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WELCOME : Pradeepsing Rajaput (124311) Reps Wise Sales Reports Period : November 2022
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N Reps Wise Sales Statement
U For Division : CRITICAL CARE As On Nov-22

Employee Date Of AVG

Name/Station Year Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Total Avg GR% ACH% DFCT
Code Joining TGT
124311 Pradeepsing Rajaput (SBM) 08-Sep-21 22-23. 9.60 8.22 8.80 10.00 10.21 10.09 8.02 8.02 7.39 70.75 8.84 21.66 92.08 -6.08
HUBLI 21-22. 9.92 6.22 10.30 8.83 7.02 6.98 6.79 7.00 5.01 6.65 6.09 6.53 5.02 82.44 6.87 49.35 69.27 -36.56

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