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3/21/23, 12:50 PM Summary Report

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Ava Marie
Congratulations! You completed the test.

You scored 3 out of 9 points on the scored questions.

Points for teacher scored questions can be awarded to your score by your Test Administrator for the
practice tests only, using the approved scoring rubric.

Item Set 1 Middle School Science Practice Resource

Item Set 1

Question Number Student's Score Maximum Score

Question 1 0 1

Question 2 *Teacher Scored (see appendix) 2

Question 3 1 1

Question 4 0 1

Question 5 0 1

Question 6 0 1

Question 7 *Teacher Scored (see appendix) 2

Instructions N/A N/A

Question 8 1 1

Question 9 1 1

Question 10 0 1

Question 11 *Teacher Scored (see appendix) 2 1/2
3/21/23, 12:50 PM Summary Report

Question Number Student's Score Maximum Score

Question 12 *Teacher Scored (see appendix) 2

Question 13 *Teacher Scored (see appendix) 2

Question 14 0 1

Appendix: Teacher Scored Questions

Item Set 1

Question Number Student Response

Question 2 information is tranferred as the student bites into the lemon because the
lemon is sour and the bitterness causes your face to react to the flavor of
the lemon. since it is sour it causes disfunction within the tastebuds.

Question 7 i dont know

Question 11 They were placed next to the window to see if photosyntisis was the
reasons algae blooms. 

Question 12 the fish population is effected by reasorse avalibility because if the algae
spreads and takes over their enviornment they could die.

Question 13 the ammount of sunlight over the pod in the winter is helping the algae fight
the cold and spread 2/2

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