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Last 2 verses of Surah Baqarah at night: -It will grant you reward of night in prayer reciting Quran -It would suffice for you in protection from all calamities -It would suffice for you in protection from the evil of the shaitaans -It will drive the evil of mankind and the shaitaans away from you. 2. Surah Zilzaal(#99): -Represents one half of the Quran. 3. Surah Kafirun(#109): -Represents one fourth of the Quran. 4. Surah Ikhlas(#112): -Represents one third of the Quran. -Reciting it makes Paradise obligatory upon you. 5. Surah Mulk(#66): -Interceded for you until you are forgiven. 6.

a-Oothu billaahis-samee-Il-Alee-me mi-nash-shayTaa-nir-rajeem. I seek refuge in Allah the all-Hearing the All-knowing from the accursed shaitaan -If recited 3 times, then the last 3 ayats of surah hashr once, then 70,000 angles will pray for your forgiveness till the evening. And if you die during the day, you die as a martyr. And if recited at night, the same is rewarded.[Ahmed 20328]


laailaah il-lallaahu wal-laahu-akbar, walaa Hawla walaa Quw-wata illaabillaah There is no God but Allah. And Allah is the greatest. And there is no might no r power except through Allah -Reciting once will result in your sins forgiven , even if they may be like(in Number) to the foam of the sea.[Ahmed 6489] 8.

subHaanallaahil-A-Dhee-me wa-bi-Hum-dih Glory be to Allah the greatest, and his praise -A tree will be planted for you in paradise. [Tirmidhi,3475]


subHaanallaahi wa-bu-Hum-dih Glory be to Allah, and his praise -Reciting once, 10 pious deeds are recorded for you. -Reciting 10 times, 100 pious deeds are recorded for you. -Reciting 100 times, 1000 pious deeds are recorded for you. -Reciting more Allah will reward you more, and if you seek forgiveness then Allah will forgive you.[Tirmidhi,3481] 10.

subHaanallaah Glory be to Allah -Recite 100 times morning and evening and you will be like he who performed 100 Hajj. -Reciting once in Ramadhan is better than reciting it 1000 times in other months. [Tirmidhi,3483] -This fills up half the scale -Reciting this is an act of charity. 11.

alHumdolillaah All Praise belongs to Allah -Recite 100 times morning and evening and you will be like he who donated 100 warrior Horses for Jihad. -This fills up half of the scale. .[Bukhari:Book 2 #432] -Reciting this is an act of charity. 12.

laa-ilaaha il-lallaah There is none worthy of worship besides Allah -Recite 100 times morning and evening and you wi ll be like he who freed 100 slaves who were descendants of Ismaeel(A.S). -There is no screen between this and Allah, so reciting this goes directly to Allah. -Reciting this is an act of charity.


allaahu-akbar Allah is the greatest -Recite 100 times morning and evening and none would have brought more than you to Allah, except he who said it more than you. -Reciting this is an act of charity. NOTE: Reciting 10, 11, 12 and 13 in succession is like grazing in the gardens of paradise[Tirmidhi,3520] Also, reciting 10 & 11 together, fills the space between the heavens and the earth i.e. they are so great that if they were given a form they will fill the space between the heavens and the earth .[Bukhari:Book 2 #432] Also, reciting 10(33 tim es), and 11(33 times), and 13(34 times) after every farz namaaz, you will never be caused disappointment.[Bukhari:Book 4 #1241] 14.

laa-ilaaha il-lallaahu waHdah, laa sha-ree-ka-lah, i-laa-haw-waaHid, a-Had, Samad, lam-yat-ta-kidh Saa-Hiba-taw-walaa wa-lad, wa-lum ya kul-la-hu ku-fu-wan a-Had. There is none worthy of worship besides Allah alone, who has no partner. The one god, only one, independant, who has not taken a wife nor children, and there is no co -equal with him -Recite once and Allah will write for you 40 million pious deeds. 15.

allah-humma in-naka U-fuw-wun kareem, tu-Hib-bul Afwa faA-fu An-nee Oh Allah, you are the forgiving, the benevolent, you love to forgive, so forgive me -The Prophet told his wife Aisha( R.A) to recite this on Laylatul Qadr [Tirmidhi:3525;Ahmed,1783]

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