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296 Re preasonting Carvers & Suvfaas ~ Th Computer Graphics , 22 need Jo dnavd disferccub types °f ebjecle onto the ecrecan. Objects ane nok flat all dae ime and we need to dread cunves many dunes, 40 Arta? an object A curve ¢s an éniine faseze sot of peers Each beet has two neighbours exept ond poets Curves and surfaces can have explicit, umphicit and Postamoty: c reepaesentatins . Tmpliar Carves v Simpl curve representation deling the sot af poiaks on @ carve by ee a prrcocerse chad can besk to seo ef a point és on dhe curove or Nok. v Usuolls , an eenplicit cure ye es Avfenad be ap emphicet function e} tho foom a4) <0 v Tt can el roudtiva hued curves (mubbiplt { yahes fore Emamele : an mM valug ) Implics L esoudabior of cirecle cS at ee we ~ t oe P-R =O Enolicid Curves Fg ccliuec Neen u VA madhemaicad Sanction yas can be plo Aed\_as O Cunmve. J. Ghee ype of function is dhe exxphicit reepecsendation ef dhe curve. VY Exghucit representation rs single-valued ( for each value of m, onby a senglt valuc of His computer) Panmeiruc Cunves Y Pastamebric crepoeselations ace dhe most common cn Curnpudes Graphics. Y Curves having parcametic Soom are called paramel'r cursves ‘Scanned with CamScanner oF ~ The poramelic repr = a Thone ate many cuseves cohach we can't wrate dinsn a5 a singk equation in femms of only % and v ‘Instead of defining 4 2 Jers of a (425) ore Ww en lenms of y (a= hop) we define beh WR in dooms af a “dived variable calsd a Pareamtley as follurs : a= JQ tk Rarcamobic Cubic Curves : — send ation for, cuseves® St oe “OD t 4 2-2) Sy ncmial — A cunve es procimaded ky @ = ied i : “co OG uve. Ma nad Eee tas Sy Foch segmond Q of Ae overs all . thees Sundin % f,2 which ose en tee posearaked *£" The cubic zh omials aib= {ac bic Poly ronal, that Jofine a curve ogre yay 20F art ole the Loon HO) = Og + bata call de iS HQ) = aha bys PA dy 20) — a, 4 bt t a4 az > © Langer oclssS TV) ROT to dineckor choutd hove k. TY2 wih kro T™= 6 cubic Curve Segments 3. Th dhe dangent vectuss of 4 aso equal (zef hors Direchon and magnitude ‘ase equal ad Ac’ sepmenle join point gue ceerve has Sirest dupes conkinusty in fhe peacarnclet 4 ore pascamedsic comtintidy and zs said to te ct conlinuns. h. UF be arrection & mapnituds oe Ae ecinl) nee dhe 1-Ab derivable ae equal al nave Side curve tS coelled CC conkinusns ‘Scanned with CamScanner > % we can wewrite (4) a8: a= [eO ¥ 20) = 7.6”. The panamehrec Langest vets to de conve is: a ah . Qiy- (aul (b ® $00 = deo [dP bt 47 = a = (stat i o}.c j > 2 \? ag b> 4 Qhgt Cu aayh+ abyb+Cy 3a,t42b5 +4 — _ eff ER the Sigene hows couth rer defleredt \ =e Aesreos of conkinccily. Segmaud sts oye )* S a jotued bo sepments ee = saat 0,')% degeecs of Pr a med iL alt cwespeckev — The tangent veclut Qi is dae seen vk a beak on das Curve with ect Ad poramcle t. Siew lanly QM) iS Ake acceleralion. E les Th a camera && moveng alang o parametric ~ fima-stepe and recurds o Ane tangent vector gives cubic curve tm 2 acura alles each clep, . velocity, eh camera, “the camede velocity and acceleration ak jan ports shat be continues , jo avoid ‘ere movemouds in the resetting, animedion Sequnnce Nore: = i> anal € comtinecity empties &! bud dhe converse. is nol your seis . = Tein points with G! con ence ty coud appease yo as Smokes ghee worth Cc! continas is ‘Scanned with CamScanner Speak Cage: CC embinuity does not imply 6! contend when doth a tangent vectors ane [0 0 6] gud. at the jee ) Tn Aras case dhe ranged vectors ons a but Irore diveclins can Aiffoend. ; ion i ( ~ Fore peortelric - continuity dineckion es K emgurtak not Ane mal nitude Faomple: Let (i), of G1 FEM at temo o @s Y(0D hi Ler mE VRE) OK ES BF annbury eoater: The postamebic plets of ¥& TH ae edovdical But (0) =2 CO So tao cureves that have « diflorat dango veto’. = Fon smooth joineng, dae diteockon of dangent a chou) match at ta end-poied 90} there magnitedc. We kno already aw=fawm ye 20> 7° We can rewrite the coefficient makirx as c= M.G where M % a 4X4 bases Mates G is a feer-element column vectore of Boomebic conshaints called the geomcley vector , pasca mobic curve. Tangent of dhs veclot Aoukical plots oo have. The geomelnc conshainls ase conditions such as ene} prenfe ore langent vectsr thet define dhe curve. ‘Scanned with CamScanner 404 Noo QCA) = TMG =[e Bu 1] my M2 Ms My] [G, tay Mz, Mz May |] Gy Ma) Man Mag May || Go My Maa Mya M44, Gu a ae =) Gut column veclos of jas} the components of the geomet icy veckor. Sire lash Gy & Gz Mall ptegenp cut sjost CL) = TG Bees , ene 2, m Bax aay = ryt 42mg +E May Hy) gat (Um_rt mat t Mae Es PB yx + (E mat? mst treat ras Sand (Crmit rad = we — © Semilosthy we can find wy) & 2Q). The eq) exphasizes that tre cureve (So coiled sum of Ae clemats of the geomeby matin, The weglds ace each cubic polynomials of to and ane called blenders funckion . The brendeng Sunclions | B are Riven by B= TM. Curve Design ca Secible strip et ts ased to Preodecce. smooth eng Het a —— ee Madhemakically, this ¢s ene prece-wese. cubic \ Gal function whese Serest and second deriv aM are cominuccs across the vascicres Cute ve section ano curve %S sae bt cel of cconrdinate. al pores. Sphene + A sphene é -A poruds knosn as cor — Splene Types? 0) Intempolating Spline Curve: When ao carve ¢¢ passed Anricugh all qho comrcol porns the recscllen® cereve is knen as interpokeling epic Curve. | i ee 3 Fe Ry fe Be, Ep: Hermete Curve Scanned with CamScanner : 192 b) Apprximaling Spline Cunver When & curve 2s Mnreuph some ore all dhe poets ye reeseel tens Cerve. Lend) OS goemastin I, sUQ ccereve, ts Kno ofp Pa, if . + pO e&: Bexiat Curve HERMITE CURVE ee _the Hermie form of dhe cubic polyroral cae segriank zs delerminnd by conctaints on dhe end pourts Fi & fy and fre tangent vector at dhe end poruts R and Ry For Hermide polynomial Q(t) = T. My Ga where My: Hermite lbesis mado Gut Heremi te geomaly vectet - Gu.= JR | = The w-cmpmend of the ae mabix ae Mle howe a(t) 2 Og tbat text tda= = (2 wok 1] Ma Gan (0) = Pie = oo LIMaGha _ KC) a age [2 + 4 t1Mnbea LA poud Py? Ent The tangent- vectes conskaint equations 7 bo written @8: alo) = Ria =[0 o4 o\Ma Gia al) = Rafa 2 t OU M¥ Sie Te Coe = Te Mu Ve [ poud P)2 b= O R ooo i Oe | R oo!lo j ™ Ry da a ay ‘Scanned with CamScanner eel 7 sos so My rit | \3 3 24 6010 a a io Se |g | oO oo The pecme Blending fenchon es Tomy €e/ Be T My So Ql’ = T.MySin = By SH a oa 2 WV! gq a =(t? Pod 4yi -3 3-2-1) Py ® Oo °o | oO R 3 2 | Oo Ry QQ) = Zaye 4+ Car2at?) Py GF at, : HAF-B DRY curve has Poca! contro! +e dhe curve. NOTE: Hermite BEZIER CURVE as See tere Sorem of dha curve to and luich be wuds are taken othare contool po aan pounts and 4wo a ape contro) the = tange _ P tee a a SS ° f, pee ; / \ / _ D \ / Ne / ee we 7 “Po Here 2 ,Pa ane dhe two enlenmediale poinis edhich contyo\ the tangent vectors at the send powuls The starting and ending tangent vectors cree deleremence by dhe veclise Pt & Pah and asa related to Ri ahi ly | Riz QO) = 3CR-P) 3) | cy =@0)=3(R-%) ‘Scanned with CamScanner the Bexies Geomeliy vectors , Gp = ks 7 104 a Ps, Pu . We can relate tho Heremile BZeomolry vector Gy and Beanies S Awe as gcomatny veclet Gp PR 4 Oo 90 °0 PR G Gat Ry \= o oe of t\= Mug 1S Ri -32 3 00 & Ry oo 33 Ry From Lenmile Cercve we know _ 4 Fv . Map Gea = 7 M8° B Q(t) = 1. Mae Ga = TH where Mp= My. Map rs g-2 1 1 1.0 = \_, 3 -2-) oo Ol o o } oO -3 3 0 © 1 © of iooe% -1 3 -3) in 3 6% 30 3 3 00 t 0 0 © Ned Q()= T. Me. Gp = {8 a> 4 aq[-! 3 73) P, 3-4 30 BR 3 3200 B 1 oe © Ry = GR t ROY RTSEOY RE R “ tk TE contre) points ane P,P" - 2.28 ARE whore Pt Sek ef cmtosl poruts Bin(t)z Blerding function |f dha Cenies we N=23 Foe cubic polynumial. — a ‘Scanned with CamScanner 40S - | The blenclene function es defined wens a. Ponsletn basis funchon 8: nei ee CEST LUD whore Me iy Propenties sf Bezier Cunves Pe ae 4, Thay generally follus 4ho shape of tho contro) poem. which — consists af dhe Segments joining dee conke voip) potuks R. Thoy always pass Ahwuge Ihe Lees and ast conde powuls 3. The carve is contained eoxthin convene hall of ating oly 8] We a Ee us Dynomial dihinirg tee ies Segment es one Ahan the Number oF coe con teal pager pot, fore 4 contol pets, the Argcee of Aha polynomial 6S 3 2ef cubic Glynn} The basis fanchon ane eval, 6. The onder of the polynomial defining the conve seymenk te equal to dhe dolal Do ki conhel points t. No strarpld Gino Enlensecls a Bezios ed Man rk inlersects zis contral polygon & Drawobacks of Bexiet Cunve 2, The depreoe of dug Boxjor Conve Ayends on number conbol powts XR, Beziey canve enaibet global anhol mea vane contwe\ pouk allows Ha chape of ape oh aoe nea Problem: Find tho equation of dhe Roxi PABD dhvrcugh le cereve. Ore ceereve. which pods Go ®aW, The conve ts controlled though powds (4,8) ,Q.0), ” ‘Scanned with CamScanner Sole? crys [k? Fb 1] =| 3 =3 | oo 3 -6 30 tS 3 Zo 0 R 0 ' @o o -2 «1 =[e Peay (is ie ~36 20 Rl IS ° ° Froblem Drow the Bezigs Cunve t= O2,OUR 06 Solu” Qa =P a1ri(-1 3 3-6 3 3 10 = (8 #171 (-B0 uo —S0 4o = [Heol 2uott 904+ Yo Q(02) = (90.56 46 Qo) = [ 34-08 43-2] Aloe) = [44-32 Yo = ((o8-sst™4ar by) tet sottpIs ty] : pessens through the contro] Ponts PoCdoue) 5 Pi Cio,4o) , F260, pen PC 40,0) wi -3 1\{| 40 4o Zo to Yo oa 0 60 60 OAS: *e —100 60 ° Yo —loot? 46024 Yo a ‘Scanned with CamScanner 106 a oe y p Cunve Mainly dhene arce too types af B- Spline Ceareves “Uniform Nonradional B-Splines = Non-waiferm , Non -ralisna) B-Splines Uniform Nonnational B- Spline _ B-Spline consiels of curve copmenls cohose polyncmic! coefficients alepenl on pest a feo centeo) points. Tas ts calleel focal control becatese this conteo| poe al tof a cenve. affect ouly: a small par ees) pods — The curve need not pass droog — Cabic B-Splines approximate a series aj m+4 conto) porrds Po Pijrre> Pmo MYS, wWidh o ceerve consi sting of m-2 cubic polynomec| curve sop mands Q3, O45 ---2 Qu ¥ As _The parame ange of Q; ts doSinad a tS 6 bia for SSi gm = Fon each fy Y , thers (S a oir pore om kent behoain Qiy and OQ; oF dhe pacametor value t; kD knot valur, athe initial and fenad poets at Le and tmt = So Ahora asta m+! contwe! pores (P,P. ,--> tm)» % M2 segments (Qe ,Qy,--- Qn) and O-4 knots 4 (ta,ty,--5 tin, kms) ‘Scanned with CamScanner 5 = Te term uniform means dhe knols asa spaced pio equal enlervals of dhe pascame fer b We can assume dhat ta-O and tayo tie t = Tha rational cubic polynomia} curve , wt), 4Ct) RzCK) ane defined as aatio of too cabic po yromials — The "BY stands Sore bases , since dhe spline can be aepseseute] as ceighled sums of polynomial Leesis -fenction — Each of the m-2 canve segmeuds of a B-Sphine curve és dufened by foure contesl poets oud of dhe m-t1 conkel poids ~ Te curve cepment Qj és Achensd by points Fiae? ak, ROP; Thus rhe geomekey vector fon seBment Q; és Pig See = fe , ahi @ in) Pi Segment Contool Foants foramejerc Qs Fo Pisa. Pa tere» yt Qy Pi, Pa, Pa. hyet > ts 2 Qe Fo % Ro Ps torr, bers Q Baa? Fra? fr? Pin WAO-B 5 feng 2 on NOTE: To satesty Jha conver hull property , dha. biendeng fancier chad be non-negative and sume 4. The parametic equation tS Ql = T-M.G The B-spline frarcdation for cunve segmerd 7 és Q;) = T; Mas Ges, 5 tet bre where Ty = [a-ty a-t) &H) 1] ‘Scanned with CamScanner | The B-gfene basis mein , Mos > the B-GGme blendéng Aencdson roy Seco ine Gs Bs” The blending funclien ane exactly same , because Hoe Yalucs of L-ti Nas a ak t= kb, iat for each curve cepmont fore each segment jf Sree © al t=tp bo Lane} abe adored TP coe replace t-ti by {er tia | by [O'S a . Pye ye tel ce Bps= T- Mes = [Lt BE +] ec) 2 -6 32 9 32 0 3 0 By ait ane a} ereteb . sBiet4y = -3P4attastr! 43 6 6 6 QQ oe Ge Sofa - fae stot seus 2] | Fs S7Q(LH) = | + oC i=] - Ge Pia ct ately Poy feet 48 aenicutenn sc 6 IHteRp , 6% Properties of B- Spline o

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