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Waste Management
Policy Statement

To comply with the requirements of:

 The Waste Management and Resource Recovery Act 2016,
 The Clinical Waste Act 1990,

ACT Health sites will follow processes outlined in the ACT Health Waste Management Plan

Compliance requirements include:

 Provision of waste stream guidelines in all areas;
 Provision of the appropriate containers, equipment and systems to support the
principles of reduce, reuse and recycle; and
 Education and training of waste management to staff and contractors about regulatory
responsibilities of waste and environment management principles.


The Waste Management Policy (and underpinning WMP) supports sites to comply with the
relevant legislation and conduct its activities in a manner that will minimise the impact on
the environment and provide a safe and healthy environment for patients, staff and the


This policy applies to all ACT Health sites, that, in accordance with the principles of waste
segregation and minimisation, produce waste that must be handled and disposed of
according to relevant legislative requirements and standards.

This policy should be read in conjunction with the ACT Health Waste Management Plan.

Roles & Responsibilities

 The Business Support Services, Domestic & Environmental Services Manager is

responsible for the Domestic and Environmental Services contract management, and
achievement of agreed deliverables.
 The Domestic & Environmental Services Contractor is responsible for the provision of
Domestic and Environmental Services to ACT Health sites covered under the contract
and meeting the objectives of waste stream volume and environmental impact.

Doc Number Issued Review Date Area Responsible Page

DGD17-025 05/10/2017 01/09/2020 BSS 1 of 3
Do not refer to a paper based copy of this policy document. The most current version can be found on the ACT Health Policy Register

 All staff will comply with this policy for the handling of, and disposal of waste in
designated waste streams.


Outcome Measures
ACT Health is compliant with the requirements of the Waste Management and Resource
Recovery Act 2016, and the Clinical Waste Act 1990.

Compliance assurance is managed and monitored regularly through monthly Contract
Management meetings and as required by the Domestic & Environmental Services Manager
with the contractor in relation to deliverables expected to be achieved under the contract,
such as systems reporting, to resolve any issues.
Related Legislation, Policies and Standards

Clinical Waste Act 1990
Waste Management and Resource Recovery Act 2016
Radiation Protection Act 2006
Environment Protection Act 1997

National Occupational Health and Safety Council ‘Storage and Handling of Workplace
Dangerous Goods’ National Standard [NOHSC: 1015 (2001)];
Australian Standard 3816 (AS/NZS 3816):1998 Management of Clinical and Related Wastes,
National Safety & Quality Health Service Standard 3: Preventing & Controlling Healthcare
Associated Infections

ACT Health Waste Management Plan
ACT Waste Management Strategy 2011-2025
Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate - ACTSmart Programs
HB 202 – 2000: A Management System for Clinical and Related Wastes – Guide to
Application of AS/NZS 3816:1998 Management of Clinical and Related Wastes

Definition of Terms

Waste streams different types of waste designated by colour coding or signage and
managed according to specific protocols
Waste stream measurement measurement by weight of each waste type
Staffall staff within ACT Health and external agencies working on behalf of ACT Health,
including, but not limited to, students, contractors and volunteers.


The Australian Council on Healthcare Standards

Doc Number Issued Review Date Area Responsible Page
DGD17-025 05/10/2017 01/09/2020 BSS 2 of 3
Do not refer to a paper based copy of this policy document. The most current version can be found on the ACT Health Policy Register

Code of Practice for the Management of Clinical and Related Wastes (current edition)
ACT Waste Management Strategy 2011-2025

Disclaimer: This document has been developed by ACT Health, specifically for its own use. Use of this
document and any reliance on the information contained therein by any third party is at his or her own risk and
ACT Health assumes no responsibility whatsoever.

Doc Number Issued Review Date Area Responsible Page

DGD17-025 05/10/2017 01/09/2020 BSS 3 of 3
Do not refer to a paper based copy of this policy document. The most current version can be found on the ACT Health Policy Register

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