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A Research Proposal Presented to Ms. Melvin E. Trinidad

Senior High School Department

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion
Humanities and Social Sciences


Humprey Vergel Loreto

Glaissa Mae Aresta
Charlene Pillos
Angel Cabling
Jaynel Llanto


The accomplishment of this research study would not have been made possible without the help,

cooperation and support of the following persons whom the researchers are grateful. They would like to

extend their gratitude to the following people:

Ms. Melvin E. Trinidad, for imparting her knowledge, infinite support, giving guidance to the


To the parents of the researchers who supported and motivated them

To the 4P’s student-recipients who participated in this survey.

Lastly, to our Heavenly Father for his grace and blessings that he provided upon the researchers to

accomplish this study.


This study is humbly dedicated to our Almighty God who has been guiding and protecting us since

the very beginning for providing knowledge and wisdom, giving us so much patience to accomplish this

research paper.

To our supportive friends, schoolmates, teachers for being part of this research, inspired and

motivated us to accomplish this study.

And last but not the least, to our loving parents who supports us financially, emotionally, physically,

and spiritually; thank you so much, this is for all for you.

To our supportive friends, schoolmates, teachers for being part of this research, inspired and

motivated us to accomplish this study.

And last but not the least, to our loving parents who supports us financially, emotionally, physically,

and spiritually; thank you so much, this is for all for you.


The purpose of this study is to assess the financial challenges and academic standing of students

under 4Ps of Baybayog National High School. Specifically, it seeks to know the percentage of 4Ps students

who are Academic Excellence Awardee, and what are the financial challenges faced by the respondents.

There are 100 total number of respondents taken from the total population of Baybayog National

High School.

This study used the descriptive survey design. Frequency and percentage distribution were used to

analyze the different data gathered. The study showed that most of the respondents are academic excellence

awardee, it is to maintain their good academic standing. 4P’s students who faced financial challenges are

encouraged to overcome their financial challenges and a positive thinker to their everyday life.

Table of Contents

Title of Page ………………............................................................................................................................i

Acknowledgement ……………………………………………………………………………………………………ii
Dedication ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….........iii
Abstract ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…iv
Table of Contents ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..v

• Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………………..7-8
• Background of the Study ………………………………………………………………………………...8
• Statement of the Problem ……………………………………………………………………………….8-9
• Significance of the Study ………………………………………………………………………………...9
• Research Paradigm ………………………………………………………………………………………10
• Hypothesis ………………………………………………………………………………………………...10
• Definition of Terms ……………………………………………………………………………………….11


• Review Related Literature …………………………………………………………………………….12-16

• Research Design ……………………………………………………………………………………….17
• Respondents of the Study …………………………………………………………………………….17
• Research Techniques …………………………………………………………………………………17
• Data Gathering Procedure ……………………………………………………………………………18
• Data Analysis …………………………………………………………………………………………..18

• Result …………………………………………………………………………………………………..19-20

• Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations ………………………………………21
• Summary of Findings …………………………………………………………………………………..21
• Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………………………………22
• Recommendation ………………………………………………………………………………………22
• References ……………………………………………………………………………………………...22-24


• Appendix A Approved Letter to Conduct the Study ………………………………………...………25

• Appendix B Approved Letter to Gather Data ………………………………………………………..26
• Appendix C Letter to Respondents …………………………………………………………………..27
• Appendix D Research Questionnaire ………………………………………………………….…….29
• Appendix E Curriculum Vitae ………………………………………………………………….…….28-33


We, Filipino’s can’t hide the fact that we’re under the circumstances of financial challenges. Most

of the Filipinos are having a hard time in making living for their family and especially for their children. Eating

three (3) times a day is even impossible for them, what more for education? Financial Challenges or Financial

problem is a situation in which you are not able to meet your bills on time for afford necessary basic needs.

A situation that is unsatisfactory and causes difficulties for students and it is related to or involving money.

Until 4ps came, 4ps program is currently being implemented by the Department of Social Welfare

Development (DSWD). This program aims to help Filipino families who are deeply in need and through this

program; the future of their children can now be molded and achieved. The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino

Program is the Philippine government most expensive social protection to date. The program provides cash

grant to poor families to help them meet immediate needs. At the same time, it aims to break the

intergenerational poverty by investing in human capital. The lather is achieved by imposing conditions in

exchange for the cash assistance the program gives to the beneficiaries.

As the famous quotation of Dr. Jose Rizal says “Youth are the hope of our country”, it is just right

to support and provide of our needs as students. To be best of what we can do and we need to improve our

Academic Standing. Academic Standing is the standard used to determine or measure a student‘s eligibility

to review and or progress in a program. Sometimes, students are being discouraged of what they are facing

in their everyday life. This is also the hindrance and destruction in their studies. They also think negatively,

they lose hope, and it will affect their future.

Conditional Cash Transfer Program implemented by the government where money (cash grant) is

given to eligible beneficiaries comply with certain conditions such as nutrition, education, family development
sessions and other such services offered by the government. It is a means of helping the beneficiaries

through provisions of social and medical assistance and increasing the investments in human capital for

society by providing education to those who cannot afford it. 4P’s is the flagship poverty alleviation program

of the administration of former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. It aims to educate many Filipino children

starting from pre-school education to secondary education by giving them daily allowances as they go to their

daily classes. Their parents benefit from the program since their children is learning a lot in school and they

are also given dietary allowances for food of their children as they go to school.

This study entitled “The Financial Challenges and Academic Standing of students under 4P’s of

Baybayog National High School” inform others that being a member of 4P’s is a great blessing that it is

essentially valued. In different subjects, they need to improve their standards and their academic standing,

to be knowledgeable or aware of what is 4P’s and also to give solutions to the problem that they are facing.

The main purpose of conducting this research is to know and determine how students under 4P‘s faced their

financial challenges most especially in their academic standing. It determines the percentage or how many

students that are involve in this study. The reason why we are studying this research is to have knowledge

on how we are going to preserve this study until the next generation.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to asses the financial challenges and academic standing of students under 4P’s of

Baybayog National High School for the School Year 2020-2021.

Specifically, it will seek answers to the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents relative to;

1.1. Age

1.2. Gender

1.3. Grade Level

2. What is the percentage of the 4P’s students who are Academic Excellence Awardee?

3. What are the financial challenges faced by the respondents in school?

Significance of the Study

This study is about the financial challenges and academic standing of students under 4P’s of Baybayog

National High School which is beneficial to the following:

School - they will be able to know the financial challenges and academic standing of students under 4P’s,

so that they will implement on exemption in terms of school expenses to those students.

Students - they will be informed with the financial challenges and academic standing of students under

4P’s of Baybayog National High School, so that they may be able to help and respect those students.

Teachers - they will be aware about the situation of their students under 4P’s in their financial challenges

and academics standing, so that they will adjust the level of their standards for their students.

Parents - they will be informed that their children also need financial support for their school matters.

Future Researchers - this study will serve as their guide in conducting another research which is related

to this study.

Research Paradigm


The impact of financial In gathering data, we use The researcher wants to

challenges and academic survey method. prove the impact of financial

standing if students under challenges and academic
Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino
Standing of Students under
Program of Baybayog
Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino
National High School.
Program of Baybayog

National High School.


The following are the assumptions of the researchers:

1. It was assumed that specific number of students that are 4P's beneficiaries are

Academic Excellence Awardee.

2. It was assumed that most if not almost all of the Students are having financial problems.

Definition of Terms

4P’s - Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program is a conditional cash transfer program of the Philippine

Government to provide cash assistance to address the short-term financial need.

Academic Standing- standard used to determine or measure a student’s eligibility to remain and/or progress

in a program.

Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) - administer and implement comprehensive

social welfare programs.

Educators - a person (such as a teacher or a school administrator) who has a job in the field of education.

Expenses - an amount of money that must be spent especially regularly to pay for something.

Financial Challenges- is a situation where money worries are causing you stress most especially those

students who are facing hard financial times.

Percentage - number or rate that is expressed as certain number or parts of something.

Social Interaction- they learn to get along with other people and develop social skills.

Stakeholders - brings together legislators, local chief executives, national government agencies,

beneficiaries, they play in carrying out programs and services.

Standard - a level of quality, achievement, etc. that is considered acceptable or desirable.

Chapter II

Related Literature

Meron (2015), stated that ‘Kids with really poor parents are so desperate to go to school that they‘re

willing to travel far and go through dangerous conditions to get there, like swim under bridge, or climb unto

an open-top school bus that’s already so packed. But some kids just can‘t afford to make those trip‘s. And

getting to school is only the first hurdle. You pay for your books, papers, pens - the schools don‘t provide that

for you – nothing’s free. Poverty doesn’t just affect the children – the teacher‘s livelihoods inevitably suffer.

Sadly, many teachers are choosing to move abroad, after being tempted by higher salaries inevitably, it‘s the

children that suffer. Although we can‘t directly solves a problem as big as poverty, we can certainly help

promote the need for education.

Valencia (2018), confirmed that the index, which has a scale of zero to100, provides information on

which dimensions Filipinos have the least access to. And those complements income-based measure of

poverty. These four dimensions are education; housing, water and sanitation, health and nutrition, and

employment. These comprises the following indicators: school attendance, educational attainment,

ownership of assets, access to toilet facility, access to electricity, freedom from hunger, adequate food

consumption, access to health insurance, relief from underemployment, and not having children who work

instead of attending school. But mostly affected is the education of their children.

Fowler and Monk (2016), stated that consequently, the level of expenditure provides little direct

information about why education cost vary between schools’ systems. It appears that when they examine the

relation between spending and student performance, it is really an investigation of cost and student

performance that is important. Decisions about what services are provided to the students along with

decisions about the means used to provide each service bear of the cost of producing educational results.
For example, "A district may choose to spend more than is necessary to hire teachers with given

characteristics. Such a willingness to spend at higher levels should not confuse with the idea that costs this

district more to provide education.

Medina (2018), asserted that financial problem can affects you in many ways not only into your body

but also to your mental health. She also confirmed that even she has the same experiences when she was

in college. She cites sleeplessness as a common stain experienced among many as a stressor that can leave

someone unable to function at full mental capacity to work or school. She also come-up with the statement

of the other people who experienced the same like Valentina Lee and Daniel Fonseca. They confirmed that

"having to work is an added distraction that is always on the back of four-mind and doesn’t facilitate learning.

Adelma (1999), stated that “unfortunately, low income students are more likely to possess high risk”.

Characteristic that even under graduate had in his findings, two-third of low-income beginning students came

from families in which either of the parents attended college. Compared with one-third of middle and upper

income of students. Conversely, 50% of middle- and upper-income students have at least one of the parents

who earn a bachelor degree or higher, compared with less than 20% low income students.

Dang and Bulus (2015), said that education is an expensive social service that requires adequate

financial provision. All tiers of the government must cooperate for its successful implementation. The role

education play in economic development cannot be over emphasized. Hence the need for all hands to be on

deck for proper development of the educational achievement and development for the both individuals and

the society at large.

Mien and Tao (2015), affirmed that financial behavior refers to how individual manage their all

financial. Many definitions were used as regard to financial behavior. The determination procurement,

dispensation and utilization of financial resources was also referred to as financial management behavior. In
addition, a set of behaviors performed is all about planning, implementing, and evaluating evolve in the areas

cash, credit, investment, insurance and retirement and estate planning . Then financial management behavior

summarized as a part of financial decision-making, harmonizing individual purpose and enterprise objective.

Fosnach and Dong (2013), stated that the students who experience financial stress perceived a less

supportive compass environment but tended to participate in mere academically beneficial activities. There

studies result indicated that the impact of the financial stress carried by the type of financial coping strategic

used. The administration, students, and institutions were asked to fill out a supplementary questionnaire

related to their financial stress in addition to the core NSSE instrument. They limited the sample to the

students in younger than 23 because they lack of parental data income than older students. That they found

was the students are affected and even yet stress because they need to get jobs to support their studies.

Scott-Clayton (2012), found-out that, other possible sources of financial stress include unforeseen

emergencies or expenses like hospital bill or car accident. As students generally have few savings, they do

not have extra money to pay unexpected expenses. Students also be hardly affected by balancing their study

and job. Students may worry about the ability to earn enough income to repay their loans, particularly in an

era of high employment for young adult.

Karande and Kulkarni (2005), categorized that the factors affects learner’s performance into three

groups; biological (student-born factors), psychological and social. They believe that biologically some

students are below average in IQ among their peer age group from psychological perspective we need to

know whether our students are actually ready to learn and/or like to learn. Socially is the environment

conducive and stimulating enough for ideal learning. The reason for children’s low performance among which

are medical problems, below average intelligent, specific learning is ability, emotional problems and

environmental causes. They believed that to solve this multi-varied and cross-linked problem, the focus

should move from class to the family, to the environment and to the social world of students.

Roche (2014), asserted that all foundation programs in all man should include the orientation

program that explicitly draws newly enrolled students’ attention to differences between high school and

university classrooms, participating in relation to assessment (the use of criteria-based assessment and

pass/fail policies), classroom practice (the students will be required to actively participate i.e., produce spoken

and written English rather than memorize passages) and expectations of students outside classroom (e.g.

students will be expected to read material outside the class). Such formal orientation program may be the

first step to addressing Omani students’ performance.

Cressy (1953), believed that trusted persons become trust violators when they conceived of

themselves of having a financial problem. This is non-sharable, are aware that this problem can be secretly

resolve by violation of the position of financial trust. Able to apply to their own conduct in that situation

verbalizations which enable to adjust their consumption of themselves as trusted person are users of the

entrusted funds of property.

Felizardo (2009), affirmed that the 4P’s program is not a dole-out. It’s not meant to make the poor

become lazy and rely on the government nor the NGOs to alleviate their sad poverty state. The Pantawid

Pamilyang Pilipino Program just like the other Conditional Cash programs of other countries Priorities human

dignity through availability of equal opportunities. It aims to provide monitory aid to poor beneficiaries with

the hope of these investments in human capital would lessen the great financial divided among the haves

and have nots. The Program was meant not a kind of dole-out because the chosen beneficiaries are following

the conditions through abiding the agreement of the said program. In this, the family received cash to provide

the needs of the children especially the children will attend in school regularly, have visited the help center

for regular check-ups and also the mother received cash for their medical check-ups especially treatment

during pregnancy.

Brul (2009), stated that Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4P’s) is a poverty reduction and

social development strategy of the National Government that provides conditional cash grants to extremely

poor households to improve their health, nutrition and education particularly children aged 0-14. The program

is currently implemented by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD). Additionally,

Aquino’s Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program as a strategy to alleviate poverty (de Guia,2011). 4P’s

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program is also called as Conditional Cash Transfer (CCI) as Philippine

government version. This program helps the penniless people and most of them and living in squatter area

and family who can’t provide their basic needs.

Chapter IIl


This chapter discusses the methods and procedures particularly, the research design used, respondents

of the study, instrumentation, data gathering procedure and the statistical tools used in analysis and

interpretation of data.

Research Design

This study used the descriptive survey to determine and asses the Financial Challenges and Academic

Standing of students under 4P’s of Baybayog National High School.

Descriptive Survey Method describes the characteristics of population or phenomenon that is being

studied. Since, this study aims to know the percentage of 4P’s students who are academic excellence

awardee, and the financial challenges faced by the respondents, this design is deemed the most appropriate.

Respondents of the study

The respondents of the study will be the 4P’S Students of Baybayog National High School for the

School Year 2020-2021.

Research Technique

A Self- Structured Close- ended survey Questionnaires was utilized to gather data for the Study. The

data collected will be tallied, analyzed and interpreted.

Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers will conduct an online survey the questions are sent by the researcher via

messenger and answered via messenger too. The researcher would analyze and interpret the data gathered

after respondents completed the online survey questionnaire.

Data Analysis

The researchers will use descriptive statistics in the analysis of data gathered in this study.

Frequency and Percentage Distribution will be used to present the different data gathered also assess the

financial Challenges and Academic standing of students under 4P's of Baybayog National High School.



This Chapter presents the results of the study based on the gathered data. The data were presented in

the table form according to the questions posed in statement of the problem.

Table 1. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents in terms of gender.

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 61 55.45%
Female 49 44.55%
Total 110 100%

Out of 110 Student who participated in the Study. 61% were Male while the remaining 49% were Female

Table 1.2 Distribution of Students by Grade level and Section

Grade Level Frequency Percentage

7 17 15.45%
8 14 12.73%
9 14 12.73%
10 16 14.55%
11 24 21.82%
12 25 22.73%
Total 110 100%

Grade level distribution of the Student who took part in this study was also established. The researcher

used simple random sampling to avoid biased distribution.

I. Academic Excellence Awardee

Table 2. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents of 4P's students who are Academic

Excellence Awardee.

Frequency Percentage
Academic 38 35%
Non – Academic 72 65%
Total 100 100%

As shown on the table above, out of 110 respondents the frequency of 4Ps students-recipients who are

Academic Excellence Awardee is 38 or 34% and 4Ps students-recipients who are Non-Academic Excellence

Awardee is 72 or 65%. Therefore, 4Ps students who are academic excellence awardees are doing their


Table 3. Frequency distribution of Respondents according to their Financial Challenges



1. Have you ever experienced failure in requirements caused by lacked of 25 22% 85 77%
money and materials?
2. Have you ever experienced being late going to school caused by lack 63 57% 47 42%
of transportation allowance?

3. Has your teacher caught your attention for using civilian clothes 23 20% 87 79%
because you can’t afford buying school uniform?
4. Have you ever escaped your meal caused by high price of foods in 47 42% 63 57%
5. Have you experienced getting absent due to lack of allowance? 31 28% 79 71%

Chapter V

Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations

This chapter presents the summary, conclusion and recommendation of the study.

Summary of Findings

This study aimed to assess the Financial Challenges and Academic standing of students under 4ps of

Baybayog National High School .It sought to answer the following guide problems.

I. Academic Excellence Awardee

4P’s students’ recipients of Baybayog National High School most of them are Academic Excellence

Awardee with a percentage of 34% while Non –Academic students are 65%.

II. Financial Challenges

The most common financial challenges faced by recipients of 4P’s of Baybayog National High School,

experiencing failure in requirement caused of lack of money for materials with a percentage of 22%, secondly,

experienced being late caused by lack of transportation allowance with percentage of 57%, thirdly, escaping

meals due to high cost of foods in school canteen with a percentage of 42%, while getting absent due to lack

of allowance with a percentage of 28% then lastly, using civilian clothes because they can’t afford having

school uniform with a percentage of 20%. They experienced different financial challenges but they are more

encouraged and motivated to continue their studies.


We based the results that were presented, we therefore conclude that being a 4P’s beneficiaries is a great

blessing. And as for now, in maintaining their good grades they eventually aimed being awardee.

Having a financial challenge, they valued being 4P’s beneficiaries and instead of not coming to school

because of financial challenges, they are more motivated and they used financial challenges as their

instrument of strength and encouragement to continue their studies.


Since, the study showed that most of the respondents are non-academic excellence awardee, it is highly

recommended to encourage them to maintain their good academic standing.

4P’s students who faced financial challenges are encouraged to overcome their financial challenges and

a positive thinker to their everyday life.


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Felizardo, (2009). Poverty Reduction, Page 10

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Mimaropa, (2011). Poverty Reduction, Pages 10-11

Mitman et. al, (1998). Handbook of Physical Education

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region 02
Division of Cagayan
Alcala, Cagayan

June 2021

Dear Students,

We, the Grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences Students are conducting our Research entitled “The

Financial Challenges and Academic Standing of Students Under 4P’s of Baybayog National High School”.

May we ask you to be one of our respondents to answer the questions sincerely for us to obtain the

information needed for our study.

In connection to this, we would like to ask your assistance to answer our questionnaire. The information you

will provide will be treated with utmost confidentiality.

Thank you for your participation.

Respectfully yours,

Humprey Vergel loreto

Glaissa Mae Aresta
Charlene Pillos
Angel Cabling

Noted by:

Melvin Trinidad
Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion Adviser

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region 02
Division of Cagayan
Alcala, Cagayan

June 2021


School Principal ll


We, the Grade 12 Mandela Students of Senior High School Department are currently conducting
a study entitled. "The Financial Challenges and Academic Standing of Students Under 4P’s of Baybayog
National High School". under the subject Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion (3i’s).

In this connection, we would like to ask you permission to conduct the said in our school by
administering a survey.

Your approval to this request is highly appreciated.

Very truly yours,

Humprey Vergel Loreto

Glaissa Mae Aresta
Charlene Pillos
Angel Cabling

Noted by: Approved by:


Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion Teacher. School Principal ll

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region 02
Division of Cagayan
Alcala, Cagayan

June 2021


We, the Grade 12 Mandela Students of Senior High School Department are currently conducting a

study entitled. "The Financial Challenges and Academic Standing of Students Under 4P’s of Baybayog

National High School". under the subject Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion (3i’s).

In this connection, we would like to ask you permission to conduct the said

in our school by administering a survey.

Your approval to this request is highly appreciated.

Very truly yours,

Humprey Vergel Loreto

Glaissa Mae Aresta
Charlene Pillos
Angel Cabling

Noted by:

Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion Teacher


This Research Paper entitled “The Financial Challenges and Academic Standing of Students under 4P’s
of Baybayog National High School” prepared and submitted by ____________________________________
has been approved and accepted as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Academic Track under the
Humanities and Social Sciences.

Ms. Melvin Trinidad



Approved by the Committee of Oral Examination with a rating of __________________________



_____________________________ _____________________________
Member Member

School Principal ll

“The Financial Challenges and Academic Standing of Students
Under 4P’s of Baybayog National High School”

Name (optional):
Grade Level:
1st Grading Average:

Directions: Put a checkmark on the choices that corresponds to your answer.

Financial challenges faced by the respondents Yes No
1. Have you experienced failure in requirements caused by lack of money for
2. Have you experienced being late going to school caused by lack of
transportation allowance?
3. Has your teacher called your attention for using civilian clothes because you
can’t afford having school uniform?
4. Have you ever escaped your meals caused by the high price of foods in the
5. Have you experienced getting absent due to lack of allowance?

Appendix E

Name: Humprey Vergel B. Loreto

Location: Damurog, Alcala, Cagayan

Cellular Phone: 09174775363

Nickname: Humprey Sex: Male
Birthdate: May 12, 2003 Birthplace: St. Paul Hospital
Religion: Roman Catholic Nationality: Filipino
Father’s Name: Artemio Loreto Jr. Occupation: Farmer
Mother’s Name: Robina Loreto Occupation: Housekeeper

Elementary: Damurog Elementary School
Date: School Year 2015-2016

Junior High School: Baybayog National High School

Date: School Year 2018-2019

Senior High School: Baybayog National High School

Date: School Year 2021


Name: Charlene V. Pillos

Location: Baybayog, Alcala, Cagayan

Cellular Phone: 09156065063

Nickname: Charlene Sex: Female
Birthdate: March 24, 2001 Birthplace: Bauan, Amulung, Cagayan
Religion: Roman Catholic Nationality: Filipino
Father’s Name: Charlie V. Pillos Occupation: Farmer
Mother’s Name: Maricon B. Pillos Occupation: Ofw

Elementary: Baculud Elementary School
Date: School Year 2015-2016

Junior High School: Baybayog National High School

Date: School Year 2018-2019

Senior High School: Baybayog National High School

Date: School Year 2021


Name: Glaissa Mae D. Aresta

Location: Jurisdiccion, Alcala,Cagayan

Cellular Phone: 09613159432

Nickname: Glais Sex: Female
Birthdate: July 24, 2002 Birthplace: Sinoloan, Amulung, Cagayan
Religion: Iglesia Ni Cristo Nationality: Filipino
Father’s Name: Genaro O. Aresta Sr. Occupation: Farmer
Mother’s Name: Jackielyn D. Aresta Occupation: Housekeeper

Elementary: Jurisdiccion Elementary School
Date: School Year 2015-2016

Junior High School: Baybayog National High School

Date: School Year 2018-2019

Senior High School: Baybayog National High School

Date: School Year 2021


Name: Angel Cabling

Location: Baculud, Alcala, Cagayan

Cellular Phone: 09759369207

Nickname: Angel Sex: Female
Birthdate: December 8, 2002 Birthplace: Pared, Amulung, Cagayan
Religion: Roman Catholic Nationality: Filipino
Father’s Name: Wilson Cabling Occupation: Trycicle Driver
Mother’s Name: Elma Cabling Occupation: Vendor

Elementary: Damurog Elementary School
Date: School Year 2015-2016

Junior High School: Baybayog National High School

Date: School Year 2018-2019

Senior High School: Baybayog National High School

Date: School Year 2021


Name: Jaynel D. Llanto

Location: Gabut, Alcala, Cagayan

Cellular Phone: 09519186057

Nickname: Jaynel Sex: Male
Birthdate: December 17, 2002 Birthplace: Gabut Cagayan
Religion: Roman Catholic Nationality: Filipino
Father’s Name: Arnel Llanto Occupation: Laborer
Mother’s Name: Jenelyn Lllanto Occupation: Housekeeper

Elementary: Jurisdiccion Elementary School
Date: School Year 2015-2016

Junior High School: Baybayog National High School

Date: School Year 2018-2019

Senior High School: Baybayog National High School

Date: School Year 2021


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