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In recent years, fashion has emerged as an indispensable spiritu al need of

people. People buy themselves a lot of fashion accessories such as: clothes,

bags,... and especially shoes. Along with the demand for fashion, the services

and items for cleaning shoes are also so that more people pay attention.

Therefore, today our team would like to introduce the product project:

"Convenient shoe cleaning machine".

In the past, shoe cleaning was always done manually, consuming a lot of effort

and time. To simplify the cleaning process, sewing models are gradually

developed and widely used to create many units and businesses. So what is a

shoe polisher? How is it used in modern life today

If you have to go to public places to use a shoe polisher inconveniently, this is

the product for you. Automatic shoe polisher with compact and delicate design

with powerful performance features will make your shoes clean.

You are busy and feel there is no time to go out to clean your favorite shoes,

you feel it costs money to clean the outside, you do not trust shoe cleaning


We create an automatic “shoe scanner” to help consumers save time outside

cleaning shoes, outside service costs and bring convenience to your home. You

can see for yourself how thoroughly and cleanly your shoes are cleaned. I

believe that recording your expe rience with this product will make you


- According to the survey data that our team received, 91.7% of the answers

were "yes" when asked if they had difficulty polishing their shoes. It clearly

shows that a lot of people are having problems with cleaning their shoes by

hand. Conventional methods take a lot of time and sometimes do not achieve

the desired effect. For those who have very little time in the day and need to

travel constantly, they will really face many difficulties. Therefore, integrating

functions into one product will give them a solution. extremely effective.

- In addition, in another survey, we collected 75% of the questions as "yes"

when asked the question: "Would you like to use an automatic shoe polisher".
That is a positive signal for the project when our products meet almost all the

needs of customers such as: convenience, time saving,... Through surveying

people Consumers and consulting experts we can say that the product: “Shoe

canner” is a breakthrough in the market and will attract a lot of attention from


3. Benchmaking


These are the common types of shoe polishers available in the market

Feature System 1 System 2 System 3

Size (length x width x height) (cm) 50x30x82 475x280x270 60x69x170

Weight (kg) 16 5.1 0.357

Cost (VND) 6.500.000 4.190.000 1.050.000

Material Kim loại, nhựa nhựa


4 3 3
number of brooms

100 120 60
Wattage (W)
5. Máy clean giày đa chức năng mới nhất


Problem description:
All kinds of shoe cleaning tools and machines today are gradually not achieving the desired effect of
the user because they basically do not really clean the stains and stains that the user accidentally
creates. . Therefore, we have created a multi-functional product that can completely meet all of our
customers' needs for shoe cleaning.
Our product is a harmonious multi-functional combination, between deodorizing, cleaning, and drying
shoes. Applicable to all types of shoes, does not affect the natural structure of the shoe as well as the
material. Basically, when we go looking for a tool to clean shoes or a washing liquid, most of the time
cleaning will make the shoes discolored, or frayed just because the cleaning process is wrong, the
detergent is too strong. Our products can fix all of these common mistakes and are sure to become a
must-have in your cozy home
.5.2 concept generation

 Mô tả ngắn gọn quy trình và khái niệm, kỹ thuật (trích biểu đồ hình ảnh
& giải thích, trích ý tưởng của các thành viên và giải thích sao chọn ý
tưởng đó)

The features that we have, will solve all the problems of foot odor, foot fungus,
shoes containing too many bacteria due to having to work all day long. We care
about customers and customers' interests, so we have made a little new
improvement in terms of materials as well as optimizing the price and durability
of the product to help it stand firm in the face of a growing market. volatile field.

Multi-function shoe cleaner: simple operation with just one button

Step 1: you put your shoes in the machine

Step 2: Choose the mode that is suitable for the type of shoe

Step 3:…


Extract pictures, name materials, complete the table


Chụp lại hình ảnh gần cuối + thành quả + mô tả hình ảnh đó + giải thích thiết
kế. Ưu tiên vẽ lưu đồ hệ thống, cách vận hành, hoạt động. ( trích từ 1 đến 10 +
sản phẩm )

Product Care Instructions:

Our products are very simple to operate so we always optimize everything so
that our customers can have the best experience without complicated assembly.

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