Kunci Jawaban US BING - 2021-2022

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1. Sentences Answers
1. Morning, Dear. Greeting
2. Take care, Diana! Leave Taking
3. Good morning, Mom! Greeting
4. I have to go now. Bye, Mom! Leave Taking

2. D. Helpful

3. C. Apologizing

4. D. Request

5. C. The location of toilets and canteens

6. D. Science laboratory

7. C. Keep physical distance of at least six feet from others, even if they don’t appear to be sick. Avoid
crowds and close contact.

8. Statements Answers
1. The music show will be held indoors. True
2. Information of the text is about an event. True
3. The message is for all students in the school. False
4. Futu Hatur is one of the committees of the event. True

9. A. The Covid case on 21st November is higher than the Covid case on 30 th November.
B. The new case of Covid on 2nd December is higher than case on 28 th November.

10. Statements Answers

1. His likes to eat meatball. True
2. The writer did not like spicy food. False
3. After he got better, he would eat spicy food so much. False
4. He got stomachache after ate spicy meatball in his lunch. True

11. D. so that

12. A. Customers can choose the sauce

13. D. To pour sauce over chicken while it is cooking

14. B. Choose the food that you want to order

C. Put your address in ‘Your location’ section

15. A. The information of the food

16. D. avoided

17. B. Soup

18. Statements Answers

1. The food is recommended for people who have allergies. False
2. The chunks of bone might be found in the soup. True
3. The food can be served for two people. True
4. The broth is a vegan food. False

19. B. Santi said that Rina’s pudding is more delicious than hers.
D. Gita said that Santi is better than Gita at cooking.

20. A. in order not to

21. A. He decided to take parts of his house ceiling woods for his firewood.

22. A. The dragon dived into the river.

B. The river was suddenly frothing.
C. The flower on the riverbanks was blossoming.

23. A. It has a very flexible neck that enables it to nod and turn its head in all directions.
C. It has prominent foreheads make them easily identifiable.
D. It has distinctive color.

24. B. Fish, crustaceans, and worms.

25. Descriptions Answers

1. Belugas cannot copy a variety of other sounds. False
2. These whales are common in the Arctic Ocean's coastal water. True
3. Belugas generally live together in small groups known as pods. True
4. They communicate using a diversified language of clicks, whistles, and clangs. True

26. C. Dian disagrees with Rita.

27. A. Paul and Chris have different idea about the movie.

28. D. so

29. B. All Passengers

D. Tirta and Bima

30. Statements Answers

1. Ladaya Park is located in Tenggarong. True
2. The students are informed a week before the trips. False
3. Samarinda tourism was mentioned as their initial plan. True
4. The Indonesian news released about OMICRON caused the schedule changed. True
31. Statements Characters
1. Having discussion with OSIS and Committee B. Principal
2. Checking their snacks and drinks C. Students
3. Arranged the school trips A. OSIS and committee
4. Talking to the driver D. Bima

32. Sentences Answers

1. Listen up! C. Attention
2. You must get a permission from your teacher. E. Obligation
3. We should stop to buy something at least… D. Suggestion
4. I think we should find a minimarket. A. Opinion

33. Answers
Paragraph 1 C. Orientation
Paragraph 2 D. Event 1
Paragraph 3 E. Event 2
Paragraph 4 B. Reorientation

34. A. Drank Bandrek

C. Danced with the children
D. Learned to play angklung

35. C. Happy

36. Greeting Card Occasions

A e. Birthday
B d. Religious day
C a. Mother’s Day
D b. Healthy

37. Words Meaning

1. Congratulate C. to tell someone that you are pleased about their success
2. Celebrate E. to do something enjoyable
3. Wish D. to want something to happen
4. Show B. to behave in a way that allows people to know your feelings

38. A. Greeting cards (A), Purposes (4), Occasions (e)

C. Greeting cards (D), Purposes (3), Occasions (b)

39. C. Friendship

40. A. Friends can rely on each other

B. Your friends will always be by your side
C. When you are down, friends will never leave you

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