Enga10 Unit3 Test1

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Test Unit 3 Global Communication

Name Surname Class: 10th
Evaluation %
Date , 20 ©
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(Teacher)(Parent/E.E.) Insuficiente Muito Insuficiente

Part A – Listening

Text 1

Listen to some teens’ opinions about social media and write True (T) / 15

or False (F).

a. Matthew knows he’s not the only one who feels left out of social events.

b. Leah doesn’t clearly acknowledge that social media often fakes reality.

c. Leah has witnessed some of the negative effects of social media.

d. According to Matilde, few teens post pictures randomly.

e. Henry thinks it’s common sense that social media and stress come together.

Text 2

/ 15
Listen to a text about 21st century false videos and complete the fact-file.

a. Name given to the new 21st century false videos:

b. Type of artificial intelligence used:


c. Number of videos traced by Deeptrace in 2019:


d. Main targets:

e. Field where it can be used in a positive way:

Unit 3 Global Communication Test
Part B – Reading 1

Read the text attentively.

There’s no doubt the media consumption landscape has shifted and so has the way we consume
media nowadays. The days where the only options to reach the masses were through print or broadcast are
long gone. However, even if traditional media is not as strong as it once was, it still occupies an important
place in the media landscape.

5 Newspapers
These poor guys have been through the wringer, but luckily, they have managed to adapt to
consumer’s needs. The most popular form of print media still has its place in today’s media mix, and all we
have to do to prove it is look around. People are still reading newspapers on public transport or sitting in
cafés or public gardens with their newspaper wide open. This could be because newspapers still rank among
10 the highest in terms of media credibility, not to mention their vital role among the older and smaller

The introduction of the radio in 1906 took one person’s voice to thousands
and it still is easily accessible to most people, in this day and age. It continues to be
the companion that helps so many people get through long days at work and makes
15 house chores just a little more bearable. It doesn't require any form of monthly
subscription, making it a free alternative when most other services are becoming
increasingly costly.

Television still dominates our media consumption. According to data analytics, the amount of time
we watch TV has declined over the last few years, but this has only been by a few minutes. What has shifted
20 dramatically is the delivery and consumption of TV content. In addition, as television is highly visual, it also
represents one of the highest impacts in media. It’s worth noting that it can help introduce youth to movie
culture, through classic or foreign movies, which they might never watch otherwise.

All in all, traditional media is not dead and it still plays an important role in a healthy media mix.
Ultimately, everybody has their preferences when it comes to consuming content, but bridging the gap
25 between traditional and digital channels might be the key to a successful media plan. And the truth is that, for
many people, traditional media is like pasta on an Italian menu. No matter how many dishes may be on the
menu, you always end up ordering the same old classic dish that you so adore.
Adapted from: https://clmnorthwest.com

Find evidence in the text for the following statements. / 20

a. There was a time when access to the media was quite limited.
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b. There is clear evidence that newspapers are still a reliable source of information.
c. The radio continues just as widespread as in the past.
d. The amount of time we spend watching television hasn’t changed significantly.
e. Sometimes, we choose a traditional media source out of pure habit.
Test Unit 3 Global Communication
Answer the following questions about the text. / 30

a. According to the author, which media source has struggled to survive? Justify. ©

b. Why do you think newspapers have such a vital role among the older and smaller communities?
c. What does “bridging the gap between traditional and digital channels” mean?
/ 10
What do the following words / expressions refer to in the text?
a. these poor guys (line 6)
c. it (line 13) e. which (line 22)
b. their (line 10)
d. our (line 18)

Part C – Use of English

/ 12
Complete the sentences with a word in the box. There is one extra word.
soft * scoop * fake * breaking * headline * feature * hard

a. “The Dark Hole of Social Media” was an amazing story in Harper’s magazine.
b. Due to its secretive nature, a scandal is a great for any journalist.
c. Sometimes it’s not easy to distinguish news from hard news.
d. Coverage of foreign affairs and political campaigns are examples of news.
e. There are lots of news websites that spread false stories and misinformation.
f. news is often being covered live by a reporter the moment it’s being broadcast.
/ 06
Match the halves to make sentences.
a. Clickbait stories and advertisement
1. as a way to personalise messaging apps.
b. Sending a huge amount of emails
2. with frequent updated content.
c. Young people are easy prey
3. is a way of spamming.
d. You can raise money for your
4. for extremists and other ill-intentioned people.
5. use special tactics to encourage curiosity.
e. Bitmojis first appeared in 2014
6. through crowdfunding.
f. News feed provide users

/ 06
Circle the correct answer.
a. Maybe in the future people will / are going to stop reading books and magazines.
b. Be careful! That giant billboard on the highway will / is going to fall.
c. I think I won’t / am not going to be able to subscribe to Teen magazine. It’s too expensive.
d. ESPN is broadcasting / broadcasts the classic 1966 boxing bound with Muhammad Ali at 9 pm.
e. We will / are going to print the 1923 version of Time magazine tomorrow.
f. I am meeting / will meet Jackie at the BBC studio today to watch a live episode of EastEnders.
Unit 3 Global Communication Test
/ 12
Complete the gaps with the verb in the correct form to make Conditional
a. If you want to know more about our company, (visit) our website.
b. If she (not appear) in that magazine, she wouldn’t have become famous
c. If you were better informed, you (know) the news just gave us a glimpse of the
d. Barbara will inform the administrators if she (get) more spam ads in her inbox.
e. If I (not receive) leaflets from the supermarket, I’d never know what’s on sale.
f. Traditional media wouldn’t have so many loyal fans if it (not / be) effective.
/ 06
Complete the gaps by adding a prefix or a suffix to the words in brackets.
a. Why are you always posting such (pleasant) comments online?
b. Many commercials shown on TV create a false sense of (real).
c. (power) lobbies will always try to dominate the media industry.
d. His profile might be (accurate). Please check every detail.
e. All the people I know use social media mostly for their (entertain).
f. It was very (correct) of you to pretend to be a reporter for NBC.

Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. / 18

Use the words in brackets.

a. I can’t resist those “Test your knowledge” online games.
I find . (quite)
b. I believed what I read because it was published in a quality newspaper.
If it . (not)
c. We have arranged to meet at the library at 2:00 p.m.
We . (are)
d. The selection of the photos in this article was his responsibility.
He was . (for)
e. When an unknown problem starts to get broad media coverage, it turns into a national issue.
An unknown . (if)
f. They have decided to subscribe to Netflix next month.
They . (going)

Part D – Writing
/ 50
Write an argumentative text (150-180 words) on ONE of
the following topics.
ENGA10TF © Porto Editora

1. “Social media: the best place to hang

2. “The printed media is doomed to become extinct.”
Assessment criteria · Listening script · Answer keys

Critérios gerais de classificação

Os critérios de classificação são organizados por níveis de desempenho, a que correspondem cotações fixas, expressas obrigatoriamente em números inteiros. Para a
generalidade dos itens, são considerados três níveis (N3, N2 e N1); para alguns itens são considerados cinco níveis (N5, N4, N3, N2 e N1); para a tarefa final são
considerados cinco níveis em cada parâmetro – competência pragmática e competência linguística (N5, N4, N3, N2 e N1). Os níveis intercalares de cotação, que não
se encontram descritos, visam enquadrar as respostas que não correspondam exatamente aos outros níveis. Qualquer resposta que apresente um desempenho

inferior ao mais baixo que se encontra descrito deverá ser classificada com zero pontos.
Nos itens de resposta aberta, será atribuída a cotação zero a respostas que não correspondam ao solicitado, independentemente da qualidade linguística do texto
Nos itens de resposta aberta, sempre que o aluno apresente mais do que uma resposta para o mesmo item, apenas a primeira será classificada. Nos itens de
resposta fechada, se o aluno fornecer mais respostas do que as pedidas, será atribuída a cotação zero.

Listening scripts
Listening script 1
With the frequent use of social media, it’s rare for any social gathering to happen without someone posting something about it. Almost every day, I come
across a post on my social media feed of someone doing something cooler or having more fun than I am. It makes me feel bad, and I’m sure I’m not
alone. I find it hard to see friends having fun without me and it’s even worse when I’m watching the event in real-time. Thanks to the map feature that
most apps have, you can see peoples’ locations even if they don’t post anything on their stories. Ultimately, it’s hard for my generation to be discreet
about where we are and who we’re with.
Social media can really take a toll on us. It can be difficult to see a stream of pictures featuring a perfect version of people and their lives. Of course,
some people pretend they are living the dream when in fact they just feel miserable most of the time. But I can’t hide the fact that it just makes my life
seem so plain. While this can be difficult for boys, I think that girls face even more social pressure. I’ve seen the consequences of some girls feeling
that they have to look skinny no matter what. Bulimia and anorexia have become a fact of life for them.
My mother frequently expresses concern about me taking selfies, thinking I do this out of vanity or self-obsession; but, I mostly do it out of pure habit or
boredom. She can’t seem to understand that for many teens, including myself, sending a selfie is just something that one does. I’m not going to lie
that I don’t carefully choose the photos I look best in and that I sometimes edit or filter them, but then again, who doesn’t, right?
People my age spend a large portion of their lives on social media and have to deal with the stress that this implies. We’re used to this additional stress
that comes with finding out how many likes our posts get, why someone unfollowed us or even cases of cyberbullying. Social media is ingrained in
my generation and it can be very difficult to take a break from it. Features like “streaks” and stories that expire in 24 hours keep us hooked on our
phones, day in day out
Adapted from: www.nationwidechildrens.org

Listening script 2
There are lots of videos that show people doing things they never did before. Real people, real faces, close to photorealistic footage, but entirely unreal
events. They are called deepfake videos and represent the 21st century’s answer to Photoshopping. They use a form of artificial intelligence called
deep learning to make images of fake events. This technology can do amazing things with pictures, including sharpening up fuzzy ones or adding
colour to black and white images.
15,000 deepfake videos were found online in September 2019 by DeepTrace, an Artificial Intelligence firm that keeps track of digital information. This
number nearly doubled over the next nine months. A staggering number of mapped faces belong to celebrities and public figures. As new techniques
allow unskilled people to make deepfakes with a handful of photos, fake videos are likely to spread beyond the celebrity world.
Did you know that audio can be deepfaked too, to create “voice skins” or “voice clones” of public figures? There was a case in which a firm transferred
nearly £200,000 into a Hungarian bank account after receiving a phone call by a fraudster who mimicked its CEO’s voice. The company’s insurers
believe the voice was a deepfake.
However, not all deepfakes are malicious. For the entertainment industry, deepfake technology can be used to improve the dubbing on foreign-language
films, and even bring long gone cinema icons back to the big screen!
Adapted from: www.theguardian.com

Critérios específicos de classificação

Part A – Listening Part B – Reading
1. N3 Indica corretamente as 5 frases verdadeiras e falsas. 15 1. N3 Identifica corretamente as 4 ou 5 frases que comprovam a 16-20
Chave: a. T; b. F; c. T; d. F; e. T. veracidade das afirmações.
N2 Indica corretamente 2-4 frases. 6-12 Chave: a. “The days where the only options to reach the masses
N1 Indica corretamente apenas 1 frase. 3 were through print or broadcast are long gone.” (ll. 2-3); b. “The
most popular form of print media still has its place in today’s media
2. N3 Completa o fact-file com 5 factos corretos. 15 mix, and all we have to do to prove it is look around.” (ll. 8-10); c. “it
Chave: a. deepfake videos; b. deep learning; c. 15,000; d. still is easily accessible to most people, in this day
celebrities and public figures; e. entertainment. and age” (ll. 15-
N2 Completa corretamente 2-4 factos. 6-12 -16); d. “the amount of time we watch TV has declined over the last
N1 3 few years, but this has only been by a few minutes.” (ll. 21-23);
Completa corretamente apenas 1 facto.
e. “And the truth is that, for many people, traditional media is like
pasta on an Italian
menu.” (l. 30).
N2 Identifica corretamente 2 ou 3 frases pedidas. 8-12
Assessment criteria · Listening script · Answer

2. N3 Responde às 3 perguntas com correção linguística e de acordo com a 30

informação do texto. Pode escrever com incorreções de grafia e de Part D – Writing
pontuação não impeditivas da compreensão.
Chave: a. Newspapers are the source that has struggled the most. 1. N5 Escreve um texto, fornecendo vários argumentos 30
b. Personal answer; c. This implies reducing the effects and differences relativamente a um dos temas propostos, respeitando
between these two concepts. as instruções dadas, fornecendo pormenores e
N2 Responde a 2 perguntas com correção linguística e de acordo com a 20 destacando aspetos relevantes. Utiliza um número
3. N informação
Identifica do
referentes adequados
Pode escrever para as de
com incorreções 5 palavras.
grafia e de 10 ainda limitado de mecanismos de coesão, mas articula
3 pontuação
Chave: a. nãonewspapers;
impeditivas da b. people’s; c. radio; d. people
compreensão. as ideias de forma adequada num texto organizado,
in general;
N1 Responde a 1e. classiccom
pergunta or correção
foreign linguística
movies. e de acordo com a 10 claro e coerente. Respeita os limites de palavras
N2 informação
Identifica do
referentes adequados
Pode escrever para 3 ou
com incorreções de4grafia e de 6-8
palavras. indicados.
N1 pontuação
os impeditivas
referentes compreensão.para 1 ou 2 palavras. 2-4
daadequados N4 24
N3 Escreve um texto simples, fornecendo alguns 18
Part C – Use of English argumentos relativamente a um dos temas propostos,
Vocabulary respeitando as instruções dadas e destacando alguns
aspetos relevantes. Utiliza, ainda que de forma muito
1. N3 Completa as frases com 5 ou 6 palavras corretas. 10- incipiente, alguns conectores simples, articulando as
Chave: a. feature; b. scoop; c. soft; d. hard; e. fake; f. 12
ideias num texto coeso embora ainda constituído por
uma sequência linear de informações. Pode não
N2 Completa as frases com 3 ou 4 palavras corretas. 6-8
respeitar os limites de palavras indicados.
N1 Completa as frases com 1 ou 2 palavras corretas. 2-4
N2 12
N1 Escreve um texto simples, abordando o tema de forma 6
2. N3 Liga corretamente as 5 ou 6 frases. 6
Chave: a. 5; b. 3; c. 4; d. 6; e. 1; f. 2. genérica e recorrendo a repetições e pormenores
pouco relevantes. Utiliza conectores simples para ligar
N2 Liga corretamente 3-4 frases. 4
frases elementares, mas estrutura deficientemente o
N1 Liga corretamente 1-2 frases. 2
texto. Pode não respeitar os limites de palavras

1. N3 Seleciona as 6 respostas corretas. 6

Chave: a. will; b. is going to; c. won’t; d. is broadcasting; e.
are going to; f. am meeting. 1. N5 Escreve um texto razoavelmente elaborado, utilizando 20
recursos linguísticos adequados que lhe permitem
N2 Seleciona 3-5 respostas corretas. 3-5
argumentar de forma convincente. Pode ainda revelar
N1 Seleciona 1 ou 2 respostas corretas. 1-2
alguma influência da língua materna. Utiliza
vocabulário suficiente para se exprimir, podendo suprir
2. N3 Completa os 6 espaços com a forma verbal correta. Pode 12
escrever com incorreções de grafia que não impliquem algumas lacunas com a ajuda de circunlocuções.
competência gramatical. Revela geralmente bom domínio do vocabulário. Pode
Chave: a. visit; b. hadn’t appeared; c. would know; d. gets; ocorrer alguma confusão e escolha incorreta de
e. didn’t receive; f. wasn’t / weren’t. palavras. Revela geralmente bom domínio das
N2 Completa corretamente 3-5 espaços com correção 6-10 estruturas e formas gramaticais, não cometendo erros
linguística. gramaticais que possam causar incompreensão. A
N1 Completa apenas 1-2 espaços com correção linguística. 2-4 pontuação e a ortografia são suficientemente precisas
Erra ou omite as outras frases. para não afetarem a inteligibilidade do texto.
N4 16
3. N3 Completa corretamente os 6 espaços com o prefixo / sufixo 6
correto. N3 Escreve um texto simples, utilizando recursos 12
Chave: a. unpleasant; b. reality; c. Powerful; d. inaccurate; linguísticos adequados ao que pretende transmitir.
e. entertainment; f. incorrect. Pode ainda revelar alguma influência da língua
N2 Completa corretamente 2-5 espaços. 2-5 materna. Utiliza vocabulário pouco variado, mas
N1 Completa corretamente 1 espaço. 1 suficiente para se exprimir com a ajuda de
circunlocuções. Revela bom domínio do vocabulário
4. N3 Reescreve corretamente as 6 frases respeitando os 18
elementar, cometendo erros graves apenas quando
constrangimentos impostos. Pode escrever com
exprime um pensamento mais complexo. Utiliza, com
incorreções de grafia e de pontuação não impeditivas da
correção, estruturas simples, não cometendo erros
gramaticais elementares de forma sistemática. A
Chave: a. I find those “Test your knowledge” online games
quite irresistible.; b. If it hadn’t been published in a quality ortografia é suficientemente precisa para não afetar a
newspaper, I wouldn’t have believed what I read.; c. We inteligibilidade do texto. A pontuação é, de um modo
are meeting at the library at 2:00 p.m.; d. He was geral, adequada.
responsible for selecting the photos for this article.; N2 8
e. An unknown problem will turn into a national issue if it N1 Escreve um texto muito elementar, abordando o tema 4
starts to get proposto de forma muito genérica, com recurso a
broad media coverage.; f. They are going to subscribe to repetições e aspetos pouco relevantes. Usa
Netflix next month.
ENGA10TF © Porto Editora

conectores simples na ligação de frases elementares,

N2 Reescreve corretamente 2-5 frases respeitando os 6-15 mas estrutura o texto de forma deficiente. Utiliza
constrangimentos impostos. vocabulário elementar suficiente para se exprimir com
N1 Reescreve corretamente apenas 1 frase respeitando os 3 a ajuda de circunlocuções. Utiliza, com correção,
constrangimentos impostos. Erra ou omite as restantes estruturas simples, mas ainda comete alguns erros
frases. gramaticais elementares de forma sistemática, sem
que isso impeça a compreensão global da mensagem.
A pontuação nem sempre é adequada. Pode não
respeitar o limite de palavras indicado.

* A competência linguística só será avaliada se o aluno tiver tratado o tema proposto, situando-
se o seu texto, pelo menos, no nível 1 da competência pragmática.

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