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School of Multidisciplinary Studies

Social Science Area
Readings in Philippine History
Activity No. 1

Name:__Abram Tin____________________________

Answer the following substantively but concisely. You will be evaluated based on the
following: Substance- 5 points; Clarity and Organization-3 points; and Grammar- 2 pts). Your
answer is should not be less or more than 4 sentences for each number. DO NOT COPY AND
PASTE from your source. Observe proper citations.

1. Why is it important to delve into the so-called art and science of writing history
especially of our country?

We learn from and are inspired by what has been done before, which influences how we
think, feel, and see the world. We may grasp our historical past and how it relates to our
present through art history. And one of humanity's most common activities is the
creation of art. And also, to be knowledgeable about the Philippine History.

2. In analyzing what historians write about certain events in the past, what do you think
are some of the fundamental things (provide 2) that we should consider in order to
prove the veracity of their claims? Justify your answer.

Historians need proof or evidence of the relevant event(s). They ought to offer primary
sources. Additionally, the events should be appropriately related to their sources in the
narrative. I also think witnesses are key to prove their claims.

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