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Nama : Nargis Maulina Sitompul

Nim : 197110905
Grup : 5
Pertemuan 2
1. Part A : A. Has
Part B : Venomous snakes with => have modified teeth connected to poison glands in which the
venom is secreted and stored
2. Part A : C. to repeat
Part B : Representative democracy seemed evolve => to evolved simultaneously during the
eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in Britain, Europe, and the United States
3. Part A : D. writing
Part B : Many people have stopped to smoke => smoking because they are afraid that it may be
harmful to their health.
4. Part A : D. Using
Part B : During Jackson's administration, those who did not approve of permit => permiting
common people in the White House were shocked by the president's insistence that they be
invited into the mansion
5. Part A: C. Came
Part B : When Columbus seen => saw the New World, he thought that he had reached the East
Indies by way of a Western route.
6. Part A : A. it will boil and escape
Part B : If a live sponge is broken into pieces, each piece would turn => will turning into a new
sponge like the original one
7. Part A : A. will probably go up
Part B : If you don't register before the last day of regular registration, you paying -> will paying
a late fee
8. Part A : A. Unless they will
Part B : Usually boys cannot become => becoming Boy Scouts unless completed the fifth rade
9. Part A : C. Being
Part B : Many architects prefer that a dome is used to roof buildings that need to conserve => to
conversed floor space
10. Part A : B. To plan
Part B : It is essential that vitamins are => to supplied either by foods or by supplementary tablets
for normal growth to occur
11. Part A : B. To establish
Part B : Papyrus was used for to make => to make not only paper but also sails, baskets, and
12. Part A : C. Are produced
Part B : Work is often measure in units called foot pounds.
13. Part A : A. it is believed that
Part B : That it is believed => it is believed that most of the earthquakes in the world occur near
=> neared the youngest mountain ranges-the Himalayas, the Andes, and the Sierra Nevadas
14. Part A : D. will have become
Part B : It is believed that by 2010 immunotherapy have succeeded -> will have succeeded in
curing => cured a number of serious illnesses
Nama : Nargis Maulina Sitompul
Nim : 197110905
Grup : 5
Pertemuan 3
15. Part A : B. can reach
Part B : According to some scientists, the earth losing => is losing its outer atmosphere because
of pollutants
16. Part A : B. is used
Part B : If a rash occurs => Occurred within twenty-four hours after taking a new medication, the
treatment should discontinued
17. Part A : A. Beneath them
Part B : According to Amazon legends, men were forced to do all of the household tasks for the
women warriors who governed and protected the cities for they => for them
18. Part A : B. who
Part B : Absolute zero, the temperature at whom => which all substances have zero thermal
energy and thus, the lowest possible temperatures, is unattainable in practice
19. Part A : D. of centimeters
Part B : In 1950 it was naively predicted that eight or ten computer would be sufficient to
handle=> handled all of the scientific and business needs in the United States
20. Part A : A. waters boils
Part B : The religion attempts to clarify =>to clarifying mankind's relationship with a superhuman
21. Part A : B. business
Part B : A space is the last frontier for man to conquer => to conquered
22. Part A : C. damage to the passenger cabin
Part B : A progress has been made =>have been make toward finding a cure for AIDS
23. Part A : C. corn ears
Part B : A few tiles on Skylab were => are the only equipments that failed to perform well in
outer space
24. Part A : C. Planting
Part B : Spell correctly => correcting is easy with the aid of a number of word processing
programs for personal computers
25. Part A : A. That it is birds
Part B : That it is the moon influences only one kind of tide is not generally known =>knowed
26. Part A : A. The music
Part B : Philosophy -> philosopher of the ancient Greeks has been preserved in the scholarly
writing of Western civilization
27. Part A : D. no item costs
Part B : Some religions have none deity but are => is philosophies that function instead of
28. Part A : A. Most of
Part B : Almost the plants known to us are made up of a great many cells, specialized to perform
=> performed different tasks

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