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Questions 1-10
Complete the form below.
Phone interview
Name: John Murphy

Example Answer

Position applying for: lifeguard

Street Address: 45 1………….. Court

Contact phone number: 2…………..

Current part-time job:` 3…………..

Previous job at Ridgemont High School: 4…………..

Additional relevant work experience: 5…………..

Relevant skills/qualifications: CPR certification & 6…………..

CPR certification expiration date: 7…………..

Preferred weekly shift: 8…………..

Time available to start work: 9…………..

Advertisement source: 10…………..


Questions 11-20
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C
11   The lecture was organised by
A   City of Nottingham.
B   University of Nottingham Students’ Union.
C   Nottingham Police Department.
12   The majority of crime on campus is
A   Drugs and Alcohol.
B   Violence
C   Theft
13   The campus crime rate has ………….. so far this year.
A   increased
B   decreased
C   stayed the same
14   Why is there added concern about crime?
A   exaggeration in media
B   crime TV shows
C   factual news articles
15   Carlos says if you are the victim of a crime, you should
A   run away.
B   resist
C   seek help.
16   What is the primary method for increasing safety?
A   informing students and staff of safety precautions
B   offering free self-defense courses to students
C   reminding students to carry a mobile phone at all times
17   If a student must work late, it is most important to
A   not return home until the morning.
B   go back with a friend.
C   bring a mobile phone.
18   It is dangerous to
A   drive home late at night.
B   carry a knife.
C   carry pepper spray.
19   Students who complete a self-defense course are
A   more aware of dangers.
B   mentally tougher.
C   walking more confidently.
20   A university is
A   not surrounded by walls.
B   patrolled by military.
C   completely safe.

Section 3:
Questions 1-2
Choose TWO letters, A-E
Which two problems are caused by water hyacinth?

A plants and fish are poisoned

B Farmers cannot fish

C the dam’s structure is damaged

D Electricity production is affected.

E electricity production is affected.

3 Where was water hyacinth originally from?

A latin America

B Africa

C Europe

4 What is the primary cause of the decrease in nutrients from the soil?

A soil erosion

B a change of rainfall

C loss or trees

5 When will the biological solution bring risks to the environment?

A immediately

B 6 months later

C many years later

6 What does John say about the mechanical solution?

A ineffective

B dangerous
C expensive
Questions 3-6
Choose the correct letter, A. B or C.
Question 7-10
What is the benefit of the cut down water hyacinth to each of the following aspects?
Choose Four answers from the box an write the correct letter, A-F next to Questions 7-10
Benefits of the cut-down water hyacinth
A can reduce the effect of global warming
B can be used an alternative energy resource
C can make quick profits
D can produce materials for plants to grow in
E can be good for human health
F can produce fertilizer

7   dried water hyacinth 

8   mushroom farmers   

9   oyster and straw mushrooms

10   cows


Questions 31-33
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
31   What impact does Marc Prensky believe that digital technology has had on young people?
A   It has altered their thinking patterns.
B   It has harmed their physical development.
C   It has limited their brain capacity.
32   “Digital immigrants” tend to access computers
A   using their native language.
B   less efficiently than young people.
C   for less important information.
33   What example is given of having a “digital accent”?
A   Having less effective typing skills.
B   Doing thing the old-fashioned way.
C   Being unable to understand instructions.

Questions 34-40
Which theorist makes each of the following points?
Write the correct letter, A, B or C, next to questions 34-40.
Points made
34   Current teaching methods don’t work …………………
35   Many students don’t understand computers. …………………
36   Computer technology doesn’t interest all students. …………………
37   Students can still learn the traditional way. …………………
38   Students still need to learn research skills. …………………
39   We should use computer games to teach. …………………
40   Computers can’t replace educators. …………………
A     Allen
B     James
C     Vander

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