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Name: Kamran Ahmad

CMS ID: 414137
Section EE-14B
“Toxic Masculinity vs Radical Feminism”
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• Introduction
• History
• Merits
• Demerits/Criticism
• Suggestions/Opinions
• Conclusion
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Toxic masculinity and radical feminism are two concepts that have been hotly
debated in recent years. The concept of toxic masculinity refers to the cultural
norms and expectations placed on men that can lead to harmful behavior. These
norms include ideas like "boys don't cry," "real men don't show emotion," and "be
a man" and can lead to men suppressing their emotions and acting out in violent or
aggressive ways [1] while radical feminism is a movement that seeks to fight for
gender equality. In this essay, I will argue that toxic masculinity and radical
feminism are not mutually exclusive, and that it is possible to address both issues
in a productive and constructive way.

The term “toxic masculinity” has been popularized in recent years, it has become
relevant in discussions of men and gender. The ideology and movement “radical
feminism” emerged in the 1960s, after the civil rights movement. [2]

Radical feminism has sought to abolish toxic masculinity, which is often

reinforced by society into the minds of men from a young age. Media portrayals of
men often emphasize traditional masculine traits like aggression and dominance,
while downplaying emotional vulnerability. This can create a vicious cycle, where
men feel pressured to conform to these norms. More broadly speaking, radical
feminism is a movement that seeks to dismantle the patriarchy and fight for gender
equality. This can take many forms, from advocating for equal pay and
reproductive rights to challenging gender roles and expectations. Radical feminism
is often seen as a more extreme form of feminism, as it seeks to uproot the root
causes of gender inequality rather than simply addressing individual instances of

Radical feminism has received pushback in many cultures, especially among the
Muslim culture where gender roles are of great significance. One of the main
criticisms of radical feminism is that it can sometimes come across as hostile or
exclusionary towards men. Some people argue that the movement's emphasis on
the patriarchy and male privilege can lead to a demonization of all men, rather than
just those who perpetuate harmful behavior. This can make it difficult for men to
engage with the movement and can create a sense of defensiveness or resentment.
Similarly, some intellectuals like Jordan Peterson [3] consider “Toxic Masculinity”
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to be a term that modern feminism can’t explain with proper articulation and thus,
is a vague and nonsensical concept and just a way to hate on manliness. They
argue that masculinity is necessary for the functioning of this world. Even
aggressive and “toxic” men are needed to fight the hardships and evils of this
world, for example, in law enforcement agencies and armed forces. These are
fields that require suppressing your emotions and being aggressive. They argue
that if “Toxic Masculinity” is a real problem, then “Toxic Femininity” [4] must a
real thing too.

A way to curb the harmful effects of toxic masculinity is to encourage more open
and honest communication about emotions and feelings. This means challenging
the idea that vulnerability is a weakness and recognizing that emotional
intelligence is a key part of being a well-rounded and healthy human being.
Similarly, for the situation of women to change, conservations and seminars seem
to be the bedrock and a way to get more support. Insensitive comments regarding
women need to be called out, women should be encouraged to get proper
education, especially in countries like Pakistan where awareness about women’s
rights and needs is the need of the hour. This will require a mutual effort of men
and women.
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[1]Wolridge, G.T. (2020) "boys don't cry" - how stereotypes of masculinity harm boys and men,
American Psychological Association. American Psychological Association. Available at: (Accessed: March
21, 2023).

[2]Willis, E. (1984). Radical Feminism and Feminist Radicalism. Social Text, 9/10, 91–118.
Available at: (Accessed 21 Mar. 2023).

[3]Peterson, J. (2018). Jordan Peterson on the 'backlash against masculinity'. BBC. Available at: (Accessed: March 21, 2023).

[4] Naraharisetty, R. (2022). “The Internet Wants to Talk About ‘Toxic Femininity,’ but Gets It
All Wrong.” The Swaddle. Available at:
about-toxic-femininity-but-gets-it-all-wrong/ (Accessed: March 21, 2023).
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