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Today we will tackle about what you need to know about a particular human resource
management topic. In today’s HR basic we explore training and development discussing the
importance of the actions employers take to improve performance and better staff through
learning and growth opportunities.

 The benefits and why it is important

Why is it that the training and development of employees important?

Employees are a company’s biggest asset, and investing in talent is vital to

sustainable business growth and success. Businesses go through lengthy
processes to recruit and hire qualified and suitable staff, but often th
emphasis on caring about employees stops there. According to a Gallup
study, workgroups that engaged in employee development saw a sales
increase and profits double compared to workgroups that didn’t engage at
all.1 Dedicated training and development fosters employee engagement, and
engagement is critical to your company’s financial performance

Workgroups that engaged in employee development saw a sales increase

and profits double compared to workgroups that didn’t engage at all

As the business landscape becomes increasingly competitive, improving your

team’s performance is imperative within evolving markets. Employee
development and training is no longer an additional perk reserved for the C-
suite, it’s essential for the growth of your business and the workforce that
propels it.

 The benefits of training and development in the workplace

The top benefit for driving employee development is to shape a more
efficient, competitive, and engaged workforce. Companies that have activel
interested and dedicated employees see 41% lower absenteeism rates, and
17% higher productivity.

Benefits of Employee Training and Development

Although there are a few drawbacks to investing in employee training, the benefits from
such programs outweigh them significantly. The benefits include:
1. Addressing weaknesses

If a company owner evaluates his workforce closely, he is likely to find two or more of his
employees lacking certain skills. A training program presents an opportunity to instill the
needed skills in the employees. Similarly, a development program helps to expand the
knowledge base of all employees.

In doing so, company owners are able to bridge any gaps and weak links within their
organizations. In such a way, every employee will be in a position to fill in for his colleague
and handle any task with efficiency.

2. Improved performance of employees

An employee who receives training from time to time is in a better position to improve his
work productivity. Thanks to training programs, every employee will be well versed with the
safety practices and proper procedures to follow when carrying out basic tasks. A training
program also helps in building an employee’s confidence since he will gain a better
understanding of the industry and the responsibilities of his role.

3. Boosts company profile and reputation

As mentioned earlier, employee training is not just good for the employees but also for the
firm. Conducting frequent training and development programs is one way of developing the
organization’s employer brand, thus making it a prime consideration for the top employees
working for competitor firms, as well as graduates. A company that trains its employees will
be more attractive to potential new employees, particularly those looking to advance their

4. Innovation

When employees receive consistent training and upskilling, it fosters their creativity. The
training programs help employees to be more independent and creative when they
encounter challenges in their work.

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