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Engr. Francis P. Batac

I. Identification/Multiple Choice

1. Write the formula used to

determine the Mean Aerodynamic
2 𝜆2 +𝜆+1
Ans: 𝐶𝑟
3 𝜆+1
I. Identification/Multiple Choice

2. Known as the ratio of the

wingspan to the wing’s mean chord.


I. Identification/Multiple Choice

3. It is the component of resultant

force which is always perpendicular
to the chord


I. Identification/Multiple Choice

4. The angle between a line

perpendicular to the airplane’s
longitudinal axis and the leading
I. Identification/Multiple Choice

5. The point on the chord through

which the line of action of the
resultant force passes through


I. Identification/Multiple Choice

6. The angle between the plane of a

wing and the horizontal datum of
an airplane.


I. Identification/Multiple Choice

7. True or False: the airfoil data for a

finite wing with a given airfoil shape
at a given aoa is the same with the
airfoil data for an infinite wing.
I. Identification/Multiple Choice

8. The flow field about a/an _______

wing is three-dimensional.

I. Identification/Multiple Choice

9. For an unsymmetrical airfoil, as

the angle of attack increases the
center of pressure moves closer to
the _________ edge.
I. Identification/Multiple Choice

10. The component of the resultant

force which is always perpendicular
to the relative wind
I. Identification/Multiple Choice

11. A 2-dimensional representation

of the whole wing.
I. Identification/Multiple Choice

12. True or False, there is little to no

movement of the Center of
Pressure for Symmetrical Airfoils.
I. Identification/Multiple Choice

13. Consider an airplane maintaining a

level flight, if the velocity doubles, the
lift _____. Assume all other factors are
A. Increases by 200%
B. Increases by 300%
C. Increases by 400%
D. Increases by 500%
I. Identification/Multiple Choice

14. Which aspect ratio if more

appropriate for high-speed and highly
maneuverable airplane.
A. 3
B. 12
C. 35
D. 50
I. Identification/Multiple Choice

15. Consider the trapezoidal wing shown below:

If the wing area were to be calculated using the formula 𝑆 = 𝑏𝑐, 𝑐 would
correspond to:
A. 2
+ 𝐶𝑡
𝐶𝑟 𝜆+1
B. 2
2 𝜆2 +𝜆+1
C. 3
𝐶𝑡 +𝜆𝐶𝑟
D. 2
II. Problem Solving

1. A swept wing with a span of 24 m has a leading-edge and trailing-edge sweep of 36° and 18°
respectively. A line connecting the trailing-edge of the root chord and the mid-chord of the tip chord
is perpendicular to the airplane’s longitudinal axis. Determine the length of the root chord, tip chord,
taper ratio, MAC, and the distance of MAC from the root chord. Provide all answers in meters. (30 pts)
II. Problem Solving

1. A swept wing with a span of 24 m has a leading-edge and trailing-edge sweep of 36° and 18°
respectively. A line connecting the trailing-edge of the root chord and the mid-chord of the tip chord
is perpendicular to the airplane’s longitudinal axis. Determine the length of the root chord, tip chord,
taper ratio, MAC, and the distance of MAC from the root chord. Provide all answers in meters. (30 pts)

2 2 +
= 𝑐𝑟
II. Problem Solving

1. A swept wing with a span of 24 m has a leading-edge and trailing-edge sweep of 36° and 18°
respectively. A line connecting the trailing-edge of the root chord and the mid-chord of the tip chord
is perpendicular to the airplane’s longitudinal axis. Determine the length of the root chord, tip chord,
taper ratio, MAC, and the distance of MAC from the root chord. Provide all answers in meters. (30 pts)
II. Problem Solving

1. A swept wing with a span of 24 m has a leading-edge and trailing-edge sweep of 36° and 18°
respectively. A line connecting the trailing-edge of the root chord and the mid-chord of the tip chord
is perpendicular to the airplane’s longitudinal axis. Determine the length of the root chord, tip chord,
taper ratio, MAC, and the distance of MAC from the root chord. Provide all answers in meters. (30 pts)
II. Problem Solving

1. A swept wing with a span of 24 m has a leading-edge and trailing-edge sweep of 36° and 18°
respectively. A line connecting the trailing-edge of the root chord and the mid-chord of the tip chord
is perpendicular to the airplane’s longitudinal axis. Determine the length of the root chord, tip chord,
taper ratio, MAC, and the distance of MAC from the root chord. Provide all answers in meters. (30 pts)
II. Problem Solving

2. A tapered wing with equal lengths of leading-edge and trailing-edge has an area of 230 ft2 and
taper ratio of 0.6. Determine the length of the root chord, MAC, span, and distance of MAC from the
root chord if the tip chord is 6 ft. Provide all answers in feet. (20 pts)

= 𝑐𝑟 + 𝑐𝑡
II. Problem Solving

2. A tapered wing with equal lengths of leading-edge and trailing-edge has an area of 230 ft2 and
taper ratio of 0.6. Determine the length of the root chord, MAC, span, and distance of MAC from the
root chord if the tip chord is 6 ft. Provide all answers in feet. (20 pts)

2 2 +
= 𝑐𝑟
II. Problem Solving

2. A tapered wing with equal lengths of leading-edge and trailing-edge has an area of 230 ft2 and
taper ratio of 0.6. Determine the length of the root chord, MAC, span, and distance of MAC from the
root chord if the tip chord is 6 ft. Provide all answers in feet. (20 pts)
II. Problem Solving

3. A 1,600 lbs airplane with a rectangular wing having a span of 33 ft and chord of 4.5 ft maintains
level flight at 8,000 ft standard altitude. The aircraft flies with a velocity of 200 fps. Determine the
location of C.P. in feet and the moment about the quarter chord if the moment coefficient at that
point is -0.032. Solve using approximation method. Use standard English units. (20 pts)

𝑐 = 4.5 𝑓𝑡

II. Problem Solving

3. A 1,600 lbs airplane with a rectangular wing having a span of 33 ft and chord of 4.5 ft maintains
level flight at 8,000 ft standard altitude. The aircraft flies with a velocity of 200 fps. Determine the
location of C.P. in feet and the moment about the quarter chord if the moment coefficient at that
point is -0.032. Solve using approximation method. Use standard English units. (20 pts)

𝑀𝑐/4 𝐶𝑀𝑐/4
𝑐 = 4.5 𝑓𝑡
II. Problem Solving

3. A 1,600 lbs airplane with a rectangular wing having a span of 33 ft and chord of 4.5 ft maintains
level flight at 8,000 ft standard altitude. The aircraft flies with a velocity of 200 fps. Determine the
location of C.P. in feet and the moment about the quarter chord if the moment coefficient at that
point is -0.032. Solve using approximation method. Use standard English units. (20 pts)

𝑐 = 4.5 𝑓𝑡 𝐶𝐿 =

2 1,600 𝑙𝑏𝑠
𝐶𝐿 =

𝐶𝐿 = 0.288
II. Problem Solving

3. A 1,600 lbs airplane with a rectangular wing having a span of 33 ft and chord of 4.5 ft maintains
level flight at 8,000 ft standard altitude. The aircraft flies with a velocity of 200 fps. Determine the
location of C.P. in feet and the moment about the quarter chord if the moment coefficient at that
point is -0.032. Solve using approximation method. Use standard English units. (20 pts)

𝐶. 𝑃.
𝑐 = 4.5 𝑓𝑡 𝐶𝐿

- END -
Thank you so much for listening!
Laus Deo Semper!

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