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Journal of the European Ceramic Society 36 (2016) 4243–4249

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Journal of the European Ceramic Society

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High strength metakaolin-based geopolymer foams with variable

macroporous structure
Chengying Bai a,∗ , Giorgia Franchin a , Hamada Elsayed a , Alberto Conte a , Paolo Colombo a,b

Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Padova, via Marzolo, 9, Padova, Italy
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Metakaolin-based geopolymer foams were synthesized by mechanical frothing, using hydrogen peroxide
Received 14 April 2016 as additional foaming agent; three vegetable oils were added in order for the saponification reaction to
Received in revised form 21 June 2016 occur. The combined use of the two foaming techniques (mechanical frothing and H2 O2 decomposition)
Accepted 23 June 2016
led to interconnected porosity: the in-situ formation of the soap molecules generated by the saponifica-
Available online 15 July 2016
tion reaction was exploited to generate macro-porosity. This combined route enabled the production of
geopolymer foams with a range of total porosity and strength values, with an optimal sample possessing
a total porosity of to ∼81 vol%, an open porosity of ∼79 vol%, and a compressive strength of ∼3.1 MPa.
Geopolymer foams
Macroporous structure
Moreover, factors that influence the compressive strength, the porosity, and the pore size distribution
Saponification were investigated. The results showed that the cell size and cell window size can be controlled by adding
Porosity different oils and different contents of peroxide.
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction tion/peroxide/gelcasting combined method was proposed by Cilla

et al. [15]. Although geopolymer foams with an open porosity of
Geopolymer foams have been the focus of attention in the ∼70 vol% and a total porosity as high as ∼85 vol% were successfully
field of eco-friendly porous materials because of their favorable produced by the combined techniques, the compression strength
mechanical and chemical stability, low shrinkage after forming, of the foams was only ∼0.45 MPa, which limited the range of appli-
high temperature resistance, etc. [1–4]. They have been employed cations for the components.
in photocatalytic degradation applications or used as membrane Despite an increasing number of papers dealing with the fab-
supports, catalyst supports, heavy metals adsorbents and so on rication of porous geopolymers using different approaches [1–15],
[4–9]. Aluminum and silicon and H2 O2 have been used as pore more investigation is still required to improve the process, espe-
foaming agents for the fabrication of geopolymer foams [1,10,11], cially in reference to the amount of open porosity and mechanical
but the pores generated by this foaming technique are typically strength of the components. In particular, components possessing
closed, thereby limiting the range of applications for the compo- high strength and a high amount of open porosity, with controlled
nents. pore size and distribution, are of interest for several aplications.
Recently, alternative processing routes for the fabrication of In this study, high mechanical strength metakaolin-based
porous geopolymers have been proposed. An oil-based emul- geopolymer foams (MGFs) with open porosity were fabricated
sion templating route was put forward, which enables to obtain using the gelcasting/saponification/peroxide combined route. Their
hierarchically porous geopolymers suitable for catalyst applica- porosity, cell and cell window size and mechanical properties were
tions [9,12]. Other experiments related to the addition of oil controlled by adding different oils and different contents of perox-
to geopolymers, showed that waste oil can be trapped inside ide.
the geopolymeric matrix [13]. Geopolymers with a mesoporous
matrix and unidirectional lamellar macro-porosity were also
produced by the freeze-casting technique [14], and a saponifica- 2. Experimental procedure

Metakaolin (Argical 1200s, AGS Mineraux) was used to fabri-

cate the MGFs. A 17.6 M KOH solution was prepared by dissolving
∗ Corresponding author. potassium hydroxide pellets (Sigma-Aldrich) for at least 24 h at
E-mail addresses: chengyingbai@163.com, baichenying@gmail.com (C. Bai). room temperature [1,15]. A potassium silicate solution (KSIL 0465,

0955-2219/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
4244 C. Bai et al. / Journal of the European Ceramic Society 36 (2016) 4243–4249

Crosfield Italia srl) and the KOH solution were mixed to provide erates in situ a carboxylate surfactant (soap) and glycerol
the alkali activator solution. Three vegetable oils (canola oil (Great (CH2 (OH)–CH(OH)–CH2 (OH)) molecules, via a saponification reac-
Value, Wal-Mart, USA); sunflower oil (Panorama, Pam, Italy); olive tion. The excess of KOH present in formulation of the slurry ensures
oil (Fragrante, Bertolli, Italy)) and a 3 wt% H2 O2 solution diluted that the oil triglycerides convert completely into soap and glycerol.
from 30 wt% H2 O2 (Sigma-Aldrich), were used as chemical foam- Glycerol is a water soluble molecule which can be extracted by
ing agents. A previous study [1] showed that the addition of diluted hot water after the curing process leaving behind (meso-)pores.
hydrogen peroxide to the system enabled to obtain uniform, less The soap molecules formed in situ stabilize the gas bubbles gener-
anisotropic pores. ated by the mixing and the decomposition of the peroxide, leading
A suspension (S) with theoretical oxide molar ratios: to open, interconnected cells [12,15]. It can therefore be expected
SiO2 /Al2 O3 = 3.53, K2 O/SiO2 = 0.36 and H2 O/K2 O = 11.1 was pre- that the different chemical characteristics of the various oils would
pared by mechanical mixing for 30 min at 800 rpm of the alkali affect the morphology, hence the strength, of the MGFs. Consid-
activator solution in which metakaolin (MK) was dispersed. The ering that the saponification value (i.e. the number of milligrams
oil and H2 O2 were then added successively at room temperature, of potassium hydroxide required to saponify 1 g of triglyceride) of
stirring at 1200 rpm for 10 min (frothing) and 600 rpm for 5 min, the three oils was about 190, [18,19] the ratio of K2 O/SiO2 in the
respectively. The weight fraction of oil in S was defined as x, and geopolymer slurry before and after the addition of the different oils
the weight fraction of H2 O2 in S as y. addition was 0.36 and 0.29, respectively.
The geopolymer foams were produced by casting the slurry The SEM images of MGFS produced using different oils (x = 0.2,
into a sealed plastic mold and curing for 24 h at room tempera- y = 0.1) are reported in Fig. 1. All samples possessed a cellular struc-
ture and for another 24 h at 75 ◦ C in an oven. Previous works [1,14] ture with a large number of partially open cells, surrounded by
showed that the pre-heat treatment can contribute to improve the relatively thick walls, having a size distribution ranging from ∼150
physical strength and the rate of geopolymerization. To obtain the to ∼450 ␮m.
final MGFs, an extraction step was carried out by saturating the The type of oil used was found to have an effect on the pore struc-
samples with hot water (renewed every 20 min until it remained ture of MGFs. The average cell pore size of the foams, computed
clear), to completely evacuate the water-soluble soap and glycerol by image analysis for each sample, was: 339 ± 136 ␮m (canola oil,
molecules generated by the saponification. This step also allowed Fig. 1A), 391 ± 151 ␮m (sunflower oil, Fig. 1B), and 247 ± 89 ␮m
to verify the completion of the geopolymerization reaction, as (olive oil, Fig. 1C). The wide distribution of the cell size is typical of
a non-fully condensed geopolymer structure would disaggregate foams produced using a direct foaming approach. Moreover, many
(undergo dehydroxylation and expansion) in water [4,15]. Prior to smaller pores were present in the cell walls and the struts (see
characterization, the MGFs were dried at 40 ◦ C for one week. Fig. 1(a–c)). They are attributable to oil droplets that were trapped
The relative (bulk) density (␳r ) of the MGFs was obtained as the in the geopolymer structure, and removed by the hot water extrac-
ratio between the mass of a parallelepiped-shaped sample cut from tion [12,13]. Their presence, particularly in the cell walls, increased
a larger foam and its geometrical volume (as measured with a dig- the amount of open porosity in the samples (see later), since they
ital caliper). The true (skeleton) density (␳0 ) was measured with a increase the permeability of the structure. The average sizes for the
gas pycnometer (Accupyc1330, Micromeritics, USA) at room tem- pores in the cell walls and struts were 15.0 ± 4.5 ␮m (canola oil),
perature on finely ground MGFs powders. The total porosity (TP) 22.8 ± 8.3 ␮m (sunflower oil) and 17.3 ± 5.3 ␮m (olive oil).
was calculated based on the relation TP = 100 (1 − ␳r /␳0 ) × 100% The effect of the type of oil on the compressive strength of
[15,16], and the corresponding open porosity (OP) was determined MGFs produced using similar processing conditions (x = 0.2, y = 0.1)
by the Archimedes’ method using distilled water as the immersion is reported in Fig. 2.
medium. In order to assess the effect of the addition of different types of
Compressive strength was measured using an Instron 1121 uni- oil on the microstructure of the samples, we should consider: (i)
versal material testing machine (Canton, Massachusetts, USA), with the nature of the oils, (ii) the viscosity changes caused by the oils
a cross-head speed of 1 mm/min, and at least six specimens with [15,20], and (iii) the emulsion stability [21]. In fact, different oils
a ∼10 × ∼10 × ∼15 mm3 dimension, cut from larger samples, were produce different types of soap molecules (surfactants), and any
tested. A Brookfield viscometer (DV-II+ Pro EXTRA, spindle R1-4, variation in the viscosity of the mixture would affect the degree
rpm 12, USA) was used for evaluating the viscosity of the geopoly- of foaming (while the rest of the processing parameters, such as
mer slurries at room temperature. mixing rate and amount of H2 O2 , are kept constant). It should be
The crystalline phase assemblage was investigated using an X- noted that the amount of surfactant molecules produced was the
ray diffractometer (XRD; AXS-D8 advance, Germany), operated at same for every oils, since they had a similar saponification value
40 kV, 40 mA, with Cu K␣ radiation (step width 0.05◦ ). The mor- and the systems contained enough potassium hydroxide to lead
phology of cut surfaces was observed using optical microscopy to the completion of the saponification reaction. Concerning the
(AxioCam ERc 5s, Carl Zeiss, Germany) and a Scanning Electron stability of the emulsions, the time scale for our process is typically
Microscope (SEM; FEI Quanta 200, Netherlands). The cell size and shorter than that for which flocculation, coalescence and Ostwald
side distribution, as well as the cell windows size, were assessed ripening can occur in an oil/water emulsion, so we could disregard
from SEM images using an image analysis software (Nano Measurer this complex effect, at least in an initial analysis [21].
1.2), and at least 100 pores were measured per sample [17]. The data Firstly, the viscosity for the different slurries was measured.
were converted to three-dimensional values using the stereological It is also important to observe that the geopolymer mixtures are
equation Dsphere = Dcircle /0.785 [2,15]. reactive, and therefore their viscosity changes with time. The mea-
surements were therefore carried out for a time interval ranging
from 30 s to 1 h, to take into account the variation of viscosity dur-
3. Results and discussion ing processing. The data concerning the viscosity of the different
systems are listed in Table 1. The viscosity of the different pure oils
3.1. Effect of different types of oil was rather similar (0.067 Pa s for olive oil, 0.058 Pa s for canola oil
and 0.050 Pa s for sunflower oil), but lower than that of the oil-free
The foaming mechanism when using vegetable oils (mainly slurry (1.60 Pa s).
hydrophobic triglycerides) [12] can be described as follows: The data indicate that the addition of oil increased significantly
the highly alkaline geopolymer slurry mixed with the oil gen- the viscosity of the system, and this can be explained by the elastic
C. Bai et al. / Journal of the European Ceramic Society 36 (2016) 4243–4249 4245

Fig. 1. SEM images of MGFs produced using: canola oil (A–a); sunflower oil (B–b); olive oil (C–c). The insets of figures (A)–(C) report the cell size distribution data, and the
insets of figures (a)–(c) are a magnification of a cell to better visualize the cell windows.

The results thus confirm that the produced pore architecture

(amount of porosity, open/closed pore ratio, cell and cell window
size) derives from the complex interaction of different intertwined
factors (viscosity of the solution, geopolymerization reaction rate,
characteristics of the surfactant molecules produced). We should
also observe that the XRD patterns, not reported here for the sake
of brevity, were similar (amorphous), for all systems indicating that
different oils did not affect the phase assemblage of the produced
geopolymers but only the characteristics of the porosity.
The specimens produced using canola and sunflower oil pos-
sessed similar porosity but lower mechanical strength than those
containing olive oil. The fact that samples obtained using olive oil
had a higher compression strength, despite the larger amount of
total porosity, is attributable to their smaller cell size; in fact, pre-
Fig. 2. Porosity and compression strength of MGFs produced using different types of
oils (OP = open porosity (vol%); TP = total porosity (vol%)). Samples produced using
vious work [22] showed that the compression strength of porous
x = 0.2, y = 0.1. ceramics drops sharply with the increase of the average cell size.
The higher strength possessed by the samples, in comparison to
reported values for a similar system [15], is attributable to the
interactions of oil droplets in the fresh mixture [13]. We should thicker struts formed during foaming.
also note that the production of soap and glycerol might also affect According to the collected data, olive oil gave the best results in
the measurement, as the spindle can be lubricated by them; in fact, terms of strength and amount of total porosity, and therefore this
the viscosity of the oil-containing slurries decreased in time until system was used to investigate the effect of the amount of oil and
stabilizing after about 25 min (note that due to the excess of KOH peroxide on these characteristics of MGFs.
in the system, the saponification rate is fast). No effect of the type
of oil was observed with respect to the setting (geopolymerization)
rate for the different slurries. 3.2. Effect of different amounts of olive oil and of hydrogen
The fact that the use of olive oil yielded smaller cells but higher peroxide
total porosity indicates that the soap molecules formed in situ
during processing were more effective in stabilizing the liquid/air First of all, we should report that the time required for the vis-
interface in the foams. cosity of the system to raise by a certain percentage (120 or 150%

Table 1
Viscosity values of the slurries produced using different oils.

Viscosity Slurry with different oils (x = 0.20) Slurry without oil

Canola oil Sunflower oil Olive oil

Initial viscosity of the slurry (Pa·s) 4.20 7.30 14.85 1.60

Time for viscosity increase to 120% (min) ∼58.5 ∼88.5 ∼97 ∼57.5
Time for viscosity increase to 150% (min) ∼63 ∼91 ∼98.5 ∼60.5
4246 C. Bai et al. / Journal of the European Ceramic Society 36 (2016) 4243–4249

Fig. 3. (a–c) Morphology of MGFs produced with various amounts of olive oil ((a) x = 0.37; (b) x = 0.53; (c) x = 0.70); insets show a magnified view of a cell and surrounding
struts. (d) XRD patterns of pure MK and of different samples.

with respect to the initial value), an effect caused by the progression bly due to the (partial) coalescence of oil droplets that form during
of the geopolymerization in the mixtures with time, increased with mixing, due to their higher number being present [21].
increasing olive oil content. This can be explained by the consump- The effect of oil content on the mechanical strength of the sam-
tion of OH− by acids from the oil, which increases with increasing ples is complex, as it has an effect on the total porosity, the average
oil volume fraction, therefore slowing down the geopolymerization cell size and the size of the pores in the struts and cell walls. With
reaction kinetics [13]. In any case, the setting times for the slurries increasing olive oil content, the corresponding average compres-
were of the order of 90–110 min, thus far exceeding the process- sive strength dropped slightly from 3.1 to 2.2 MPa, despite the
ing time required to produce the foams, and therefore no effect of decrease in total porosity and reduction in average cell size. This
the different rate of geopolymerization on the total porosity of the effect could be explained considering the increasing amount and
samples could be inferred. size of the small pores (derived from the oil droplets trapped in the
Fig. 3(a–c) shows the microstructure of MGFs produced using geopolymer matrix) present in the struts and cell walls. In order
different amounts of olive oil (the amount of olive oil (x) ranged to fully assess the influence on the strength of the distribution of
from 0.2 to 0.7), and Table 2 reports the porosity (total and open), pores in the material, i.e. how much porosity is present in the cell
relative density, average cell size, and compressive strength data walls and struts with respect to the total porosity, more accurate
for the different samples. investigations using mercury porosimetry will have to be carried
Varying the amount of olive oil, while maintaining constant the out.
amount of peroxide, had a significant effect on the porosity char- Moreover, it should be observed that, since KOH is consumed
acteristics. When the olive oil content increased from 20 to 70 wt%, by the saponification reaction, the value of the K2 O/SiO2 ratio
the total porosity fell sharply from ∼81 to ∼67 vol%, while the ratio in the geopolymer decreased from 0.28 to 0.12 with increasing
between the open porosity and the total porosity remained almost amount of oil. X-ray diffraction analysis, see Fig. 3d, showed that the
constant (>93%). By adding more oil, the viscosity of the slurry structure of the produced geopolymers changed with the composi-
increased (in accordance with [13]) but not very significantly, so tion. The pattern for pure MK shows a typical broad characteristic
this is not a sufficient reason to explain the observed trend. More hump located in the 15–35◦ 2␪ range, plus some peaks attributable
work will have to be conducted to further elucidate the reason for to quartz, muscovite and anatase impurities in the meta-kaolin
the observed behavior. [23,24], while the geopolymer samples display a large diffuse halo
The morphology of the cells and of the interconnecting pores in the 20–40◦ 2␪ region [8,11,20,23–28]. With increasing amount
in the cell walls and struts was similar in all samples. The aver- of oil (decreasing K2 O/SiO2 ratio), a hump located at around 20◦ 2␪
age cell size decreased with increasing the amount of olive oil becomes more apparent which, according to the work of Williams
present, while the size of the interconnecting pores in the cell walls [27], could be linked to the presence of disordered (unreacted)
and struts increased. The decrease of the average cell diameter is kaolin. Indeed, the degree of dissolution of metakolin has a strong
attributable to the increase in viscosity with increasing oil content positive correlation with the OH− concentration (mol/l) of the
as well as to the possibility of stabilizing more gas bubbles in the alkali activating solution (the K2 O/SiO2 ratio), and the mechanical
slurry, due to the higher number of surfactant molecules available properties increase with the amount of reacted metakaolin [25].
[13,14], while the increase in the interconnecting pore size is possi- Previous work showed also that the ratio K2 O/Al2 O3 has a signif-
C. Bai et al. / Journal of the European Ceramic Society 36 (2016) 4243–4249 4247

Table 2
Porosity, relative density, average cell size and compressive strength data as a function of the amount of olive oil (x) and peroxide (y).

Sample x y K2 O/SiO2 Bulk density Average size (␮m) Open porosity Total porositye Compression
(g/cm3 ) (vol%) (vol%) strength (MPa)

Cell Strut and cell wall pores

SO1 0.20 0.1 0.29 0.40 ± 0.01 247 ± 89 17.3 ± 5.3 79.5 ± 0.1 81.4 ± 0.5 3.11 ± 0.82
SO2 0.37 0.1 0.23 0.42 ± 0.01 210 ± 73 20.9 ± 6.0 75.2 ± 0.3 75.4 ± 0.6 2.57 ± 0.52
SO3 0.53 0.1 0.17 0.48 ± 0.02 169 ± 51 28.3 ± 9.6 68.4 ± 0.3 70.3 ± 1.3 2.38 ± 0.47
SO4 0.70 0.1 0.12 0.51 ± 0.02 130 ± 52 37.8 ± 13.6 62.9 ± 0.2 67.4 ± 1.3 2.19 ± 0.21
SH0 0.20 0 0.29 0.84 ± 0.01 40 ± 15 – – 62.0 ± 0.5 25.96 ± 5.12
[15] 0.25 0 0.24 0.81 ± 0.01 98 ± 12 – 59.8 66.4 –
[15] 0.25 0.06 0.24 0.34 ± 0.01 318 ± 18 – 69.2 83.5 0.45 ± 0.08
SH2 0.20 0.05 0.29 0.59 ± 0.02 125 ± 46 16.5 ± 5.4 67.0 ± 0.1 72.6 ± 0.9 8.83 ± 2.38
SH6 0.20 0.15 0.29 0.30 ± 0.01 383 ± 265 17.2 ± 5.9 84.0 ± 0.1 86.3 ± 0.5 0.78 ± 0.12
SH8 0.20 0.20 0.29 0.26 ± 0.01 490 ± 335 20.9 ± 8.6 85.8 ± 0.3 89.2 ± 0.4 0.38 ± 0.08

Fig. 4. SEM images of MGFs produced using different amounts of hydrogen peroxide ((a) y = 0.0; (b) y = 0.05; (c) y = 0.10; (d) y = 0.15. x = 0.20); the insets are a magnified view
of a cell and surrounding struts.

icant effect on the compressive strength of potassium-containing to a more permeable structure. Accordingly, the ratio of the open
geopolymers [25], but the specific influence of this factor in deter- porosity to the total porosity increased from ∼92 to ∼96%.
mining the strength evolution with oil content in our samples is Foams with small cells and limited porosity had a strength about
too complex to assess. 10 times higher than that of samples possessing pores/cells of a
The SEM images of MGFS produced with different amounts of few hundred microns. Again, the effect of the amount of peroxide
hydrogen peroxide and the same amount of olive oil are compared on the mechanical strength is a complex combination of its influ-
in Fig. 4, and the data concerning porosity and strength are reported ence of total porosity, cell size and dimension (and amount) of the
in Table 2 (see above). pores in the cell walls and struts. According to the minimum solid
We can note that, increasing the amount of hydrogen peroxide area models proposed by Rice [29–31], when the other factors in a
while maintaining the same amount of olive oil, also had an effect porous material that may affect the mechanical strength of cellular
on the characteristics of the produced MGFs. When no hydrogen ceramics, such as the synthesis temperature or the pore character-
peroxide was used, the foams had a low amount of total porosity istics, are not dominant, the strength-porosity dependence can be
and, more importantly, contained only small cells/pores. Increasing approximated by an exponential function:
the amount of peroxide increased significantly the average cell size
as well as the total porosity, because of the higher amount of gas  =  0 exp(−bp) (1)
generated by the decomposition of the peroxide, while the size of
the interconnecting pores in the struts was not strongly affected. where  is the strength at total porosity p,  0 is the value when p = 0
However, increasing the amount of peroxide slightly increased the for the same composition, and b is an empirical constant depending
size of the cell windows from ∼16.5 (SH2) to 20.9 ␮m (SH8), leading on the pore characteristics. The relation between the compression
4248 C. Bai et al. / Journal of the European Ceramic Society 36 (2016) 4243–4249


Chengying Bai gratefully acknowledges the financial support of

the China Scholarship Council (CSC). The authors are grateful to
Dr. G. Ferrari, Crosfield Italia Srl (Montorio Veronese, VR, Italy) for
kindly providing the potassium silicate solution.


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