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Structure and Properties of Thermite

Welds in Rails
Specimens removed from thermite welds are characterized
by low tensile ductility and low impact toughness due to
microporosity and inclusions


ABSTRACT. Thermite welds* were made Introduction (HiSi) rails were welded using the pro-
either between "standard controlled- cesses and materials of t w o thermite-
cooled" rails or between "high silicon" As reviewed by Hauser (Ref. 1), the welding suppliers. Current work is on
rails; the rails were welded using the mechanical properties of thermite- evaluation of thermite welds in alloy rail
process of t w o thermite suppliers. The welded rails are usually reported in terms steels and on the thermite welding pro-
weld metal of one supplier (type A) of results from slow bend tests or drop cess, itself; this research will be reported
exhibits nil tensile ductility, and the weld weight tests. These tests are performed
at a later date.
metal of the other (type B) has only on spans, approximately 0.5 to 1 m (19.7
limited ductility which is comparable to to 39.4 in.), of welded rail with the weld
cast carbon steel. Impact toughness in the center. In this paper, mechanical Experimental Procedures
(Charpy key-hole specimens) is also very properties are reported for specimens
low, e.g., it is approximately 2 ft-lb (2.7 )) which were removed from thermite
at 20°C (68°F) and 7 ft-lb (9.5 J) at 149°C welds in order to evaluate tensile and Two commercial thermite welding kits
(300°F). impact properties of the weld material, were used for welding; the welds pro-
itself. The major reason for carrying out duced from these kits are referred to as
Visual examination of the fractures
this work is that, in the literature, there is type A welds and type B welds, respec-
reveals only slight or no indications of
a paucity of data on the properties of tively. The welds were made by a rail-
deformation. Examination of the fractures
thermite welds obtained from specimens road welding crew trained to make ther-
by SEM shows mixtures of transgranular
removed from the weld metal, as mite welds.
and intergranular low energy surfaces
opposed to tests on thermite-welded rail For type A welds, t w o 3 ft (0.91 m)
and ductile regions of dimples. Micropo-
assemblies as reported by Hauser. This lengths of 136 Ib (61.7 kg) rail were used.
rosity, primary inclusions and secondary
study also includes the effects of varia- Prior to welding, some of the rails were
inclusions are also exposed on the frac-
tions in the welding process on both the drilled in the head and in the base as
tures; these heterogeneities are impor-
microstructures and macrostructures of shown in Fig. 1. These holes were pre-
tant factors which contribute to the poor
thermite welds. pared to accept chromel-alumel thermo-
mechanical properties of the weld metal.
The microstructures also have intragranu- This paper gives the results of the first couples which were inside double-bore
lar Widmanstatten ferrite in type A welds phase of the research in which standard alumina tubes. During welding, which
and upper bainite in type B welds; these controlled-cooled (SCC) and high silicon included the preheat cycle, the thermo-
constituents are partly responsible for the
brittleness of the weld metal.
Several other aspects of the structure Table 1—Conditions of the Thermite Welds
of the welds are also discussed; these
include the effects of preheat time and Weld No. Rail No. Preheat Cap, Thermal
gap spacing on the dimensions and hard- and type and type time, min in. (cm) data
nesses of the weld metal and of the 5
heat-affected zone. Macrostructures of 1-A 2-SCC 0 /a(1.6) Yes
2-A 2-SCC 0 1 (2.5) No
the welds reveal the columnar dendritic
3-A 2-SCC 0 Vh (3.8) Yes
nature of the weld metal and some 5
4-A 1-HiSi 5 /s(1.6) No
macrosegregation in the form of bands in 5-A 1-HiSi 5 Yes
1 (2.5)
the fusion zones of the weld metal. 6-A 1-HiSi 5 VA (3.8) No
7-A 1-HiSi 9 V/i (3.8) Yes
*A/so known as thermit welds. 8-A 1-HiSi 9 1 (2.5) No
9-A 1-HiSi 9 /8(1.6) Yes
I MYERS is now with Hudson Wire Co., 1X-B 3-SCC 0 1/2(1.3) Yes
Ossining, New York; G. H. GEIGER is now with 2X-B 4-SCC 0 V2(1.3) Yes
the Chase Manhattan Bank, New York, New 3X-B 5-HiSi 0 '/2(1.3) No
York; and D. R. POIRIER is Associate Professor, 4X-B 6-SCC 0 94(1.6) Yes
College of Mines, The University of Arizona, 5X-B 7-SCC 0
/2(1.3) Yes
Tucson, Arizona.

258-s I AUGUST 1982

- D nine type A welds and in four of the type
B welds. In some instances the traverses
were from one rail to the other across
- B DIMEN- TYPE A TYPE B the weld metal in the base of the rail, and
SION WELDS WELDS in others, the traverses were across the

t weld metal in the rail head. An average of
—I U-E < ^ A 3/4 3/4 three readings at each location along a
traverse was recorded; typical results for
1 1 B 3/4 1 1/2
1 j C 1 3/4 2 3/8
type A welds are shown in Fig. 3 for
weld 6. In Fig. 3A, the hardness traverse
D 2 3/4 3 1/4 across the weld in the rail head is not
RAIL E 1/8 1/8 symmetrical, but there are some key
aspects which can be characterized. The
F 3/8 NA
weld metal exhibits a minimum hardness
G 3/4 NA near the center. Hardness rises to the
H 1 3/4 NA heat-affected-zone (HAZ) and then drops
4 i v t to another minimum near the boundary
F between the HAZ and the unaffected rail.
-ii 1' <r
This pattern was apparent in the rail
- G -i heads with one exception (weld 8) which
exhibited minimum hardness close to the
boundary of the fusion zone and the
Fig. 1 — Location of thermocouples
Figure 3B shows the hardness traverse
across the base section of the same weld
couples were connected to a multipoint impact properties. On most weldments, (weld 6). Here the minimum within the
recorder. A total of nine type A welds hardness and microhardness tests were weld metal is not as pronounced as in the
were made in which the gap between also performed mainly to augment analy- rail head; in other respects Figs. 3A and
the rails and the preheat time were varied ses of microstructures. Tensile specimens 3B are similar. Most of the traverses
according to the schedule in Table 1. In were removed and machined from the across the base sections of type A welds
these welds, SCC rails (standard con- head section of each weldment across exhibit traverses similar to Fig. 3B,
trolled-cooled rails) were used for three the weld metal, as shown in Fig. 2A. although some are similar to Fig. 3A. In all
of the welds, and HiSi (high-silicon rails) These specimens were long enough to cases, however, the minimum hardness
were used on the remaining six. include the heat-affected zones on both in the weld metal equals or exceeds the
sides of the weld metal; the dimensions minimum near the boundary between
The procedure employed for type B
are given in Fig. 2B. Tensile specimens of the HAZ and the unaffected rail in the
welds differed in that there was no pre-
similar geometry were also removed base.
heat, and the thermocouples (when
used) were located only in the head (Fig. from a SCC rail and from a HiSi rail. The hardness variations of type A
1). Gap spacing was varied as shown in Impact specimens (Charpy key-hole) welds are given in Table 3. Within the
Table 1. All of these welds were made were removed from type B welds only weld metal the minimum hardness of the
using SCC rail except for one in which and located in the base and head with the rail base varies with preheat time, and it is
HiSi rail was used. notches oriented as shown in Fig. 2A. consistently harder than the weld metal in
Drillings for chemical analyses were Tests were at 22°C (room temperature), the rail head. This is evident in Fig. 4. The
removed from the weld metal of four of 82 and 149°C (72, 180 and 300°F); the gap between the rail ends before weld-
the type A welds, t w o of the type B latter temperatures were achieved by ing has no effect on the maximum and
welds, and from many of the rails. These immersing the specimens for 20 minutes minimum hardnesses in the fusion zone.
analyses are given in Table 2. (min) in quench-oil which was heated and To achieve maximum hardness in the
agitated. base, a preheat for 5 min is required. For
the rail head, it appears that preheats for
Tensile and Impact Specimens 5 to 9 min result in about the same
Mechanical Properties hardness. That the lowest values of hard-
Specimens were removed from the
weldments in order to obtain tensile and Hardness traverses were made in all nesses are for no preheat is due to the

Table 2—Compositions of the Rails and Welds, Wt.%

Type A: Mn Ni Cr Mo Cu A Others
Rail 1 0.75 0.90 0.74 0.013 0.027 0.08 0.03 0.01 0.09 ND
Rail 2 0.75 0.84 0.17 0.020 0.022 0.08 0.04 0.01 0.09 ND
Weld 1 0.54 1.40 0.38 0.031 0.019 0.04 0.01 0.10 0.04 0.68 0.0015 B; 0.05 Ti
Weld 3 0.48 1.32 0.35 0.032 0.020 0.04 0.03 0.09 0.03 0.33 0.0010 B; 0.03 Ti
Weld 6 0.55 1.30 0.50 0.031 0.020 0.04 0.01 0.10 0.04 0.37 0.0020 B; 0.03 Ti
Weld 9 0.59 1.10 0.40 0.028 0.023 0.05 0.03 0.08 0.04 0.34 0.0006 B; 0.02 Ti
Type B:

Rail 3 0.75 0.80 0.17 0.014 0.030 0.08 0.03 0.04 — 0.014 0.002 V
Rail 4 0.76 0.80 0.17 0.015 0.029 0.07 0.03 0.04 - 0.014 0.002 V
Rail 5 0.75 0.93 0.68 0.027 0.032 0.06 0.02 0.04 — 0.007 0.002 V
Rail 6 0.76 0.80 0.17 0.014 0.038 0.07 0.03 0.04 — 0.014 0.002 V
Rail 7 0.75 0.80 0.17 0.015 0.029 0.07 0.03 0.03 - 0.014 0.002 V
Weld 1X 0.49 1.26 1.49 0.017 0.019 0.13 0.12 0.05 - 1.25 0.008 V
Weld 2X 0.47 1.33 1.09 0.016 0.019 0.12 0.13 0.04 - 1.07 0.008 V


i i i 1 1 1
34 ' ' 'Ai
.42 — ® / 1
Ld , „
^ 30 "
^:2 8
8 \ y
cc -
c/)" 26
UJ , 4 \ /
V _
CC 22
i i i 1 1 i i i
100 80 60 40 20 <L 20 40 60 80 100


Fig. 2—Specimens for mechanical properties

100 80 60 40 20 <t 20 40 60 80 100

Fig. 3 (right) — Hardness traverses in weld 6 DISTANCE, mm

differences in the microstructures ob-

tained in the central region of the weld
metals; the microstructures of the weld
metal are discussed later in this paper.
In Table 3, the most apparent differ-
ence regarding the HAZ of the nine welds Table 3—Hardness Variations in Type A Welds
is that the HiSi rail is approximately 2 Rc
points harder than the SCC rail. Hardness Hardness of Hardness of HAZ<a>
weld metal, (both sides),
in the HAZ appears not to depend upon
preheat or gap spacing. However, in the Preheat Kc Rc
time, Min- Min-
HAZ of the SCC rail (welds 1-3), the
Weld Rail min imum Max. imum Max.
hardnesses in tne base are approximately
4 Rc greater than those in the head. 1-base SCC 0 26 34 22 34
Hardness traverses for the four type B 25 35
welds were made across the weld metal 2-base SCC 0 25 34 22 31
23 29
and heat-affected zones in the rail heads.
3-head SCC 0 23 28 18 27
These traverses are similar to Fig. 3A 20 28
except that the minimum within the weld 22 (avg) 31 (avg)
metal always exceeded the minimum 4-head HiSi 5 23 32 24 32
within the HAZ. These results are given in 21 32
Table 4. The hardness within the weld 5-base HiSi 5 31 35 24 34
metal is about 4 to 5 Rc points greater 23 35
than those measured in the rail heads of 6-base HiSi 5 30 34 23 33
type A welds, and the hardness and the 24 32
variations in hardness within the HAZ are 6-head HiSi 5 24 34 24 33
26 35
approximately equal to those observed in
7-head HiSi 9 25 32 21 32
the HAZ of type A welds.
26 34
Tensile properties of the welds are -head HiSi 9 25(b) 33 23 33
summarized in Table 5, which gives ulti- 21 29
mate tensile strength, elongation and 9-base HiSi 9 27 34 25 34
reduction in area; also reported are ten- 27 32
sile properties for Rail 1 (HiSi) and Rail 2 24 (avg) 33 (avg)
(SCC). The most important points to note (a
'Heat-affected zone.
in Table 5 are that the ductility of the '"'Minimum not near center of fusion zone.

260-s | AUGUST 1982

Table 4—Hardness Variations in Type B Welds

Hardness of Hardness (V HAZU»

weld meta , Rc
- RASFtMAX.) •
Preheat (both sides), Rc
cc HEAD(wavi a
time, Mini- Mini-
to • •
Weld Rail min mum Max. mum Max. o
IX-head SCC 0 31 33 20
\A 3,
2X-head SCC 0 28 34 22 33 <
22 72 25' ^j^A^A-& -
5X-head SCC 0 27 33 19 32 O
19 29
21 (avg) 32 (avg) 20
3X-head HiSi 0 31 35 27 37 0 5 10
25 36 PREHEAT TIME, min.
26 (avg) 36 (avg)
Fig. 4-Effect of preheat on hardness
'a)Heat-arfected zone.

weld metal is low, and that the tensile failed in the center of the weld metal and and the low values of tensile ductility
strength of the weld metal is approxi- not at the point of minimum hardness in indicate that the fracture mode of the
mately 15-25 ksi (103-172 MPa) less than the HAZ. Since the gage length of a weld metal is brittle.
the tensile strength of the rail at equiva- tensile specimen encompasses the weld
lent hardnesses.* The weld metal in type metal and the HAZ, plastic deformation is
B welds is somewhat better than that in not uniform. Figure 5 depicts the nonuni-
type A welds in that the averages of the form deformation along the gage length Macrostructures were obtained from
tensile strengths and reductions in area for one of the type B welds. The most the surfaces of weldments shown in Fig.
are greater by 10 ksi (69 MPa) and 3%, deformation occurred in the HAZ at the 2A. Sulfur prints (Fig. 7) were made
respectively. Weld metal prepared using point of minimum hardness. Fracture was according to procedures given by Kehl
type A kits exhibited no measurable duc- at the point of minimum hardness in the (Ref. 2); this technique clearly delineated
tility in terms of reduction in area. The center of the weld metal. the boundary between the fusion zone
weld metal in type B welds exhibited only Impact tests were conducted only on and parent rail, but it did not reveal the
limited ductility; of these five specimens, specimens removed from the weld metal HAZ. All welds exhibited no gross sulfur
the maximum reduction in area was only of type B welds; the results are plotted in segregation in the weld metal; in particu-
3.5%-Table 5. Fig. 6. At 20°C (68°F) the energy lar, no centerline segregation was found
It is also important to note that the absorbed is only 2 ft-lbf (2.7 J); notice that except for a very slight indication in the
tensile specimens (with one exception) at 149°C (300°F) the energy absorbed is weld metal of weld 3.
only between 6 and 8 ft-lbf (8-11 J). Visual Figures 7A and 7B show that preheat
examination of all fractures revealed only strongly influences the width of the weld
"The minimum hardness of the weld metal is slight or no indications of deformation metal in type A welds. The gap before
selected when comparing the hardnesses of such as a fibrous appearing fracture or welding was greater in Fig. 7A than in Fig.
welds to rails. plastic deformation. These impact data 7B (38 mm vs. 25 mm, i.e., 1.5 vs 1 in.),

Table 5—Tensile Properties of Weld Metal and Rail

Ultimate tensile strength Elongation, (a) Reduction in area,

Material ksi MPa

Type A:
143.0 985.8 13.0 13.6
Rail 1<b> 131.5 906.5 12.0 13.3
Rail 2<b> 116.3 801.8 2.5 N.D.(C»
Weld 1 106.4 733.5 2.5 N.D.
Weld 2 115.0 792.8 I.O N.D.
Weld 3 115.5 796.2 I.O N.D.
Weld 4 112.3 774.2 I.O N.D.
Weld 5 112.7 776.9 1.0 N.D.
Weld 6 115.9 799.0 I 0 N.D.
Weld 7 110.4 761.1 1.0 N.D.
Weld 8 108.3 746.6 1.0 N.D.
Weld 9

Type B:

Weld 1x 115.3 792.8 2.7 1.8

Weld 2x 121.0 834.1 2.3 3.5
Weld 3x 121.8 839.6 2.2 2.6
Weld 4x<d> 123.0 847.9 3.5 2.9
Weld 5x 128.7 887.2 5.6 2.9
8ased on 5 in. (127 mm) gage length.
Yield strengths are 91.6 ksi (631.5 MPa) and 84.0 ksi (579.4 MPa) for rails 1 and 2, respectively.
N.D.-not detected.
Did not break in center.


Fig. 5 —Nonuniform deformation

Fig. 7—Sulfur prints of thermite welds: A —weld 3 with no preheat and 38 mm (TA in.) gap;
B — weld 8 with 9 min of preheat and 25 mm (1 in.) gap; C — weld 3X with no preheat and 13 mm
(A in.) gap

largest gap spacing consistently results in Fig. 10 which shows an increase in the
the least penetration. thickness of the HAZ with increase in
Since there is no preheat when type B preheat time. This is expected since
kits are used, the effect of preheat for increasing preheat time (and thus increas-
those welds does not appear in Fig. 8B. ing preheat temperature) increases the
However, penetration of the t w o pro- distance from the weld metal to a point
cesses with no preheat are shown experiencing a particular peak tempera-
"0 50 100 150 200
together in Fig. 8C. For location X, in the ture (Ref. 3). For no preheat, notice that
rail head, the penetration in type B welds the thickness of the HAZ is process
Fig. 6 — Charpy impact toughness is greater than in type A. In the web dependent and is greater for type B
(location Y), there is essentially no differ- welds.
ence, but in the base (location Z) the Thermal cycles for welds produced by
penetrations are reversed. The differ- the t w o processes are shown in Fig. 11.
but preheat substantially increased melt- ence in the two welding procedures is Plots of peak temperature in the rail head
back (i.e., penetration) so that the final that the type B welds are filled from the vs. distance from the rail end for equiva-
width of the weld metal is greater in Fig. top as in "top-gated" castings whereas lent gaps are shown in Fig. 12 which
7B than in Fig. 7A. A type B weld is shown the type A welds fill from the bottom as shows that the type B weld (no preheat)
in Fig. 7C which was made with an initial in "bottom-gated" castings. achieves greater peak temperature than
gap of only 13 mm (V2 in.). This accounts does its counterpart of type A. Preheat-
When sections of the weld are etched,
for the smallest thickness of weld metal ing a type A weld for 9 min causes the
the HAZ becomes apparent; t w o etched
of the three welds in Fig. 7; penetration is peak temperatures to exceed those of
welds are shown in Fig. 9. Measurements
comparable to that of Fig. 7A except near type B. To achieve equivalent fusion
of the thickness of the HAZ are shown in
the base where it is less than 1 mm.
The penetration characteristics of
twelve welds were determined by plot-
ting measurements taken at locations X, Y o Type B
and Z in Fig. 8A. Figure 8B shows an D Type A
increase in penetration with preheat time
at these locations. Notice, also, that the

D I0 20 30 4C

• "~^Q
mm " D

" 0


Fig. 8 — Penetration in welds

262-s | AUGUST 1982

zones and heat-affected zones with the
t w o kits, the preheat time for welds
produced with type A kits is approxi-
mately 3 min.

In the previous section, the structures
of the welds are characterized in terms of
the observed shapes and dimensions of
the weld metal and of the heat-affected
zones. Primary emphasis in this section is
given to characterizing the microstruc-
ture of the weld metal in order to eluci-
date possible reasons for the brittle frac-
ture behavior of the weld metal.
Micrographs depicting the columnar
dendritic structure in type B welds are
presented in Fig. 13. Figure 13A shows
the structure at the fusion zone/HAZ
boundary. Figures 13B and 13C show the
structures adjacent to that of Fig. 13A and
at the weld metal centerline, respectively.
The micrographs show that the columnar
dendrites grew in the direction of heat
Fig. 9—Macrostructure of welds: A — weld 2 (type B) with no preheat; B — weld 8 (type B) with 9 flow, as expected. The prior austenite
min of preheat. Nital etch; X2/3 (reduced 17% on reproduction) grain boundaries are decorated with fer-
rite, and some of the decorated bound-

f •lCi.,.9 cm "'
UJ ouu - i
CC i
j -^•^•f
A| —
5 - "•^e^r^-^^
CC 6 0 0
4.4 cm
EWsi ^~:::^aia
- - 7 . 0 cm
HEAD •——

^"^ I J i i
12 16 20


UJ" 800
DC 3 2 cm

< - /
CC 600 5.7 Cm
1- 400
«—' * 873 cm

/ l
2 4 6 0 4 8 12
Fig. 10 — Heat-affected zone thickness Fig. 11- Temperature cycles in thermite welds


£ 9 MIN - WELD 9 (TYPE A ]
D O - WELD 4a (TYPE B)
I 1 1


Fig. 12 — Peak temperatures in rail heads

aries do not separate dendrites of dissim-

ilar orientation. Thus, as the steel cooled
through the austenite range, the as-cast
grain boundaries were mobile.
Figure 14A shows the type of micro-
structure observed at a greater magnifi-
cation in the weld metal of type B welds.
The microstructure is fine pearlite with
ferrite along the prior austenite grain
boundaries; this exemplifies the micro- Fig. 14 —Structure oi weld metal in type B
structure of these welds. However, in welds: A — ferrite along prior austentite grain
some localized regions segregration in boundaries in matrix of fine pearlite in weld 5X;
X188. B-bainite in weld 4X; X900. Picral etch.
the form of "bands" was observed. (A and B reduced 32% on reproduction)
These segregates can be seen in the
macrostructure (Fig. 9A) where they are
particularly evident under the widest por- structure varies across weld metal. In the
tion of the weld metal in the rail head. center, the structure is pearlite and ferrite
When these segregated "bands" are (Fig. 15B) and appears dark in the macro-
viewed at X1200, the microstructure structure (Fig. 9B). Away from the center,
appears to be upper bainite —Fig. 14B. in the lighter etching portions of the weld
The structure of the weld metal in type metal in Fig. 9B, there is a mixed micro-
A welds differs from that in type B welds, structure comprised of patches of pearl-
and there is a dependence on the pre- ite in regions where intragranular Wid-
heat time. With no preheat, the weld manstatten ferrite predominates (Fig.
metal is comprised largely of intragranular Fig. 13—Structure of weld metal in weld 2X 15C). For these welds, faster cooling
Widmanstatten ferrite and small isolated base: A — HAZ/fusion zone boundary; B — encourages formation of the intragranu-
patches of pearlite. Figure 15 shows metal adjacent to boundary of A; C-center. lar Widmanstatten ferrite rather than
microstructures of these welds; at the Picral etch; X48 (reduced 24% on reproduc- pearlite. Hence, with no preheat the
greatest magnification (Fig. 15A), the tion) entire weld metal zone is largely of this
intragranular Widmanstatten ferrite is evi- microstructure; with preheat for 5 min,
dent. Notice that in Figs. 15A and 15B there is a mixed structure across the weld
prior austenite grain boundaries are still ture changes can be explained by refer- metal. With preheat for 9 min, the struc-
outlined by ferrite. With preheat (for ence to the darker etching portion along ture consists of pearlite and grain bound-
either 5 or 9 min), the microstructure the center of the weld metal in Fig. 9B. ary ferrite in the center of the weld metal
changes. This is not segregation; the difference in with a mixed structure away from the
The manner in which the microstruc- etching behavior is because the micro- center.

> A, w:

Fig. 15—Structure of weld metal in type A welds: A — intergranular Widmanstatten ferrite in weld 2; X410. B — mixed structure in weld 5 with 5 min
preheat; X45. C—mixed structure in weld 8 with 9 min of preheat; X45. Picral etch (A, B and C reduced 21% on reproduction)

264-s I AUGUST 1982


Fig. 17 — Microporosity and inclusions in weld

6 (type A). Unetched; X60

brittle behavior —Fig. 19. However,

whether the fractures corresponded to
the ferritic networks, as indicated in Fig.
18B, or to cleavage through pearlite colo-
nies was not clearly established. Much of
the fracture is clearly dimpled, indicating
ductile rupture. However, in this case
there are so many particles (i.e., inclu-
sions) associated with the dimples that
the macroscopic energy for fracture is
very low.
Figure 20 shows the fracture surface in
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 I the vicinity of a notch of an impact
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 I
FRACTION SOLID FRACTION SOLID specimen; numerous inclusions are evi-
Fig. 16 — Microsegregation in weld metal dent. Those labeled A, B, D and E are
aluminum oxide inclusions as identified by
microprobe analyses. They are much
larger than secondary inclusions which
A microstructure of intragranaular dispersed microporosity can be seen in form during solidification in the interden-
Widmanstatten ferrite in the weld metal Fig. 17; in addition there are numerous
of type A welds is also associated with inclusions. Many of these inclusions form
the segregated "bands" which can be arrays in the interdendritic regions;
observed in the macrostructure of Fig. remaining inclusions are within the den-
9B. These are the segregates near and drites, themselves, which, when viewed
parallel to the boundary between the at a higher magnification, are found to be
fusion zone and the HAZ. To detect glassy spherical inclusions (silicates) similar
differences in alloy content between to those in Fig. 14B.
"banded" and "unbanded" (i.e., normal) Fractures of the impact specimens
regions, microanalyses were done with from type B welds were examined metal-
an electron beam microprobe. The elec- lographicaliy after plating the fracture
tron beam was adjusted to a diameter of surfaces with electroless nickel. The frac-
1 micron, and analyses were obtained at ture proceeded through pearlite colo-
10 micron intervals using the wavelength nies, but some of the fracture was also
dispersive method. Such scans were along the grain boundary ferrite-Fig.
made in "banded" and "unbanded" 18A. In an effort to identify embrittling
regions in the weld metal of a type A agents associated with the ferrite, the
weld and of a type B weld. grain boundary ferrite in a number of
The data obtained were reduced in specimens was examined with a scanning
such a manner as to yield composition vs. electron microscope in order to detect
volume fraction of alloy as in Fig. 16 for precipitates of nitrides, sulfides or car-
welds 1 and 5x. This was done by plotting bides which could cause "conchoidal
the fraction of microanalyses with a given fracture" as described by Henry and
composition or less vs. that composition. Horstmann (Ref. 4). In one instance, pos-
The plot gives microsegregation which sible evidence of precipitates along a
results from the dendritic solidification of ferrite boundary was f o u n d - F i g . 18B.
the alloy. In Fig. 16, the compositions of Additional work was also done in which
solutes increase with increasing fraction extraction replicas were removed from a
solid which is expected behavior. The number of specimens from the weld
"bands" are enriched in aluminum, slight- metal of both types of welds and exam-
ly enriched in manganese and depleted in ined in a transmission electron micro-
silicon. scope. No evidence of grain boundary
precipitates was found. Fig. 18 — Intergranular fracture in type B welds:
Figure 17 shows a photomicrograph of A — fracture along ferrite at prior austenite
an unetched specimen from the weld Fracture surfaces were examined with grain boundary in weld 2X; X250. B — SEM
metal of a type A weld; this photomicro- a scanning electron microscope. The image in weld 5X; X5000. (A and B reduced
graph is typical of all welds. Randomly fractures had large areas indicative of 44% on reproduction)


Fig. 19 - Fractography of type B weld. X300 Fig. 21 —Interdendritic porosity on fracture Fig. 22 —Fracture surface of a Charpy impact
(reduced 49% on reproduction) surface of a Charpy impact specimen specimen removed from the weld metal of a
removed from the weld metal of a type B type B thermite weld; secondary inclusions are
thermite weld. X500 (reduced 49% on repro- apparent. X 1000 (reduced 48% on reproduc-
duction) tion)

because the c o m p o s i t i o n s are dissimilar;

f o r e x a m p l e , the c o m p o s i t i o n s of manga-
T h e w e l d metal o f the t h e r m i t e w e l d s nese and a l u m i n u m are less in the cast
contain a n u m b e r of heterogeneities. steels. Also, the p r o p e r t i e s of the cast
These include: c a r b o n steels w e r e o b t a i n e d f r o m speci-
1. M a c r o s e g r e g a t i o n in the f o r m of mens w h i c h h a v e b e e n r e m o v e d f r o m
"bands." standard A S T M keel blocks w h i c h are
2. Inclusions. cast in sand molds.
3. M i c r o p o r o s i t y . W e l d metal solidifies m o r e rapidly
4. M i x e d structures o f pearlite, grain because of the high rate o f heat c o n d u c -
b o u n d a r y ferrite a n d bainite in t y p e B t i o n into t h e rails; c o n s e q u e n t l y , the d e n -
welds. dritic spacings in the w e l d metal are
Fig. 20 —Fracture surface of a Charpy impact e x p e c t e d t o b e finer than those in the
5. M i x e d structures of pearlite, grain
specimen removed from the weld metal of a
b o u n d a r y ferrite and intragranular W i d - steel of t h e keel blocks. Nevertheless, Fig.
type B thermite weld. A number of inclusions
manstatten ferrite in t y p e A w e l d s . 23 can b e used t o qualitatively rate the
(rich in AI2O3) are indicated. X15 (reduced
46% on reproduction) T h e r e is also s o m e e v i d e n c e , although w e l d metal.
not o v e r w h e l m i n g , that t h e r e are p r e c i p - At equivalent hardnesses, Fig. 23A indi-
itates (e.g., nitrides, carbides or sulfides) cates that t h e tensile strengths of most of
along prior austenite grain boundaries. the specimens of w e l d metal are less than
dritic liquids. These are p r i m a r y inclusions Before t h e a b o v e factors are dis- obtainable in cast c a r b o n steel. O n the
w h i c h enter t h e w e l d gap as d r o p l e t s of cussed, it is interesting t o c o m p a r e the o t h e r h a n d , that the ductilities of the
liquid slag in the liquid w e l d metal. T h e mechanical p r o p e r t i e s o f t h e w e l d metal w e l d metal are so l o w is n o t surprising
fractures also e x p o s e d m i c r o p o r o s i t y (Fig. t o those of cast steel. In Fig. 23, typical w h e n they are c o m p a r e d t o those o f cast
21) and secondary inclusions. A n e x a m p l e properties of cast c a r b o n steels (Ref. 5, 6) steel; i n d e e d , in Fig. 23 the ductility o f
o f a secondary inclusion is s h o w n in Fig. are s h o w n w i t h t h e p r o p e r t i e s o f the t y p e B w e l d s is consistent w i t h the ductil-
22; the inclusion labeled A w a s identified w e l d metal f o r b o t h t y p e A and t y p e B ity o f cast c a r b o n steel e x t r a p o l a t e d t o a
as silica and is similar t o the inclusions w e l d s . T o c o m p a r e t h e cast steels t o the hardness of a p p r o x i m a t e l y 280 Brinell. A t
present in Fig. 14B. w e l d metals is perhaps n o t strictly valid approximately 240 Brinell, h o w e v e r ,
there is s o m e potential f o r ductility, b u t
t y p e A w e l d s exhibit n o n e .

130 900
1 1 1 D 1

® Ax\A9 0 D
JC 120 -
X /^\\Ag A D - 800 -j-
o 110 — /\\\\y A (3
CT cr
\ \ T y A TYPE A WELDS 1-
- 700 1
CO 100
y/ © C A S T S ANNEALED 6 _
90- O AS-CAST 5
ATW 600 I-
1 1 1
80 A\ \ fw Q
120 160 200 240 280 320 LU 120 160 200 240 280 320
Fig. 23 — Properties of cast carbon steel

266-s I A U G U S T 1982
0.03 of this study exhibits low tensile ductility
and low impact toughness. The fractures
of both tensile and impact specimens are
almost completely brittle. There are t w o
major factors responsible for this behav-
0.02 -
1. Microporosity and numerous sec-
ondary inclusions are present in weld
metal in the interdendritic regions. A
significant number of primary inclusions
are also present which originate as small
0.01 - droplets of liquid slag present in the liquid
weld metal. The high inclusion population
and the microporosity are important fac-
tors which contribute to the low tensile
ductility and low impact toughness of the
2. The microstructures of the weld
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 metal include intragranular Widmanstat-
ten ferrite in type A welds and upper
Al(%) bainite in type B welds. These constitu-
Fig. 24 — Compositions of Al and N in the weld metal ents are thought to be at least partly
responsible for the brittle behavior of the
weld metal.
The following observations also relate
It is apparent that the weld metal in to assume that AIN precipitates at grain
type A welds is brittle, and that of type B to the structure of the welds although
boundaries in the type A welds and
welds has limited ductility which is com- none contribute to the brittle behavior of
possibly in type B welds. However, in this
parable to cast carbon steel. The Charpy the weld metal.
research the frequency of detecting such
impact properties of type B welds is only inclusions in microstructures was rare. 1. Sulfur prints made of sectioned
2 ft-lb (2.7 )) energy absorbed at room Grain boundary precipitates were rarely welds reveal no gross sulfur center line
temperature, but this too is comparable observed by SEM (Fig. 18), and when segregation in the weld metal. Several of
to impact properties obtained in cast extraction replicas of etched specimens the sulfur prints exhibit a banding type of
steel (Ref. 5). The presence of micro- were viewed under TEM, no grain segregate parallel and close to the fusion
porosity undoubtedly contributes to the boundary precipitates were found. zones/HAZ interface in the top third of
brittle behavior but so does the presence the rail. Macroetching reveals the heat-
In steels, sulfides can also precipitate
of inclusions. Additionally, the mixed affected zones and macrosegregation in
on austenite grain boundaries during
microstructures are also contributing fac- the form of bands which correspond to
cooling through the range of 1400-
tors to the very low ductility and impact those segregates revealed by sulfur print-
1100°C (2552-2012°F). However, other
toughness of the weld metal. ing. Microprobe analyses across these
than the sulfides that precipitated during
In type A welds, intragranular Widman- solidification, it is unlikely that there is bands reveal an enrichment in aluminum
statten ferrite is present, and in cast sulfide precipitation on prior austenite and manganese and a depletion in sili-
carbon steel a reduction in Charpy grain boundaries in the weld metal of con.
impact toughness and tensile ductility type A and type B welds. The composi- The banded regions found in type A
corresponds to the presence of this tions of manganese and aluminum ensure welds have a different structure than
microstructural constituent (Ref. 7). In that the solubility of sulfur in austenite is those found in type B welds. In the
type B welds there is some upper bainite, so low that the precipitation can not former, bands are composed of intra-
and brittle cleavage fracture in upper occur (Ref. 11). granular Widmanstatten ferrite and pearl-
bainite can spread unhindered across the In the light of above, it appears that ite, whereas in the latter the bands con-
bainitic ferrite boundaries. Consequently, grain boundary precipitates are not sist primarily of bainite. The difference in
this constituent has a generally higher responsible for embrittling the fusion weld banded structure is attributed to the
impact transition temperature, despite its zones in thermite welds. Therefore, difference in the respective weld metal
lower strength, than does lower bainite. future research should be on modifying chemistries. In both cases, the bands are
There is also the possibility that precip- the process and/or mold design more hardenable than the nonsegre-
itates have weakened the interface of the employed in thermite welding to reduce gated regions of the weld metal.
ferrite along the prior austenite grain the incidence of inclusions and micro- 2. The center line of the weld metal
boundaries causing conchoidal rupture porosity. It also appears that alloy modifi- typically exhibits the lowest hardness
(i.e., intergranular fracture). The grain cations might also improve the mechani- compared to adjacent areas within the
boundary precipitates which induce con- cal behavior of the fusion zones. In par- as-cast region. Peak hardness in the HAZ
choidal rupture are often aluminum ticular, microstructures which contain is always adjacent to the fusion zone. The
nitrides (Ref. 4, 9, 10). Figure 24 shows intragranular Widmanstatten ferrite and/ lowest hardness is almost always in the
the relationship between the appearance or upper bainite are not desirable. Ele- outer extremity of the HAZ, in a region of
of conchoidal ruptures and the composi- ments, such as manganese and boron, partially spheroidized pearlite.
tions of nitrogen and aluminum. One which strongly increase the hardenability 3. The thickness of the HAZ in type A
type A and t w o type B weld samples of steel probably should be reduced to welds increases with preheat time but is
were analyzed for nitrogen; these ana- the point where pearlitic microstructures, hardly influenced by the gap spacing
lyzed 0.021-0.027% and 0.002-0.009% free of intragranular Widmanstatten fer- before welding.
for type A and type B welds, respective- rite and bainite, are achieved. 4. Weld penetration in the head of
ly. type B welds is greater than its type A
Aluminum compositions are given in Conclusion equivalent (i.e., no preheat); however, in
Table 2. When these compositions are the base section the degree of penetra-
superimposed on Fig. 24, it is reasonable The weld metal in the thermite welds tion is reversed and greater in type A


w e l d s . This d i f f e r e n c e is a t t r i b u t e d t o the References 1980. Steel castings handbook, ed. P. F. Weis-
m a n n e r in w h i c h the liquid w e l d metal is er, pp. 15-2 and 15-3. Rocky River, Ohio.
f e d into the respective molds. 1. Hauser. D. 1978. Welding of railroad 7. Heine, R. W.; Loper, C. R., |r.; and
steels —a literature and industry survey. Rail Rosenthal, P. C. 1967. Principles of metal
steels — developments, processing and use, castings, 2nd ed., p. 477. New York: McGraw-
eds. D. H. Stone and C. G. Knupp, pp. Hill.
118-144. Special Tech. Publ. 644. Philadelphia: 8. Pickering, F. 1967. The structure and
A ckno wledgments ASTM. properties of bainite in steels. In Transforma-
2. Kehl, G. L 1949. Metallographic labora- tion and hardenability in steels, pp. 109-129.
This w o r k w a s s p o n s o r e d by the tory practice, 3rd ed., pp. 186-188. New York: Climax Molybdenum of Michigan and Univer-
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Systems C e n t e r of the McGraw-Hill. sity of Michigan symposium.
D e p a r t m e n t o f T r a n s p o r t a t i o n a n d by the 3. American Welding Society. 1976. Weld- 9. Harris, R., and Chandley, G. 1962
U n i o n Pacific Railroad in t h e f o r m of ing handbook, 7th ed., vol. 1., ed. C. Weis- (March). Modern Castings: 97-103.
man. 10. Lorig, C , and Elsea, A. 1947. Trans. AFS
supplies and e n c o u r a g e m e n t . The assis-
4 Henry, G., and Horstmann, D. Deferri 55: 160-174.
tance of the Southern Pacific Railroad is
metallographia, vol. V, pp. 145-148. Dussel- 11. Boldy, M. D.; Fujii, T.; Poirier, D. R.; and
also a p p r e c i a t e d . Several individuals also dorf: Verlag Stahleisen. Flemings, M. C. 1979. Sulfide inclusions in
assisted us in n u m e r o u s w a y s ; t h e y 5. Steel Founders' Society of America. electroslag remelted steels. Contract No.
include R. F. D o m a g a l a , R. Steele, R. 1950. Steel castings handbook, ed. C. W. DAAG-46-78-C-0032. Watertown, Massachu-
B r o w n , T. Teska and T. Ribble. Their Briggs, pp. 274-295. Cleveland. setts: Army Materials and Mechanics Research
c o n t r i b u t i o n s are sincerely a p p r e c i a t e d . 6. Steel Founders' Society of America, Center.

If you plan to present a paper at the AWS 64th Annual
Meeting April 25-29, 1983, be sure to get your abstract with
the Author Application Form (opposite page 166-s May issue)
into the mail no later than August 16, 1982.

For papers to be presented at the 14th International

AWS-WRC Brazing and Soldering Conference, April 26-28,
1983, the Author Application Form (page 68 June issue) and
abstract must also be mailed no later than September 1,

268-s | AUGUST 1982

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