
o Dog — mouth must be secured
o Horse — foot and mouth must be secured
o Cattle — foot and horn
o Cat — nail
o Bird — beak

Restraint method for friendly animal

Restraint method for aggressive animals

• Muzzle
• Restraint and handling can use chemical agent / drugs, i.e. tranquilizer, aestheticism
• Special tools — gun contains an anesthetic drug
 Clinical examination by using five sensory to get the clinical symptoms:
1. Inspection (by using eyes)
2. Palpation (by using hand) = sensory feeling
3. Percussion (by using special tools) = tap
4. Auscultation (by using ear)


EXAMINATION consists of:

1. Disease case history and environment recording
 History — info can be:
 Subjective: main complaint, general health condition history
 Objective: signalment, environment, diet, medical history of the patient for the first
time coming
2. Physical examination
Preparation of patient: take rest for
5 mins, handling
Inspection: directly / by using tools  Enuf lighting: light, lamp, battery
 X hindering eye view
 View ∢ inline w eye
 Distance: large animal (< 5m) | small animal (< 1m)
Examination parameters:
 Skin condition: color & pigmentation, lesion, superficial vas,
edema, humidity, dryness, skin tiss arrangement, hair & horn
 Anatomy structure: size & shape, symmetrically/deformity,
protrude, local/gen swelling
 Movement: muscle, bone, articulation, respiration, bv, peristaltic
Palpation → palpate ec part of body  Aim: to detect pain feeling
using palm (directly using hand)  Sensitivity of pain feeling, muscle tone, spasm, fearness,
 Results: flexible, doughy, firm, hard, fluctuative (acc of fluid in
abdominal cavity), emphysematous (crepitation sound)
Percussion  Tap / hot some part of body
 Using finger
 Using tools: pleximeter / pleximeter hummer
 → vibration produced @ place percussed by blow itself
 Vibration produced by body wall & by column / bady air / gas
contained beneath the point of impact
 Vibration sounds are variable @ vol & tone peak, depends on
body tiss density diff
 Results: resonance, tympanic, dullness
Auscultation  Hear sound produced by activity of functional organ
 Directly: ear attached to thorax wall
 Indirectly: using stethoscope
Counting / measuring  Using tools / x using
 Pulse
 Body weight
 Body height
 Temperature
Smell  Mouth & ear
Testing  Puntio (aspiration of fluid in cavity)
 Test: TBC allergic test on skin (Primate: apply on upper
 Undulation test: detect abnormal liquid acc in body (abdominal
Laboratory  Support clinical diagnostic
 Identify causal agent of disease

General examination
• Specific marks / Signalement
• Physical condition
• Gen performance & temperament


• Posture
• Step
• Behavior
• Body temperature
• Pulse
• Respiration

Regional / systemic clinical examination: application of sensory & physical methods

• Skin & hair
• Head & neck
• Thorax
• Abdomen
• Urinary tract
• Rep tract
• Blood & their formation
• Nerve system
• Musculoskeletal system


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