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Quantum Mechanics

(Unit – 4)
Need of Quantum Mechanics

1. Black body radiation

2. Photelectric effect
Black body radiation
A black body absorbs all the incident EM radiation (light). In thermal
equilibrium, it must emit radiation at the same rate as it absorbs it so a black
body also radiates well.
Stefan’s Law

Wien’s Displacement Law

1. Energy is not emitted or radiated continuously,

It is emitted in small proportions in the form
of energy packets called quanta (Photon).
2. The energy of a photon or one quanta of
Rayleigh - Jeans Law energy is directly proportional to the
frequency of the radiation.
3. The total energy of radiation is represented as
a whole number multiple of energy of a
quanta as hν, 2hν, 3hν and so on
Photo electric effect
Wave Particle Duality

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