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Bahir Dar University

Bahir Dar Institute of Technology

Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Stream of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Section B
Telecommunication Networks assignment

Title: - Drones


Habtamu Baynekaw…………………..BDU1102429

Submitted To:Mr.selomon.

Submission Date
Table of contents
Table of contents ............................................................................................................ I
List of figures ................................................................................................................ II
Acronyms .....................................................................................................................III
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................1
2.Working Principle of Drone and Flow Pattern ........................................................... 2
2.1 Working Principle ............................................................................................. 2
2.2 Flow Pattern ...................................................................................................... 3
3.Major Components of Drones .....................................................................................3
3.1 Frame .................................................................................................................3
3.2 Propellers ...........................................................................................................4
3.3 Motor .................................................................................................................4
3.4 ESC (Electronic Speed Controller) ................................................................... 4
3.5 Flight Controller (FC) ....................................................................................... 4
3.6 Radio Transmitter ..............................................................................................4
3.7 Radio Receiver .................................................................................................. 4
3.8 Battery ............................................................................................................... 4
4.Application of Drones .................................................................................................5
4.1 Agricultural Drones: ..........................................................................................5
4.2 Drones and Digital Mining: .............................................................................. 5
4.3 Drones in Warfare: ............................................................................................5
4.4 Surveying/Mapping/GIS: .................................................................................. 5
4.5 Security: ............................................................................................................ 5
4.6 Inspection: ......................................................................................................... 6
4.7 Aerial Video and Photography: .........................................................................6
Conclusion ..................................................................................................................... 6
References ......................................................................................................................7

List of figures

Figure 1.1:drone .................................................................................................................. 1

Figure 2.1: principle of Aerodynamic lift ........................................................................... 2
Figure 2.2: flow pattern .......................................................................................................3

ESC…………………………………………..Electronic Speed Controller
FC…………………………………………….Flight controller
GPS…………………………………………..Global Positioning System
LiPo…………………………………………. Lithium Polymer
UAV…………………………………………Unmanned Aerial Vehic


Drone also known as Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) is Basically a flying robot .
Working in combination with GPS, the drones may be remotely controlled or can fly
autonomously by software controlled flight plans in their embedded systems.

A drone’s autonomy level can range from remotely piloted (a human controls its
movements) to advanced autonomy, which means that it relies on a system of sensors
and LiDAR detectors to calculate its movement.

Different drones are capable of traveling varying heights and distances. Very close-
range drones usually have the ability to travel up to three miles and are mostly used
by hobbyists. Close-range UAVs have a range of around 30 miles. Short-range drones
travel up to 90 miles and are used primarily for espionage and intelligence gathering.
Mid-range UAVs have a 400-mile distance range and could be used for intelligence
gathering, scientific studies and meteorological research. The longest-range drones
are called “endurance” UAVs and have the ability to go beyond the 400-mile range
and up to 3,000 feet in the air.
Drones are most often used in military services. However, it is also used for weather
monitoring, firefighting, search and rescue, surveillance and traffic monitoring etc. In
recent years, the drone have come into attention for a number of commercial uses.

Figure 1.1:drone

2.Working Principle of Drone and Flow Pattern

2.1 Working Principle

The subject of Fluid dynamics plays a significant role in the design and development of
aircraft and drones. This subject consists of the working principle of the aerodynamics of
A sufficient amount of upward force is required to lift the vehicle against gravity which is
named Lift.
A force created to move the vehicle or body in motion is called thrust.

Figure 2.1: principle of Aerodynamic lift

When air flows over an aerofoil and pressure, viscous and drag force act on the profiles.
Force is directly proportional to the velocity of air at the inlet.

Doubling the velocity means quadruple the fource.
Half the density means half the force.

2.2 Flow Pattern

The flow pattern around the cross-section of the aerofoil or propeller is shown below.
High fluid pressure at the bottom and low pressure at the top of the propeller causes an
upward force which is called a lift. This force is responsible for lifting the weight of an ae
or drone.
The amount of lift force depends on the angle of inclination of the aerofoil or propeller.

Figure 2.2: flow pattern

Based on the principle of conservation of energy in fluid flow (Bernoulli’s principle, the
sum of all forms of energy in a fluid is constant along the streamline.
When air flows over an aerofoil or wing, its velocity increases at the top portion. But the
pressure of air decreases.
In contrast, the air velocity decreases and pressure increase at the bottom side of the blade.
The next pressure difference across the aerofoil results in an upward force which is called
a lift.

3.Major Components of Drones

3.1 Frame

It should have sufficient strength to hold the propeller momentum and additional
weight for motors and camerasSturdy and less aerodynamic resistance

3.2 Propellers

The speed and load lifting ability of a drone depends on shape, size, and number of
propellors .The long propellors create huge thrust to carry heavy loads at a low speed
(RPM) and less sensitive to change the speed of rotation
Short propellors carry fewer loads. They change rotation speeds quickly and require a
high speed for more thrust.

3.3 Motor

Both motors brushless and brushed type can be used for drones.A brushed motor is less
expensive and useful for small-sized drones.Brushless type motors are powerful and
energy very efficient. But they need Electronic Speed Controller (ESC) to control their
speed. These brushless motors are widely used for racing freestyle drones, traffic surveys
and aerial photography drones.

3.4 ESC (Electronic Speed Controller)

ESC is used to connect the battery to the electric motor for the power supplyIt converts
the signal from the flight controller to the revolution per minted (RPM) of motor.ESC is
provided to each y motor of the drone.

3.5 Flight Controller (FC)

It is the computer processor which manages balance and telecommunication controls

using different transmitter.Sensors are located in this unit for the accelerometer,barometer,
magnetometer, gyrometer and GPS.The distance measurement can be carried out by an
ultrasound sensor.

3.6 Radio Transmitter

sends the radio signal to ESC to pilot to control motor speed.

3.7 Radio Receiver

Received the signal from the pilot. This device is attached to the quadcopter.

3.8 Battery

High-power capacity, Lithium Polymer (LiPo) is used for most drones. The battery can
have 3S (3 cells) or 4S (4 cells).

4.Application of Drones

4.1 Agricultural Drones:

observing, measuring and responding to inter and intra-field variability in crops. Drones
have a unique advantage in being able to provide live data from a range of sensors
(including multispectral, NIR and lidar) to perform in-depth analysis of crop health and

4.2 Drones and Digital Mining:

Drones are a natural fit for mining.Data can be captured quickly and safely in near real
time from areas that would otherwise be inaccessible or unsafe for staff.

4.3 Drones in Warfare:

We are living in the first age of drone warfare. While unmanned aerial vehicles(drones)
can trace their origins back at least as far as 1918, it took the War on Terror and its
accompanying technological advances to truly showcase the abilities of long-endurance,
high-flying remotely piloted machines. Yet despite their prominence in modern
battlefields, the greatest impact of drones will be felt in the future.

4.4 Surveying/Mapping/GIS:

Geospatial professionals rely on our mdMapper packages to get the job done every day.
From basic mapping to survey-grade results, Micro drones helps you work smarter.

4.5 Security:

Unmanned aerial systems from Micro drones are trusted by civil security pros worldwide.
Ease of deployment, stability, resistance to harsh weather, and flight endurance are just
some of the reasons to consider the drones to carry security payload.

4.6 Inspection:

Save time and hassle while reducing risk and increasing on-thejob safety. Wind turbines,
power lines, pipelines, railroads, buildings, towers and more should be inspected using a

4.7 Aerial Video and Photography:

Trust the stability, endurance and resistance to harsh environments of the Micro drones
line up to procure the footage you need.

Future developments of drone technology include drones becoming smaller, lighter, more
efficient, and cheaper. Therefore, drones will become increasingly widely available to the
general public and they will be used for an increasing scope of applications. It is to be
expected that drones will become more autonomous and more capable of operating in
swarms in the near futu

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