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1, What is HTML?

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language used to create a web page, on a website that can
contain multiple pages and each page is attributed to an HTML document (sometimes I will write as an
HTML file).

The father of HTML is Tim Berners-Lee, who is also the founder of the World Wide Web and
president of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C – the organization that sets standards on the
Internet environment).

And an HTML document formed by HTML Elements is specified by pairs of tags, which are enclosed
by a parentheses (e.g. <html>) and will usually be declared as a pair, including opening and closing
tags (<strong>e.g</strong>. and ).

Text that wants to be marked with HTML will be declared inside the tag pair (e.g. <strong>This is
bold).</strong> But some special tags don't have a closing tag, and the declared data will be in the
attributes (e.g. tags<img>). An HTML file will consist of HTML elements and be saved under the
extension as .html or .htm.

2, How is HTML handled?

When an HTML file is formed, its processing is handled by the web browser. The browser will play the
role of reading and comprehension of HTML content from internal tags and will convert to marked text
for reading, listening or comprehension (understood by computer bots).

Structure an HTML snippet

As I said above, HTML will be declared with elements by keywords. The content inside the keyword
pair will be the one you need to format with HTML. The example below is an HTML snippet declaring
a piece of text.

In addition, in the tags there are attributes, which will be placed inside the opening tag, each of which
will have a value set in quotation marks and separated by an equal sign (=) with the property name.

For example, below is a tag that uses the attribute.

A tag can use multiple attributes, not just one.

What program to use to create HTML files?

HTML is a hypertext file so you can use text editors without text formatting functions to create an
HTML file. In Windows, you can use Notepad to create an HTML file, while on Mac you can use
TextEdit and Vim on other Linux operating systems. As long as you then have to save the file as .html
extension and use a website browser to read it.

HTML can be edited by any one simple text editor.

What is CSS?

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets, a simple design language that handles part of a website's
interface. CSS describes how HTML elements display on screen and other media.

Using CSS, you can control the font color, font size, typography, spacing between paragraphs of text,
the size of elements on your website, the background color, the layout design, and how the site appears
on different sized screens, and a host of other effects.

CSS is very useful and convenient. It can control all the pages on a website.
External stylesheets are stored as . Css. CSS is combined with HTML or XHTML markup language.

CSS example - an HTML page with a variety of styles

Here's an example of an HTML page showing up with 3 different stylesheets.

An HTML page without a stylesheet

Why use CSS?

CSS is used to define the style of pages on your website, including designs, layouts, and different
displays on different devices with different screen sizes.

CSS helps solve the big problem of HTML

HTML doesn't have elements to format for web pages. HTML is only used to create content for the
page. When elements like <font> and color attributes were added to HTML 3.2, web developers'
nightmare began. Developing a large website that adds font or color information to each page requires
a lot of time.

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