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AE 4341 Aircraft Design Project #1 –Fall 2021

Weight Sizing: Middle of the Market Commercial Transport

This project challenges students to take an example mission specification and perform the entire
configuration selection and weight sizing process as presented in class and Roskam Part I. The example
vehicle is an airliner positioned between the smaller twin aisle aircraft like the 787 and the largest
production single aisle aircraft like the 737-MAX.

Project Description
The market has identified a need for a long-range mid-sized airplane at approximately 757 size and
payload, but with 767/787 range. The aircraft may be a single or twin-aisle cabin layout.

The student is tasked with meeting this RFP by first considering different vehicle configurations that
would meet the requirements. The configuration selection should be performed using a systematic
process that is detailed and explained in the report, including a non-dimensioned sketch of the final
vehicle that includes all payloads.

For the second part of the project, the student will perform the weight sizing process described in
Roskam Part I and in-class. This shall include the necessary iterations to converge the L/D assumptions
using the Class I drag polar. All assumptions used in this analysis should be defined and justified using
sources. The student is encouraged, but not required, to define similar vehicles and perform the weight
regression analysis as an input to the process. A set of technology factors has also been defined across
four different sizing variables, as shown in the table below. The student must pick the technology level
for their design within this range and justify the decision based on the relative risk and performance

Category Description Symbol Min Max

Structural Total empty weight reduction Eta 0.85 1
Aerodynamic Equivalent skin friction coefficient cf 0.0025 0.0035
Aerodynamic Aspect ratio AR 7 12
Thrust specific fuel consumption
Propulsion TSFC 0.45 0.6

The final part of the project is to perform sensitivity studies on the weight sizing. These should help
determine whether it would be advantageous to change the requirements, and to help define the key
assumptions made as part of the weight sizing process, including the technology factors. At least five
sensitivity studies should be performed, with accompanying explanations as to their significance.

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A project report must be submitted no later than 2:00 pm on Monday September 13th electronically in
pdf format through Canvas. No late submissions will be accepted. The contents of the report must
address all of the requirements, questions and issues described in the sections below. Your report
quality should adhere to "best commercial practices," which will be expected for all assignments from
this point on. It must be concise, written with a professional tone and avoiding wordiness and
grammatical / spelling mistakes. All sources must be adequately cited. See honor code statement.
Images must be in color and all plots must be legible (labels, axes, units, etc). The report should not
exceed 20 pages of content including images (does NOT include cover page, list of figures, references,
etc). The report section names do NOT need to follow the names given to each of the requirements.

Each report should have a cover page with the title of the assignment, “Instructors: Neil Weston and
Carl Johnson”, name of the student, date the assignment is due, and the following signed statement: "I
certify that I have abided by the honor code of the Georgia Institute of Technology and followed the
collaboration guidelines as specified in the project description for this assignment."

Suggested Resources
For gathering information on aircraft the library has current and past copies of Janes All the Worlds
Aircraft, which is an invaluable resource.

Role: Commercial airliner

Crew: Two pilots plus four flight attendants, each at 175 lbs + 30 lbs of baggage

Payload: Maximum payload of 280 passengers in a single class arrangement, each 175 lbs + 30 lbs of


Range of 4500 nm with Mach 0.8 cruise at 35,000 ft

Reserve Requirement: 30 min of loiter plus 200 nm range to alternate airport at Mach 0.367 and
altitude of 5,000 ft

Powerplant: Two turbofans

Certification: FAR Part 25

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