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The Last Judgment

(El auto del juicio final)

Exemplum Entitled The Last Judgment

Attributed to Fray Andrés de Olmos

From the Spanish translation by Fernando Horcasitas

Scene 1

[Sound of flutes. The Heavens will open. Saint Michael will descend to
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Saint Michael
Oh, creatures of God: hear, as you already know, the divine orders of God,
Our Lord, how the world and the things created by God Our Beloved Fa-
ther will end, how they will be lost. They will be lost, all the things that He
made, every kind of bird, every kind of animal, and you as well will perish.
You shall disappear, oh, men of the Earth! In your hearts, you already know
that the dead will rise and the just, who obediently served the true judge,
God, shall be taken there, to his royal house, to enjoy the glory with his
But the wicked, who did not serve God Our Lord in their hearts, will suffer
the torments of Hell. Weep for that! Remember this! Have fear! Be fright-
ened! Because the Day of Judgment—a frightening, dreadful, awful, tremu-
lous day—will come upon you. Live your lives with rectitude, with regard to


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160 · Appendix

the seventh [sacrament],1 because the Day of Judgment is coming. It has ar-
rived! It is here already!

Scene 2

[Sound of flutes; Saint Michael will go upstairs [and exit]. Penitence, Time, the
Holy Church, Confession, and Death will enter.]

Let no one speak anymore about the foolishness of all the inhabitants of the
world, overwhelmed by all sorts of sins. What do they believe in? Why do they
behave so? They do not want to give up their heart’s dreadful transgressions,
the harshness of their blindness. Oh, four-hundred times wretched people!
They will die for their sins. They are deaf: they no longer listen. They are
blind: they no longer see. It would appear that sin has destroyed their eyes. It
has tasted sweet, it has smelled of perfume. They have versed themselves in
sin, as if they were building a house for themselves, as if they were covering
themselves with a cloak. They can no longer have life; they have considered it
as water, food. And they have forgotten Our Lord God, oh, four-hundred
times wretched people! Their life on Earth is coming to an end!

I am Time. Time is always a divine sign that God Our Lord bestowed on me and
of which He put me in charge. Every day, I take care of them, watch over them,
and remind them. I don’t abandon them for a single moment, day or night. I
shout into their ears: remember the Creator, God the Maker, the Sovereign.
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I exhort them to weep, to glorify Him, to serve Him, to fulfill the wishes of
God Our Lord. I implore them to go to His dear house, to serve Him, to beg
him to grant them his beloved grace.
But they fail to benefit from my life, from my work. I tell them: “I want to
save you; I am not to blame.” They will have to defend themselves in the pres-
ence of God, when they are summoned one by one. When they are questioned,
they will know what to answer.
And I am going to report to God the Father, who gave me all the power. And
they will find no excuses. Soon, they shall be summoned!

Holy Church
I am the merciful mother. My beloved young Lord Jesus Christ put me
here on Earth for the men of the world. I cry for them all the time, first and

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The Last Judgment · 161

foremost when one of them dies. I shed tears for them; I pray before my
beloved Holy Mother, a source of bliss, that she may take pity on them, that
she may enlighten her creatures, so they do not spurn the seventh sacra-
ment. I hold [the sacraments] here, for the moment in which they are
needed to sanctify [humanity]. I will feed them. I will give them something
to drink when they are thirsty. And now I wait for them, although I am sad.
Let them go, let them live their lives with rectitude, let them pray. They
will take pity on themselves. And let them weep: let them repent from their
sins and shortcomings!

Oh, Mother of the true faith! Everything you say is true. But they do not bear
that in mind; they do not desire that. They only wish to sin. Am I not doing
things the way I should? I summon them constantly. Every day I ask them to
confess, to examine themselves, to rise at daybreak, to do penance, to [prepare
themselves] for death. That is, to marry by the church, to purify their hearts
and souls, to fast, to refrain from eating. And, if they are not forgiven, they will
not be able to enter the lovely house of God Our Lord, if they do not fast first.
Because I will take them there if they deserve it. They already have a stairway
that reaches Heaven. And that is how they will be able to enter Heaven. One
by one, they will be summoned to the presence of God Our Lord, to give an
account of how they lived on Earth.

I am the commissioner, the chosen one, Heaven’s envoy. All my power ex-
tends over Heaven and here on Earth. It shines brightly everywhere, in
Heaven and the universe. In their hearts, the inhabitants of the world know
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that tomorrow or the day after tomorrow the Beloved Son of God will arrive to
sentence the living and the dead. He will take the just to his majestic house in
Heaven and he will cast the wicked, those who did not serve him on Earth,
into the depths of Hell. Thus, in their hearts, the inhabitants of the world
know that the Day of Judgment will arrive, and it will be a dreadful day when
it falls upon them. Meanwhile, they should live with rectitude, because [the
day] has come. They will now be judged, and they will be asked if they sought
God Our Lord.

Holy Church
What you have explained, what you have stated, is most true, you who served
as workers for my beloved only son, my spiritual husband, Jesus Christ. You
come to summon them, so that you may lead as redeemers of the world. Sinners

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162 · Appendix

continue living in evil; they have debased themselves, they have stained
hearts and souls.
And now we go. Let us summon them so they may put their spiritual af-
fairs in order by lamentations, by tears. And I am the one who takes care
of them so they may purify themselves, so they may take a spiritual bath, so
they may rest unsoiled within the seventh sacrament, marriage, which I have
in store for them.

I will leave now. I’m going to shout and call them. I’m going to marry them. At
all times, I remind them of their obligations to prevent them from going astray,
to prevent them from wasting the period of life that God Our Lord granted me
to care for them.

[Time exits alone.]

Holy Church
I am the only divine ray of faith and that is why I enlighten them. I produce
a spiritual light; that all Christians may come to be purified by me. They are
drunk with so much sin! But if they cry, if they wail, if they ask for forgiveness
from my Beloved Young Lord Jesus Christ, He will give them the celestial

[The Holy Church exits alone.]

Truly, the men of Earth are to be pitied. They are blind; they forget that
Copyright © 2014. University of Arizona Press. All rights reserved.

they will be sentenced. They have sinned, thus staining their souls, by lead-
ing a frivolous life. What I say they understand. The inhabitants of the
world are blind: they no longer see. Sins have blackened their hearts and
souls. They do not repent. Let them purify themselves; let them bathe in
the good divine light!
Perhaps they will remember, perhaps they will cry when the Day of Judg-
ment comes, because truly there will be no more mercy. The Day of Judgment
is tomorrow, oh, four-hundred times wretched men of the world! It is coming,
it is here!

[Sound of trumpets. Death, Penitence, and Confession exit.]

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The Last Judgment · 163

Scene 3

[Lucía appears. She is very distraught.]

Oh My God, My Lord Jesus Christ! It has happened, oh, wretched me! And
what is happening to me now? My soul is distraught, as if it had entered a
cloud. What can I do now? I will confess. Perhaps my soul will then be at rest.
I will seek a confessor because my face and heart are afflicted.

[Lucía will knock on a door. A Priest will appear.]

May God Our Lord be with you, dear father.

[The Priest will enter the stage. He will speak.]

God Our Lord has guided you here, dear daughter! What do you want?

I must tell you, dear father, why have I come, as long as you don’t get angry,
dear father.

What is it that you want, dear daughter? Tell me, because God Our Lord
has told us that we must listen to your confessions, the confessions of the
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inhabitants of the world.

Dear father: I want to confess before God Our Lord and before you, dear

Daughter, that pleases me very much. I will listen to what distresses you,
to what grieves you, your sins. Let us go to church, to the house of God
Our Lord.

[Lucía will then confess and while she is confessing, the terrified Priest will
get up.]

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164 · Appendix

Jesus! Jesus! What do you say, what have you done? Are you not a Christian?
Do you ignore that you have committed a four hundred times deadly sin? But
it has been done, oh, four hundred times wretched woman. Save, purify your
soul! Why have you not accepted the divine things? You have only followed
the devil [who has led you away from] the seventh holy sacrament, mar-
riage. It has happened, four hundred times wretched woman! Now, since
you did not want to marry on Earth, in your heart you know that at the end
of the day you will be married in Hell, because you deserve the torments of
the abyss. How are you going to answer to your God, your Lord? You will
not be able to help yourself because God’s judgment has come. Now you
will be horrified when the Beloved Son of God descends, when he comes to
judge the living and the dead, when everyone must answer before his Cre-
ator, God. And you too will appear before the true judge, the Beloved Son
of God, Jesus Christ.

[The Priest exits. Lucía remains.]

Oh, oh, God! It has happened! Oh, I am a four hundred times wretched
woman on Earth! What have I heard? What dreadful thing has this beloved
son of God said? Perhaps I should have listened; I should have believed in what
my father, my mother, and all my relatives told me. They advised me to change
my life, but I scorned the blessed holy sacrament of marriage. It has happened,
now I’m four hundred times wretched!
Curse my pride, which gave birth to my conceit. Damn be Time and the
World, which is coming to an end, which is passing away. It is done: I feel
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four hundred times wretched, in the most horrible way, because I am a great

Scene 4

[Sound of flutes. The living will appear. They will sit on the floor, along with
The Antichrist will appear. He will wear the cloak of the damned. He will
wear the tunic on the outside. He will lift a finger from his left hand. Gun-
powder will explode. [The Antichrist] will enter.]

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The Last Judgment · 165

Oh, my beloved children! Do you not recognize me? I am the one who suf-
fered for you on Earth, the one who was distraught for you. You can now be
sure in your hearts that I will bring the Earth to an end, that I will destroy it.
You must believe in me, oh, my creatures, because I will forgive your sins,
your shortcomings. Believe in me, look at my blood, my sacred flesh.

First living person

You are not the one we are waiting for because Our God, Our Lord will come.
He suffered and died on the cross for us. There they stretched his arms out for
our four hundred great sins.

Yes, you are certainly the one we have been waiting for, oh God, Our Lord, oh,
Our Lord, who will forgive our sins.

Yes, I am the one who will help you. Do you know not that I possess all the
power of the universe?

Scene 5

[The choir will begin the hymn Christus Factus Est. The Heavens will open.
Jesus Christ will approach. Saint Michael will come in front, bearing the
scales. Jesus Christ will carry the cross and will stop on the bank of the river.
The Antichrist will flee. Gunpowder will explode.]
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Christus factus est pro nobis
obediens usque ad mortem
mortem autem crucis.
Propter quod et Deus
exaltavit illum
et dedit illi nomen
quod est super onme nomen.

[For us, Christ went

Obediently to his death,

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166 · Appendix

To his death on the cross.

And therefore God
Exalted him and gave him
A name that exceeds
All names.]

Jesus Christ
Come, my war chief, come to Heaven. I am now going to end, to destroy time.
It’s called the Last Judgment, the Day of Judgment, as I established in my di-
vine orders. I’m going to sweep, to clean Heaven and Earth, which the inhabit-
ants of the world, both living and dead, have stained with their bad conduct.
Awake, oh living and dead, good and evil! To the righteous ones I shall
give a splendid share in Paradise, full of flowers, the celestial jade, and the
heavenly palm tree of the river. And the wicked ones shall receive the house
of death and the afflictions of Hell because they have not followed my divine

[Jesus Christ will descend. Saint Michael will be seated.]

Jesus Christ
I have already told you what you must do, oh, my war chief.

Saint Michael
I agree, dear master, that the dead shall live again, that the living shall awake,
that the bones shall be assembled and that clay, mud, shall take their place,
so you can breathe life into spirit and soul, so they may answer, so they may
declare what they did right and what they did wrong.
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Jesus Christ
My power will resurrect them, they will move because I will resurrect them, as
I rose on the third day. Amen. Let my creatures rise.

Scene 6

[Sound of flutes. Jesus Christ will exit through another door. He will not rise to
Heaven again. Subsequently, Saint Michael will sound the trumpet.]

First Angel
Resurrect, oh, the living, because God orders you to! Become flesh!

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The Last Judgment · 167

[Saint Michael will sound the trumpet again, calling the dead.]

Second Angel
Surgite mortui et venite ad iudicio! [Rise, oh, you the dead, and come to be
judged.] Resurrect, oh, you the dead, and come out of the ground. Become
flesh. God Our Lord has ordered it so.

[The dead (having recovered their flesh) will appear. Saint Michael will sound
the trumpet again.]

Saint Michael
You have been resurrected. Come together because you will now answer
to  the true judge. Do not be anxious; consider that He is your God, your

[Sound of flutes. Saint Michael will exit.]

Scene 7

[The Antichrist will appear. He comes to deceive the living and the dead. Christ
will appear much later.]

I have come to have my sacred orders fulfilled.

[The choir sings the Te Deum.]

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Te Deum laudamus, te Dominum confitemur.
Tu aeternum Patrem omnis terra veneratur.
Tibi omnes Angeli; tibi Coeli, et universae potestates.
Tibi Cherubim et Seraphim incessabili voce proclamant:
Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus, Dominus Deus Sabaoth.
Pleni sunt coeli et terra maiestatis gloriae tuae.
Te gloriosus apostolorum chorus.
Te prophetarum laudabilis numerus.
Te martyrum candidatus laudat exercitus.
Te per orbem terrarium sancta confitetur ecclesia,

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168 · Appendix

Patrem immensae maiestatis,

Venerandum tuum verum et unicum Filium.
Sanctum quoque Paraclitum Spiritum.
Tu rex gloriae, Christi.
Tu Patris sempiternus es filius.
Tu ad liberandum suscepturus hominem,
non horruisti virginis uterum.
Tu, devicto mortis aculeo aperuisti credentibus
regna coelorum.
Tu ad dexteram sedes in gloria Patris.
Iudex crederis esse venturus.
Te ergo, quaesumus, famulis tuis subveni,
quos pretioso sanguine redimisti.
Aeterna fac curn sanctis tuis in gloria numerari.
Salvum fac populum tuum, Domine, et benedic
haereditati tuae.
Et rege eos, et extolle illos usque in aeternum.
Per singulos dies benedicimus te.
Et laudamus nomen tuum in saeculum, et
in saeculum saeculi.
Dignare, Domine, die isto sine peccato
nos custodire.
Miserere nostri Domine, Miserere nostri.
Fiat misericordia tua, Domine, super nos,
quemadmodum speramus in te
In te, Domine, speravi: non confundar in aeternum.
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[We praise you, oh, Lord, we recognize you.

All the Earth praises you, Eternal Father.
And the angels, the heavens, and all the authorities do the same.
Cherubs and seraphim sing incessantly:
Holy, holy, holy, you are,
Lord and God of the Armies!
The Heavens and Earth overflow with the greatness
Of your glory.
The blessed ensemble of the apostles
And the crowd of the prophets praises you.
The immaculate army of the martyrs praises you.
And the Holy Church intones a hymn of praise.

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The Last Judgment · 169

A hymn to you, father of immense majesty,

To your worshipped, true, and only son,
And also to the Holy Spirit, the Redeemer.
You are, oh Christ, the king of glory, son of the eternal father.
To save mankind, you did not hesitate to become incarnate
In the womb of the Virgin.
And having destroyed the fear of death,
You opened the kingdom of Heaven to those who believed in you.
You sit to the right of the Father in his same glory.
We believe that you are the judge who will come
At the end of time.
Therefore, we beg you to remember your servants,
Because you redeemed them with your precious blood.
Take us among your saints in eternal glory.
Save your people, Lord, and save us, your inheritance.
Rule over us and honor us with you in eternity.
We praise you every day and we praise your holy
Name forever and ever.
Please, Lord, save us from sin today.
Take pity on us, Lord, take pity on us.
Pour your mercy on us, Lord,
As we have been waiting for.
Because I have trusted in you, oh Lord.
I hope I will not be disenchanted forever.
Copyright © 2014. University of Arizona Press. All rights reserved.

Scene 8

[The Antichrist will disappear. Gunpowder will explode. Afterward, Christ

will appear. The First and Second Angels will come, guided by Saint

Jesus Christ
Come here, oh celestial pearl, oh Saint Michael, the Archangel. Summon
the living and the dead to gather in my presence. I will ask for their account
of how they lived on Earth.

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170 · Appendix

Saint Michael
It shall be done, dear master. I will summon them.

[Saint Michael will sound the trumpet. One by one, [the living and the dead]
will be seated before Christ. An angel will weigh [their good and bad deeds].
The First Dead Person will kneel.]

Jesus Christ
Come here. Did you fulfill my commandments while you lived on Earth? . . .
Speak. Answer as you used to speak on the Earth. Speak thus now.

First Dead person

Oh, My God, My Lord: I abided and I kept your blessed commandments. I
obeyed your orders. Question my [guardian] angel, dear master.

Jesus Christ
You served me well. You shall revel and be joyful in Heaven. Your happiness
shall never end, it shall never cease.

[Jesus Christ will bless him. Saint Michael will put him on the right side of

Jesus Christ
Come, oh, living. Who did you honor on Earth, whom did you love?

First Living person

You, My God, My Lord.
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Jesus Christ
If I am indeed your God, your Lord, did you keep my divine commandments?
Did you fulfill them?

First Living person

That I did not do, divine Father. But forgive me because I am a sinner.

Jesus Christ
Forgiveness no longer exists. Go.

[Saint Michael will shove him away. Then, the Second Dead Person will
kneel before God.]

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The Last Judgment · 171

Jesus Christ
Come, you who used to be dead. What did you do when you lived on Earth?
Did you work for me? Did you serve me on Earth? Answer me.

Second Dead person

On no account. But forgive me Lord, Master, God.

Jesus Christ
No more. There is no forgiveness in judgment. Go.

[Saint Michael will shove the Second Dead Person away and the demons will
take him, throwing him to the ground. The Second Living, Lucía, will kneel.]

Jesus Christ
Come, you living. Have you fulfilled my ten divine commandments? Did you
love your fellow man and your father and your mother?

Surely. I loved you above all My God, My Lord, and then my father and my

Jesus Christ
If I am indeed your God and you loved me above all and then your father and
your mother, did you keep my commandment and the commandment of my
beloved and glorious mother regarding the seventh sacred sacrament, that of
holy matrimony? Did you live a chaste life on Earth? Did you embody it?
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No, I have not served you, nor did I recognize your beloved mother. But for-
give me My God, My Lord.

Jesus Christ
While you were on Earth, your heart never looked to us. You merely spent
your time playing. Go. Let it be done. Perhaps you will remember your life of
sin, and you will suffer toils. Therefore, your heart should expect nothing else
from Heaven. You are wretched because you never wanted to marry on Earth.
You have earned the house in Hell that will be your torment. Go and see
those you served, because I do not know you.

[The demons will shove her away.]

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172 · Appendix

Jesus Christ
Come here, you who lived on Earth. What moved your heart? My divine
words? Did you invoke me when you slept and when you were awake?

Third Dead person

I never forgot you, neither when I ate nor when I drank, neither when I was
awake nor when I was sleeping, beloved master.

Jesus Christ
You served me well, my creature. And likewise I always remembered you.
Therefore I kept your flowery necklace.

[Saint Michael will [place him] among the just.]

Jesus Christ
Come, oh, inhabitants of Avernus! Take these slaves of yours to the depths of
Hell. And this unfortunate woman, throw her into a fire temazcal, and tor-
ment her there.

Second Demon
Lord, you have done us a favor. In our hearts, we waited for you. . . . We have
been worthy, we have been favored by your beloved heart. We have managed
to retain your creatures.

[This demon now addresses another.]

Second Demon
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Bring the blazing metal rope and the burning metal staff so we can flog them.
And tell our lord Lucifer that we are bringing his slaves to him, so he can imme-
diately send the burning metal thorns to the place where we are taking his slaves.

[Satan goes to bring the burning metal thorns.]

Here I bring everything we [need] to bind them, lest they escape from our
hands. We will now eat our food in the depths of Hell. We have done every-
thing in our power to make them fall into our hands.

All the Damned

Help us!

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The Last Judgment · 173

Jesus Christ
You shall no longer expect anything. In our hearts you may be sure that you
will remain in Hell’s abyss.

[They all speak again.]

Oh, Lord Our God, release us sinners!

[They will then be expelled. Gunpowder will explode. They will scream. The
just will be given flowery palm crowns. Christ will ascend to Heaven. He will
speak to them, from the middle of the stairs.]

Jesus Christ
Ascend to me, my servants. Receive what I have in store for you: the everlasting,
eternal bliss.

Scene 9

[Flutes will sound. The angels, Jesus Christ, and the just will rise. Lucía will
then be taken out this way. She will wear fire butterflies for earrings and a
serpent for a necklace. She will be tied by the waist. She will come screaming
and the demons will respond to her.]

First Demon
Move, you cursed woman. Don’t you remember what you did on Earth? You
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will now pay there, in the abyss of Hell.

It has happened to me, oh four hundred times wretched woman! I am a sinner
who deserves the infernal abode!

So now you shriek, wretched woman? We shall now make you take pleasure
in the depths of Avernus. There, in our stately house, we will marry you, since
you never wanted to get married on Earth. Go on! Move, Our Lord Lucifer is
waiting for you.

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174 · Appendix

Ay, ay, it has happened! Oh wretched me, oh sinner! My virtues have become
infernal tortures. I wish I had not been born on Earth. Oh, oh, curse the time
and the place where I was born! Curse the mother that gave birth to me! Oh,
curse the breasts that fed me! Curse everything that I ate and drank on Earth!
Oh, curse the soil that I walked on and the clothes that I wore!
Everything has turned to fire. Oh, it burns me whole! Fire butterflies sur-
round my ears and they represent the things with which I used to adorn my-
self, my jewels. And here around my neck I have a fire serpent that reminds
me of the necklace I used to wear. A horrible fire serpent, the heart of Mict-
lán, the infernal abode, clings to me! It reminds me of my worldly pleasures.
Oh, why didn’t I marry? Oh wretched me, it has happened!

First Demon
Now you will be imprisoned, now you will pay. That which your family warned
you about on Earth has befallen you.

[The demons flog Lucía.]

Go, wretched woman! So now you remember that you should have married?
Why did you not remember that when you lived on Earth? Now you will pay
for your wickedness. Go on, move!

[The demons will flog Lucía. They will take her away. Gunpowder will
explode. The demons will sound their trumpets.
It is understood that the Heavens, Earth, and Hell will shut. Neither
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Lucía’s screams or the demons’ voices will be heard any longer.]

Scene 10

[A priest will appear (before the audience).]

Oh, my dear children, oh Christians, oh creatures of God! You have seen
this terrible, frightening thing. And everything is true, because it’s written
in the sacred books. Be aware, be alert, and look into your own mirror if you
don’t want these events to happen to you. God gives us this lesson, this

Schuessler, Michael K.. Foundational Arts : Mural Painting and Missionary Theater in New Spain, University of Arizona Press,
2014. ProQuest Ebook Central,
Created from nyulibrary-ebooks on 2023-02-14 12:49:29.
The Last Judgment · 175

The Day of Judgment will come tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Pray
to Our Lord Jesus Christ and to the Holy Virgin Mary that she may ask her
beloved son Jesus Christ that after [the judgment] you may deserve, you may
receive the bliss and the glory of Heaven. Amen!

Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum, benedicta tu in mulieribus. Et bene-
dictus fructus ventris tui Iesus. Sancta Maria, mater Dei, ora pro nobis. Amen.

[God bless you, Blessed Mary, you are full of grace, and the Lord is with you.
You are blessed among all and above all women, and most blessed as well is
the fruit of your womb, Jesus Christ. Oh, Blessed Mary! Pray for us. Amen.]
Copyright © 2014. University of Arizona Press. All rights reserved.

Schuessler, Michael K.. Foundational Arts : Mural Painting and Missionary Theater in New Spain, University of Arizona Press,
2014. ProQuest Ebook Central,
Created from nyulibrary-ebooks on 2023-02-14 12:49:29.
Copyright © 2014. University of Arizona Press. All rights reserved.

Schuessler, Michael K.. Foundational Arts : Mural Painting and Missionary Theater in New Spain, University of Arizona Press,
2014. ProQuest Ebook Central,
Created from nyulibrary-ebooks on 2023-02-14 12:49:29.

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