Ole Etapa Zonala Cls A 8 Subiect Var 2

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CLASA a VIII-a Varianta 2

 All subjects are compulsory
 All answers must be written on the answer sheet.
 There will be no granted points.
 Allotted time: 180 minutes


1. Match the words in column A to their definitions in column B. (10 points)

1. miss A. take control of something
2. ordinary B. distributing
3. employs C. give work to somebody and pay them
4. took over D. plain, normal
5.handing out E. to fail to do something
6.landmark F. as well as
7.customers G. a famous building or object that you can see or recognize easily
8.in addition H. somebody who buys something from a shop

2. Use the words in column A to fill in the gaps in the following text about
Harrods, the famous London department store. ( 10 points)

“Enter a Different World,” it says in the entrance of Harrods in

Knightsbridge, London, and visitors do just that. Harrods is not the oldest, but it‟s
probably the most famous department store in the world. In the beginning, Harrods
was just a small grocer‟s. Charles Henry Harrod opened it in 1849. His son
1) ……………and added fruit, flowers, sweets and a
delivery service. It became an official supplier to the
Royal Family. It is now more than just a shop. It is a
London 2) ……………., a must-see UK tourist
attraction. 35,000 people visit Harrods every day.
3) ……………… its 300 departments, selling
everything from clothes to caviar, there are twenty-six
restaurants and cafés, a bank, a travel agent‟s and the
biggest hair and beauty salon in Europe. It
4) …………..over 4,000 staff, including the famous doormen (known as „Green
Men‟), security guards dressed as 5) ……………….shoppers, doctors and nurses -
even its own fire brigade!
The busiest month for Harrods is December, with 100,000 Christmas
shoppers per day. But the busiest day of all is Boxing Day, the first day of the
January sales, with over 300,000 6) …………………..! A lot of people sleep
outside all night to be first in when the doors open. Harrods makes things easier for

OLE- etapa zonala cls a VIII-a 1 SUBIECT Varianta 2

them 7) ……………. food, hot drinks and blankets! “All things, for all people,
everywhere” is the store‟s motto, because there‟s nothing you can‟t find there. There
even used to be a pet department where you could buy lions and alligators! But
today most people come to look around and buy something small so they can get
one of the famous green bags. So if you‟re in London, don‟t 8) ………… the
opportunity to visit this historic department store!

3. Read again the article about Harrods, the famous London department store
and choose the correct answer. (5 points)

1. In the beginning, Harrods was C. 300.000 customers on Boxing Day

A. Just a delivery service
B. A grocery 4 Today most people just come
C. The royal family‟s official supplier A. To buy something small and get one
of the famous green bags
2 Harrods has B. To visit a famous landmark
A. More than 300 department stores C. For hot drinks and blankets
B. The biggest cafe in Europe
C. Everything from clothes to caviar 5.Shoppers sometimes go there
A. To get one of the famous grey bags
3.Harrods welcomes B. To do their hair
A. More than 300.000 visitors a day C. To talk to the green man
B. around 4.000 shoppers per day


1. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. (10 points)

1. The jacket was so expensive that I didn‟t buy it.

It ..........................................…………………. that I didn‟t buy it.
2. Practise more! You‟ll do better.
The more ………………….
3. “Who broke the window?” the teacher asked the students.
The teacher asked the students …….………………………..
4. We will have the party outdoors if it isn‟t cold.
Unless …………………………….
5. Sharon hasn‟t been to a party for two months.
The last time …………………………………was two months ago.

2. Use the words in capital at the end of each sentence to form the correct word
in order to complete the gaps. (10 points)

1. We need to find a ________________________to our economic problems. SOLVE

2. Young people need to _____________________their general knowledge by reading RICH
3. My skin is very ___________________so I shouldn‟t stay out in the sun all day. SENSE
4. Why are you driving so _______________________? You might have an accident. CARE
5. We cannot proceed with this project until everybody is in _____________. AGREE
6. You should take a whole course of antibiotics so that the treatment EFFECT

OLE- etapa zonala cls a VIII-a 2 SUBIECT Varianta 2

7. Although they are twins, they are completely ____________________ from each DIFFER
8. My room was so _______________ _that I spent the whole day cleaning it. MESS
9. Drama and art classes encourage young children to develop their CREATE
10. Her __________________is for comfortable rather than stylish clothes. PREFER

3. For each question, choose and circle the correct answer: A, B, C, or D.

(10 points)
The word `blog` is a short form of `web log`. Blogs (1) ………off as online diaries
which people used as a record of events in their personal lives and to share their
(2) ………with the world. This is still the most common type of blog. However,
increasingly blogs are used for business. There are now many different types of blogs,
with a variety of styles and topics; some (3) ……… on a particular subject, such as
travel blogs ( which are also known as travelbogs), legal blogs, political blogs,
education blogs, fashion blogs or even dreamblogs - the (4)…………. is growing. A
blog that has videos is called a vlog and if it (5)………. a lot of photos it can be called
a photoblog. The joy of blogs is that it isn‟t necessary to know how to write in code.
Entries can be posted directly online in (6) …………. text and other people can add
comments. This makes blogging a form of social networking.
But it‟s not just a web site for people to read; it‟s interactive! People can read
what you write and make comments, (7) …. web links, chat, send you news, and so
on. There are (8) ………..many possibilities! There are millions of blogs by millions
of people on millions of subjects. Your blog (9) ……… be anything you want it to
be.You could set (10) …….…. a blog about your favourite actor or singer.

1. A introduced B. started C. began D. opened

2. A. minds B. purposes C. brains D. thoughts
3. A.aim B. cover C. concentrate D.direct
4. A.list B. series C. record D. label
5. A.uses B. takes C. contains D. holds
6. A. natural B. normal C. average D. reasonable
7. A. advice B. suggest C. tell D. look
8. A. such B. not C. too D. so
9. A. must B. would C. can D. will
10. A. up B. out C. off D. down

4. Use the following words: ancient, strange, hideous, amazed, huge, beautiful,
interesting, unforgettable, underground, famous to write the opposites of the words
in bold. There are two extra words. (10 points)

The Sphinx in Egypt is one of the most 1) unknown landmarks in the world. It is one
of the most 2) modern, man- made creations on Earth. It
was constructed over 4,000 years ago. The Sphinx is a very 3)
ugly mythical creature with the head of Egyption king
Khafre and the body of a 4)tiny lion. Some people even say
it has 5)surface chambers below it! It is located close to the

OLE- etapa zonala cls a VIII-a 3 SUBIECT Varianta 2

Pyramids and carved into the rock. It looks a bit strange but it is definitely a very 6)
boring sight. If you ever travel to Egypt, don‟t miss the chance to visit it! You will be
7) bored and you will have 8) strange memories.

5. Underline the correct word(s). ( 10 points)

1. This is my picture. I drew it me /myself.

2. He has worked / is working in this factory for twenty years.
3. If I will see / see Peter, I‟ll give him your message.
4. Where are you going/ do you go? To work.
5. Did you do/ Have you done your homework yet?
6. Do I have to go to the shop today? No, you needn’t / mustn’t. I‟ll go instead.
7. He is tired because he has painted/ has been painting the gate since this morning.
8. It‟s not worth to wait / waiting anymore.
9. Let‟s go shopping, will / shall we?
10. Why are your clothes all wet? I was washing / have been washing the dog!

III.WRITING ( 25 points). Write a story ending like this:

Dan and Mark were sitting on the grassy river bank. They thanked the fishermen.
They were tired and frightened but relieved to be alive.

Write your story in 150-180 words and give it an appropriate title. Count your words
and write the total number at the end of your composition between brackets. e.g. (174

OLE- etapa zonala cls a VIII-a 4 SUBIECT Varianta 2

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