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Electricity - Having access to electrical power will make it easier for us to do our work and take
care of various essential tasks. It can also be used in many different ways like lighting in our
store, heating the food product, cooling, and refrigerating the raw materials to preserve its worth
which makes it convenient for us who are working throughout the store.

Water - Water is at the center of economic and social development; it is vital to maintain health,
grow food, manage the environment, to ensure to the people that our store is harmless on our
health or virus free.

Propane gas – It is a basic needs in a restaurant because gas is an essential in order to make
a food.

Internet - The ability to access information anytime and from anywhere is a great benefit for our
business. Having a good Internet connection allows us to connect to our corporate network from
anywhere and instantly send the necessary information. This improves our company's
performance and speeds up the business processes.

Telephone - Telephones allowed people to talk business and negotiate contracts more quickly
and efficiently. Phones made it possible to conduct business without being in the same room,
which reduced both travel time and costs. It also allowed businesses to expand beyond their
local area by attracting customers from anywhere.

Waste Management System - Waste management involves the regular collection,

transportation as well as processing and disposal or recycling and monitoring of different types
of waste materials. These services can save our business a considerable amount of money,
and can also prevent the environment from being harmed.
J. Quality and Safety Measures

- For optimal food safety, it is fundamental that all employees wash their hands before preparing
and handling food and when shifting between tasks.

- Sanitizing and cleaning all surfaces, including prep areas, cutting boards, equipment, storage
areas, trash cans, and floor drains, is an important part of our food safety regimen.

- Wash all of your produce thoroughly to remove any bacteria and dirt that may be on their
surface. The only exception to this guideline is produce that is pre-packaged and labeled as pre-

- Make sure to prepare raw meat, ground meat, poultry, eggs, and seafood at the correct
temperature to avoid food poisoning and check the expiration date of any product that we will

- Avoid Cross-contamination; it occurs when harmful bacteria, allergens, or other

microorganisms transfer from one object to another unintentionally. Though often invisible to the
human eye, the results of this process can be extremely dangerous.

- Wear protective equipment; Oftentimes, workers may forget or choose not to wear a specific
piece of equipment such as gloves, hairnet or apron, as they feel it may be unnecessary
or that they can finish the task quickly without it but it is important to protect them from injury or

- Electrical risk should be avoided. Always unplug appliances that requires repairs or turning off
a circuit breaker and keep electrical appliances away from wet places.

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