Fesa 2021 AHP

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Health, Safety and Environment

Plan (AHP) 2021
For Fesa Marine Sdn. Bhd.
1.0 Preface ....................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Scope and Objectives .................................................................................................................... 4
3.0 Key Risk Areas ............................................................................................................................ 5
4.0 Must-Win HSE Activity / Compliance ........................................................................................ 6
5. Additional Action Plans for Key Risk Areas and Must-Win HSE Activities ................................... 7
6. HSEMS / SMS Strategy and Detailed Activity Plan ....................................................................... 8
6.1 Leadership and Commitment .................................................................................................... 9
6.2 Policy and Strategic Objectives ............................................................................................... 10
6.3 Organization, Responsibility, Resources, Standard and Document ....................................... 12
6.4 Hazard and Effect Management Process (HEMP) ................................................................... 13
6.5 Planning and Procedure .......................................................................................................... 15
6.6 Implementation and Monitoring ............................................................................................ 17
6.7 Audit ......................................................................................................................................... 18
6.8 Management Review ............................................................................................................... 20
7.0 Performance Indicators and Targets ....................................................................................... 22
8. Appendix ...................................................................................................................................... 14
Appendix A ...................................................................................................................................... 14
Appendix B ....................................................................................................................................... 19

1.0 Preface

Congratulations on the publication of Fesa Marine's first annual health, safety, and environmental
management plan. Incorporated in 2021 with the objective of providing the greatest level of safety,
this is the first issue of Fesa Marine's Annual HSE Planning for August-December 2021. The second
issuance will be in January 2022, with the 2021 HSE Report and Progress attached.
We are now focused on the 2021 AHP to ensure consistency of HSE performance across all vessel
activities, enabling us to achieve optimal operations while maintaining and improving our HSE record.
With continued collaboration, we will be able to advance in terms of safety in 2021 and go a step
closer to obtaining a greater level of safety knowledge and practices.


Yours sincerely,


Managing Director

Revision 00 Aug 2021 First draft issued to Managing Director, Operational Department, DPA for comments
and review
Revision 01 Oct 2021 Issued for approval

2. Scope and Objectives

2021 AHP covers all general provisions for HSE aspects to Fesa Marine’s clients and its contractors.

The HSE plan's purpose is to enhance internal good practises in ship management and operation, to
promote life safety, and to preserve the environment to achieve "ZERO" incidents. To accomplish this
goal, we build and protect a safe working environment onboard ship by identifying and mitigating any
recognised risks. (As an illustration, consider collisions, fires, groundings, personal harm, and
pollution.) Additionally, Fesa Marine promotes a safety-conscious culture among all personnel and is
constantly strengthening their safety management abilities through training, meetings, forums, and
discussion sessions, as well as casual personal interaction.

The 2021 AHP is valid from 3 August to 31 December 2021 and will be evaluated quarterly by all
committee members to assess progress and identify any deviations from the objectives.

3.0 Key Risk Areas

Key risk areas are identified based on Fesa Marine incident / accident records since operation
commenced in 2021. These key risk areas are also acknowledged as the most common activities run
where incident / accidents occurred and need to be managed to ALARP (refer SMS Section 7)

All additional action plans in Section 5.1 below are drawn to ensure associated risks are controlled in
line with clients’ requirements. These action plans are reflected in 2021 HSE Event Calendar (Appendix
I). Line of Fire, Pro-active Intervention Culture, Hearts and Minds are few of the steps taken to upgrade
the crews and shores personnel on the importance of each action to all.

In addition, specific attention will be given to all House Rules specified by charterers, with related to
activities recognized to be main contributors to fatalities / incidents in operation worldwide.

Continual improvement through positive intervention and compliance will be maintained and
reaffirmed through series of vessel visits (MIV/SIV) and engagement with all workforces. Intervention
culture and stop work given priority with safety in mind.

• Personnel transfer (vessel-vessel / vessel-platform)

• Cargo operations
• Bunker operations
• Vessel-vessel and/or vessel-platform approach/alongside

4.0 Must-Win HSE Activity / Compliance

Fesa Marine will continue to focus on the ongoing implementation and enforcement of the must-win
activities in line with the client effort to ensure these areas are executed safely. The ‘Hearts and Mind’
and ‘Golden Rules’ approach will still be used as a basis to enhance awareness and ownership for all
workforces’ own and others’ safety. Interventions is encouraged when conditions are deemed unsafe
to carried out the activities. Master overriding authority is given to master to exercise when master
to use it when the conditions and situations are unsafe.

In ensuring Fesa Marine target to ‘win’ these key activities, topics on these activities are fixed in all in-
house and vessel briefings to crew especially the vessel senior officers (Master, Chief Officers, Chief
For continuous monitoring, monthly meeting, vessel visit (SIV), Management Team visit (MIV), toolbox
talks will be conducted regularly.

• Full year Goal ZERO Days in 2022 (03 August 2022 -1 Year)
• Complying with all requirements.

5. Additional Action Plans for Key Risk Areas and Must-Win HSE Activities

The focus of Fesa Marine Management is on:

Key Risk Activities Must-Win HSE Activity / Compliance

√ √ √ PCSB Manual of Permitted Operations (MOPO)

PCSB chartered vessels:

√ √ √ PCSB ZeTo Rules No. 8, Do not position yourself under

suspended load
PCSB Safety Stand Down: Do not post any PCSB
installation and platform, confidential operation on
social media.
Personnel transfer (vessel- √ √ √ √ √
vessel / vessel-platform)

Cargo operations √ √ √ √ √

Bunker operations √ √ √ √ √

Vessel-vessel and/or vessel- √ √ √ √ √


6. HSEMS / SMS Strategy and Detailed Activity Plan

Leadership and
Policy and Management
Strategic Review

Org, Resp, Rec,

Std, Doc HSEMS Audit

HEMP Implementatio
n and
Planning and

Figure 1

The company HSEMS / SMS is developed to ensure the company operation is carried out safely in line
with the industry best practices. For 2021 Fesa Marine will focus on the ongoing implementation from
2021 and enforcement of the ‘activity plan’ under the HSEMS elements break down as below.

Detailed activity plan can be found in 2021 HSE Event Calendar in Section 8, Appendix A

6.1 Leadership and Commitment

Leadership and commitment form the fundamental and the backbone of Fesa Marine HSEMS /SMS
elements. It is driven by the top management of Fesa Marine organization; Managing Director to
ensure the effectiveness of the implementation. This element demonstrates a strong and visible
commitment of HSE management leadership towards achieving continuous HSE improvement to meet
the company HSE performance targets. Thus, the followings KPIs are sets for 2021 AHP;

ü Chair Fesa Marine Quarterly Management HSE Meeting

ü Participate in client’s HSE meeting / workshop / forum / contract meeting
ü Management Inspection Visits (MIV)
ü Sponsor and allocate resources for HSE implementation (reward scheme, etc.)

6.2 Policy and Strategic Objectives

The commitment from senior management plays significant role in implementing HSE programs a
whole. Fesa Marine developed its Policies on Health, Safety & Environment, and its supporting policies
such as Alcohol & Drug Policy, Waste Management Policy, and Stop Work Policy and No Oil Spill Policy.
These policies are available in Fesa Marine SMS manual section 2, and they are reviewed annually as
part of the management review should there are any changes in the operational or local legal

Cascading of these policies objectives is essential to all employees to ensure the understanding of
everyone who plays important role and contribution towards heading to the same direction in
achieving organization’s goal. Fesa Marine Health Safety Environment, Stop Work, Drug and Alcohol
and Waste Management are posted at all vessels, and displayed in the offices. A copy of Personal
Safety Handbook which contains all the above policies is given to all employees. Briefing on company
policies are carried out though pre-joining or recruitment, in-house briefing prior sign on to vessel.
Specific description on this spell out in SMS section 6. Apart from that, management involvement
during MIV and SIV is one approach that we believe the effective way in delivering the importance of
such policies. During such visits the managements and teams involved shall be responsible to updated
and attend to matters raised by crews.

In implementing the company HSE policy, Annual HSE Plan 2021 will cover, but not limited to the
following aspects:
• Creating safe working environment for all employees, contractors or third parties
• Providing protection against identified risk
• Provide relevant awareness or skills training for each team member to enhance their
competence in managing the Health Safety and Environment and expected response to any
emergencies to their work operations
• Crews and shore personnel will be more informed on safety issues raised by clients

Areas to be covered under this section includes but not limited to the following.

ü In-house company policies refresher training to all personnel including client’s house rules and
its consequence management
ü Participation in the safety training as per training requirement
ü Involvement of everyone with HSE activity and KPI

6.3 Organization, Responsibility, Resources, Standard and Document

The maintenance and promotion of HSE activities is a line of responsibility that requires active
participation from every level of employees in the organization. Specific HSE tasks and targets for
individual staff, are clearly defined, documented, and communicated to the individual in the company
HSEMS / SMS. Supervisors are to ensure that employees are informed of the company HSE
organization and its functions.

The specific roles and responsibilities of everyone is spelled out in company Safety Management
System (SMS) manual in Section 3 where each key personnel that directly involve in managing and
implementing health, safety and environment are identified as follows.

The key personnel in shore based in Fesa Marine management system consist of Managing Director,
Operations Managers, Operations Superintendent, Designated Person Ashore (DPA), Health safety
and Environment Executive, and Technical Superintendent. In ensuring the effectiveness of
implementation of HSE overall, the company also has safety committee which comprise of the key
personnel as described. Further and specific job description can be found in Section 3.1 to 3.1.6 in the
SMS manual.

The ship based of floating key personnel in running the health, safety and environment program
onboard consists of Master, Chief Officer, Chief Engineer and Second Engineer. These are the key
personnel that described as critical positions onboard. Specific job description can be found in Section
3.2 to 3.2.8 in the SMS manual.
Program plan to cover this section includes.

ü Refresher on roles and responsibilities of vessel HSE/ISM critical positions

ü Refresher on responsibilities and duties of specific vessels onboard the vessel (SBV, LCT, FCB)
ü Review and cascade of HSE/ISM standard, manual, procedures

6.4 Hazard and Effect Management Process (HEMP)

Hazard and Effect Management process is an essential process in managing and implementing HSE in
general. All specific HSE risk must be identified and managed to ALARP level. The process of managing
HSE as specified in HEMP are Identifying the Hazards, Asses the level of risk, provide Control measures
for identified hazard and risk and provide Recovery measure for mitigating each control measure
should it fail to contain the hazards from release.

The availability of company procedures covering operations is one the administrative control in place
which can be found in Section 7 of the SMS manual. It consists of each activity or task in shipboard
operation such as general fleet practices, bridge procedure guide, engine room procedure guide, fleet
working instructions and procedure for specific ship operation.

Training plays important parts to ensure the awareness; knowledge and competency of key personnel
are maintained and up to date. Various HSE training and awareness are provided to all employees and
training requirement are specified. Safety awareness training (SAT) in Section 6.3 in the company SMS
manual describes the company system to control of safety training to all employees where it can be
divided to three categories SAT A, SAT B and SAT C. Each categories covered different areas and nature
of training and how they are conducted.

Availability of HSE tools in the system are such as Permit To Work system, Job Hazard Analysis, Risk
Assessment, Accident Control technique, Toolbox meeting can be referred in SMS Manual Section 7.

General SMS training is basically the requirement for the company to identify changes in training
needs of its employees for relevant reasons in supporting the implementation of company health,
safety, and environment programs. Further information can be referred to Section 6 in the company
SMS manual.

One of the key elements in HSE management is the identification and management of hazards. The
strategy is to have all staff in particularly those at the front line, to have a sound understanding of the
HEMP (Bowtie) concept and to be able to apply control and recovery measures effectively at their

ü ACT reporting for shore based and offshore personnel

ü ACT analysis and General Failure Type mitigation

ü In-house training.
• JHA and PTW training
• Journey Management Planning training
ü Safety campaigns
ü Shore based hazard hunts
ü Cascading of Safety Alerts / clients memo

6.5 Planning and Procedure

6.5.1 Contract HSE Plan 2021

Fesa Marine Contract HSE Plan is developed annually to suit the current operation of the company
vessel with charterer’s requirements. The Company Managing Director has the full responsibility
driving the company HSE plan and assist by all key personnel from respective department, Operations,
HSE & ISM and Technical.
Company HSE plan is under the custodian by Company Health, Safety and Environment Department
and monitored monthly.
To ensure the effective implementation of this plan, the committee members are reviewing the plan
quarterly specially to monitor the progress and identify any required changes to suits the current
The changes are influences by changes to regulations, clients’ requirement, changes in current
operations and other relevant reasons that may affect the changes to the plan.
The development of subsequent year plan is scheduled in quarter 4 of the year.

6.5.2 Emergency Response Exercises and Drills
In dealing with any emergency situations that has the potential to threat people’s life and
environment, the company has prepared specific contingency plan to deal with potential shipboard
emergencies. The plan is developed to cover both ships and shore based to response to any incident
to ensure that the company responds to an emergency in a co-coordinated, prompt, and effective
manner. This procedure can be found in Section 8 of the SMS manual.

Shore based emergency respond exercise are planned annually where Emergency Respond Team
Member will exercise respective duty when the ERT are activated by Company DPA. Specific Shipboard
emergency preparedness where drills and exercise are planned at appropriate interval can be found
in the Program for Drills and Exercises 2021 at Section 8.5.

ü Contract HSE Plan 2021 development and review with charterer’s representatives
ü Formulation of Annual HSE Plan 2021
ü Emergency Response Team Drill (Deputies named and added to Response Teams)
ü Shore based fire drill (once a year)

6.6 Implementation and Monitoring

The company HSE performance targets are set to ensure progression towards the policy of no harm
to people and protection of the environment, thus contributing to sustainable development for the
company. The setting, implementation, monitoring and measurement of this performance prove our
commitment towards achieving continuous improvement.

Performance indicators are established, monitored and results reported monthly and discussed in the
HSE meetings within the company organization.

ü Training / competency matrix monitoring for offshore personnel

ü Conduct incident investigation (Notification, investigation, final report, safety alert for sharing
and learning purposes)
ü HSE performance monitoring
• Contract HSE Plan 2021
• Annual HSE Plan 2021
ü Site inspection visit (SIV)
ü Close out of 2021 HSEMS findings / gaps
ü Waste disposal monitoring
ü Fitness to Work monitoring (FTW) including Health Declaration
ü Vessel inspection (6-monthly / self-inspection / OVID / OVMSA)

6.7 Audit

Audits are performed to provide independent periodic assessment and assurance on the maintenance
and improvement of the system performance, effectiveness, and inherent suitability of the HSE
process. The company Designated Person Ashore (DPA) is leading most of the planned audit program
and audit close-out verifications. Employees are to ensure that there are supporting documentary
evidence to provide an audit trail for verification. An integrated HSE audit plan provides a full coverage
of all facility on a fixed schedule, appropriate to the facility / activity and the criticality of the operation.

There are several types of audits requirement in maintaining compliance and of course with the
objective of reviewing the systems for continuous improvement. Office of shore-based audit comprise
of internal office audit that planned annually which then followed by external annual verification by
Marine Department of Malaysia.

ISM Audit
An Internal ISM audit is planned annually for all vessels, and this is conducted by company internal
auditor. Master SMS review is planned annually as minimum as spelled in the company SMS manual.
Specific audit procedures are available in company SMS manual Section 12.0 to 12.1.

For 2022, company internal HSEMS audit will be carried out in quarter 1 of the year prior client initial
HSEMS assessment. Both are planned annually.

Operation Audit
Operation audit shall be carried out onboard at least once per each type of vessel per year.

ü ISM Audit
• Office audit
• Vessel internal audit to all ISM certified vessels
ü HSEMS Audit
• HSEMS self-assessment audit
• HSEMS audit by charterer
ü Operation Audit
• Operation audit onboard each type of vessel at least once per year

6.8 Management Review

In the absent of the Managing Director, the Operation Director will be appointed to chair the quarterly
management meeting and reviews the company’s HSE performance to ensure its continuous
improvement and effectiveness. Any deviations are promptly addressed to prevent it from becoming
HSE quarterly meeting allows any significant HSE matters to be presented, discussed, and any
problems resolved.
This review shall include, but not be limited to HSE plan, HSEMS / SMS, remedial work plan, incident /
accident investigations, audit recommendations and Accident Control Technique findings. Some of the
HSE issues reviewed were:
• The possible needs for changes of the objectives
• Resources allocation
• Situations which may expose the company and its employees to increased risk
• Remedial measures where required
• The need to document Closed issues.

SMS review
Safety Management System review by management is scheduled yearly. In this review the Managing
Director will chair the meeting or in his absent will be done by his appointee. Further descriptions and
procedure for management review can be found in Section 12.2 of the company SMS manual.

Master SMS review

The master is required to review the suitability and effectiveness of the safety management system
with his committee onboard. The committee for Master SMS review are the Master, Chief Officer,
Chief Engineer and with the presence of rating for both deck and engine department. Master SMS
review procedure can be found in company SMS manual Section 5.15

ü Review of company ISM-SMS / HSEMS implementation and effectiveness

ü Review on follow up actions on incident investigation recommendation / non-conformity /
ü Master SMS review
ü Business Performance Review

7.0 Performance Indicators and Targets

Fesa Marine HSE related Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for the year 2021 is;

Category KPI What to measure? 2021 Target


2021 1 Quarterly Management HSE Meeting 1
2 Management Inspection Visit (MIV) 1 per vessel
3 Site Inspection Visit (SIV) 1 per vessel
4 ACT report raised (3 ACT/Crew)
5 OVMSA Score (Level 1)
6 Near Miss 0
7 Property Damage 0
8 First Aid Case (FAC) 0
9 Medical Treatment Case (MTC) 0
10 Restricted Work Case (RWC) 0
11 Fatality (FAT) 0
Lagging KPI
1 Goal Zero Days
2 No. of High Potential Incidents (RAM 3 / 4 / 5)
3 Man-hours Accumulation with Free LTI

8. Appendix
Appendix A
2021 HSE Event Calendar
1.0 Leadership and Commitment
No. Activities Frequency Action Owner Remarks

1 Chair Fesa Marine Quarterly HSE Meeting Quarterly MD / GM / OD

2 Participate in client’s monthly HSE Meeting / Workshops / Forum / Quarterly MD / GM / OD
Quarter Review / Business Performance Review
3 Management Inspection Visit (MIV) Quarterly MD / GM / OD
4 Participate in incident investigation As and when required MD / GM / OD

5 Sponsor and allocate resources for HSE implementation (reward As and when required MD / GM / OD
scheme, etc.)
2.0 Policy and Strategic Objectives
No. Activities Frequency Action Owner Remarks

1 In-house company policies refresher training to all personnel As and when required HSE Minimum cascading / refresher to be
conducted during crew pre-mob
2 Drug and alcohol to both shore based and offshore personnel Random HSE

3 To roll out Health Risk Assessment As and when required HSE With guidance from client
4 Yearly policy review Yearly MD / GM / OD / DPA / Yearly SMS Management Meeting

3.0 Organization, Responsibility, Resources, Standard and Documents
No. Activities Frequency Action Owner Remarks

1 Refresher on roles and responsibilities of vessel HSE/ISM critical Quarterly HSE


2 All crew to have valid medical checkup and have attended mandatory On-going Crewing/ Operation /
relevant training (Crew training matrix) HSE
3 Notify, disseminate new / revised HSSE Plan, Standard, Manual, etc. As and when HSE
4.0 Hazard and Effect Management Process (HEMP)
No. Activities Frequency Action Owner Remarks

1 ACT reporting for shore based and offshore personnel Monthly HSE

2 ACT analysis and General Failure Type (GFT) mitigation Quarterly HSE
3 In-house training; As and when HSE
• HEMP required
• Journey Management Plan Training

4 Safety campaigns Quarterly HSE

• In-line with charterer’s guideline on CHP 2021
5 Shore based hazard hunts Quarterly HSE

5.0 Planning and Procedure
No. Activities Frequency Action Owner Remarks

1 CHP development and review with client’s representatives Quarterly HSE / OPR / Tech

2 Formulation of AHP 2022 Yearly HSE / MD / GM / OD

3 Emergency Response Drill Refer remark HSE / Vessel Yearly for office
As per Drill Matrix for vessel

6.0 Implementation and Monitoring
No. Activities Frequency Action Owner Remarks

1 Training / competency matrix monitoring for vessel crew As and when Crewing / HSE
2 Investigate all incidents without delay As and when HSE
3 HSE Performance monitoring (AHP and CHP) Quarterly MD / GM / OD / HSE
4 FTW monitoring including Health Declaration As and when Crewing / HSE
5 Follow up findings of MIV, SIV, inspections, HSEMS gaps, Quarter As and when HSE / OPR / TECH
Review, BPR, etc. required
6 Monitoring of waste disposal As and when HSE Domestic and scheduled waste
7.0 Audit
No. Activities Frequency Action Owner Remarks

1 ISM Audit As audit schedule DPA

• Office audit
• Vessel internal audit to all ISM certified vessels
2 HSEMS Audit Q1 and Q3 DPA / HSE
• HSEMS self-assessment audit
• HSEMS audit by charterer
3 Operation Audit Yearly OM / OE

8.0 Management Review
No. Activities Frequency Action Owner Remarks

1 Review of company ISM-SMS / HSEMS implementation Monthly HSE / OPR / TECH

2 Review on follow up actions on incident investigation recommendation As and when MD / GM / OD / DPA
/ non-conformity / etc. required / HSE
3 Master SMS review Yearly Vessel Master
4 Business Performance Review Yearly Charterer / MD / GM

Appendix B
Program for Drills and Exercises 2021
Type of Drill Jan Feb Mac April May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Frequency
Fire Monthly
Abandon Ship Monthly
Man Overboard Monthly
Personal Monthly
Steering Gear Failure 3 Monthly
Oil Pollution (SOPEP) 6 Monthly
IMDG 6 Monthly
Main Engine Failure 6 Monthly
Power Failure 6 Monthly
Collisions/Flooding Annually
Grounding Annually
Piracy Annually
Tabletop Annually

1. Every command Master is responsible to implement and update record on this table, accordingly.
2. If the above drill is not held as per scheduled, Master in command should log a state of reasons in Official Logbook.
3. To refer guidelines in Section 8 of SMS Manual.


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