21PBL-LUNA Annim G11 Q1

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Senior High School

TVL-ICT: Animation NCII

House Plan &

A 21st Century Project-Based Learning Package (21PBL)
in Animation NCII

1st Semester/Quarter 1

Government Center, Candahug, Palo, Leyte

(053) 832-2997 | region8@deped.gov.ph
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Master Teacher I

Pedagogical Innovation:
Project-Based Learning and 21st Century Learning Design
Table of Contents

Cover Page 1
Table of Contents 2
Curriculum Information 3
Enduring Understanding 4
Essential Question 4
Objectives 4
Content Standards 4
Performance Standards 5
Value Standards 5
Contextualized Objective 5
Project Details 5
Project Tasks 5
21 Century Learning Activities
Letter of Request 6
List of Questions 6
Data Gathering/Interview 7
Data Interpretation 7
Systems Design 8
Time Frame 8
Student Requirements 9
Technical & Material Requirements 9
Output 9
Support 10
Assessment 10
Scaffolds 13

Pedagogical Innovation:
Project-Based Learning and 21st Century Learning Design
Education Type Kto12
Grade Level G12
Learning Area TVL-ICT: Computer Programming (.Net)
Learning TLE_ICTP.NET11-12PPHJC-IIf-i-29
 Develop basic HTML document using HTMP5 and CSS
3 syntax;
 Document interaction diagrams using agreed
representation format;

Specific Topic Selecting a specific type of system and a respondent,

conducting a preliminary data gathering, and
designing a proposed system using HTML5 with
JavaScript an CSS3.
Curriculum Learning Area Content / Topic Competency
Entrepreneurship Demonstrate CS_EP11/12ENTR
understanding of EP-0h-j-12
the 4Ms of Demonstrate
operations understanding of
the 4Ms
Method, Machine,
Materials) of

Basic Research Finding Answers CS_RS11-IVd-f-1

and Technical through Data
Collects data
writing Collection
observation and

21st Century Skills Knowledge Construction, Self-Regulation, Problem

Solving and Innovation, Skilled Communication, ICT,
Computer Programming
Intended Users Teachers and Students
Developer Almer H. Bugal, MSIT
Copyright Date August 17, 2022

Pedagogical Innovation:
Project-Based Learning and 21st Century Learning Design
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) students taking
up Computer Programming specialization will eventually be Systems
Designers in a system development process. They will be performing data
gathering processes, designing a new system using a computer
programming language, and documenting the process.

How can data gathering, systems designing, and documenting can be

performed by Information and Communications Technology (ICT) students
in order to develop a system that will cater the needs of the respondent?

A. Content Standards

The learners demonstrate an understanding of the following:

1. solving entrepreneurial problems;
2. basic data gathering techniques; and
3. Computer Programming basics, languages and syntaxes.

B. Performance Standards

The learner shall be able to:

1. apply basic entrepreneurial processes and logic;
2. apply basic computer programming codes to design a system; and
3. design and develop a proposed systems design based on the
respondent’s needs.

C. Value Standards

Develop self-reliance, sense of responsibility, work ethic,

attitude, communication skills, focus, as well as leadership skills in
designing a proposed system for a specific respondent.

D. Contextual Objective

Pedagogical Innovation:
Project-Based Learning and 21st Century Learning Design
Identify and select a computer system commonly used in the
school as a sample respondent for the proposed system design.

The Systems Designer is a project-based learning in Computer

Programming using Hypertext Marked-Up Language (HTML),
JavaScript, and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) for grade 12 learners
under the Technical, Vocational, and Livelihood (TVL) track and
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) strand.
This aims to apply entrepreneurial concepts in proposing a
systems design for business-related problems and practical research
activities in data gathering while integrating 21st century skills and
other disciplines from the ICT strand.


The teacher will give different types of systems that are

commonly used in offices, establishments, organizations, or
institutions. The learner will choose one type of system and develop a
proposed systems design for a specific respondent.

To do this, you are to:

1. Select a type of system and understand what the system is
all about.
2. From your community, select a respondent that best suits
the system that you have selected.
3. On a piece of paper, write down the following and submit it
to your teacher for approval.
Type of System : ____________
Respondent :
Company Name : _____________________
Owner : _____________________
4. Once approved, write a letter to the respondent. Follow
proper format and contents of a letter of permission. You can
consult and seek the assistance of your English teachers.
5. Submit a copy of the approved letter to your teacher.
6. Prepare your data gathering tool – list of Questions.
7. Conduct of data gathering.
8. Interpret and analyze the data gathered.

Pedagogical Innovation:
Project-Based Learning and 21st Century Learning Design
9. Use specific computer language to develop the computer
system design.
10. Present the data gathered and interpretation together with
your computer systems design to the class.

A. Letter of Request
Description: The letter is about seeking a permission and approval
from the respondent that you will be allowed to design a system for

Goal: Let the respondent approve the letter of permission to conduct

the activity.

Specific Instructions:
1. Write a letter of request.
2. Present your letter to your teacher for comments, corrections, and
3. Present your letter to the respondent.
4. Let the respondent affix the signature as a sign of agreement.

B. List of Questions
Description: This is a list of questions to be asked to the respondent in
a form of an interview.

Goal: The list of questions aims to ask about the company and the
processes performed in order to know the common problems
encountered by the respondent in the current processes used in the

Specific Instructions:
1. Write down questions that will possibly lead you to designing a
system for the respondent.
2. Categorize your questions into:
A. Profile – questions about the company (history, employees,
B. Current System – questions about the processes currently
being used or performed. Common problems encountered
may be ask here.
C. Proposed System – questions about a new system to be
3. Submit the list to your teacher for comments, corrections, and
Pedagogical Innovation:
Project-Based Learning and 21st Century Learning Design
C. Data Gathering/Interview
Description: The interview is a process of data gathering where a
respondent is asked and answers a series of questions given by the
interviewer. This may be done face to face or via a communication
Goal: The objective is to gather information that will help in identifying
factors that pose a problem to be solved by developing a computerized

Specific Instructions:
1. Set a date and time for an interview with your respondent.
2. With the consent of the respondent, record through a recording
device all the answers given.
3. You may interview employees and customers to have a more
comprehensive gathered data.

D. Data Interpretation
Description: Data interpretation is the process of reviewing data in
order to arrive at a conclusion. In this part, the factors that serve as a
problem in the processes are identified.

Goal: The aim is to have a better understanding about the company,

its processes, and the problems within that needs to be solved
through a computerized system.

Specific Instructions:
1. Take note of the details, these could be used in developing the full
documentation of the system development process.
2. Identify the factors that pose as a threat or problem in the current
system being used.
3. In designing a proposed system, focus on solving the problems and
injecting new features that will make the process easier and more

E. Systems Design
Description: This process involved defining the specific components of
the system being developed. Specific area like the inputs, processes,
outputs, and graphical design are taken into consideration.

Goal: The aim is to design a proposed system that will satisfy the
needs of the company. Such needs focus on solving problems in data
entry, accuracy, record keeping, speed of work, and computations.

Specific Instructions:
1. Interview the respondents while crafting the design of the system.
2. Create a draft design preferably in a sketch or drawing form.
3. Have this design approved by the respondent.

Pedagogical Innovation:
Project-Based Learning and 21st Century Learning Design
4. Convert the sketch into computer design using the specific
programming language.
5. In designing, take into consideration the following:
a. Company specific details like color, logo, and its nature;
b. User of the system (age group, computer literacy);
c. Color combination;
d. Size of data handled;
e. User friendliness; and
f. Completeness of data

Tasks Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan

Announcement of activity
Presentation of different types of systems and
their description
Selection of type of system
Selection of respondent
Approval of respondent
Creation of letter to the respondent
Approval of letter
Preparation of the list of Questions
Conduct of data gathering/interview
Interpretation and analysis of the data
Development of computer systems design
Consultations with the respondent
Presentation of the systems design

 Basic Entrepreneurial skills

 Basic Research and Technical Writing skills
 Computer Programming skills
 Photo Editing
 Presentation skills
 21st Century skills

Pedagogical Innovation:
Project-Based Learning and 21st Century Learning Design
 Desktop or Laptop computer
 Internet Access
 Mobile phone
 Microsoft Office: Word, PowerPoint
 Projector
 Photo Editing Software or Mobile Phone App
 Printer
 Bond Paper
 Folder

 Type of System
 Respondent
 Letter to Respondent
 List of Questions
 Interview data
 Interpretation and analysis
 Draft system design
 Computer System Design
 System Design documentation

 School Principal
 SHS Coordinator
 ICT Group Head
 ICT Teachers
 Parents
 Students
 Systems’ Respondent
 Other stakeholders

10 | P a g e
Pedagogical Innovation:
Project-Based Learning and 21st Century Learning Design
Rubrics for Letter of Request
Criteria Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning
25 pts 20 pts 15 pts 10 pts
Sentences &  Sentences  All sentences  Most  Many
Paragraphs and are complete sentences are sentence
paragraphs and well- complete and fragments or
are complete, constructed well- run-on
well- (no fragments, constructed. sentences OR
constructed no run-ons). Paragraphing paragraphing
and of varied Paragraphing needs some needs lots of
structure. is generally work. work.
done well.
Salutation  Salutation  Salutation and  Salutation  Salutation
and Closing and closing closing have 1- and closing and/or
have no errors 2 errors in have 3 or closing are
in capitalization more errors missing.
capitalization and in
and punctuation. capitalization
punctuation. and
Grammar &  Writer makes  Writer makes  Writer makes  Writer makes
spelling no errors in 1-2 errors in 3-4 errors in more than 4
(conventions) grammar or grammar grammar errors in
spelling. and/or and/or grammar
spelling. spelling and/or
Neatness  Letter is  Letter is neatly  Letter is  Letter has
typed, clean, hand-written, typed and is noticeable
not wrinkled, clean, not crumpled or stain or
and is easy to wrinkled, and slightly crumpled. It
read with no is easy to read stained. It may have
distracting with no may have 1-2 several
error distracting distracting distracting
corrections. It error error error
was done with corrections. It corrections. It corrections. It
pride. was done with was done looks like it
care. with some was done in a
care. hurry or
Format  Complies with  Complies with  Complies with  Complies with
all the almost all the several of the less than 75%
requirements requirements requirements of the
for a friendly for a friendly for a friendly requirements
letter. letter. letter. for a friendly
Ideas  Ideas were  Ideas were  Ideas were  The letter
expressed in a expressed in a somewhat seemed to be
clear and clear manner, organized but a collection of
organized but the were not very unrelated
fashion. It organization clear. It took sentences. It
was easy to could have more than was very

11 | P a g e
Pedagogical Innovation:
Project-Based Learning and 21st Century Learning Design
figure out been better. one reading difficult to
what the to figure out figure out
letter was what the what the
about. letter was letter was
about. about.
Length  The letter is  The letter is 8-  The letter is  The letter is
10 or more 9 sentences. 5-7 less than 5
sentences. sentences. sentences.

Rubrics for List of Questions

Criteria Excellent Efficient Improving Novice
25 pts 20 pts 15 pts 10 pts
Relevance  All questions  2 noticeable  3 noticeable  4 or more
are relevant to irrelevant irrelevant irrelevant
the topic. questions questions questions
included included included
Open-Ended  No question  1-2 questions  3-4 questions  5 or more
answerable by answerable by answerable by questions
Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No answerable by
Yes or No
Clear  All questions  1-2 questions  3-4 questions  5 or more
are clear or are Not clear are Not clear questions are
easy to and needs and needs Not clear and
understand rephrasing rephrasing needs
Organized  All related  1-2 unrelated  3-4 unrelated  5 or more
questions are questions in a questions in a unrelated
grouped group group questions in a

Rubrics for Data Gathering/Interview

Criteria Outstanding Very Satisfactory Needs
25 pts Satisfactory 15 pts Improvement
20 pts 10 pts
Timeliness  Interview was  Interview was  Interview was  Interview was
done on delayed 1 day delayed 2 delayed 3 or
specified on specified days on more days on
schedule schedule specified specified
schedule schedule
Completeness  Gathered data  Gathered data  Gathered data  Gathered data
are sufficient insufficient, insufficient, insufficient,
 No need to needs 1 follow- needs 2 needs 3 or
have follow-up up interview follow-up more follow-
interview interviews up interviews
Relevance  Data gathered  1-2 data  3-4 data  5 or more
are relevant to gathered are gathered are data gathered
the topic irrelevant to irrelevant to are irrelevant
the topic the topic to the topic
Use of  Use of  No recording
gadgets recording tools or
tools or gadgets used
gadgets in in conducting
conducting the interview
the interview

12 | P a g e
Pedagogical Innovation:
Project-Based Learning and 21st Century Learning Design
Rubrics for Data Interpretation
Criteria Excellent Efficient Improving Novice
50 pts 40 pts 30 pts 20 pts
Tables,  Was able to  Lacks 1-2  Lacks 3-4  Lacks 5 or
Charts, create tables, tables, charts, tables, charts, more tables,
Diagrams charts, or diagrams or diagrams charts, or
created diagrams from data from data diagrams from
from data collected collected data collected
Relevance  Data  1-2 data  3-4 data  5 or more data
interpreted interpretations interpretations interpretations
are relevant to are irrelevant are irrelevant are irrelevant
the topic to the topic to the topic to the topic

Rubrics for Systems Design

Criteria Professional Expert Developing Beginner
20 pts 15 pts 10 pts 5 pts
Respondent  Design  1-2 designs do  3-4 designs do  5 or more
Specific conforms to not conform to not conform designs do not
respondent’s respondent’s to conform to
specifications specifications respondent’s respondent’s
(color, logo) (color, logo) specifications specifications
(color, logo) (color, logo)
Adaptability  System  1-2 parts are  3-4 parts are  5 or more
design is not adaptable not adaptable parts are not
adaptable to to different to different adaptable to
different type types of users types of users different types
of users (like of users
for different
user age
group - size of
text and
Color  Follows color  1-2 colors do  3-4 colors do  5 or more
Combination contrast in not conform to not conform colors do not
design color contrast to color conform to
in design contrast in color contrast
design in design
User Friendly  Design is easy  1-2 designs  3-4 designs  5 or more
to understand are Not easy to are Not easy designs are
and navigate understand to understand Not easy to
nor navigate nor navigate understand
nor navigate
Completeness  Data and  1-2 data or  3-4 data or  5 or more
parts are parts are parts are data or parts
complete (log- missing (log- missing (log- are missing
in, main in, main page, in, main page, (log-in, main
page, entry entry page, entry page, page, entry
page, data data entries, data entries, page, data
entries, etc.) etc.) etc.) entries, etc.)

13 | P a g e
Pedagogical Innovation:
Project-Based Learning and 21st Century Learning Design
Gabe. 2010. Rubistar. December 4. Accessed August 18, 2022.

Flores, Elvira, and Alfay, Jose Juby. 2021. Entrepreneuship Grade 11

Learning Activity Sheet. Tacloban City.
Paschke-Johannes, Jeff. n.d. "Writing Effective Interview Questions."
Quillbot. https://quillbot.com/courses/english-composition-ii-
Uyvico, Rosario Ali A. 2021. Computer Programming (.Net) Grade 12 Learning
Activity Sheet. Tacloban.

14 | P a g e
Pedagogical Innovation:
Project-Based Learning and 21st Century Learning Design

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