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Relations with the USA and NATO Toward the end ofthe 19700 Tarkey intra tums ad economic difcties were compounded by amber of robles reltions with the US. In the 1980 ao Pilly ae the 2 Sopembor coup stone improved ‘shed an Trkeybecame clove alyoftieUS aan ‘Tete developments bad plas well ats en omichii Pita, Turkey stage value ncreaed ‘searnlofdeveopmentsin the Middle Eastinthe ate ‘math ofthe ani evolton in enn 979 andthe So ‘etocupstion of Alphanstanlaterthatyearinthespos Tuthey not ony wa bi ote spread of rad am nthe Madde Eat bt soba a inprtat oes ‘helatenaiying ug veween the USSR andthe US conor, Thay omar the proces of vee Integration eth the word of capt afer i bean Implmenting the 4 sary 980 yahage of economic ‘ers In he conten, Anas atone withthe US. pred ester portance. |, BASIC FACTORS AFFECTING RELATIONS 1A U.S. Domestic and Foreign Policy inthe 19805 The Carter administration that came to power iar ured foreign policy dat ad pote e ‘pea foe human sigh The feeling in Washington was ‘hatte thet ofthe USSR and ofcommanism had ben taggeste and the prevaing tendency sted tad ‘more darmament. This was reaction tothe preceding foreign pay conducted by the Naon-Kisinge eam, ‘sed eacusivaly on Reali. There wa cera con ‘ini in US poly however, beans Cater sta om Iman ight wa designed ws weakon the Eaters He During Cater frm 2 von wat stupa the Stats Departmen to del wih human ght and ebserrance aman sighs Became a eterion when proiding 3 Ths practice would be mained in mbeguent Years snd wuld const ooe othe problems betwee US aniTutey Us veg pl hd oe neo chaleges dhrng Cate pestccy. The we of aman gh eden tn USSRin eave aro aoe ‘Bi cated pole frthe US ol When Wishing ion witli sopot fom Nea tao ene ts Somecs i tee eno dai porn tk pow ino ln ebay thee wea ae ‘eon by ytalih Koma a ety tharbad been ono the pil alefthe US nthe Met Te USSR mete eee since inthe eB and ocrpid Anim Dec Serer “Aer the Sort ccpatn of Aan, he US Congres efsed to nye SALT U ager wich ase to scr the aon of des sr Motta denootncd tha the Cae amines torcgn poy was pie ante nd ee muh or ie The US tomy we! hough a seston sccondba ofthe gon By othe canon hades, ‘Sige Lhe sam tino the sna eo on ‘ahedcnandunenpoynentsondat 7 Thee Ste Viema Wa the claps of tbe Beton Wow Spo bel shcandjpeeseompstion ste Tialdpa the US buns cy dl coped “Artisti he ombiston ave poi ad econ epnnt ado ht US Sheds pine ec sd od ve oct ited dus White US GNP cent B24 Of tl odo ns he sae ad len 098 Dyno the combined it of amet eo pec the of oud othe USS, ali Ing nay and cise nace the wed ce Box 65. Star ats (he Stag Dele iii) the Heogeal an chinese we te ES cee ite aan ee Pganm Hele oe iy pap ly ie seen fy ges a ch ‘ou en any ann win rip ea oe Eoenae epic hehe be recon hte to Rega ton io The ew Fede’ pry wa retro and yates esgn rept the "New Rh” He eps the emo pio hon Fda hs tow sei tm the Univers of Chega wise spire coma codio ang thc pedog Sg rong nl oer Te chaps of th ples in Eorope ws Pu re er agate wh et Ol lowed ne comet Tay The New Rg pot open nchdd tai US power te dro te USS whe Regs ested thi Emp and aa ‘Anis animated dee pein thsi dese pending ce mab Js Tingle opectnewntaion cS se andthe OSS ad eae Ae ‘tines aeons Thesnand secre are Signe US econ wih sew mitay pcs thee lay Kees Tete oe Sate the USSR ng in ams ce hat ol sunt sonoma ene cmd ot Relations wih the USAandNATO 539 technol sre nd eaten coy pecs The poli dn ey ses dese sven tom 90 9. The ness Loy ich sole pobre bugs waded Saha bomber herein ay srg vad ene the aoe Re fan Docrine pty dsl tsi Sve fou tha wen oppo oat rp USSk ‘aon nce he US pee ea Indie alist he Contacts Neap, the UNITA (uns Nora pus pede sep el pcan pe eevee in Grenada in 08, an conduct an aerial asi Muamaar Kha in 08. Ae ares Panamanian president Manel Nonega i i own country, Washing too tied and convicted him inthe US. for ug desing ‘The US, sppored spree eines ke he white mi ot South Aieangovermentand the esinand Ma osgevernmentinthe Palippnesolongesthey pared 2pOUS couse ‘uring ths pero also known the Second Cold Wer, Turkeys importance increased de mentinsome ofthe developments ced above 8 TheUS, bam, and the Poly ofthe Green Bett isos th US clone thm and ui ‘nove enderwen meso and dew De pending o he cecumsances aw nas sen oa ly Srpereied uss tiat Asaatperponey te US vent Ist a oa fig pc to tn ine toalaaeny manta Fens in pow and sndenie vl cote The US. tre in ham sod is propensty owe e 25 tooffeg paieygn bck ote as lw, Wisdd Wer It The US Bud become s wad power set thew and Wisingon eed Ut am od bea ss into owing ry with te USSR Te US ep ‘Stalean trot aim inte Mie Ea tring thesseon gen the plc a sal nbc oft tnlgon she eon Dasing tt prod te damian curt inthe Ne at wa a Waters atonal ‘sao Inown Pn rbd of S40. Section 6 1980-1990 Tuksy nthe Orb fhe Wise Bl 2 Egypt. To uademioe this tren, the IS. supported lame movement an place a US fog plcybacame ten more importa tad thee of he 970 within he conert, eons withe USSR snd the continuing ‘och, Zhgrew Breer the wll now test td Carter national ecu vir ld The view hat am could sere shield agai commis, The ‘ew of dere lam wae quite preaer inthe US. {rng his period. The US. Joked upon ai im. ‘0 thet sinters, however and epi disace ‘fom groups ike Herbal, Ama and Hamas The only ‘cspton were the Afghan Majin groupe wo were ngagedin hinge USSR, “he US stay watotrytonuate the Take pubis oated i the sate eins ofthe USSR hy {ingle wile preventing lam, which wav Tey ante Ames fom lating hieion inte Ianian manes At the sme time Ila ase ta counterweight to efit movement in counties he Turkey Toput tin atshll thee” danger wou be ounared with “geen” antidote, Furthermore sing [am would be ada 3 ble agi Some encroach ‘ont into the Gulf eion we ponding legacy the comecratv opine f Seu Arabia andthe ther clic ounce ds enauig thee tai. In summary the US. poy wast support moder ste snd controle ande again tbe USSRand ‘ommis and sco temper rials and itmosente, ower this eoved impose to sop ‘pesoralse Tn the pfs ths US. poy woud act They in to ways Inthe ld of foreige pic, Turkey weuld elope reatons weit Arb cutis tat coal be emideed moderate, In domestic pots, the ffs woul be more fr ching Economy Trkey woud deg ast tansormaton hat weal lp 9 become inert withthe gab capitals stn Po relly the repressive a Septembre woald be set ‘upto prveat aol ection tothe ongoing ert ttnsfrnaton Te 12 September rpie woud eet, to the clog ofthe Tesh amie Sys 8 de tered eater oe ox 6 above i. Tue 12 Seprempen Penion (1980-1982), ‘A. The 12 September Coup and the U.S. In the third coup since 196, there was mor tuk shot the US. connection thn the wo previo ones This canbe expaned by developments in Tasks US sans before an ater September pS and itera ‘tonal polit andesonomicderelopeents Thera widely bed bb song bath otic ob serveradthe Th public tithe US arisen thera Sepibercayp, This thoold note wndertvods mean a soup dee lanaed and ave out by the US "The roleconcerned preparing the condition that led ‘5 he coup and ening toh ith the coup alsin ‘vce and promaing them poland economse ro Fortin tun fr fs that ian goverment wee hot in postion o gant. The sspictn of US ale nein the coup is based on the following eden. The US. eco of vlan oape an in oss in Gras in andi Chien 973 mater ed pole to lnk Washington afethes Sepoee coup intake Suopicon were sk stengthened by intertiona levlpenet tt tne. Te as of an ip 979 and the occupation of Afghanis, which Boag te USSR. tle othe Persian Gl, pos Moscow’ rowing ny inks wi Sy, ners Walagton eed fc 3 stbleand lable Tctey Tnaditin, developments elated del to Taey potted t04 US. involvement In 7p and 980 Tukey {low Turki es tobe wed for Ua fight one he USSR and to station the US rap daployment ore sn Te. Asara sls vets the Greek guest 0 return {NATO milary tructre. Akar was uk 108 hive the new veltionary ie in Kat Ae Sep tember Aalarispotion onl of thee fess sited tie. Before the mtr intervention of 17, the com mand of thea force, Main Bat, had get the US Likewes, prior or September the eommande of the sir fore Tahsin Sanka sed he US. Ina be ‘sumad oT at one day beer the cour ‘ishing reaction tothe coup alo bop fed the suspicion of US. avohemeat. Cater reseed he ows of he Turki coup when he wa tm oper Pe umaace Pa Henze ofthe CIA bok the ast the preset withthe worde"Oerboyzhave done” (Hi “There were abo those who supported their vw tat ‘Washington asses ae glngonsn Aalaraby rofing tat US. news agencies gv the news of he oP ane evening of September Tis can be explained ‘heft that tes lo aa Sepmber in Wh ington and New Yee when th coup war aounce it ‘Aharuat 00 a8 ona September ta Notwihsa ET ‘ogthseqlanation understood tht the US. asthor ‘shrew about the coup atest wo hours before he est The Turkish genta informed the ado the US maltaeynaonin Tay wo hours beerethe cop vas onnounced hat the er nd properties of US. ct {ens in Tukey wou protean Turkey would rersin within the Western allance. The ical US ecto tthe even cane nasa sents by he State Departs onthe yf he oup.Theststerent expres concern at th retro log 2 democratically elected goverment but alded the tke new administration at had sized ome! Wasi teat on etering the deme ste hatha broken dovn Tukey hadbeenstrggingwth politcal reign ‘nd economic dtu rs namie of yes tnd he US. and the oter NATO alles woud somtnve 1 aid “Turkey to secre economic sail The sateen cladd that the expetion wa ha democracy wou be ‘stored and economic and pti stabity tured 2 ‘sly asp Inthe dys allowing September the US, on the advice oft Ankara embsykep sting the ned to rotore demceacy san eniy dit Iwasa decided tha te Sth Meet would ay aay rom Twkish ore fora whleinondergtt giveth impression atthe US. “Tsun pth upicion ofa US avaiement was ever proven by fac Ba hee seat no dou hat the soup prvideda hag rate advantage th US, and “Tush US. relatos wer exon afer the coup. 8. Developments during the Period of Military Administration Anercan plcyakees were plese that Tukey had ‘lary adzunsraion wel disposed toward the US. {te when a ino ein hae oe in tothe USSR was in pomerson of Afghanistan. From ‘hea on, reltins between Trey arth US, woul be ‘ery lose. Taka’ importance forthe US, bad grows 2 une when the domes ple ofthe miary ewe rece detvng a wedge between Anka snd Wester Tope Following the coup, the four armed forces command ‘fred the Ration Seat Counc (NSC) ene the preidncy ofthe cio the General Sia, Kenan ren Ina aatement othe proton the dy ofthe oop ee oowed the example ofthe 27 May 160 coup "ake andansoancd tht Tukey emained tached o Alisalances and agreements inching NATO. “he NSC decided t appoint «government headed eltons wih tbe USAand NATO. sf bythe foemercommanderofthe sin lend Us. The new governest was oem at Septem ih Ta {et Oral a deputy prime minster in charge othe eco {my Gen Heydar Sl, an oficer i the Gener Stall n charge of lations with NATO and heer ow fo both NATO and US. ofa, became scary oneal sib NSC The mos signcatdevelopinent in Takis, Ions le the coup wat he ifition of he Deis 2nd Economie Cooperation Agreement on November tno by the Ulsu goverment Tarte provouly had ied action af the ageeunent order tase {a buraning chip With the stint lol fame srork wes sable betwen the two county coves Ing the use of Turkish ses bythe US, defense coopers ton and economic and mary ax ul 98, The mtary rene was ble find extra ane Ingwhich owed Tukey service dsbtandincess itsimpots Ts made poset vesome the see shorageof consumer goede Ashe fow of prt ene ‘astra and intermediate goods increased, industria Production picked ap and empty salves stores bean ofl boost popelr support ote ego The NSChad selected etred admiral Ulasespime riniterbecse ews perceived a2 moderate, Bat the real olders fal erosive ad gilt owe andthe nabs of oegn and domes were Even and the for force commander. Ths became obi wih Greeereurn tothe mliary acti of NATO. 1. The Rogers Plan and Greece's Return tthe Miltary Structure of NATO When Turkey hunched is second Cyprus operation on 4 Ago sr Greece lt the mitary strc of [NATO toprote the organization’ unlingnes fo sop Turkey een though remained member ofthe lies The Gres wihdroral added + now siension to te Tdi Grok putes ove the goannas acted Trkey relation withthe US and NATO. lel rece th the queton dts backto 95% when the NATO mutary commie adopted docnen MC 3/4, which detente the command and contol eons of th Argein tat woud be allocated to Tukey {nd Groce (Sopp. 467) When the Souther Br Tope Land Forces Command (Combandsouthet) and the Sth Tact Air Fere Command (CONSIXATAF) ‘wee salad inl the sont ofthe ea ad Spsceinte Aegean waco Greece the way up {o Tukey's uertoril water Thiscould be dane bce ‘there was a seis pate betwen the to courte: 42 Seton 6 1980-109, the Orb of he Western Bloe—2 atthe tine, When Greece eft the military stractre of NATO, They sumed responsibly for the cont of ‘he Aen Furthermore, Tee sued Notam (Not faton to Airmen) Nei July ogy which declared thral ight wa ity mles of Argean coastline had tobeceaediaavance ‘evn ost ty command and conrl espaol tiv inthe Aegean, Grece ought return othe mitary Stroctte of NATO in 976k wae a important het Prime Minister Karman hd consoldte i poston and democciy in he country nthe meanie:Takey replied that woud ape to this on conn that com ‘mand and conrlresposilies i the Aegean be we loetedona newbs The ueton mn dormant fra fw yeas ut the USSR stared Booming more active ne Neder ean The developmen nan rid Afni arbor incase the ssi concern of Wao nations over {Gres abvence om NATO lary strc ‘ero neinkiatnesemergedtncomnecton with ‘hiss NATO supreme commanderin Europe Alex de Hg and hs acces, Berard Roges, appealed in vain to both Eee and Demi. Turkey msinsined that creamatances hd changed since Greece lt the pile stvtre and ths oul nt return under the ‘ine ceoitions Command snd cont as had tobe fedeigatedinassondance wth Tukey eglements, Inthe run ap tothe Greskeleton schedule tke placenlate po, Andes Pypadreeacondacted sca FrignwithnthUS and anti NATO themes He dered {hae the Pantene Soc Movement PASOK) fame to owes, Cree might with rom NATO al ‘ogete oe elton with Gres” Section 3). Tas Inne i impesie for NATO to ese the question of Greece return to NATO' military trace before he Groekecion ‘er the 2 September coup, US. and NATO of laleredoubed hielo to eae he question Some treks afer th cop, US smbaeadr in Anbar James ‘Spin net with Fen on 6 October and devered a mer ‘Spe fom President Carter a which the president de ftention o NATO’ ate of dry nt southeastern ‘gion ad dela that twos be» aged for acon ‘roadoprolngthisae ofa Finally Ropes sive ie Ankara on 17 Ostober and tok Even ha Gees ight Be ot aan aly he so Slits emerged sctorous i the approching Greek ‘lesen When Feren voit hit concern bout Greece's ih reoponsetoa goodies om Tukey, Gene Rogers teed tht he wus ving ht word at» sold” (Gildomir 985 p84), ently Rogers permaded ren and stupa to Briss. Concerned at right scone its decison, NATO ois sty com ‘end NATO's Defense Plnning Commie 0a 20 Oc Taber oo and approved Greece tu othe milary “The ie ofthe Rog Plan was “interim Arrange ment concerning NATO Coosmand 0d Conta ia the ‘Asean The plan coord of our argu and was ‘writen in langue tat was not sy to understand Ios important puragraph wa heft which read 4 flows Ihe angement concern the etarn of Gree {oNATOS mir true apd dees ot concer othe ‘Specs of Tish Greek retion, Ths intr Intary techialstngement designed to allow the (Greek aed forces eon the Aled Command Sts. ‘raph provided hat he Sh Ald Tt AicFowe Command adh Seeth Tce A oe Commando eed Gest wold ake tem rngenets tat wood ele te sori Sri fo ating: infomation dered Som NATOs {Sable ur deenseradr syst Telatem aang: inns wovld be fom a conataon wth te Souths Earop Ali Al oreeeted i Naple ages wh alo nd comand healing proven Ul uso oman nd tout sr we ted nacre wth NATO tues und poste the cane’ f Aled Fre in Souter Europ andthe commander of Aled Nev Foca ou ape wld determine weber onlofopatosefocraloctdt tem ws ‘Cie the omerned NATO soma ‘ominnde (Syl pp 67-6) Those eta agement consid of og cated pois tt i or ve mh posto rica, bcm einer! ing at Geo rst oth ary sac hog +e Spremetefie wo comnandngotere Tey ha handed bse sd, whic ad tees tnt the mat bes allan ofthe comand ndcontel ogni Asean ose wl Hloeedtorsjon emia stare oO rom thn ng the died pla mes ort ete wes ster aa Te Bol Inenmastbeconcddlater Once Grace ado Semi soasarshoweee ae pout teatontne agement ortoperade Grete tape ot sev and eigenen one ep. Anoter ee of ape om eo ‘rns ha not hae ay bese ‘hal enconlieeen NATO tn Tey ne ‘nero he spotter ‘eT ces cement et tee edo on the wor of Gene Koes ie 8> ssteotat arte aennn goes ees overt ot tenaeanedon Decne nt Eitintrcopieteopeenen eredtosep Be beniguren sted fcr athe Sere Fe “efor that wold be sc o NATO me ‘ranges ep wiin rer to dee {om Gon Rous who fad posed ie ogee ‘er waren tdanene ac Get erst “howoaltahtohimon nee “wo yn Rogen Ey th Aner con pre ese hope vt otc of SOS tthe ony con ht Tea Dhan whet san nts epee rom th tov of imate pac, he agent nso sno Atr in Soper bo Rios GonalRopoveniaed cians hese tstuing ces Ont Theol Een ands ‘rng were inh neat sy seen A a tay ole pcre Whe he qecton ame wp rds he NATO eee Tsing Comte he Te pene eprenna ‘rm ambasdor Os Olay wrt ae hae lepton oon Ann ‘cern het suason the US ane A lo sic om he gain ear ‘ath UIS watson we matey ted aly shee em ta abi ty nso vere oe ere og res than ded gretsch tered bed hi opin nen mang conto athe ad ‘Seog ae the US ad che a weeog syne rsune oaieentheway Stason wt wee flowing ema ‘Sisonsarenitf corn ‘When Gener Ropes Tee yesaer the slop oie Ropr Pn he ol prea ‘evita sat ed key one ee 3 Gane tht Tay wold ve con fr ‘he Sith porns en _in mms ene 9) ne re ol cima ety pina ty open Ropes opossbaedon the stance fis word a With th penen cnn Fr Gece ‘deprived ofthe command and contro areas ofthe Aegean thee posse an hey wae te Ralaions withthe USA and NATO 543 presses tht it wae subj within NATO, thas roving sanding within the aliaace Although tree that Grosse wa deprived of om mand snd contol msponsiltes thse sponses were not related in acordance wth Tukey's de ‘mands bat were men tured over fo NATO. "yee wat probably warmed tht Grece would lave NATOto obtain hi aaent Resign however that ‘he car ace wed ase een hal not mone 00 Demir although he war ale noun o bea god end ofthe US 2. Developments in the Middle East and Their Effects on Turish-US. Relations Devlopmentsinthe Mle Eatattheendogyy andi ‘ary gh madestnecevsry forthe US to purse amore tv poly in he region makeup fr oses, The ‘ular lades who tok pomerinTuley on Septem erags wor rinsing theses withthe US whe useing 3 pobcy of exported growth tht ted hie tention whe Nid Eo, US oficial eports were Speaking of Tukey at» country reefing Mile ‘stern idenity whe the State Dsprtnat was ons tring the trans of resp for Turkey for the European tothe Mile astm division, which was ao resid “Aside fom its recance nal Us Raia Deployment Fete uh ty Take rot convinced ht str inte Ma at econ, ‘eget ith hweofthe US cored ery ‘Scropere a Wbingon Like he Us, Try wus concerted abot the ing nence ofthe USSR he Mie Bt, the echt of pron ee, sadthe poi that nigh ence vioron me {he cont Lie te US and oe Ween counts “Takey wat weil sou» posible aterm nth few ofa fom he Nie a Amumber of dovlpmenta the Mie Eat wee caing spree angio Ihe ering peste eral ann sine twat the Gul conte flowing the amie ‘voltion posed dng: both othe reps of te ourseie atte the moot foi AC time when the ann cs wast height ‘aak Kamal seed power Kabul in Decent tra Upoahisinntaton the USSRinvaded Afni witha fore of 4000 soles Tis laced the USSR within soo Ilomtes of the Galt US, present nny Carte de scribed this development "tho grt het pace ‘ince the Second World Wer ("Remarks at White Howe Briefing for Members of Congres, Jnaay 8 9807 ‘Way Compton of residential Damen v6 [4 JIssury 866), 0) "At ths tie the USSR strengthened its poston In thereon by developing i celtons ith Souther Yemen, Bhiopa and Spi, Mosc een proposed European Confrence tht echided the US, dsiged to ensue the scat faces routes tothe Pesan Gl “4 Ther wa ee hatte USSR, having lost mack ote intemal nding bese fits imterventen Afgassan, ght tke aantage ofthe tum in an tointerene in that country too, withthe backing ofthe Sgt, on of the hey players ia Washington Mille Eas poly athe tie, had signed the Cap ‘Daidacrodt and was traced bythe Arab oust, “Al ofthese developments and events mae an riot on the reponl poles of the UIS. and ip ‘hang theicoure Forme the US. hd aed tsp ‘er onthe Nao Doctrine (oe Bor 43 Secon 4) ‘which red om the twin pills of kan and Saud Arabi Inthe Gulf region. ta, npr was receig ge _quinttes of srs rom he US and ad spied ape Siaplc in ginal sectityconmenenurte with vt Poteta Te lo of ean made ncenry coi ‘edhe Mie Bist ole ofthe US Inte fic ofthese deveapments he Carer adn Inraton opted coin meats, hich wee contin ted by the Reagan adnan The Seventh et the Unda Ocean ad the Sith Feet n the Meier ean wete strengthened he Mile Eastern Command now as Mideator (Mile Eat ore) wat enor, and» pew policy wat devised forthe Mille Eas, which earee knowns the Carter Docine. Washing as sscurede east ofthe Glf Cooperation Coun ‘lia May "hn ths Famewot, the US abandoned the poi of reying sly onthe countries of the rin snd adopted theplicy of ying on and strengthening sown aity anu oration a theron After Carer, Reagan sh hs pole fhe: aiming ht the Mi Fase srs theiterforintebloe ray he devised the concep (Fate contenu under which coopestio an00g Tuckey, Pakistan, andthe courts of the Hor of Aes be dosoped In the ide East the US ako sot fo extend [NATO ses of esponslity ee Box 49 8 Scio) formated th Reagan plan tough which the Ital ‘Aah dps would bested nd arched foray farther developinglaton betwen Tsk nds Tukey oceapad central plc inmany ofthese po ‘es. Whea the US sought consineheinfacnce othe USSR with the Norther Tier (see Box 485 Secien 3), [NATO's commander chief, Alexandr Hig, stove lo ‘tabla state cooperation between Trey st Paki Stnintho ay prt the os. The U.S also ctblahad clot with Chins, which dapprved a the USSR invasion of Alghanistan Sitanecusy,raions be ‘een Turkey and China per stronger, with inreare inhigh-ee vis between thetwo counees Tiley lo aaron ssking tallest Egypt alain when made aneflorttrestethat county retarto fie Orgy titaton ofthe Manic Conference (OIC) ae meting lin Jnusy ss Thera Sepemberadminiatonwas ing the OIC fr the est neo the level of pie te Tatky alo stepped op ts economia, edmiltary cooperation with te Calf countie The Americin bjs of aeguing che ayo set promi toreponl developmen led totbecreation ‘ofa Rapid Deployment oro (RDF) forthe region Ths figured prominently in elation Between the oe cn. tresin the capo, 13 The issue ofthe Rapid Deployment Force ie ws to case Turkey much ole ne tonswth he US. (Box 64). The US warataching great [portance tothe Rapid Deploynent Foret adn 980 ad concladed agrement for facies tn Onan, Kenya nd Sora Theater two counties ware lated re ‘tly ftom the Gulf however, andthe isatractae srasinadeqat The US, amination considered Ti {ey tobe more stable because ofits NATO member

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