Ikk Uts 2022 Random Q

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IKK UTS 2022

1. Below are the types of pregnancy pathologies are...

a. Mola
b. Mummification
c. Superfetation
d. Wondering
*e. Everything is correct

2. Below are the factors that cause moles...

a. Embryo dies at very young pregnancy
b. Embryo destroyed during early pregnancy
c. Placenta filled with fluid
*d. A and B are correct
e. B is right

3. In sheep cases, mummification is associated with infection by...

a. Toxoplasma
b. Zootic Virus Abortion
c. Leptospirapamona
d. A and B are correct
*e. A and C are correct

4. Pig fetuses die in cases of mummification at age

*a. 40-90 Days
b. 40-60 Days
c. 40-80 Days
d. 10-40 Days
e. 40-70 Days

5. Below which is the cause of hydrops amnii is...

a. Bleeding Vessel
b. Obstruction of blood vessels
c. Formedtransudation
d. Liquid collection in the allantois space
*e. Everything is correct

6. The percentage incidence of hydrops allantois in cattle is...

*a. 80-90%
b. 70-80%
c. 80-95%
d. 70-90%
e. 75-80%

7. Corpus luteum associated with uterine pathology include:

*a. Pyometra and maceration
b. Silent heat
c. Embryo death
d. FSH production is prevented by high prolactin production

8. The causes of silent heat below include:

a. Condition of the bright cage
b. Enough nutrition
*c. genetic predisposition
d. Nymphomania

9. Bacterial brucellosis can be diagnosed by:

a. Preparatula of the lungs, stomach and placenta foetalis
b. Preparatulafromheart
c. Standard Agglutination Test (SAT)
*d. A and C are correct
e. B and C are correct

10. Acute clinical symptoms of leptospirosis are:

*a. Anorexia, anemia, hemoglobinuria, Ichterus
b. Hemoglobinuria, Ichterus, cervicitis
c. Anorexia, anemia, infertility
d. Anemia, hemoglobinuria, Pyometra
e. all wrong

11. The pathogenesis of fetal maceration is

a. Involvement of microorganisms (septic)
b. Uterine fluid examination
c. Coryne bacterium pyogenes
*d. It's all true

12. Clinical symptoms that can occur in fetal maceration are:

a. estrus
b. Diestrus
*c. Anestrus
d. Metestrus

13. Below are the symptoms of amylobacteriosis, except

a. Endometritis
b. Occasional salpitis
c. Infertility
*d. myiasis

14. Diagnosis of leptospirosis can be done by...

*a. Fluoroescent Antibody Technique
b. Physiological Test
c. TestAlu
d. Agglutination Test

15. The following are aware of the mummification of cows, except ....
b. Torsion or compression of the umbilical funiculus
c. Fetal vibrio infections, fungi, leptospires
*d. Endometritis

16. The death of the fetus in the uterus at the age of 3-8 months of pregnancy is called ............
*a. Mummification
b. Maceration
c. Mola
d. Superfetation

17. Diagnosis of mole cases can be done by...

a. Laparotomy
b. endoscope
c. Sectiocaesaria
*d. A and B are correct
e. A and C are correct

18. Fetal death in yoummification occurs in... pregnancy.

a. month 3
b. month 8
c. Mid
d. final third
*e. It's all true
19. Which of the following is an ectopic event...
a. Ovarian Gradity
b. tubaria gradient
c. Gradityvaginae
d. Abdominal gradient
*e. Everything is correct

20. The incident of wondering cows as big as...

*a. 1.5-2%
b. 1-2%
c. 1.5-2.5%
d. 1-2.5%

21. What are the bacterial diseases that can attack during pregnancy?
a. Brucellosis
b. Leptospirosis
c. Campylobacteriosis
*d. It's all true

22. What are the symptoms if the animal is infected with Campylobacteriosis?
a. Liver
b. Tympani
*c. Endometritis
d. Ikhterus

23. What diagnosis is used in patients with Campylobacteriosis?

*b. Agglutination Test
c. PCR
d. Immunosuppression

24. What are the acute clinical symptoms of leptospirosis?

a. Anorexia
b. Anemia
c. Hemoglobinuria
*d. It's all true

25. Fetal death at 40-90 days of gestation in pigs can cause . . .

a. Ovarian tumor
b. Uterine involution
*c. mummification
d. Ovarian Hypoplasia

26. The dead fetus is usually expelled at . . .

a. Immediately after death
*b. Simultaneously the fetus is alive at parturition
c. the day after the fetus is alive parturition
d. Three days after the fetus is alive parturition

1. ______ True / *False The prognosis for hydatidiform mole is fausta.

2. ______ *True / False Mole is a defect or abnormality of the embryo.
3. ______ True/ *False Mummification in pigs is an important cause of prepartum loss.
4. ______*True / False Pig fetuses die in mummification cases are expelled together with live fetuses at
5. ______ *True / False Another name for abortion is keluron.
6. ______ True / *False The diagnosis of hydrops amnii can be made by rectal palpation.
7. ______ *True / False Anestrus due to silent heat will not show symptoms of estrus 30-120 days
8. ______ True/ *False Silent heat causes persistent CL due to association with embryonic death.
9. ______ *True / False The spread of leptospirosis occurs through contact with contaminated food, drink
or urine.
10. ______ * True / False When recovering from acute disease leptospirosis will localize in the kidney
11. ______ *True / False Fetal maceration is caused by infection with microorganisms.
12. ______ *True/False Microbial infection will cause spoilage.
13. ______ *True / False Leptospirosis infection in late pregnancy is not always an abortion.
14. ______ True/ * False Diagnosis of leptospirosis by culture of the fetus is easy.
15. ______ True / *False Addition of the hormones estrogen and oxytocin is one abortion therapy for
mummification of the fetus.
16. ______ True / *False Fetal changes that occur in the case of mummification in Cows are dry and chewy
17. ______ *True / False In the case of mummification, fetal death occurs in the early or late third of
18. ______ True / *False The mummification of the fetus was sterile.
19. ______*True / False Wondering is a wandering ovum or embryo.
20. ______*True / False Migration in wondering events can occur trans-peritoneally and trans-vaginally.
21. ______ True / *False Pig mummification as an important cause of prenatal loss
22. ______ *True / False Mummification is usually issued at the same time the fetus is alive during
23. ______ *True / False Campylo bacteriosis is caused by the bacterium Campylobacter foetusveneralis.
24. ______ *True / False Patients with campylobacteriosis, their oestrus cycle is delayed by 5 weeks.
25. ______ True / *False Brucellosis cannot be treated and prevented by quarantining animals for 8 weeks.
26. ______ True/ *False Abortion cases in animals with leptospirosis can occur in the 2nd trimester of

1. The cysts of the mole are formed from the placenta which continues to grow and develop
2. Malignant tumors that exist in a hydatidiform mole are called chorioepithelioma
3. The recommended therapy in cases of mummification of sheep is... Abort the fetus
4. Fetal death in cases of fetal maceration at gestational age... ± 5-7 months
5. Abortion is... Expulsion of the fetus before the end of the gestation period
6. Characteristics that are similar to the tympani or traumatic gastritis are... Enlarged abdomen
7. Corpus luteum that persists after delivery will last for 30-90 days due to delays ... Involution
8. High prolactin in milk production causes the corpus luteum to survive, prolactin prevents the production
of the hormone FSH...
9. One of the efforts to prevent brucellosis in calves aged 3-7 months is vaccination using .... Brucella strain
19 vaccine
10. Cases of abortion can occur in .... 2nd trimester ........... pregnancy.
11. Two or more ova in one estrus period with two or more spermatozoa and each ovum is fertilized with
different spermatozoa is called... Superfecundation
12. Prolactin has an effect on cases of... Pseudo pregnancy
13. Campylobacteriosis is spread through.... Marriage
14. Prevention of leptospirosis can be done by... .Hygiene and sanitation and vaccinations with bacteria
15. One of the characteristics of mummification in multiparas is... No bleeding and odor.
16. Mummification occurs because of... persistent CL
17. The overdevelopment of the chorion villi is... Molavillosa
18. Embryomati accompanied by bleeding, slightly pale color and resembling flesh is called mole...
19. Development of a fertilized ovum that occurs outside the uterus is referred to as .. extrauterine or
ectopic gravity
20. The cause of extrauterine (ectopic) gravidity is.. Uterine rupture
21. Brucellosis can be diagnosed by ..... so that it produces a pink color. . Rose Bengal Plate Test
22. Vaccination with brucella vaccine strain 19 PD is given to cows aged ..... 3-7 months
23. Diagnosis of aptospiralis can be done by .....and ... Fluorescent and serological tests.
24. Campylobacteriosis is spread through.... marriage/veneral infection
25. In cats and dogs, mummification is caused by . . Sporadic
26. The incident is an ORDINARY / *UNUSUAL (select)

Cara menentukan umur fetus pada anjing/ kucing secara ultrasonografi melalui pengukuran
(How to determine the age of the fetus in dogs/ cats by ultrasonography through measurement of):
Diameter kepala dan kantung kebuntingan
(Diameter of the head and gestational sac)

Teknologi IB pada kuda dapat dilakukan dengan cara mendeposisikan semen melalui
(The AI technology in mare can be conducted by depositing semen through):

Pemeriksaan ultrasonografi kebuntingan dini pada anjing dan kucing dilakukan dengan cara menempatkan
transduser secara
(Early pregnancy ultrasound examination in dogs and cats can be done by placing a transducer on regular

Waktu normal terlepasnya plasenta pada ternak sapi adalah

(The normal time in cow to release placenta is):
3-8 jam/ hour

Fase estrus anjing pada sitologi vagina ditandai dengan tipe sel
(The estrus phase of the dog in vaginal cytology is characterized by cell type of):
Sel superficial/ Superficial cell, Keratin/ Keratine

Kristal yang terbentuk pada uji ferning sangat dipengaruhi oleh konsentrasi hormon
(Crystal appearance in Ferning test is highly affected by concentration hormone of):

Bentuk-bentuk gangguan reproduksi pada sapi yang menyebabkan gejala hiperestrus pasca lahir
(The forms of reproductive disorder in cows that cause the symptoms of postpartum hyperestrus are):

Pemeriksaan ultrasonografi pada ovarium unggas dapat dilakukan dengan cara

(Ultrasound examination of the ovaries of poultry can be done by, While on cows and horses by):
Brightness mode and colour color doppler to check the citra follicle and vascularization

Cara melakukan pemeriksaan kebuntingan secara biologis pada ternak betina

(The biological procedure for pregnancy detection on females):
PMSG, Uji Ascheim Zondek, Galliemanini, Estrogen dalam urin dengan Fluoresensi Cubonoi
(PMSG, Ascheim Zondek Test, Galliemanini, Estrogen in urine with Cuboni Fluorescence)

Pemeriksaan kristal dalam saliva pada saat fase fertile akan membentuk tampilan
(Examination of crystals in saliva at the fertile phase will form the appearance of):
Daun pakis/ fern leaves

Dalam mengatur target kelahiran 1 ekor pedet setiap induk sapi dalam 1 tahun, fase reproduksi yang
bersifat tetap adalah saat
(In regulating the birth target of 1 calf per cow in 1 year, the reproductive phase that is fixed is the time of):
Involusi/ Involusion

Cara melakukan pemeriksaan kebuntingan secara kimiawi pada ternak betina

(The chemical procedure for Pregnancy detection on females):
Specific protein pregnancy, Paper test

Sediaan hormonal Crestar pada manajmen efisiensi reproduksi berisi zat aktif
(Hormonal on the management of reproductive efficiency use Crestar that containing active ingredients of):

Cara menentukan hidup/ mati fetus pada domba/ kambing secara ultrasonografi melalui pengamatan
(How to detarmine the live/ death of fetus in ewe/ doe by ultrasonography through observation of):
Kantung amnion terlihat pecah, struktur embrio tidak jelas, tampak berawan dalam cairan amnion dan
(The amniotic sac looks ruptured, the embryonic structure is not clear, looks cloudy in the amniotic fluid and

Kawin atau IB pertama pascalahir sebaiknya dilakukan pada estrus ke-

(First mating or AI Post-partum should be performed on estrus of):

Pemeriksaan ultrasonografi kebuntingan pada domba/ kambing dilakukan dengan cara

(Ultrasound examination of pregnancy in sheep/goats is carried out by):

Citra ultrasonografi tulang saat pencitraan fetus adalah berwarna

(Bone ultrasound image during fetal imaging appear as colour):

Waktu normal kuda betina untuk melepaskan plasenta pascalahir adalah

(The normal time a mare to release a post partum placenta is):
less than 24 hour

Zat pewarna yang digunakan untuk mewarnai swab vagina adalah

(Chemical stains that used for staining vaginal swab are):

Sediaan obat Prosolvin berisi zat aktif

(Prosolvin that contain active ingredient of):

Waktu terbaik kawin pada induk ruminansia adalah ditandai dengan

(The best time or mating in cattle cow is indicated by):

Waktu fertile pada wanita dihitung pada hari ke _ dari hari pertama menstruasi
(Fertile time in women is calculated at days _ from the day 1 menstruation):

Parameter yanf dilihat/ diukur/ dikonfirmasi saat pemeriksaan kebuntingan secara ultrasonografi
(Parameters that seen/ measured/ confirmed during pregnancy ultrasound examination are):
Embryo vesicle/ Kantung embrio

Cara melakukan pemeriksaan kebuntingan secara fisik pada ternak besar

(The physical procedure for pregnancy detection on large livestock):
Palpasi perektal (Rectal palpation)

Bentuk-bentuk gangguan reproduksi pada sapi yang menyebabkan gejala anestrus pascalahir diantaranya
(The forms of reproductive disorders in cows that cause the symptoms of postpartum anestrus are):
Bunting, Kista ovari, pyometra, estrus lemah
(Pregnant, Ovarian cyst, pyometra, weak estrus)

Ultrasound (Ultrasonograph)
1. The frequency of the waves used for early pregnancy because the fetus is still superficial so that all parts
can be seen with that frequency is 7.5 Hz
2. When the gestational age has increased, the frequency is replaced by 5Hz
3. FALSE -At a rather old gestational age, the probe is replaced with a larger wavelength.
4. The heart beats for the first time on day 25PC (post conception);
5. TRUE Fetal heart rate = 222 beats/minute.
6. A black circle appears on the abdomen, indicating →VESICA URINARIA
7. Requirements for a female to be positively pregnant by ultrasound:
b. CAN SEE VESICA URINARIA (single large black spot)
8. To know the age of the cow cycle, it is necessary to pay attention to?
a. reproductive physiology: neuronal, hormonal and physical
b. estrus detection
c. estrus sync
d. lactation control
9. Epidural anesthesia is performed between OS SACCRAL and OS COCYGAE 1 or, OS COCYGAE 1 and
OS COCYGAE 2 in the posterior region
10. Physical handling used in the practicum uses the rope method, namely the HEAD GATE/ HALTER
method, besides being able to also use the NOSE LEAD/ JACKINGTHE TAIL method
11. TRUE For cows, intravenous fluids that enter the body can reach 500-1000ml.
12. TRUE This epidural anesthesia is local using lidocaine or procaine HCl
13. Post partum/postnatal problems/complications:
1. Retained afterbirth
2. Acute/chronic endometritis
3. Pyrometra
4. Irregular estrus
5. Nymphomania
6. Anestrus
7. Subestrus
8. Repeat breeders
14. 3 way to check fertility in female
a. Vaginal smear + cytological examination
b. Ferning test
c. Hormone test
d. Ultrasound
e. Rectal Palpation
15. Correct way to use ultrasound to cat, dog, cow, sheep and horse
Cat: perineal area with convex probe
• Shave perineal area, locate VU first, apply jelly, move probe left/right to locate uterus/fetus, locate

Dog: perineal area with linear probe

• Shave abdominal (not necessary but get better quality pic), put gel on transducer and skin
• Any position of dog can (lie on back /standing-whichever comfy)
• Scanner always in reach of examiner so image quality can be adjusted
• Use 7.5 MHz

Sheep: linear probe, lubricant, 7.5 MHz, probe head face ventrally, insert into rectum, VU located first,
above VU usually is reproductive organs, intestines seen= prove too far in, chorioallantoic membrane-
black spot, size of uterus= period of pregnancy

Cow, sheepand horse : rectal with linear probe

16. Prosolvin contains what hormone → PROSTAGLANDIN (regression of CL )

17. Crestar contains what hormone → PROGESTERONE (NORGESTOMET), acts as artificial CL, prevent
renewed ovulation, increase sensitivity of hormonal system
18. Types of cell in vaginal cytology that indicates estrus
a. Keratinized cells: Partly 50%, fully 50%
b. Keratinized cells: Partly 30%, fully 70%
c. (?) predominance of superficial cells
19. Type of cell in saliva test that indicates fertility → crystal/ferning pattern
20. Parameters that indicate pregnancy in ultrasound
backbone, heartbeat and vesica urinaria(OR ?) Has vesicle embryo & has embryo/fetus
21. Types of reproductive disease that causes anestrus
Cystic ovaries, pyometra
OR? Silent heat, fetal maceration

1) uterine torsion:occur when dairy cattles are kept permanently in stables, when they fall/ slip. more
common in pluripara. twins can inhibit uterine torsion
uteri prolapse:part/ all of uterus forcefully exits from vagina because of excessive of abdominal contractions
and hypocalcemia. Estrogen causes phosphorus level to increase causing weak and tender uterus and
calcium level to increasing causing uterine atony & slow involution. Fausta: if immediately treated. Infausta:
if there is bleeding/ complications. administer oxyticin to increase muscle tone
2) retention secundinae: occurs when retention of fetal membrane passe through 3rd stage of birth process
3) mummification: failure of estrus with persistent CL. condition is aseptic. thick uterine walls, no cotyledons,
no fremitus. - papyraceous mummification
4) what can be found during what month in cow & when it is pregnant also: Biologic(?)
– pmsg(ascheinzondek&galliemanini test (50-80days)
- estrogen (fluorescent cuboni test (>120days)
- progesterone(by functional CL(18-24days)
- USG(detected embryonic sac(cow:20,25-26; mare:16/18)
- rectal palpation(>60days: early:1-3months-membrane slip, amniotic vesicle; later
stages: >3months-fetus, placenton, fremitus)

1. The frequency of the waves used for early pregnancy because the fetus is still superficial so that all parts
can be seen with that frequency is __7.5__Hz
2. When the gestational age has increased the frequency is replaced___5___Hz
3. B/S__B__At a rather old gestational age, the probe is replaced with a larger wavelength.
4. The heart beats for the first time on day __25____ PC (post conception); (ABOUT 4 WEEKS POST
5. B/S_B__Fetal heart rate = 222 times/minute.
6. Looks like a black circle on the abdomen, indicating ? CONTAINS AMNION
7. Requirements for a female to be positively pregnant by ultrasound:
a. see black circle/embryo pouch
b. .the circle does not deform when pressed with the probe
c. Fetal heart rate
8. To know the age of the cow cycle, it is necessary to pay attention to?
a. .consistency&diameter CL
b. Follicle (presence or absence of follicular granulation)
c. . lenders (estrus)
d. .cervix tense (estrus)
9. Epidural anesthesia is administered between _____ossaccrum____and ____oscoccygea 1_____ or,
___oscoccygea 2______ and _____oscoccygea 3_____ posterior region
10. Physical handling used in the practicum uses the rope method, namely the ______ROPE
SQUEEZE____ method besides being able to also use the ___BURLEY__ method
11. B/S___B___For cows, intravenous fluids that enter the body can reach 500-1000ml.
12. B/S___S____This epidural anesthesia is local (REGIONAL) using lidocaine or procaine HCl
13. Post partum/postnatal problems/complications:
1. uterine torsion
2. retentionosecundinarum
3. uterine rupture
4. uterine inertia / uterine atony
5. uterine prolapse

The method of laying down is the Burley method and the Rope method. The stages of the Burley method
are as follows:

The Rope method is carried out with the following steps:

Epidural anesthesia is an anesthetic performed on cattle for the purposes of sewing in the perineum, vulva,
uterine irrigation, vaginal and uterine examination, correction of fetal presentation, embryotomy, fetotomy,
vaginal/uterine prolapse and other operations in the back of the body.
Examples of preparations commonly used are procaine and lidocaine. In cattle this anesthetic is often
referred to as caudal anesthesia.

The location of the injection of this anesthetic is at the intercoccige 1 or between the coccyx bones 1 and 2.
The method of determining the location can be assisted by observing the first visible articulation behind the
sacral bone, then observing from one side of the waist line, the line of the protrusion of the sacrum will be
visible, the observation is shifted towards tail, the first protrusion is the 1st coccygeal process, the injection
site is in the posterior arch.
It can also be determined by determining the shadow line of the right and left isadicus tubers, then
determining the point at 6 cm in front of it.
If the epidural injection is appropriate, the needle looks fixed and when pressed it feels light but should be
tested for cerebrospinal fluid, whether there is blood coming out, whether the pressure is heavy.

1. The following sign are very distinct sign in the Mucometra cases except:
a. Failure to feel slip or fetal membrane
b. Lack of fremitus
c. Failure of progressive development of pregnancy
*d. Presence of crepitation during rectal palpation (Maceration)

2. Biological examples of the best parts of blood for pregnancy examination through the ELISA method are?
a. lysed blood
b. Blood thing
*c. Whole blood (whale blood)
d. Fluid phase of blood
e. Blood Platelets

3. Biological samples for the examination of individual pregnancy status in animals can be obtained from?
*a. Animal urine from communal cages
b. UHT milk from animals
c. Other animal blood
d. Animal feces
e. animal hair

4. The appearance of confident ultrasound images as a sign of pregnancy in animals can be in the form of?
*a. Fetus in uterus
b. Uterine thinning
*c. Sacs (vesicles) in the uterus
*d. Fluid in the uterus
*e. Fetal placenta in uterus

5. The following are signs of early pregnancy in livestock:

a. Nothing is right
b. Uterine undulation
*c. Slip fetal membrane
d. Uterine asymmetry

6. Rectal palpation is useful in diagnosis, except:

a. Fetal development
*b. Fetal organogenesis
c. Live or die fetus
d. Fetal mummification

7. The relation of the dorsum fetus in longitudinal presentation or head in transverse presentation to the
quadrant of the maternal pelvic is known as:
*a. Position
b. Longitudinal
c. Posture
d. Site

8. Determining the live/dead status of cow fetuses through rectal palpation can be in the form of?
*a. Fremitus
*b. Interesting reflex when finger is massaged
c. chest breathing movement
*d. Mouth sucking reflex
e. Flatus reflex in the anus

9. A biomarker for the detection of pregnancy in animals can be in the form of?
a. Progesterone hormone metabolism
*b. Estrogen hormone
c. Estrogen hormone metabolites
*d. Pregnancy-specific proteins
*e. Progesterone hormone

10. The normal position of the fetus before birth can be:
Anterior longitudinal site-dorso sacral position

11. Pregnancy in horses can be diagnosed using ultrasound as early as the day:
16/18 post dead

12. The benefits of examining pregnant cattle with ultrasound are:

*a. All answers are correct
b. Amnion quality observed
c. Fetal development was observed
d. Accurate and fast

13. The relation of the dorsum fetus in longitudinal presentation or head in transverse presentation to the
quadrant of the maternal palvic known as:

14. To determine live or dead fetus by rectal palpation in the site longitudinal anterior, the following
reactions/ reflexs are true except:
*a. Pinning reflex (Longitudinal Posterior-rectum)
b. Pull reflex of front leg
c. Sucking reflex
d. Blinking reflex

15. Gestational age in cattle can be estimated based on, except:

*a. A uterine diameter
b. Corpus luteum diameter
c. Carnula diameter
d. Uterine diameter

16. The position of the fetus before birth, with the condition of the fetus anteriorly longitudinal, dorso sacral,
both forelegs and head straight protruding into the birth canal is a condition:
a. Aplasia
*b. Etokia
c. all wrong
d. dystocia

17. The differential diagnosis of pregnancy in the form of pyometra on the ultrasound image will appear in
the form of a picture?
*Mixed black, gray and white sac in the uterus
Anechoic (fluid filled)= Without echo, black
Hyperchoic = lots of echoes, white
Hypoechoic = more dense/ solid, gray
Pyometra = gray
18. The concentration of the hormone progesterone in the blood serum of pregnant cows at 21 days post-
mating is: 2mg/ml

19. The following hormone concentration which is suitable for pregnancy diagnosis in cow is: Progesterone
PMSG & Estrogen for Mare

20. The appearance on the ultrasound image as a sign of pregnancy in animals can be in the form of?
*fluid in uterus
* Fetus in uterus
* Fetal placenta in uterus
*Sacs (vesicles) in the uterus

21, The most simple, practical, fast, economical method of pregnancy examination in cattle and buffalo is:
Perekral palpation

22. Biological samples for examination of pregnancy status from milk samples originating from:
Quarter Milk

23. The accuracy of pregnancy diagnosis in cow using ultrasound is based on:
Embryonic sac

24. What is part of the stages of the fetotomy procedure?

*a. Fetotomy operator cleans hands and upper arms with soap and antiseptic
b. The cows are handled and restrained well
*c. The back of the parent is cleaned of dirt and feces
d. General anesthesia (Epidural anesthesia)
*e. Fetotom equipment immersed in a disinfection solution

25. Incidence of dystocia is rare in?

a. Parent with young marriage age (common)
b. Mothers whose gestational age exceeds the normal (common)
*c. Parent with a marriage age that is not young
*d. Pluripara parent
e. Parent at birth of first child (common)

26. The action of relieving pain in the mother that will be carried out by sectio caecaria is?
*a. Epidural anesthesia
b. Deep anesthesia
c. General anesthesia
*d. Paralumbar anesthesia
**e.Local anesthesia

27. Eutokia generally occurs because:

Child of countrymen marriage

28. In the expulsion phase of the fetus, the fetal expulsion stage will occur during:
0.5-3/4 hours

29. The process of removal of viscera in handling dystocia by fetotomy is known as:

30. Anesthetic drugs that can be used for epidural anesthesia are:
Adrenaline procaine or 2% lidocaine

31. The pulsatile in the artery characterized by whir and thril is known as fremitus can be detected in the...
Middle uterine artery

32. The head and front legs of the fetus have been seen protruding from the vulva, the possibility of the
mother experiencing?
Normal Ethokia

33. In dairy cows before birth with a gestational age of 9 months in the preparation phase for birth, the
udder glands will:
Swollen full of colostrum milk

34. Signs of birth displayed by the mother include?

*a. Colostrum has started dripping
*b. The udder grows red
*c. Swollen vulva
*d. The muscles around the tail relax
e. Sacro-pubic ligament relaxation

35. Cesarean section can be performed on the right or left hungry leg

36. The birth process consists of the following stages, except

*a. Birth preparation
*b. Placental expulsion
*c. Fetal expulsion
d. geezing

37. Generally Caesarean section is done because of consideration

a. Dead child and leg extremities transverse
b. All answers are correct
*c. Live children and superior genetics
d. Dead child and uterine torsion

38. Which of the following statements is true about the factors that affect the duration of pregnancy?
a. Twin fetuses are longer in the womb than single (Single > longer twin)
b. Female fetuses are longer in the womb than males (male > longer female)
c. Fetuses of muri offspring are longer than mixed (cross) (Cross > longer Pure)
*d. The mother of the first pregnancy was born earlier than the second or third (first > few times)
e. Fetuses conceived by the mother in a comfortable environment are born faster than in a tense
environment (strea < calm)

39. Dystocia can be overcome by experts by: Big children and rolling parents

40. In the preparatory phase for birth, the ligaments that appear to be loosened from the outside are:
Ligamentum sacroischiadica

41. Birth is called by the term? Eutokia

42. The fetus can be easily touched by rectal palpation in the following age of pregnancy, except in: > 6

43. The following factors are true as a factor that influences the duration of pregnancy, except
a. Number of fetus
b. genetic
c. Sex of the fetus
*d. Quality of corpus luteum

44. Evisceration is the first action in dystocia relief through fetotomy (false) *Third

45. The process by pushing of the fetus out of the pelvic area into the abdominal cavity or uterine during
Dystocia handling is known as: Retropulsion

46. Dystocia can be treated with the following medical methods?

*a. Traction
*b. Fetotomy
*c. Cesarean section
*d. Mutation
e. Physotomy

47. The third stage of the birth process is?

a. Rupture of the amniotic sac from the mother's vulva
*b. Expulsion of the placenta from the mother's vulva
c. Complete expulsion of the fetus
d. Parenting
e. Bleeding from the mother's vulva

48. A vertical incision in the abdominal muscles should be performed in a cesarean section. (True)

49. The entrance of the fetus/es into the dilated birth canal as sign of the.... stage of birth process: *Second

50. The duration of pregnancy is mainly influenced by, except:

a genetic
*b. wedding season
c. Number of fetuses
d. Nutrition during pregnancy

51. The return of the position of the fetus that deviates to a position close to normal, by rotating the position
of the fetus about its longitudinal axis, is called: Rotation

52. The prognosis for difficult births in cattle is better than that in horses. (True)
Cow > Mare (more sensitive)

53. Which of the following are untrue facts about the frequency of occurrence of birth difficulties in animals?
Cow 3.3%
Sheep/goat rare
Dog: small type
Wild mare (>1.1%) > Domestic (1.1%)
Pig --> Sometimes

54. Damage to the chorion of the placenta that forms like grapes and can develop as an epithelioma tumor
is a case of so-called cystic mole. (False)
Mole hydatidiform/ Hydatidiform/ Racemosa -> Chorio epithelioma

55. The forms of moles that occur in animals can be in the form of?
Mole cystica
Mole hydatidiform/ Hydatidiform/ Racemosa
Mole villasa
Mole Sanguinolenta / Mole blood/ Mole carnosa
Amorphous globous

56. The following hormone can be used for handling mummification to expel the fetus except:
*a. GnRH
b. Oxytocin
c. Estrogen
d. Prostaglandins
-> E2 (Stillbesterol, OT)
-> PGF
-> Remove CLP

57. Here are things that are not true about maceration of the fetus
Asymmetric of uterine horn (Per Rectal)
Palpable bone in uterine (Per vaginal) --> after 3rd month
Fetus dead & decomposed after 3rd month
Opening of canalis cervicalis (Per vaginal) --> 2 thumbs
58. Here are things that are true about superfetation are
Not the same age
Has estrus after pregnant
Different in size
The pregnant mother undergoes estrus again even though there is a fetus in her uterus and is successfully
fertilized by spermatozoa from a different male.
Fertilization of an ovum that ovulates in a pregnant mother who is in heat and successfully married by a

59. Fetal meceration occurs at the age of 3rd trimester of pregnancy, while mummification can occur in the
2nd trimester of pregnancy.
Maceration aft 3rd Mo
Mummification mid / 1/3 end (Last trimester)

60. Fertilization that occurs as a result of mating/IB in pregnant cows, usually at 1 – 4 months of pregnancy
is called superfecundation.
*False (Superfetation)

61. Ovulationoocytes more than 2 in 1 phase of estrus and can be fertilized by sperm of more than 1 male
is called: superfendiculation

62. Swelling of the villi mola which contains translucent fluid forming a network with a grape-like
morphology is called: hydatidiform mole

63. In the event of early embryonic death which is accompanied by continued growth and development of
the placenta, it will cause: Mola

64. The following are part of the mummification of the fetus:

* Torsion is one of the causes of fetal death
Diagnosis can be made by performing inspection on the parent (Diagnosis: rectal palpation)
* gestational age may exceed the normal range
Fetus death causes death of siblings in one uterus
*Guernsey & Jersey cattle are genetically often mummified fetuses

65. Drug of choice or the main drugs used in fetal mummification therapy in cattle are: Prostaglandins
E2 (stilbesterol + OT)
Remove CLP

66. Superfecudation occurs from 2 or more ova fertilized by different spermatozoa originating from more
than 2 males who mate within the same estrus period/

67. Involution occurs normally, the fetus is expelled spontaneously, and gestational age in the 3rd trimester
can be called mummification

68. Handling cases of mummification can be done by warding off the mummies by giving a combination of
non-estrogen & Prostaglandin hormones
*False E2 (Stillbesterol + OT)

69. Abnormal development of placenta after embryonic death which characterized as a cluster of grape-like
is known as: Hydatidosa mole

70. Embryonic death followed by continuous growth of placenta is known as: mole

71. Process which characterized by death of one fetus in twin pregnancy and the dead fetus become
brownish and like leather is known as: papyraceous mummification
72. A defect/abnormality of the embryo in which the embryo is not destroyed and the placenta is still
developing properly is called a mole.
*False (Embryo destroyed)

73. Ovulating 2 / more during 1 estrous and coupulating with 2 / more males during estrous, with ova being
fertilized by each male is known as: superfencudasi

74. In the case of molasses which is accompanied by aggressive growth of the chorion will cause an
increase in hormones: Chrorionic gonadotropin Mole hydatidosa (chorio epithelioma)

75. Fetal death caused by the manifestation of Coryne bacterium pyogenus in the 3rd trimester of
gestational age is known as fetal maceration: True

76. Death of the fetus can occur at any age of pregnancy, if death occurs in the early third of pregnancy,
then the possible types of death that can occur are: The fetus is lost because it is completely absorbed by
the mother.

77. Amorphus globosus is a form of mole that can only be diagnosed using radiological imaging techniques
utilizing very high frequency sound waves: False Radiography x-rays, gamma rays

78. The incidence of twin pregnancy that often experiences memmification in one fetus compared to other
animals is in Horses: True

79. Symptoms that are commonly found in cases of pregnancy are all in the mother's womb showing signs
such as eating more than usual: True

80. Spa after 280 days pregnant with hydroallantois can be attempted a normal birth by giving the drug:
PGF2a (or corticosteroid)

81. Secondary abdominal gravity occurs When the fertilized egg develops initially in the uterus, it develops
only in the abdominal cavity: True

82. The incidents of abortion must be considered as a serious situation if the occurrence: > 2 – 5%

83. 8 months pregnant cow can abort if given injection hormone: Hydrocorticosone

84. The route of infection in cases of campylobacteriosis is usually through sores on the feet, passage
through the mucous membranes of the mouth, pharynx, nose & eyes:
Campy Venereal Transmission
Leptoinjury mucous mem mouth, pharynx, nose, eyes

85. The most sensitive and very accurate test method in the diagnosis of Brucella abortion is: Elisa

86. Embryo development that occurs in the uterus is not included in ectopic gravity: True

87. Neospora is one of agent that can cause abortion in cow. Neospores: Protozoa

88. Keluron that does not occur at the age of under 5 months of pregnancy is usually accompanied by
delayed release of the placenta:
Abortion < 5 Months Rare w placenta retention
Abortion > 5 Months w placenta retention

89. Brucellosis in cattle causes frequent miscarriages in the 1st trimester: False 3rd trimester

90. Abortion cases that occur in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy due to infection of the mucous membranes
by non-veneral infectious agents can be caused by: Leptospira conicola
91. Expulsion of the fetus until the end of the gestation period with a non-living fetus is commonly known as:

92. Miscarriage, one of which can be caused by physical factors such as compression of the amniotic sac
at 7 – 15 weeks of gestation: False 30 – 60 days

93. Diagnosis of hydropsamnii through rectal palpation is very easy to do in cattle with an enlarged
abdomen with a diagnosis of indigestion, bloat or traumatic gastritis: False Rectal palpation: diff as has
been falsely diagnosed with indigestion, bloat, traumatic gastritis

94. Wondering can occur with the fetus opposite CL graviditatum:

* Occurs due to embryonic-uterine migration
*occurs due to trans-peritoneal migration of the ovum
Trans-luminal egg migration may also occur
CL gravitatum regresses without being accompanied by follicle degraf
*occurrence in cattle about 2%

95. In cases of abortion due to IBR infection, pustules and ulcers were found on the vaginal & vulvar
mucosa, vaginal & vulvar swelling, purulent exudate: True

96. The incidence of hydroallantois / hydropsallantois in cattle is quite moderate, ranging from 50 – 60%:
*occurrence in cattle should be 80-90%
The question is correct
The incidence in cows is 60-70%
*the question is wrong
None of the answers are correct

97. The shaver method is currently the best solution for the treatment of uterine torsion in ruminants

98. Atony in livestock is more common in sheep than in pigs

Dog > Cow, pig > horse, goat/sheep

98. The materials used to make modifications are

*a. 1/2 inch diameter elastic hose
b. 1/2 inch diameter iron hose/pipe
c. Dobe / tape to unify the series
d. Duct tape to unify the network
*e. 1/2 inch diameter PVC pipe

99. The position of the fetus that is often found in cases of uterine torsion is dorso-sacral
Dorsoiliac (90.270), dorsopubic (180)

100. Air accumulation in the fetus is often found in cases of uterine prolapse

101. Prolapse generally accompanies the birth process in the 3rd stage of the birth stage

102. Uterine torsion is very rare in dairy cows that are kept as beef cattle

103. The inability of the uterus to contract physiologically during parturition or some time after parturition
can primarily be caused by?
a. Animals move a lot when they are pregnant
b. The uterus is too small, it is impossible for hydrops or twin pregnancy to occur
*c. Abnormalities in the uterine wall
*d. Animals have a high marbling score = fat
*e. Oxytocin receptors in the uterus cannot capture the hormone present

104. Hydrops is one of the causes of uterine inertia because fluid accumulation occurs in one of the coruna

105. Uterine atony is common in canidae

a. Agree with the statement because it is very rare in pigs
b. Disagree because the correct statement sometimes happens to cows
*c. That statement is true, and indeed in such a dog
d. That statement is wrong
*e. I agree with this statement because in sheep it is very rare

106. Uterine rotation not on its longitudinal axis is referred to as uterine torsion
*False (Rotate on longitudinal axis)

107. Uterine prolapse in the video shown can be treated in a way?

a. Sprinkling powdered sugar on the mucosa so that the uterus contracts and can be inserted manually
b. Enough by sprinkling sugar on the surface of the uterine mucosa
*c. Manually reinserting the extruded uterus
d. Sprinkle granulated sugar first so that the uterus shrinks and is inserted manually
e. Sprinkle table salt onto the uterine mucosa and then slowly add it manually

108. Receptors in the uterus that are slightly or incompletely formed cause the uterus to not respond well to
the amount of oxytocin hormone that is present

109. Factors that support uterine prolapse are:

a Excess Estrogen
b. Cage floor sloping back
c. Obesity
*d. Everything is correct

110. Uterine torsion 90 degrees to the right, can be treated in the following way
a. Rotation of uterus and child to the left
b. Right parent rolling
*c. Rolling parent to the left
d. Uterine and child rotation to the right

111. Prognosis in cases of uterine prolapse is largely determined by the circumstances?

a. Injury conditions that occur and appear in a prolapsed uterus
b. Time of occurrence of prolapse
c. How does prolapse occur, does part or all of the uterus come out?
*d. It's very difficult if it is handled immediately, you should wait for the right time
e. Complications can be managed properly if the bleeding event can be stopped

112. Wrapping and cleaning the uterus protruding from the vulva can be done by the farmer if
paramedical/medical officers come to the scene

113. Uterine inertia can be treated by giving oxytocin if in the following conditions
a. Live child, transverse forelimb extremity
b. Uterus torsion 180 degrees to the right
c. Dead child has severe emphysema
*d. The mother's cervix opens and the fetus is alive

114. The predisposition to uterine torsion in dairy cows is

*a. Slippery floor
b. Rubber carpeted floor
c. Flat floor
d. Wide air vent
115. Uterine prolapse in dairy cows can occur due to:
a. Spacious sling paddock
*b. Calcium deficiency
c. Excess calcium
d. Parent moves a lot when pregnant

116. The fetus condition in term of abortion is: Dead

117. The situation where the embryo or fetus is located in the opposite (contralateral) horn with the
pregnancy corpus luteum is known as: wandering of ovum

118. Trichomonas is one of the common diseases: True

119. Drug of choice treatment of trichomonas cases in cattle is by injection: metronidazole & dimetridazole
(Antibiotics & E2, Bovoflavin / acriflavin)

120. The situation where fertilized ova was developed in the uterine & then migrated to the abdominal
cavity is known as: graviditasabdominalis secondary

121. In the event that the fetus is born according to the time of delivery but the fetus dies, it is called a case:

122. Please watch the video above, the question: What is the method/procedure for a rectal examination?
*Handling/restaining animals
Animal safety
Cage Cleaning
worker safety

123. Traction on the lege artisan dystocia is one of the causes of uterine rupture: False (fetal traction due to
un-legacy arts dystocia handling)

124. The correct treatment for retained placenta is: administration of oxytocin & prostaglandins
>Manual removal release cotyledon
>hormonal OT, PGF
>cut placenta

125. Cows are said to have retained placenta if the placenta is retained and does not come off after:
*8 hours after birth

126. Placental retention in cattle can be treated by enucleation of the caruncula cotyledon after:
*24 hours (>24–48 hrs)

127. Sub-dominant delman horses experienced acecundinarum retention compared to horses:

*Flase (Delman pull crate | Pacu horse = race horse excessive stretching of myometrium)

128. Dystocia in cattle due to uterine rotation on its axis can cause failure of signs at the 3rd stage (phase)
of parturition: *False (2nd stage of parturition)

129. Degree of uterine rotation in cattle >180 usually returns spontaneously:

*False (<180 recovered spontaneously)

130. Treatment for retention of secundinarum can be done by giving a combination of estrogen (to open the
cervix), ozytoxin (uterine contraction), & PGF2-alfa (lyes the corpus luteum): True

131. Abortion at early trimester of pregnancy can be the main cause of retention secundinarum:
*False (early trimestre)
132. The part of the reproductive organs that is most likely to undergo rotation after the uterus is the vagina:

133. Causes of retained placentation include:

Hormonal disorders
twin birth
uterine infection
*all correct answers
(- uterine inertia, placentitis, infectionmtwin, Prem, abortion hormonal imbalance excessive stretching of

134. Manual peeling treatment can only be performed on cattle with retention of secundinarum after 12
hours: *False (>24 – 48 hrs)

135. Induced screening of cows may occur, other dystociatic treatment options:
live child
child too big
*normal child size

136. If gas accumulation is formed in the fetus due to uterine rupture it can cause peritonitis: True

137. Cows that suffer consecutive ruptures can survive up to a week if the tear is not severe: True

138. The prognosis for a tear in utero with a pinched urinary bladder is good, because the bladder can
easily return to its original position spontaneously: True

139. Uterine rupture can be caused by:

Trauma due to excessive retraction during childbirth
Got a knife cut related to your fetototo or cesarean section
Continuation of uterine torsion
*all answer choices are correct

140. The diagnosis of uterine rotation in its main axis can only be done by vaginal palpation:
*False (vaginal / perrectal palpation, degree of uterine artery & ligamentum lata tension, fetal position,
twisted part)

141. Retention in dogs/cats is less common than in sheep/goats: True

142. One of the causes of retained placenta in cattle is genetic factors where FH has a greater chance of
experiencing retention than Ayrshires cattle:
*False (Ayshires > FH)

143. Disruption of the 2nd stage of birth is called retention secundinarum:

*False (3rd pahse of partus)

144. Predisposition to sciatica is: Pluripara (pluripara>primípara)

145. If the uterine torsion occurs 90 degrees to the right name then immediate help is done by:
*rolling the parent to the left

146. Torsion accompanied by uterine rupture can have fetal consequences in cows due to: Peritonitis

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