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S3 English Unit 4 What does the future hold?

Supplementary Vocabulary Exercise

Name: _________________________ ( ) Class: 3 ___

Fill in the blanks with the vocabulary items below in the correct form.

lethal hit a wall mutate death toll dystopian

smart hub gizmo connectivity delegate trending

In today’s world, technology is flourishing and growing, and we live by it. Whether it is
fighting to get the newest iPhone or a (1) _______________ to navigate your sixty-six inch TV
screen and smart lighting control system, people cannot imagine life without technology and rely
on it to do almost everything.

Indeed, technology provides the (2) ____________that brings our communities together.
Millennials cannot survive without checking their social media constantly. (3) _______________
topics on these platforms allow people from all walks of life to discuss the most pressing matters
of the day in society. If you happen to be working in a group project, the virtual world can
definitely help with (4) _______________work to your groupmates.

But did you know that there is a dark side to technology that can be (5) ____________ to
us humans?

Technology can cause a loss of privacy, and even a loss of individuality. With
technology, there is little to no privacy. Even when you delete something from view, it is never
completely deleted. (6) _______________ resulting from cyberbullying and identity frauds
continue to rise in recent years. These modern crimes have cost society the lives of many
unsuspecting teenagers. Body image issues are also commonly associated with teenagers who
spend their leisure time browsing through pictures of social media influencers, who promote
suspicious diet supplements. Concerned parties have been coming up with ways to monitor
people’s use of the Internet, but they seem to have (7) _____________ and have zero ideas how
to protect our youths online.

The jury is still out on whether technology brings us more good or more harm. But it’s
never been clearer that our technological inventions have slowly (8) ____________into the
masters of our lives. After all, when was the last time you went a day without turning on the TV,
working on the computer, or looking at your phone? I doubt many could honestly say they have
gone more than one day without messing around with their countless gadgets and (9)
S3 English Unit 4 What does the future hold?
Supplementary Vocabulary Exercise
Name: _________________________ ( ) Class: 3 ___
If you want to prevent society from descending into a (10) _______________fiction
nightmare, where we are mentally and physically enslaved by our own creations, you better think
twice before hopping on the next “tech trend”.

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