Web API Design

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Learning the Web API Design: The Missing Link

Web API Design: A Comprehensive Guide to Building High-Quality APIs

Web API Design is a comprehensive guide for beginners to learn and master the art of
building high-quality APIs. The ebook provides step-by-step tutorials, real-world
examples, and best practices for designing and implementing Web APIs using popular
technologies and protocols.

Chapter 1: Foreword
The Foreword introduces the ebook and explains its importance in today's world of
software development.

Chapter 2: Introduction
The second chapter provides an overview of Web APIs, their importance, and the
challenges involved in designing and implementing them.

Chapter 3: Web APIs and REST

The third chapter covers the basics of Web APIs and their relation to REST
(Representational State Transfer). The chapter explains the different types of Web APIs
and the advantages of using REST.

Chapter 4: HTTP and REST: A Data-oriented Design Paradigm

The fourth chapter provides an in-depth look at HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) and
REST. The chapter explains the data-oriented design paradigm used by REST and how to
use HTTP effectively in designing Web APIs.

Chapter 5: Designing Representations

The fifth chapter covers the process of designing representations for Web APIs. The
chapter explains the different types of representations, including JSON, XML, and HTML,
and how to choose the right representation for your API.

Chapter 6: Designing URLs

The sixth chapter covers the process of designing URLs for Web APIs. The chapter
explains the importance of URL design and provides best practices for creating URLs
that are easy to use and maintain.

Chapter 7: More on Representation Design

The seventh chapter goes into more detail on representation design, covering topics
such as hypermedia controls, resource linking, and media types.
Chapter 8: Chatty APIs
The eighth chapter covers the topic of chatty APIs, including the advantages and
disadvantages of using chatty APIs and best practices for designing them.

Chapter 9: Handling Errors

The ninth chapter covers the best practices for handling errors in Web APIs. The chapter
explains the different types of errors, how to handle them gracefully, and how to
provide meaningful error messages to users.

Chapter 10: Authentication

The tenth chapter covers the different types of authentication mechanisms used in Web
APIs, including OAuth 2.0, Basic Authentication, and API keys.

Chapter 11: Versioning

The final chapter covers the best practices for versioning Web APIs, including the
different types of versioning, when to version your API, and how to implement
versioning in your API.

Web API Design is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn and master the art
of building high-quality Web APIs. The ebook is available as a PDF download and
provides comprehensive tutorials, real-world examples, and best practices for designing
and implementing Web APIs using popular technologies and protocols.

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