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Mini test for Research methodology

Student’s name: Group 3

1. A quotation of fewer than ____40______ words appears within a normal paragraph,

with the author’s words enclosed in quotation marks.
2. A long quotation is set off from a normal paragraph in an indented
____block______ paragraph.
3. As they are cited in the text, personal communications have entries in the reference
list. T / F
4. If you cite material that appears in a secondary source, the reference-list entry must
be for the original source. T / F
5. When a book has multiple authors, their names appear in alphabetical order.
T / F
6. The names of two to __5_____ authors are listed, with all of their names
7. A/An __ampersand__________ (&) joins the last two names in the series.
8. If a book has more than ___6__ authors, the first __name____ are listed completely,
followed by the abbreviation ____et. al____.
9. One-author entries by the same author are arranged by year of publication, the latest
first. T / F
Wright, K. (2004)
Wright, K. (2001)
10.Use a/an __colon_______ after the location.
11.In a reference to a chapter in an edited book, invert the book editors’ names. T / F
12.The name of the book editor should be preceded by the word ____in____.
13.The following order is correct. T/ F
Mathur, S. E., & Ahlers, R. J. (1998)
Mathur, A. L., & Wallston, J. (1999) Kurtines & Szapocznik (2003) demonstrated … T/F has been shown (Joreskog and Sorborn, 2007) T/ F
16.References in APA publications are cited in text with a/an ____author-
date________ citation system.
17.Whereas __plagiarism____ _______ refers to the practice of claiming credit for the
words, ideas, and concepts of others, ______ self-plagiarism _ ________ refers to
the practice of presenting one’s own previously published work as though it were
18.The following is correct. T / F
T. K. Lutes (personal communication, 2001, April 18)
19.A retrieval date is needed for a journal article. T / F
… 38-48. Retrieved May 6, 2002 from http://...
20.If two or more publisher locations are given in the book, …any one/ only one
location/first one/
21.DOI stands for __ __________________.
22.When an entry ends with a URL, a period is also required to close the entry. T / F
23.Capitalize all major words in the titles of books. T / F
24.Capitalize all major words in the titles of periodicals. T / F
25.Italicize the title, volume number and issue number of a periodical. T / F
26.How many major sections of entries are there? What are they?
____________author, year of publication, title, publishing
27.What separates elements in APA entries? _______full stop
28.In the in-text citation, clarify the use of the original material with the phase “quoted
in”. T / F
29.What is the difference between a reference list and a bibliography?
_________________________reference list shows only ones cited in
_____________ bibliography shows ones cited in text__________________and
more ______________________________________________________
30.How would you cite the following references in text?
Kosslyn, Koenig, Barrett, Cave, Tang, and Gabrieli (1996)
Kosslyn, Koenig, Gabrieli, Tang, Marsolek, and Daly (1996)
__ Kosslyn et. al (1996) , ___ (Kosslyn et. al, 1996 : 6-12)
31.A reference list is a/an ______________________ arranged list of sources used in a
32.A reference starts on a/an ____________ page immediately after the last text page
of the paper.
33.A reference list is introduced by the word ___ _____________.
34.If the reference list continues on a second page, an additional heading is required.
T / F
35.What are the acceptable abbreviations for the following words in APA?
2nd Edition ed. Editors, Eds no date n.d pages, pp Translator Trans

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