HaightAshburyFreePressVol 1no 61968D D TeoliJr A C 1

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will not go into them here.

Then there is speed...And you especially know all about

that,,.it has made your profession a likely target for the

PUSHERS Internal Revenue Service,

Now about prostitutes.,.Fortunately we have lots of

them here. Our sex crime rate is very low,,,that is if

WELCOME/ you eliminate the busts for selling a little sex; But we
must warn you that the ass available along Ellis, Eddy,
and Market is very low in quality. The best girls work
the bars along the Financial District and Maiden Lane.
++4-It is a pleasure to welcome the merchants of speed to As for the male prostitutes we must admit that the
our fair city. crop this year is also low grade along the streets. You
Without your lobby in Washington and Sacramento some might try the bar at the Cliff Hotel and the Oak Room of
of our most debilitating drugs would be unavailable. the St. Francis or one of our many gay bars...that is IF
there is anyone among your number that cares for that
sort of thing. —
One of your number has written in your official jour¬
nal regarding SIN SIN SIN SIN SIN in Sin Francisco. We We have a high rate of VD in San Francisco statistical¬
want to assure you that we have an abundant supply of ly...We have a damn fine clap clinic here that has gained
this here and want to share it with you. the confidence of the common folk...you know how many
That is the reason the convention is held here anyhow. cases of 'strain' you treat with massive doses of drugs
Whoever heard of real good Christian sin in Atlantic City and never report it to the contagious disease unit of your
where you meet from time to time. There the convention
is a drag and you can take your wife without missing a Frankly we have a lousy Health Department.,.they often
damn thing. Now if you happen to have been trapped into confuse thenselves by thinking they are cops...if they
bringing her here you can always send her shopping at one had their way (that is Dr. L.S.D. Sox) probably their
of the swank stores that make even your fees minimal (and inspectors would carry billy clubs and’magnums. Getting
that takes some doing!). a health permit unless you are for God, Mother, and
Country in San Francisco is a real problem.
Your good member has been noticed along Haight Street And then you might have heard of the address that our
overtly peeking from behind the 4" diameter trees that own Dr, Stubblebine gave to the headshrinker convention...
line that street. He has taken notes like a CIA agent at Not all of our health department is that ignorant.
the meeting of the Communist Party; He has supported Kodak,
to a huge degree with his Instamatlc. Some of the hip community begs for money...this seems
But we feel that he does most of his research at the to upset some of our more respectable citizens. It is
American Opinion Bookstore. difficult to understand why but if that is their bag,they
are stuck with it. If you want to give some bread to
Now to his specific complaints; ease your guilt then do so, if not then ignore the pan¬
He says that the restaurants in San Francisco are sad. handlers. .. if you want to really give them a charge you
He is so right. The restaurants at Fisherman's Wharf are might try chastizing them for rtot working f6r their money
a laugh. If you come from’along the Eastern Seaboard or like honest folk. (Billy Estes, Thomas Dodd, and your
the Gulf, or the Northwest, the seafood in San Francisco local Chief of Police.)
is a gag. Hell, we have had better crab louie at the Some of the hip comnainity walks around barefooted. Now
Comhusker Hotel in Lincoln, Nebraska than at any of the all of you know that if God had intended for us to walk
places on the Wharf in San Francisco. around barefooted he would never have let us invent shoes.
Some are good but it would be best if' you would kindly Some of those who walk around barefooted get footworms,
discard your Holiday Magazine list and just try around. It cuts and bruises. Some who wear shoes don't. But very
should be said that you should visit at least One of the few of the barefooted ones ever need go to a doctor for
relics of San Francisco's reputation: Ernie's, The Blue foot infection. Maybe this is the reason that your memb-
Fox or Jack's Rotisserie. Try the latter if you are a'
surgeon,’ They perform the most beautiful billfoldectomy in
the city, painlessly.
As far as the booze is concerned,,.In California we
spend a million a year seeing to it that you get the full
measure drink. Now the measuring glass is supposed to be
in plain view on the bar when you go in. It does n6t make
a big rAt's ass whether the measuring glass is k oz, % oz,
or 1 oz,so long as you get that full measure. The man on
the stool next to you may be one of the undercover agents
seeing to it that you get that full k oz drink. San Fraic isco has one hell of a lot of churches. We are
basically a religious coimhunity. Some worship God/Shlva/
Now as the chief source of dangerous drugs, you can be Buddha,Sex,Gold,Dow Jones, and Merrill, Lynch,'Pierce,Fenn¬
appreciative of our situtatlon in San Francisco. er and Smith, Go to the church of your choice, while you
If you had your detail men call on you before you made
the trip you might have enough extras to finance your trip
here. We would warn you that it is a buyers market and On Broadway you will be able to see one of the modem
that you cannot get anywhere near as much for them here medical miracles...the silicone breasts. This ranks in
as you probably can at home. commercial importance very close to the development of the
However our most dangerous drug is booze. We have a video tube. But we sincerely believe that after you have
full section of the Mini (not misspelled) Court dealing a working heart transplant operation you might turn your
with the victims of that drug. Be sure that you do not attention to another physiological deficiency that bothers
go to sleep on the Library terrace, or anywhere south of the American,..How would it work to have a silicone-like
Market around Sam or 5pra,.,this is when the drunk patrol treatment of the penis. I suspect that the American male
comes along' and picks up those who are no longer ambula¬ is far more interested in the size of his meat than he is
tory. This killer drug is available at some 2400 locations in the size of some broads tits.
in San Francisco. Here is a field of medical research that would gain
Then there is pot...possibly you have not prescribed fame for its discoverer far beyond that given Dr. Saulk.
this for any of your patients, but you should give it a
try...as a tranquilizer it is without peer," The brand It is on that note of inspiration that we wish you a —
names are; Acapulco Gold, California Brown, Dynamite, very merry, or gay as the case may be, visit to San Fran¬
Viet Nam Grey and Reagan Ragweed. The Gold and the cisco. We hope you enjoy yourself.
Grey are by far the best.
Then there is; LSD, STP, DMT, and a host of others. We SIN, BABY, SIN.
•H-fflaight Street has seen political activists come and go.
We have seen ambitious young men take to the streets and
espouse violence (all in the name of love, of course). We Haight Defense Group
have seen a member of the Underground Press...The Commun¬ 55 Colton Street,2d Floor
ications put the street so uptight that brothers did not San Francisco, Calif
dare to speak to black brothers...All to create an odor
of fear. To all merchants and shop keepers in
We have seen in the past few weeks a group of activists the Free Community (Haight Ashbury area)
pass out false information to create confusion and attempt
to get the police uptight so they might break the skulls Dear Friends,
of our brothers....
We have seen situtations created where police were dir¬ We are a group concerned about the Free Coraranunity
ected to the homes of dealers so that a new outrage might (Haight Ashbury area). We feel it is the beginning
be perpetrated... of a new way of life but with many problems.
We have seen situtations where outright lies created
confusion...this by brothers...all in the name of con¬ As a shop keeper in this area you are affected by
frontation. . .and when busts were made, heads were broken, . everything that happens. We want to work with you to
then the cry of police brutality was raised. And there understand your problems and to help you understand
was brutality, make no mistake about this...but the fink the problems of the Free People.
was a political activist who wanted confrontation at any
price. We believe that solving problems is the road to pow¬
er and social dignity. Our people are not dumb ani¬
The political activists say: DROP OUT mals, nor are they machines. We are human beings.

DROP IN To serve the interest of the people, we see the

following as immediate needs:
DROP OUT 1) An Informational center on the street to coordin¬
ate information and service. This could be just a
DROP IN card table on the sidewalk, where we would list
They love to manipulate people. They feel that the places providing free food, shelter, and clothing.
people of Haight are easy to manipulate. 2) A continual and regular sweep clean program.
Tim Leary, Paul Krassner, and Allen Katzman are calling 3) A self defense training program. We are ashamed
for their adherents to drop back in and support them in that this is necessary.
their ego trip in Chicago... 4) A Free Peoples patrol to report the abuses of
"We must arm ourselves for self defense against our police power.
enemies." 5) An educational campaign to create cultural and
social integrity.

There are other problems which will take time to

solve, such as creative employment to fulfill the
needs of the people; a camping area in the park to
But who is going to point out who those enemies are! provide emergency sleeping quarters for our people,
We know some people who are enemies of the Street. Not a and many others.
god damn one of them is worth shooting.
Shall we emulate our Great White Father in Washington We hope to create a new move - a step forward for our
and take arms against the enemies of the people? people, freedom and power to the Free Community; We
Shall we kill for peace? want to work with you, we need your cooperation, sup¬
SHALL WE KILL FOR PEACE??? port and participation.
Shall we maim for peace?
SHALL WE MAIM FOR PEACE??? We would like to have a representative from the Free
People call on you regularlly to learn of problems
We are laughing at a recent pass-out from a group call¬ and seek brotherhood with you.
ing itself "Haight Defense Group." < The address is 55
Colton, home of more political activism than city hall. Sincerely, | Daniel D. Teoti Jr. I
I Archivol Colterion [
One particular paragraph strikes us:
"As a shopkeeper in this area you are affected by every HAIGHT DEFENSE GROUP
thing that happens. We want to work with you to understand for the Free People.
your problems and to help you understand the problems of
the Free People.” Can you imagine such a statement going
to Love's? Poor Richards? The Haight Publishing Company?
Just who the fuck do these people think they are that THEY
ALONE understand the problems of men who would remain FREE?
But a later paragraph explains a lot: "We believe that
solving problems is the ROAD TO POWER and social dignity...
(the emphasis was added.)

Make no mistake ever....90% of the political activists

are on an ego trip...the other 10% are doubtful.

Substituting FREE PEOPLE for Minuteman is c5nly a matter

of spelling.

Haight has seen what political activism brings...Some

enjoy cracked skulls and when the time comes for reaction
to given actions there will be plenty who will rise up
and work together for specific goals...but not so that
an organization can pull the strings and the heads jump
(and some roll) so that a trip can be satisfied.
All the other activities of this group are already in
operation as people do their thing...quietly without call¬
ing a press conference...and effectively without anyone
being a BIG MAN.
Can you hear the call: DROP OUT DROP IN DROP OUT DROP IN
They V7ent out and
"A friend gave me your paper, and this is what (the destroyed all
poems) I have to offer. If you would acknowledge the the bees
receipt of these simple poems-the fact that you have
used them-that is all I desire. the harlot flowers
"I Cannot send you a postage stamp-we don't have them who dared
here-I—cannot even send six cents-we don't have that bare
either. I can't even send a flower; the army destroyed themselves to the
them all. But I do send you love; the army can't ever savage bees
destroy that." the people celebrated
A soldier their wisdom
Viet Nam and justice
Mommy I want honey
A man came into town I'd like a
the other day jar of
Asking who clover honey
what I don't see it
why on the shelf
what for Pete
suppose I'd like to order
They threw him out twenty four cases
the next day of honey
what do you
the other day there's
you do goddamned honey
they have to our children
shall suffer
they'd better.
They kept him
A man came into town
he is their the other day
A flower grew in the park last week with a flower in
they cut it
with four inches of stem his hair
And threw it away
That simple And a bee in his pocket
beautiful flower
shared its body with they kept his bee

in public they threw away his flower

In this town
people like And they turned him
They like them in the privacy
of their homes
pick it before into the wind
it shows
its beauty A man came into town
The poor bees
the next day
no flowers
children cry with honey pouring

So the people from his

of the lowly insect: lips
A tribute make
for In a wise and generous
our children
some honey gesture
Or you will suffer
they found a bee they stole his honey

and t^ey cried and fed it

Where are your brothers
The bee ignored them to the bee
and buzzed
city hall it died the next day
he was crucified
And severely whipped A man came into
A child said to me
the bees are
flowers the other day
Planting flowers echoed the people
that is our work AND
the bees cannot do this

Lights from The Reformation renewed the suppression of sex
a world long forgotten for pleasure. Even the Catholics no longer winked
came flashing from at covert sex pleasures (today they are not sure).
strange dimensions The Protestants forgot sex in their drive to
corcing a establish a theocracy, a sexless heaven on earth.
wonderful power True, many were’liberated from a life of celibacy
in the interest of religious freedom, but even
then celibacy and virginity was still better than
head marriage. It is interesting, for instance, to
they brighten compare the Arab view of the function of woman's
hips to that of Martin Luther. The Arabs always
considered the large hips of woman a necessary
of ingredient for sensual sex pleasure. On the other
1 long forgotten hand, Luther stated women have large hips in order
that they should stay home and sit on them. And
my mind that is what women did for the Lutherans, the
lid Calvinists, the Baptits, the Puritans, and the
and my heart ii Catholics. For four hundred years since the
11 beating Reformation women sat on their hips.
my soul The 18th and 19th centuries in the United
has its tears States was in some ways an exception. Instead
of sitting on their hips the woman obediently
AM ALONE. laid on their backs. The fertility of these
pioneer women astounded the world. Some were
grandmothers at age 27, most by age 40; and
any pleasure these women might have gotten from
THAT GIRL sex was deadened by the nhysical demands of
multiple childbirths. The exception to this
The concept of reciprocal sexual pleasure coupled position might have been found in the plantation
to a greater degree of social independence for woman South, where the women continued to sit upon her
in the later Greek and Greco Roman cultures gave hips and run the household. Sex was controlled
women a new opportunity for some self directed sex by a religious set of mores which arose from the
pleasures. The writings of Ovid, Martial, and Apuleuis Reformation. As one historian put it, "Prudery
on the subject are legendary and informative (when was an interesting phenomenon of the social live
not deliberately suppressed). In their time women of the 19th century America."
evidently had a great deal to say about the sex act. The twentieth century changes in the United
If Apuleuis is to be taken as some index of the sex States altered the position of the woman.
standard then even the slave girls made demands. Attitudes towards the political and social woman
Consider an example from Apuleuis' Golden Ass. In changed considerably. The migration to the
this scene Lucius, the hero of the story, has just cities, resulting from technological improvements
•completed the love prelude with a slave girl named which reduced the need for farm labor, allowed
Fotis. the woman to get off her back. Bearing children
in the interest of national expansion was no longer
We pulled off our clothes an-d purposeful; but, still, national prudery prevented
rushed naked together in Bac¬ the development of the concep of sex pleasure for
chic fury; and when I was nearly women. Instead, the first quarter of the century
worn out by the natural consum was devoted to obtaining political and social
mation of my desire she tempted freedoms for the woman. Woman suffrage was a
me to make love to her as though great step forward; political decisions, became the
she were a boy. woman's own choice and not that of her male partner.
The effect of this freedom led to some obvious
Ovid also cautions the man to consider the needs social changes. On one hand, for example, Jane
and demands of the woman. In his "Ars Amatoria", Addams attempted to reconstruct society through
Ovid gave the following advice to would be lovers: social service, while on the other hand Carrie
Nation tried moral reconstruction of the male by
Press, not, although the tempest drying up his gin mills.
urge, they paceJ
The literary intellectual Bohemians of late 19th
Lest she thou lovest far behind. and early 20th century Greenwich Village supported
Soar side by side. And mingle the feminlnist movements. They even went one step
flesh and mind
further by experimenting with and esnousing even
In one joint moment of supreme greater social and nsychological contrasts and
embrace. freedoms for women. But despite their ardour they
were for the most nart unsuccessful because they
In other words the woman was not just an instru¬ could not resolve the boilogical constraints placed
ment for bearing children nor a vehicle of pleasure upon the female snecies. The female susceptibility
but a partner who had sex urges that need fulfillment. to fertilization continued to put women at the
Sex for pleasure, as far as the women was concerned mercy of nature. And, consequently, even though
fell with the Roman Empire. The new faith viewed the woman might be intellectually and politically
woman as the unholy temptress of men. She was the free she was still a subject of the Puritan concept
vile temple of procreation, and there was litti^e or of sex supported by what seemed to be the irrever¬
no esteem attached to this function. In fact a sible processes of nature.
woman who preserved her maidenhead hada better chance The freedoms already granted were, however,
of ascending in the Church dominated society. As irrevocable. The freedoms, however slight, gave
the Early Middle Ages gave way to the feudal period the femlninists a new spirit, and even though
the woman became a romantic idol, a prize for rape thwarted in some areas of social psychological and
or romance. This was an age of great love ballads biological freedoms, the women of the United States
and chastity belts. In the High Middle Ages the pushed into what had been exclusively male pro
woman obtained a more important place in society fessional fields. The thrust toward sexual freedom
but she was still a social symbol rather than a was not dead but only dormant, waiting for the new
human being with pleasure centers. The risks of advances in science which would give them control
sex for pleasure rather than for procreation was
high. Abelard paid with his "privates" for this Equality of woman became a realization in the last
bit of information. ten years. Now not only is the woman political and
socially free but she is Psychologically and bio SHORT TRIPS
logically free of traditional restraints. The Kinsey -H-I-The new Supreme Court ruling gives the fuzz just about
Report was probably responsible as much as'any one ev^ything they need to harass the hell out of anyone.
element for freeing the woman from the bounds of the The justices said that a cop has every right to stop and
old social mores. In the first place the Report search any 'suspicious' person. Now we all know that all
indicated that satisfactory premarital sex relations Mexicans, all Blacks, all Hippies, all ALL ALL are suspi¬
was no hinderance to marriage, and in fact,may be cious. The evidence so obtained can be used in court.
an asset. Many aggressive female sex tendencies The court in fact has voided the 4th Amendment. The only-
were found and the publication of these findings recourse in law appears to be an appeal to 'equal protec¬
helped to establish the newnorms of female behavior tion under the law.' This is a faint appeal and would
in sex. Puritan concepts about masturbation, pre only take a lifetime.
marital sex and married sex relations were almost -I-H-But the reaction has set in. ..you can see it everywhere.
overnight transferred from the realm of idology to The new strict gun control laws are, of course, a joke of
that of humor. the first water. Every little old lady will turn in the
The second great event was the discovery and weapons that her sons and husband have let rust for the
distribution of the "pill" (another Playboy past decades since they brought them home from the wars,
magazine). No longer could the prudes of society where we killed for money.
solicit oaths against sexual intercourse using One good thing can come of the Mayor's Gun Turn In...
fear of pregnancy as its argument. The psycholog it will take weapons out of the hands of those who were
ical arguments against premarital intercourse and afraid of them anyhow. You can bet that every gun nut
aggressive sex tendencies had alrady been discredited in the country will keep each and every weapon...and a
through scientifically collected data. Any new sets goodly majority of people, wanting to turn a slight cash
of Warnings had an indecisive if not a hollow ring. transaction will glut the hock shops with weapons. And
Now, and perhaps for all time, woman could order the prices of guns will be depressed and those who want
sexual intercourse for their own premeditated pleasure. weapons will be able to buy them cheaper. As far as the
The female was politically, socially, psychologically 'sportsmen' who want high powered rifles to kill rabbits,
and biologically free to enjoy sex. squirrels, and deer...they will continue to do so. And
A male spokesman on the subject of female sex besides you never can tell when a President will need
behavior (one of the Fugs) is quoted as saying, killing.
"The girls are plenty aggressive today. They walk -H-I-One of the most unusual sociological events of this
upto you at a party and grab you dick just like or any other time is taking place on Stanyan, along the
that." On the other end of the spectrum, say in side of Waller. Bob's has become a hangout for pushers.
the middle class section of society, the overt It is also a fact that Bob's has been a hangout for the
changes are not so obvious (as alwaysmiddle class fuzz from Park Station for a decade. Birds of a Feather?
deviances from the norm are covert) but the Bob's is that hamburger joint who hates long hair, bare
so called "couples exchange" certainly would be feet and beards. They specialize in slow service to any
impossible without the consent or perhaps the they do not wish to serve...makes an ideal joint.
initiation of the wife. In short, the husband is -H-I-Affluence has struck the dope market? Head shops all
nolonger alone in seeking sex pleasure; he is going up and down the street report a severe drop in roach —
to have to take his wife along now. holders. Says one: "Either they are using a looped pap¬
er match or they have given up using the best part of a
Now the National Association of Roach Holders Manufact¬
A tip from Sgt Sunshine .... urers will probably have to appeal to the federal govern¬
ment for a subsidy,
The ONLY AUTHORITY a peace officer has lo -H-I-Connie is about to move her East Indian Restaurant to
question a citizen on the Street is granted by section a more dignified location.
-H-t-Regardless what you might hear to the contrary or read
647 e of the California PENAL CODE.
in the media via a press conference, news release or what
Show H to Policemen or ask your lawyer, It’s true.. . have you....the only services on the street are: The
Hearth, The Community Affairs Office, The Switchboard,The
ene^ Free Clinic Thing and some sporadic attempts at others.
The way to know when something phoney is about to take —
(every person) place is to read about it in the Chronicle or the Examin¬
er. Some of these ego trip characters will call a press
.... Who loiters or wanders upon the streets or conference as fast as a politician.
from place to place without apparent reason or
business AND who refuses to identify himself and -H-bStormtrooper Sullivan is no longer on the Haight Scene
to account for his presence when requested by any except out of uniform. This one has a thing and so be
peace officer so to do, IF the surrounding circum¬ damn careful,
stances are such as to indicate to a REASONABLE +++He has probably passed his swastika on to Red McGuire.
MAN that PUBLIC SAFETY demands such identi¬ -H-t-And have you seen that cop who sports mirror shades, a
riding crop and a crush crown hat. Right out of Hogan's ^
Heroes, The other day we observed him as he nattily swat¬ 1) GRASS (marijuana) is great. It should be smoked
ted the side of his freshly pressed trousers. His badge by everyone except those with acute respiratory ailments.
is rather neatly turned up so that it cannot be read. These people should turn on by drinking marijuana tea.
+-H-And then have you noticed that some of the squad cars All marijuana laws should be immediately repealed,
have painted silver over their car number? It makes for
difficult reading and photographically it cannot be read 2) ACID (LSD) is OK, but can be harmful in the present
at all. Is this an official thing or just an individual situtation where it is used covertly, and handled by the
preference. underworld. It is a very potent drug, and deserves further
I IlAnd one pair of plain clothesmen have been harassing study. Laws restricting use of this drug should be-: re
the sellers of underground newspapers by claiming that moved, research into its possibilities should be resumed
no papers can be sold unless there is a filing with the and an educational campaign with an aim to promoting
Internal Revenue Service. This is of course pure bull proper use should be sponsored,
shit, the IRS knows nothing of such a filing. What they
will do to give someone a hard time is almost beyond any 3) MESCALINE should be legalized. This drug is a rare
imagination. case example of reverse racism. Members of the all
INDIAN NATIVE AMERICAN CHURCH are allowed to use it, but
no one else. If this drug is dangerous, the rationale
that is used to say it's OK for an Indian to blow his
mind, but not a white. But we aren't that crass. The
fact is that mescaline (peyote) is a reasonably harmless
This is the DRUG generation. Pepsi lost out long and pleasurable drug,
ago. We use drugs to stun us to sleep, to shock us
awake and for everything from cancer to the blahs.
4) GLUE (benzine). This is dangerous kids stuff. It
But the word "drug" is probably one of the most
is a shame that people have to use it for a bad'hi'gh. If
overworked, and misused words in the language.
groovy stuff like grass and hash were legalized, no one
Mild stimulants from the friendly neighbourhood drug would think of using this mind rotting substance.
store are being used by some people to rot their own
brains while certain harmless and beneficial sub 5) BOOZE (alcohol). A major social problem and a
stances are illegal. harmful drug. It can't be banned, but its worst effects
The problem arises when.the word drug is misconstrued
could be avoided by: 2) legalizing less dangerous sub
to mean dangerous narcotic and nothing else. This idea
stances; and b) allowing it to be consvimed in surroundings
is promoted by the establishment press and repeated by
conducive to more things than just getting bombed.
the public. There are several reasons for this error.
The first is that perfectly respectable people can
6) SPEED (the amphetamines especially methedrine and
be far worse drug fiends than some narcotics addicts.
benzedrine) Very bad stuff despite that fact that
Booze, stimulants and sleeping pills are used without
millions of little old ladies use thenn (under more respect
thought by millions of people. Many of these people
able brand names) every day. Again, use of this stuff
are as hopelessly addicted to their particular combina
cannot be banned effectively;' better people really do
tion of modem drugs as is the human stump who never
not WANT to burn their brains, but when high is hard to
leaves his opium den. But the press cannot call the
get, even the dangerous ones become attractive,
controlling adults of North America "addicts", so it
has become selective in its use of the word drug. Thus
7) NARCOTICS (Opium and its derivatives.) This is
a newspaper will run an editorial condemning the
deadly shit, but use is not widespread; addicts are not
evil drug marijuana opposite an advertisement for a
criminals, but are victims of a vicious disease. ’ "It '
finely blended liquor.
is insane that these drugs should be included under the
Another reason for this confusion is that the nar
same classification as the hallucinogens.
cotics (opium and its derivatives, especially heroin)
are so very dangerous that they make good shock and
These, as has been stated, are preliminary appraisals.
scandal stories.' Since the hallucinogens (LSD, mari
Detailed reports on drugs of all kinds will be published
juana, mescaline, etc.) have come into widespread use,
in later issues. In the meantime....FEED YOUR HEAD.
but have not been legalized, the newspapers and other
media roar into the same mood they use for narcotics
stories. They know a good story when they see one.
Perhaps the most important reason why the press ih
would have us all believe that drugs are dangerous
unless they say so is that the people who use the harm
less but illegal psychedelics are representative of far
more than just interest in drugs. Use of illegal
drugs is a province of those who have rejected much
else of this society's crap, and the press has more than
one reason to dislike them,


Then, of course, there are the lobbies. The liquor

industry spends millions every year to keep the govern
ment happy, and our lawmakers are not about to bite the
hand that feeds them. Some sources also believe that
the underworld, particularly the Mafia, are now making
so much bread on drugs thay they are keeping disguised
pressure on the government to leave the laws as they
So those are the reasons. Those who preach to us about
drugs either do not know what they are talking about or 1 Doniel D. TeoU Jr. 1
New York, New York 10012 I Archival Col(edior> [
they consciously deceive us. CABLE ■ eANSFiM NY
After a preliminary appraisal, we have reached these

BOOKS, FILMS, AND MACS 0^ ^cufio^.iQoMe*t Qate & Mki. MALE ANO FEMALE
Century City, Who can call an area that gives Max the
THE SHAME OF AMERICA Facist an overwhelming victory a 'friendly city' where
he was among friends.

Let's face it....The U.S.A. is slightly more than a And our Mayor who usually exhibits rather good sense
banana republic...Anyway you slice it the odor continues before he has seen police reports...calls for turn in of
to stick up the heavens. weapons. Should he first examine the record and see how
Reaction to the Kennedy murder was exactly what was many of the people who have died by gunfire have been the
to be expected: victims of his police department?
It is undoubtedly a good idea for people who have guns
Sam Yorty, comedian-Mayor of Los Angeles expressed his to turn them in,.,all of them who have guns,,.including
grief at the passing of a friendly enemy. Chris Sullivan, Badge No. 123 of the SFPD and all others
who are mentally and emotionally unfit to carry weapons.
Ronald Reagan said it was a product of the lawlessness It is undoubtedly a good idea for all persons to turn in
of men both in and out of office. their weapons, all all all all all excluding no one.
But we are not starry eyed...the Clyde Barrows, Bonnie
The Great White Father delivered a nomination speech, Parkers, Chris Sullivans, etc,, are not going to turn in
now that his foe was removed. their weapons...only the meek who have a faint heart and
guarantee that they will inherit the earth.
Thankfully Max Rafferty kept his mouth shut. The NRA, bastion of the Minutemen and the John Birch,
will lobby for lesser controls...Those brave enduring men
The city, state, federal government, school districts, who get such a charge out of target practice..."It makes
water districts, all started investigating stricter gun good marksmen when the Communists try to take over the
control laws. country." The NRA...they need the ego stamina to shoot
a deer and prove how manly they are...the NRA, the dove
The old crook himself, Dodd, Introduced his well worn on the wing is a challenge to these withered souls. The
legislation. NRA,...beating their hairy (Right Guard scented armpits)
chests as they gun down a cotton tail rabbit.
Slightly surprizing was Alioto's gun turn in response. It is already a misdemeanor to carry a concealed
weapon, and this can include anything up to a tire iron.
But look closer at the big E,..Sometimes we wonder about It is already a felony for such persons as ex-cons,
the E, We thought for many years that it was a huge plot drug addicts, minors,etc to carry dangerous weapons.
but it would appear that it is nothing but massive stupidi¬ So the various governmental units will prt another un-
ty: inforceable law on the books and it will be used to harass
Guy Wright in the San Francisco Examiner: the same people at every time that the other uninforceble
"But Los Angeles is no Dallas. John Kennedy died in hos¬ laws are used.
tile territory. Robert Kennedy died in a friendly place. No The Great White Butcher said: "There is no excuse for
one calls Los Angeles a city of hate, and perhaps it's time violence..." And he should know.
to withdraw that ugly appelation f rom Dallas. We know now No one spoke of love, of understanding, of freedom, of
it can happen anywhere." trust, of honesty, of all the many things that go to make
up the brotherhood of man.
Who in god's name could call Los Angeles a friendly Instead we must FORCE FORCE FORCE FORCE people to obey.
place. Had not RFK been a serious candidate for the high
office he would have been beaten half to death long ago by And it was for that that Robert F. Kennedy died.
the Los Angeles Police Department, Who can call LA any
thing but a facist territory,,,.By God we will tell you And it was to prevent that that Robert F. Kennedy lived..
who,,,the columnists who have kept the blinders to their
eyes for so many years and who blame the Watts Riot on the
poverty of the people instead of putting it at the desk
of the police department. Murder of dissidents has long
been a practice of the LAPD, We do not place the murder
of RFK at their doorstep, they don't have the guts...Just
little men get killed there. And women and children at
THE NEW HAIGHT ASHBURY FREE PRESS is News items and articles are solicited but we
published weekly and is distributed each Wednesday are not responsible for the return of manuscripts.
afternoon at 1778 Hiaght, Since this is a newspaper of the street we do not
We do not solicit display advertising but we are have the usual staff of editor, asst editor, etc.
happy to recieve any that might come our way. The Just call 431-4260 and ask for George. Since we
do not have anyone around named George we will
without enlargement or reduction. know it is in relation to the Free Press.
CLASSIFIED RATES; $1. for 25 words.

SEMI HIP lonely young male WOMAN GAY 27 seeks same for DO ALL single women over 23
seeks same or chicks to sharing things and possible consider themselfs unworthy
groove with at concerts. An lasting relationship. Send of a man's love? If you like
to enjoy life with, MIKE photo PO Box 24424 SF 94124 yourself, are feminine, att
Eve 673 9666. ractlve vivacious and dig
MALE tired of hanging out in music, art nature and roman
MATURE, Attractive Bi Girl so called happy bars, wants tic men please call Gary at
early 20s wishes to meet to meet other males w/ 456 6250. I'm 36, warm and
same. No guys, cpls or butch. similar interests, such as artistic.
Only serious and attr. please. photography (have Retina &
Send photo if possible Ann Polaroid), hi fi gourmet MALE, Backward, seeks for
PO Box 12096 SF cookery, cards & dig nudism. ward males. 863 2529.
PO Box 5517 San Fran. CA,
GUY 32 white 5'10" 155# YOUNG MAN 33 seeks girl who
looking for homy straight HANDSOME Chinese Bachelor is liberal, friendly, intell.
& Bi guys who like boys 21 30 w/good job seeks a and above all, sincere.
to 32 slender and levis. marriage minded girl. Write Those who do not think they
Why letyour meat loaf? 392 Benj 621 Clay St SF. have the Guts to leave number,
5229. save your dime. I am broad
GAY Mail. Be on discreet gay cast engineer. Semi hip
MALE Coll grad would like mail lists. Results Guar. hobbies: Mcycles, Ham radio
tomeet girl to 30. I like Send name/address and $1.00 guitar, flying. Please call
Ball dance & class music. Call to Anderson Box 15164 SF. 421 0066 SAM 8FM any day
eve. wkends 961 7561. (ans. svce) no guys. I'll
YNG GAY GUY (19 29) to share return call. ASAP
HAPPILY MARRIED Cpl seek w same unique MILL VALLEY
others withno problems regard home. Own bdrm. Sincere only, BUTCH GUYS 25 38 RU attr,
ing swinging mid 30s. White $125. mo 383 0390 til 3 PM dark hair, blue eyes, well
college edu. Box 1144 ' built & tired of bars &
Livermore, ATTR MARK MAN needs warm, want something more, lets
live girl to love and spoil talk about it am 25 6'
SJ Male stud w musclr 1 bdrm a little. You should be slim brn hr/eyes affectionte
duplex share with same no marr, or div.,attract!ve, sincere call 626 5141 Blue
alcholic, under 35. Only intelligent, unafraid of eyes pref but not req.
butch apply. CALL SJ 293 2539. life. While I agree that sex
is fun, it isn't all I seek. MALE under 35 to share Palo
Ferns interested in s/m A ma Highly educated and very Alto home with same. Con
ture discreet male author athletic. I have much to genial personality more im
would like to contact you for offer the one who dares to portant than ethnic bkgrnd.
ideas genuine. Box 5137 Fresno, know me. Box 92 Point Phone # to Box 1052 Menlo
Richmond. Park CA 94025
Girl sought by mature and
affluent professional man. I AM A WOMAN who enjoys GIRLS You talk I'll listen
Must be swinger and color initiating other women to Problems? Ralph 776 0391.
blind. Photo phone Box 6023 the thrills and joys of
Oakland, erotic practices. Am fern LOVING Man, white, strait,
inine, tender, gentle but emp vs car, Ivly apt. seeks
SCULPTOR, 48, tender, tall extremely passionate. Am amorous lady, int in metaphy
attractive lovesmusic Bach interested only in gals occult. No men please. Strict
to rock, theatre, books, unafraid of exploring life. Conf. ass'd. Bob. Box 751
beaches forests, laughter Discretion guaranteed. NO Daly City 94017.
quiet children (div); seeks MEN need apply. Box 791 Mill
a long term hopefully love Valley. Pic if any.
relationship with a creative
warm independent minded
beautiful woman PO Box 9031

ATT MALE 23 wishes to meet

hip guy 20 35 with beard and
long hair for swiig ing time.

RICH BLACK cple seeks add

itional unlimited financial
gain. Other rich or wealthy
ones pis callnow. Suncere only,
632 5398.
MAN 30 will support French SHY, turned on male, 25, Man 25, would like to meet Masculine Guy 35, friendly
loving sexy girl who wants gentle and affectionate, attractive woman, establish likes hung studs. Downtown
to seetle in private suberb seeks shy hippy girl for relationship. 9817294. San Francisco. No other
home. All methods welcome. good times and trips to scene Keep calling 771 0422
Send Fix if pos PO Box 12182 gether. Good scene rock HAPPILY MARRIED sexually
SF.- concerts and mountains. Call un satisfied prof man seeks Man 27 5'll" 165 col grad,
Bob at 344 1693 (9 to 3) bored neglected woman for affectionate seeks attr. warm
WISH for female friend for splitting in Sept, to any discreet mutual satisfaction girlfor dates, Intrsts pscy,
companionship food sex. Am place magical in school bus. Box 845. Oak. lig, camping. Send Itr & photo.
graduate have car. Write Jim Dig it. J.C. 664 4122.
Box 802 Berkekley. Cpl Offer discrete darkroom
BLACK Cpl seeks rich cple; services, action photos. Straight Female wtd. Marrd
YOUNG guy, considerate ex etc., spiritual, mentally, Write boxholder POB 191, OK to observe and instruct
perienced and discreet would and materially. Urgent, •PA 94302. couple in amourous delights.
like to hear from girls who Immediately call now, Day/nights POB 5211 San Fran.
enjoy lots of affection. Girls Transcedental 632 5398. Shy Male 30s masc. 5'll 170
only. Call 661 3130 seeks aggressive understanding WANTED Discreet, attractive
LONELY Serviceman desires male. Box 421 San Pablo. gay lady for marriage of con
UNUSUAL CPL average age 30 to communicate with sincere venience (only) with pro
seek sexual experience with person who appreciates Touring Calif/Nev. during fessional man, 30. LA 6 5456
similar bi pair. Meticulous. lasting friendship, PO Box July for interesting studs.
Discretion is sole limitation. 31008, SF. I am 6'1" 170 masculine. Send YOUNG submissive male wants
Can commute to 100 miles photo to Box 2 3. Fremont Ca. young male for fun and frolic.
weekends. Send introductory VERY Discreet black cple Call eves only 433 2187.
detail and pix to 1625 seeks swingers. Esp. those Negro needs woman any race
Leavenworth St, Apt. 107, SF, interested in meditation & only sincere. Call Jim 922 SLIM GIRL, teacher, 22, strt
Immediate attention to all group marriage (Unity) 6123. blond 5'8" for man with
valid ansers. 632 5398. special qualifications. Box
Handome Negro executive wi th 9153 Bkly 94714.
ATTR discreet mrd cpl mid MALE 21, seeks chick to g mixed kids seeks attract,
30s seeks Intel attr un over, under, around and girl with same. Send No, t TWO attractive guys, early
inhibited sng or mrd bi girl through. Satisfaction Guar Box 276 L.A. CA. 90028 30s will show NY to clean
25 40 for conversation fun antteed. Ask for Jack cut young non psyched gay
and games. PO Box 1113 549 3854 anytime after 11.PM WARM ATTR femal 18 sought to visitors late June OR Aug
Menlo Park. share her area apt for summer Sept. Reply Box 664 Madison
40' YACHT needs female Sanders only. Like quiet kind male Sq. Sta, NYC 10010. State
2 Bachs. Str. neg. personable & painters on weekends repair grad, 22. Box 73352 S.F. your qualifications,
interesting, nicepad, car, ing for Mexico cruise. Call
wish to meet ferns, broadminded Mon thru Thur 7/9 PM 734 4949 Male, good looking 27, college MALE Masc. blonde 165#
dates companionship marital grad seeks uninhibited female non hip seeks suitable mat.
status unim. Discreet Sam. HOUSEWIVES unappreciated? 24 Bob 474 7632. S.F. 664 7507.
931 6874 SF prof man also taken for
granted. Help me discretion MALE 25 W, wishes to hear from BULLFIGHTS in Mexico? All
WANTED strong binding girl a must, Bux 82 Newark CA interesting people. Every one expense paid weekend to
with big feet for fun & games is interesting in some way. Tijuana for bullfights sun
with a groovy guy. Call Gary culture student male, Youtoo. Don't delay write to fun romance offered to att
at 931 4241 in San Francisco. 34, wants to meet girl(s) for day. Write to: Agent 384 or Intell girl by bachelor 35.
individual or group study. Occupant if you prefer Box Coll grad Sincere. Let's meet
Guys (YOUNG, hung, free) help No guys, Phil PO Box 201 384 Kansas City Mo. and discuss. Write Box 31119
spend newly acquired fortune Moraga. SF.
Send pic and resume; PO Box WANTED female who would enjoy
382, San Leandro. No straits. MALE 38 tired of living alone dating serai hip single age MALE Student, 27, liberal,
Hurry Money going fast. would like sexy younger 30 guy who would treat her good natured, wants male
female mrd or sgl who likes like the warm human soft being contacts & or ride Mexico
Discreet Couple want to meet French love to move in she is. Box 422 San Lorenzo this summer. Call Bob
bisexual or gay female 25/ 761 2214. Calif. 621 7346.
55 Sacto. Call 925 4408
Betty or Ray. YNG NEGRO MAN 28 seeks friend AMIABLE professional r 1 44 Model Athletic build young
ship and liaison w/other desires to establish dis/ well endowed. Call 775 9157.
COUPLE Moving to SF prox. 4 mature males. Art PO Box creet contact with attractive
weeks will send same type 27172 SF 94127 amiable woman for recreation Athletic Male body builder
photo, frank letter to all one or two evenings a week. swimmer seeks masculine pal
replying with same need ideas, GIRLS liking light spanks Write Box 3334, Hayward. with same interests. Age 28/
Box 3059 Peoria 111. paddlings, call 534 8100. 38. Rick 387 1052.
SOUL BRO working swing would
TODAY (Formerly Louise) YOUNG BERKELEY professor, like to meet ladies after work 2 Male Models
contact Paul Krassner at generous, humane, sparkling or during day. Call Jimmy Call 285 35434.
101 Ave. A. N.Y. or 212 personality, seeks bright after 4 PM 522 9643.
228 6622 Collect. girl grad student in human! Model Tall slim, clean cut,
ties for possible friendship, RETIRED GENTLEMEN of some call 885 3034 DAYS ONLY.
MARRIED Man 33 sterile want Write 2325 Channing Way means, cultured, a taste for
extramarital liason with Apt. 43, the theatre & the arts,muse, Wanted Male nude models,
single or married women SFL etc. Ditto wishes meet ditto serious. 776 7426.
member Ed, Phone 589 0762. GENTLE Demonstrative male for occasional companionship
Viennese birth & outlook, travel? Maybe give thought Model Male student 6'2". Dark
I WANT to observe wild S&M late 50s interested in arts to sharing luxury apt. 893 blonde, blue eyes, Chris.
action write Box 6361 San crafts like to meet woman 5927. 776 7426.
Jose. same disposition for friend
SJS LONELY grad student 32
ship on weekends PO Box 4123 Male 27 looking for female wants affectionate under
Stanford. 992 8896. standing woman for lasting
relationship. Sincere only.
Box 4141 San Jose,
ATR MAN seeks woman. Kids OK All types wanted: students, 'faction or your mind back. MALE MODELS NEEDED NUDES
will support if needed. artists hp pies, professional Ask for Tar.
Legitimate photographer has
921 9939. Plump women OK Call people, anyone not hung up
a continuing need for well
Bet 9 to 5 PM. on artificial restrictions SHOOTING FILM June'18 Golden built, slender or otherwise
of either straight or gay Gate Park; six men, one girl attractive males. Fast
Middle aged bachelor wants world. meet front Straight Theater bread. 431-4260
daughter to share life with. nine am. No pay. Wear old
Mother also welcome, Write Trim semi hip bi guy seeks European clothes types. GARMENT FETISH Anyone interest
Mr. Holder Box 9065 Bkly. same/couple for fun/friend
ed in doing a thing with
ship photo, etc. Box 428 17 year old girl wants to acetate,rayon, nylon,velour,
Nymph or sexually unsatisfied San Anselmo. hear from boy with beautiful etc with me call 621 1937 in
chicks your pleasure is my mind-write to Donllu Maki, SF Eve. aft 7.
desire, your satisfaction my Chicago Butch male 27 seeks 2217 NE 14th Ave, Portland
pleasure. Joe 885 6212. correspondence and possible Ore. LYRIC-STUDIOS MALE NUDES
swinging sessions with same.
Lyric, as featured in all
Pen Pals wanted by girl 17, I dg leather S&M poppers Peace Proposals...New under the better physique mags
Adrianne Box 9065 Bkly. etc. Write PO Box 56 Chgo. ground paper, FREE, write to now offers full nude photos
sub. Box 3365, Midway, Wn of such favorite models as
Swinging male, desires sex Atr. Slim invts overnt guest 98031 Joey, Larry, Terry Stuart,
with swinging girls. Age no inter cayce subud bl hip
and 100 others. Send $1.
problem. The hotter the butch sing. Write rurr TOM, DICK AND PETER HAVE for the 20 page catalogue.
better. Cal 282 3739 after Gen Del Reno Nev. the male models with the Lyric Expedition, Box 1851,
10 PM. absolute mostest. Phone San Francisco, 94101
GAY student 28, 6» 155 lbs. 221 1842
Wanted Attr. girl 21 33. good looking hip, artistic
Interested in nudism, swing butch, cauc., stud wants to MALE NEEDS CHICK 18-30 the greatest ever. Send
Ing & relationship with meet similar 21/30. Brkly who needs discipline. Send a lousy buck for the worlds
clean cut Latin attr. young area. Must be well hung, in photo phone no to Chas Goff greatest collection of
man. 276 9352. telligent Slim attractive. %. Switchboard, 1830 fell, MALE NUDES. Box 792,
Bob Ryan, gen del. Oakland. SF SF, 94101
WARM blooded young man (21)
wants woman of same temper Man 26, "S" seeks "M" for TRYING TO LOCATE CROWBAIT I want to marry a pretty girl
ment for rapturous joy. 385 WILD AND UNINHIBITED fun. If in area Contact me in to age 38, I'm good looking
5952 SA. Couples (AC/DC) OK Send Seattle, Wn, Ill be there have own bus. Jack box 3282
information and photo (if San Mateo.
ATTRACT man seeks uninhibited handy) to; PO Box 31073
sensual woman 18 35 for a no Los Angeles CA 90031.
hang up relationship. 654
FOR SALE 1958 Chevy 4 dr
8660 after 6 PM No freaks or
6 cyl auto, $150. or best
offer. John 863 8065
Innocent Girl? Attr gentle
FOR SALE 9151 Chevy 2 dr
considdratd maid (25) will
'63 6 cyl eng. stick shift
introduce attr innocent but
runs like new. $225. or best
uninhibited girls to world
offer. John 863 8065
of pleasure. Send info, fone
pic to Box 8202 Stanford
for sale 1958 VW "very good"
94305 Discretion assured.
Radio and heater $325.
824 2544
TWO men 27nand 32 want to
meet girls who like to make
Chick wanted (1,2,3, or ?)
love. No drags. No men.
Love Trips Parties leave
Call Friday 6/9 PM 223 1924
message or come to 116
Frederick #39, Russ
fessional or business men
34/44 who need authoritative w/leather and rubber
fetish seeks masterly type
friend or contacts ftom any
where with similar interests.
YOUNG BUSINESS man too busy
Especially bondage experts.
enjoy life needs girl
Canadian but can travel.Write
impress friends. Short hours Harry Appleyard, 1554 Buondy
Excellent sala^ & co. Car gt., Vancouver, 5, B.C. Can.
furn. Student OK. Send pic
to PO Box 23474 Pleasant Hill^,^„, roormnate. Female, no
restrictions. Must be un¬
MALE who is interested in
shocked at anything. Call
female footwear fetishism 359 4308 collect. Ask for
desires to meet female who is Tony,
interested in male footwear
fetishism. 524 0571.
Tan male with black muzzle
He is part shepherd so his
males & males, including
face is not boxer. Please
those basically hetro and
call 566 0270 or 664 5816
those basically homo, if
interested in a social/ VERSITILE ROCK GROUP 4 pc
sexual group for bisexuals,
In need of work,Professional
send particulars (name and very heavy jazz rock
age address, phone) to Gary
blues, etc, Cally anytime
Patterson 2065 Oak St. SF. ^
221 6072 Guaranteed satis-
(L'm 30, single, grad student;
If your name is on these lists, Switchboard is holding i
message for you. You can pick up your message -at 1830 Fell SATURDAY
any day between 10am and midnight, or call 387-3575 any Toronto 2B, Ont.
time and we will read your message to you. SWITCHBOARD

Vicky Burman Bristol KL Race rioting, by and large, is a media happening. Just
Jll Buchbinder Brown, Larry imagine the youthful looter of a portable T.V. set
Ophelia Barela, Bryon, Pat watching himself looting on the very T.V. set he's loot¬
Don Blaylock Ball, Robert ing, while he's looting it.
Susan Cloud Canoff, Mitchell Looting,has always been a wartime euphemism of stealing
Dave Connel Casey, Mrs, G. usually rationalized, excused and justified. It's an
Donna Castona Cogswell Steve old, old, Establishmentarian game. There is really
Christine Cockran Cook, Charles A nothing new, radical or revolutionary about it. It
Cinderella Currier, Howard R just happens to be the 'in' thing to do, especially as
Georege Delacruz Darline, Goerge the media is giving it such a good plug.
Robert Delacruz Darling, George So, my dear black brothers, how about some REAL
Dona Delacruz Dieter, Barbara revolutionary acts of sabotage? Right now you are
Arlene Davidson Drury, Tom playing into the white mans hands. Cutting lines of
Debbie Dodge Duncan, Tom electricity and communications would be more like it.
Robin Runaway Duboce, Richard Why not bum down the radio and T.V. stations? That
Betty Emstein Franklin, W, would really hit the white establishment where it hurts.
Roni Edward Fortin, Sue Deep into the nerve center of'communications,
Ralph Eno Gagnon, Sue But, my dear black brothers, you don't do this, do
Donald Foley Goulet, Pierre you.? Because if you did, you'd have no way of
Deborah Gross Geraghty, Ghrlstoper observing yourself hamming up your act. Right?
Virgil Girulat, Terrace A, It really was a shame that Dr, Martin Luther King
Hunter Gleim, Lynette was killed by a white man, but let's pause just a moment
Hon Heda Graham, Donald and reflect whose purpose was best served by his death.
Pam Hodges Greesway, Joyce Just as Malcolm X's black executioners were on the pay
Rodney Hode Greenbaum, William roll of the white establishment. Dr. King's assassin
Frank Hansen Hadsall, Catherine could have been on the payroll of the black national¬
Joyce A hopley Hanel, Max ists. Assassins do not discriminate racially. Black
Alice Kendall Hill. David and white murderers DO hire out to each other. (On
Ann Kltner Hightower, Janna this level there is beautiful intergration.) The
Lenda Kerp Japata, Dino death of Martin Luther King comes very handy to the
James Johns Jensen, Garik militants of the Black Power Movement. He was blocking
Mark A lawson Krause, Gary the ambitions of the formative Republic of New Africa.
Kathy Lindbert Kneib, Debbie So now the cries of tribal vengeance rign across
Debbie Lassers Lauger, Thomas America. And what do we see for reprisal? Nothing
Keppie Lassers Long, David but excuses to provide Mr, Charlie's redneck cops with
Susan Lanson Lassers, Kippi the total power of military suppression over blacks
Gabrielle Llchstein Morris, Ron and whites alike. The great revolutionary upheaval
Linda Lachler Mildren, James turns out to be just another opportunity to grab a
Michele Lanove Meehan, Diana few meaningless raaterial goodies.
Bruce Maher Nark, Chontelle A white man may have been responsible for murdering
Melinda Manley ' Nonen,'Sue Kr. King's body, but it is YOU, my dear black looting
Gloria Miles O'Dowd, Thomas brother, who is murdering his spirit,,,.
Diane Mason O'Toole, Peggy Surely, my dear black brothers, you could have shown
Jules Norsarav O'Berry, David the white merchant exactly where he's at by burning
Debbie Olcese O'Brien, John down his store with the goodies IN ITJ (Let's face
Sharlene Ross Pankratz, Charles it, judging from the newspapers I've seen,most of
Sylvia Rubio Park, Eileen those cats stealing clothes and whatever are better
Diana Rodger Page, Roger dressed than I am.) But no. You're caught up in the
Marlin Rothschild Price, Bayne same old greedy bag...playing the white man's game.
Jon Snyder Pedler, David Meanwhile, you're not really taking anything over.
Kathleen Smith Ray, O.B. Jr You're merely destroying your own environment. The
Jennifer Sallery Rollins, Willie white man may even LET you have a few cities. What
Linda Snyder Ryan, Rory does he care? Cities are out of style in the 20th
Ethel Shrum Schenkel, Tina Century. They are no longer the bastions of strength
Chris Thieme Seachord, Dan and resistance they were in the middle ages; in the
Mark Thenoweth Shacklett. Gene atomic age, they are the weak spots, nuisance areas;
Terry Tracy Sharp, Jefry decentralization is where it's at as far as the future
Marilyn Tici Side, Bob is concerned.
Carlos Urbina Stern, Gary Too bad, my dear black brothers, you left the
Elena Deon Walling Summerfield, Ellen farms for the cities. Now you're trapped. Whitey
Corck Walker Thiele, Dennis can cut off your food supply. Remember, baby, you're
Martha Pichter. Thomas, Linda confined to urban areas, whereas the country is'in
Thompkins, Fred C the hands of the white farmer. History teaches, only
Tschudy, Victor too clearly, that in troubled times the farmer is
Tyler, Tim boss.
Ward, Fred J. And so, my dear black brothers, little wonder you
Ward, Fred H. don't commit the strategically realistic revolutionary
Watson, David acts we have suggested. It is YOU who are most
Whiteshirt, Amanda dependant on the linesof communication and electricity.
Young, Robert L. Perhaps WHITEY should blow up the Hydro station and
cut down the lines.,..the race wat would become.less
than regional.... long before long, my dear black
brothers, we'd see you running ott of the darkness,
tossing aside your weapons, begging for food.,,,
Race rioting, by and large, is a media happening.
This is for you and it might be worth some recognition
Just imagine the youthful looter of a portable TV
The author being comfortably unembarassed at least.
set watching himself looting on the very TV set he
My knowledge of your paper goes only as far as the name.
is looting, while he's looting it.
Seemingly enough for me to write to you
Looting has always been a wartime euphemism of
And I might like to write FOR you.
stealing, usually rationalized, excused and just
Wondering If I am right or if you are (I don't eat flowers)
ified. It's an old, old, Establishmentarian game.
My station is probably unnecessary information.
There is really nothing new, radical or revolutionary
Still, a ridiculously uptight boarding school.
about it. It just happens to be the 'in' thing to
It teases my tolerance, challenges nothing.
do, especially as the media is giving it such a good
They are might presumptuous to keep a babysitter.
Sometimes there is enough loveliness to keep me definite
So, my dear black brothers, how about some REAL
Then I fly. Other times, and in my writing.
revolutionary acts of sabotage? Right now you are
playing into the white mans hands. Cutting lines of The tragic is gorgeous,..bitterness, (seemingly)
electricity and communications would be more like Exclusively great.
it. Why not burn down the radio and TV stations? Times of joy never seem to bring me to paper
That would really hit the white establishment where There's too much right there.
it hurts. Deep into the nerve centre of communica But the tight old man selling candy on a train.
And muttering tunelessly and to himself
But, my dear black brothers, you don't do this, do "We have Hershey bars, we have lots of Hershey bars"
you...,? Because if you did, you'd have no way of And sometimes I am tired because 'they' only
observing yourself hamming up your act. Right? Pick their noses, pick them.
It really was a shame that Dr. Martin Luther King Pick them in cars and pick along to the 1910 fruit
was killed by a white man, but let's pause just a Pickers. Simon sezz nothing.
moment and reflect whose purpose was best served by Of course they're all uptight and they don't know
his death. Just as Malcolm X's black executioners What for, and they never will.
were on the payroll of the white establishment. Dr. Well, let them be uptight,
King's assassin could have been on the payroll of Virginia Woolf would still be thinking, and she
the black nationalists. Assassins do not discrim Should have spoken up because people are
inate racially. Black and white murderers DO hire Taking advantage. The monkees are presently
out to each other. (On this level there is beautiful Shitting all over her lighthouse, they're pondering
integration.) The death of Martin Luther King comes the great difference between a belch and a burp.
very handy to the militants of the Black Power Wow, everyone's embarassed and they'll stay
Movement. He was blocking the ambitions of the form Embarassed,..too bad it gets me sometimes.
ative Republic of New Africa. "I hope she sees me twirling. Yes I hope she
So now the cries of tribal vengeance ring across Sees me dancing and twirling." (Frank Zappa's
America. And what do we see for reprisal? Nothing Reply to "teen angel, can you hear me?"
but excuses to provide Mr. Charlie's redneck cops I hope I can stop saying it soon.
with the total power of military suppression over I recognized their fatal constipation long ago.
blacks and whites alike. The great revolutionary And my magic would prevail, or at least expand.
upheaval turns out to be just another opportunity If I weren't here now, soon...yeah, changes.
to grab a few meaningless material goodies. Maybe I can do something adorable for your paper.
A white man may have been responsible for murdering Maybe I can grow awhile with you.
Dr. King's body, but it is YOU, my dear black looting I hope you'll tell me what you are doing.
brother, who is murdering his spirit.,... As I've blindly assumed that I am talking to a
Surely, my dear black brothers, you could have shown Friend.
the white merchant exactly where he's at by burning I'm Nancy.
down his store with the goodies IN IT. (Let's face
it, judging from the newsphotos I've seen, most of
those cats stealing clothes and whatever are better
dressed than I am.) But, no. You're caught up in the
same old greedy bag....playing the white man's game.
Meanwhile, you're not really taking anything over.
You're merely destroying your own environment. The
white man may even LET you have a few cities. What
does he care? Cities are out of style in the 20th
Century, They are no longer the bastions of strength
and resistance they were in the Middle Ages: in the
Atomic Age they are weak spots, nuisance areas.
Decentralization is where it's at as far as the future
is concerned.

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Too bad, my dear black brothers, you left the farms

for the cities. Now you're trapped. Whitey can cut
off your food supply. Remember, baby, you're confined
to urban areas, whereas the country is in the hands
of thd whitd farmer. History teaches, only too
clearly, that in troubled times the farmer is boss.
And so, my dear black brothers, little wonder you
don't commit the strategically realistic revolutionary
acts we have suggested. It is YOU who are most dep
endant on the lines of communication and electricity.
Perhaps WHITEY should blow up the Hydro stations and
cut down the lines....the race war would become less
than regional....and before long, my dear black brothers
we'd see you running out of the darkndss, tossing
aside your weapons, begging for food....

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