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eaae Write your Exam Roll No.J Exam Roll No • •••••••••••••••••••.••


?aper Code: ETCS-307 Subject: Java. Programming
(2013 Onwards}
Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks :75
Note: Attempt any five questions including Q. No.1 which ts compulsory.
Select one question from each unit. Assume suitable data f.[ any.

Ql (a) Differentiate between abstract classes and interfaces. (5)

(b) Differentiate between different nested classes. What are adapter classes? (5)
(c) What is synchronization in threads? Why it is required. (5)
ld) Differentiate between multiprocessing and multithreading. (5)
(e) ls JVM an interpreter or emulator or both? Discuss. (51


Q2 (a) Discuss the limitations of Java Virtual Machine. (6.5)

(b) Explain the concepts of class area and heap in JVM. (6)

Q3 (a} What is sandbox model? How has it evolved over a period of time to the present
~? •
(b} Explain different types of class loaders in java. What are the differences
and similarities in different types? (6.5)


Q4 (a} What is a constructor? Explain constructor overloading with a program. (6.5)

(b) Explain the diff~rences between abstract class and interfaces. (5)
(c} Explain two uses of keyword 'fin~'. (1)

Q5 (a) Explain the concept of dynamic method dispatch. Illustrate it with program.(6.5)
(b) Explain Short Circuit and Short Circuit OR with the help of code fragments.

Q6 (a) What is a thread? Discuss the different states of a thread. (6.5)

1, (b) Write an applet containing three textboxes which takes two numbers as input
in two textboxes and displays the sum of the numbers in third textbox. (6)

Q7 What is a layout manager? Explain it's types. (12.5)


Q8 (a) Write a program to read a file in java using BufferedlnputStrearn (6.5)

(b) Write a program to retrieve data from an Oracle database. (6)

Q9 What do you mean by driver used in database connectivity. Explain different types
of drivers used in Java Database Connectivity. (12.5)



(Pltae Write :,our Exa

nt Roll No,)
. .aI I..,
Exam Roll No/ ..........l ........


Paper Code: ETCS 307 Subject: Java Programming
Time : 3 Maximum Marks :15
Note: Attempt five questiona tn all tncludtng Q. No. 1 which is
CO!ftPUlsory. Select one question from each unit.

Q 1. Attempt all parts from the following: (2.5x10=25)

a) What is the use of throw and throws keyword in exception handling?
b) List the name of packages used in Jave.
c) What is type code in java?
d) Explain run time polymorphism. How it is different from compile time
e) Explain all keywords of public static void main (string args) in brief.
f) Give the hierarchy of java exception.
g) Explain the keyword final in all context.
h) Why java is called strongly typed language?
i) Why multiple inheritances are not permitted in java?
j) Explain the advantages of Unicode over ASCII?
Q2. a) Explain JVM Architecture. (7.5)
b) Java is platform independent. Justify this statement (5)
Q3. a) Explain Characteristics of Java --. (5)
b) Explain Garbage Collection in Java. (7.5)
Q4. a) Write a program in Java to add digits of a given number. (i.e. 3661 will be
16). (5)
b) Write a class distance with int feet and double inch as data members. Show
constructor overloading. Also, add a method to add two distance objects. (7.5)
Q5. a) Differentiate between a class and abstract class. - (5)
b) What is applet? Write hierarchy of Applet class. Define life cycle of an
Applet. Write a program for any applet application. (7.5)

Q6. a) Write an application which shows two input text boxes namely input-1 and
input-2 and two buttons with captions + and· - respectively. Use action
event to print the sum and difference of two .inputs on a third textbox on
click of+ and- buttons respectively. (7.5)
b) Explain thread synchronization. · (5)
Q7. a) Explain multithreading with an example. (7.5)
b) Explain different types of layouts in java AWT. (5)

QB. a) Explain different types of JDBC drivers. Write the steps involved in JDBC
application with an example. - (7.5
b) Write a program to read content of one me and write it in another file. (5)

Q9. a) Draw the Architecture of JDBC-ODBC Bridge and steps for executing of a
JOBC ODBC based Java Program. Write a program in java to represent
'JDBC-ODBC' connectivity by insert a data 'name', 'id' and 'marks' fields in
a table 'student' of database '~tudentDB'. (7.5)
b) What are Java collections? Give some methods of Collection interface. (5)

... -
.. I ( 5,.

,,,_- rorfC. JIOur &,cam Roll No.} .Exam Roll No• ......................


(6) l'DTB BBIIBaTBR. {B.TBCu] KovmER - DBCmn 2017
r,iiper Code: BTIT-303 Subject: Java Programming and
)ign Website Duign
3 Hours Maximum Jtlarb: 75
lnd iiote: Attempt any five ques«ons tncludfng Q no. l which t. compulsory.

rie? Ql Answer the following·- (S:d-=25)

(4) (a) Explain any five J·ava 1an
(b) What do you understand guage features.
'hy (c) State differences betwe ~y nested try statement?
(4) (d) How do we design en mterface and Abstract class.
ies suitable example. , create and access a package? Discuss with
(e) What is the importance of JVM m
. J ava?

Q2 (a) What is a ~ead? Explain complete life cycle of thr d

(b) How ~oes J~Va ach!-eve portability? a ea · 16-!I
(c) Explam wmtO, notify() and notifyall() methods of Thread class. \3\
Q3 (a) Write _a win~o~ed program to read the text of the TextArea component
and ~splay it m the Label component on the click of a button. (8)
(b) Explain the role of adapter classes in event handling. (4.S)

Q4 (a) Create an applet program that accepts marks of live subjects using
<param> tag and display the average of the marks obtained in its
status bar. 161
(b) What is the difference between an application and an applet?_ 131
(c) Why Java is considered as best IangUage for mtemet applicati0ns?\3.5l

Q5 (a) Explain how exception handling is do~• in Java. Write a small java
progralll containin& user define~ '7'ceptt~ns. (6.513
(b} Explain tl,ree c1asses available mJava.util package- l I
{c) What do you understand by garbage eollection in Java? l3l

Q6 {a) Write a Java progralll to read a file usin& byte array. You need to read
fixed size of content each time, read multiple times, till end of the file .(6.Sl
{b) What is the functionality of a File class? l3l
{c) Explain method overloadin& and method overridinl! with suitable
example. (31
Q? {a) What is Event Classes? Explain Adapter and Inner Classes with the
help of example. . . : . 6l~l
lb) What is the itllPo,tance of JavascnPt m buildin& web page? ExP\8111
with the help of code. 1- 1
{a) How to control the honzontsl ·and vertical positionin& of \6.5\
QB wi~ a cell? Ex.plain with the help of e,<alllple.
{b) Wnte a Java script code to iIJlplement Countdown '\'iiner.

(Please unite your &mm Roll No.J kam .Rott No• ......................

Paper Code; ETIT-303 Subject: Java Programming Web.lfte Design
Time: 3 Hours Maximum llarks: 75
\ Note: Attempt any ftve questfons fnlcludfngQ.Nol which ts compulsory. I
Q1 la) What is the purpose of system class?
lb} What is a nested class? Mention its type.
(c) Why do we need import statement in Java? Explain with an example.
ld) Name and explain the package used in event handling in Java.
(e) Explain the life cycle of Applet. (5x5=25)

Q2 la) What is multithreadihg? Discuss in detail how multithreading can be

achieved in Java? (9)
lb) Discuss various methods used in Inter-thread communication. (3.5)

Q3 lal Dilierenti.ate between Interfaces and Abstract classes. What is the need of
these concepts in Java? (8.5)
lb) What are the uses of final and super keywords with respect to inheritancc?(4)

What _is event handling in Java? Which classes and interfaces support even
handling? What is the relationship between an event-listener interface and an
event-adapter class? (12.5)

Explain the mechanism of exception handling in Java. ls an empty catch block

QS legal? Can a catch block throw the exception caught by itself? Support your
answers with an example. (12.5)

(a) What is stream in Java? Classify stream in Java. Using buffer stream class,
Jrlte a program to display •Hello World•.
and explain any three AWT components used in Java.

(a) ~at is form? What elements can use to submit a form? When a fonn is
Q7 submitted, where the data is delivered to? (6.5)
(b) Ekplain the terms Jntemet, Intranet and Extranet. (61

(a) D~fine HTML. What are the different categories under which HTML elements
QB fall? (8)
(bl v.\rite a function in java script that validates if the content has the general
syntax of "'1 email- (4.51

(al Wpat are the major tasks in the_ overall website developmen_t process? (6.51
Q9 (b) What is CCS? Why do we ,require it? Show by an appropnate example how

t~c--J 11
/ )~ IDfite 'IJOUf' &1cam Ron No.J kam RoU No• ......................


_ _ _ _ _-=.;Ftn=-TB=-= SrmTBR (B.TBcB] l>BCDBBR 2015 -
Paper Code: BTIT-303 SUbject: Java. Programming &
Website Dufg_n.
)faxfmum Marks: 75
Time: 3 Sours
Note: Attempt anJlfi_ve q_
uestton& _ _ __

Q1 (a) What is the difference between equality of object.s and equality of

references that refer to them? Support your answer with the help of
Strings. (5) . ·
(b) What do you understand by run-time polymorphism? How is it
achieved in Java? (10)

(a) Compare Strings and StringBuffer classes with suitable examples. (5)
(b} Write a program in Java to add two complex numbers. -Make use of a
copy constructor in the program. Get the input from command line.(7}
(cl El<plain the functionality of a FILE class, · (3)
II Write a program to create two threads, one thread will print odd numbers
Q3 and second thread will print even numbers between 1 to 20 numberS to
get the output as:
1, 3, 5, 7, ..... and then 2, 4, 6, 8, .....
i.e. ell odd numbers should be printed before the even numberS, · (151

(al What is JDBC? Discuss the general JDBC architecture• What ere
Q4 basic steps to create a JDBC application. (101
(bl What are the different types of JDBC statements? (51

(al What is a cont.aini:t? Explain how components ere added to a

QS ~ntainet• What is a default layout of an applet? How can you c;ban&e
a .
(bl DiSCUSS the attributes of the applet tag. (51
(cl List the methods under Window Listener Interface• (31

- Q6
(a) What is delegation event model? Write a program to illustrate the
keyboard or mouse even bandfu1g.
(b) Differentiate between swings and AWT controls.

(al Write a Java program to copy contents of one file to anothllr file. (81
(bl Differentiate betv,een checked and unchecked exceptions. W?te a
Q7 prograin to create user-defined exception and use the same Ul the
main program- . (7}

Write notes on SDJ' tJaree of the followinl!'

QB (a) Java Servlets
(b) ,Anhnati.on Techniques
(c) Byte and cruiracter stream classes
(d) oHTML H*********

L ;Jd l _1 7
(Please write your Exam Roll No.J kam Roll No• ......................


Paper Code: ETCS-307 Subject: Java Programming_
Maximum Marks: 75
Tune: 3 Hours
Note: Attempt any Jive_questions including whtch ts compulsof'!l,

Ql la) Define the characteristics of Java. (5)

(b) Differentiate between JAVA and C++ Object Oriented Language. (5)
le) Differentiate between package and Interface with examples. (5)
(d) State the importance of utility package in JAVA. (5)
le) Explain the life cycle of Applet and·its security concerns. (5)

Q2 (a) Describe the various types of exceptions and illustrate how they are
handled. (9)
(b) Define multithreading with an example. (3.5)

I Q3 (a) What is inheritance? How will you call parameterized constructor and
override method from parent class in sub class? (9)
lb) What is an inner class? Give an example for it. (3.5)
Q4 la) List out the steps to connect JDBC with MS-Access. (6.25)
(b) Create and application for online shopping with JDBC.

Explain life cycle of a thread with help of a diagram. How do the wait and
Q5 notify All/notify methods enable cooperation between threads. (12.5)

Given two different array of size M and N in sorted ascending order, write
Q6 a JAVA program to merge them into a single sorted array with the
condition that merged array should be in ascending order. (12.5)

How to declare and initialize a string in JAVA and also explain the
Q7 difference string handling functions with suitable example. (12.5\
11111 Q8 Write short note on any two:
(a) Development of client server application
(b) AWT component
le) Organization of JVM



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ra ·~, (Plecue torfte JJOW' .&,mm Roll No.}


JC,cani .RoU No..................... ..

FD'TB 8BID8TBR (B.TscHl 'DmoDIBBR 2014.JAlllJART 2015

Paper Code: .ETIT-303 Subject: Java Programmfng &
<a·Q,.. Webatte Daig_n
Tfme: 3 .lfaxfmum .lfarkl: 75
Note: Attempt any.five quattona fncludfng which fa compulaori,.
Select one question from each Unit.
Ql (a) Explain any five operators used injava. (5)
(b) Name and explain any five packages used in java. (5)
(c) Explain the events which can occur with a mouse. (5)
q (d) Explain the terms Internet, Intranet and Extranet.
(e) Briefly explain the different layout managers. (5)
l Unit-I
Q2 Explain the various features of java.

• Q3 Explain any six methods of string class. Is string class immutable? (12.5)


What do you mean by exception? Explain the keywords try catch throw
Q4 throws & finally with the help of a program or programs. ' ' (12.5\

What is the difference between process based & thread based

QS multitasking? What are the ways to create threads? Write a program to
make two child threads. (1~.5)


Discuss the different layout managers? Why are layout manager

Q6 required? l12.5\

What do you mean by Events, Source and Listeners? What are the
Q7 various events which can occur with a mouse? Write a program to handle
#ii 11111- various mouse events. l12.5l

What do you mean by a website? Differentiate. between lnten;,et &

QB Intranet. What factors you have to consider for ,naking a good webS1te?

Write full form of HTML. Explain the following HTML tags. How are these
Q9 used? Explain by writing HTML code.
(i) <BR> (ii) <A> (iii) <APPLET> (iv) <DD> (v) <PRE> (iv) <FORM>.


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