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Operational Components Paper

Specific examples of high-tech crime investigation to support your assertions and illustrate your

There are various type of high tech crime and it ca be done by a geek just prove it ca be
done or it can be done by business to gain the upper hand either way is wrong and illegal. This is
the first official representative of the law enforcement agency to arrive on the scene. This person
is responsible for identifying the boundaries of the crime scene, establishing a perimeter and
securing the scene so that evidence can't be deliberately or inadvertently tampered with or
removed. The first responder may be a patrol officer who is not fully trained in investigation of a
crime scene involving computers. His/her primary job is to protect the evidence until the
investigator arrives. The investigators, these people will first establish a chain of command and a
plan for the investigation, so that efforts are not duplicated, important steps are not left out, and
evidence is not overlooked, damaged or contaminated. Next they will conduct a search of the
crime scene. They can do this with consent, or with a search warrant. In addition to the obvious
sources of evidence - the primary computer - they will look for other evidentiary materials such
as external storage media such as CD, USB flash drive, memory card etc. etc. They will continue
to take steps to protect and preserve the evidence, and may make bit-level copies of hard drives
on the scene or they may take the machines back to the lab. The investigators will also question
witnesses and potential suspects. The crime scene and crime lab technicians: These are the
people who will process the evidence. In cybercrime cases, they should be computer forensics
specialists with training in how to preserve volatile evidence, how to create bit-level images of
disks, how to safely shut down computers for transport without triggering self-destruct
mechanisms, proper packaging and transport of the evidence, for example, anti-static containers
for bare hard disks and other components that contain exposed circuit boards and can damaged
or potentially make it useless, how to retrieve the data and also whether if the data is encrypted
and need to be decrypted, and how to document all this and present it in court. Depending on the
agency, crime technicians may or may not be sworn law enforcement officers who carry badges
and guns.

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