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King Sargon of Akkad


Kim Alcheon
An Bangjun
Bae Heung-rip
Bae Jung-son
Bak Jin
Choe Chung-heon
Choe Hang
Choe Mu-Seon
Choe U
Choi Yeong
Choi Hong-hi
Eo Jae-yeon
Eo Yeongdam
Eulji Mundeok
Gang Chung
Gang Gam-chan
Gang Ho-gyeong
Gang Hong-rip
Gang Isik
Gang Jo
Gi Ja-oh
Gim Heum-sun
Gim Mu-ryeok
Gim Si-min
Gim Won-sul
Gim Yu-sin
Go of Balhae
Go Sagye
Gwak Jae-u
Gwon Yul
Gyeong Dae-seung
Heukchi Sangji
Hong Dagu
Hong Dalson
Hong Yun-seong
Hwang Jin
Hyejong of Goryeo
Im Gyeong-eop
Jang Bogo
Jeong Bal
Jeong Gi-ryong
Jeong Jung-bu
Jeong Mun-bu
Jeong Yeo-rip
Kim Ahn-ro
Kim Tong-jeong
Mu Chong
Myeongnim Dap-bu
Park Won-jong
Ryu Ja-gwang
Shin Dol-seok
Shin Ryu
Sin Rip
Sin Sung-gyeom
Song Sang-hyeon
Taejo of Goryeo
Taejo of Joseon
Wang Ryung
Wang Ja-ji
Won Gyun
Yang Manchun
Yeon Gaesomun
Yi Bok-nam
Yi Eokgi
Yi Go
Yi Il
Yi Ja-chun
Yi Jeong-am
Yi Jing-ok
Yi Jongmu
Yi Si-ae
Yi Sun-sin
Yi Sun-sin
Yi Ui-bang
Yi Ui-min
Yun Gwan
Yun Im

Kose no Maro
Tajihi no Agatamori
Ōtomo no Yakamochi
Ki no Kosami
Ōtomo no Otomaro
Sakanoue no Tamuramaro
Funya no Watamaro
Fujiwara no Tadabumi
Minamoto no Yoshinaka
Minamoto no Yoritomo
Minamoto no Yoriie
Minamoto no Sanetomo
Kujō Yoritsune
Kujō Yoritsugu
Prince Munetaka
Prince Koreyasu
Prince Hisaaki
Prince Morikuni
Prince Moriyoshi
Prince Narinaga
Ashikaga Takauji
Ashikaga Yoshiakira
Ashikaga Yoshimitsu
Ashikaga Yoshimochi
Ashikaga Yoshikazu
Ashikaga Yoshinori
Ashikaga Yoshikatsu
Ashikaga Yoshimasa
Ashikaga Yoshihisa
Ashikaga Yoshitane
Ashikaga Yoshizumi
Ashikaga Yoshiharu
Ashikaga Yoshihide
Ashikaga Yoshiaki
Oda Nobunaga
Oda Nobutada
Oda Hidenobu
Toyotomi Hideyoshi
Toyotomi Hidetsugu
Toyotomi Hideyori
Tokugawa Ieyasu
Tokugawa Hidetada
Tokugawa Iemitsu
Tokugawa Ietsuna
Tokugawa Tsunayoshi
Tokugawa Ienobu
Tokugawa Ietsugu
Tokugawa Yoshimune
Tokugawa Ieshige
Tokugawa Ieharu
Tokugawa Ienari
Tokugawa Ieyoshi
Tokugawa Iesada
Tokugawa Iemochi
Tokugawa Yoshinobu
Kusunoki Masashige

Sun Wu (Sun Tzu)
Wu Qi
Qin Shi Huang
Xiang Yu
Cao Cao
Han Xin
Qi Jiguang
Chang Yinhuai
Jing Ju
Pang Shigu
Pang Ho-san
Shen Yi-ming
Song Yi (Qin dynasty)
Lü Bu
Zhao Yun
Yuan Shao
Zhou Yu
Zhang Liao
Sima Yi
Sun Jian
Xu Huang
Dian Wei
Yu Jin
Zhang He
Yue Jin
Zhang Liao
Xu Huang


Scipio Africanus
Gaius Marius
Lucius Cornelius Sulla
Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus
Gaius Julius Caesar
Marcus Antonius
Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa
Germanicus Julius Caesar
Gnaeus Julius Agricola
Nero Claudius Drusus
Aaron (son of Ivan Vladislav)
Aetios (eunuch)
Alexios Palaiologos (despot)
Alusian of Bulgaria
Theodore Alyates
Anatolius (consul)
Manuel Anemas
Andronikos Doukas Angelos
Constantine Komnenos Angelos
John Angelos (sebastokrator)
Basil Apokapes
Leo Apostyppes
Ardabur (consul 447)
Arduin the Lombard
Basil Argyros
Eustathios Argyros (general under Leo VI)
Leo Argyros (9th century)
Leo Argyros (10th century)
Marianos Argyros
Pothos Argyros (Domestic of the Schools)
Constantine Arianites
David Arianites
Aristomachus (Egypt)
Matthew Palaiologos Asen
Constantine Aspietes
Michael Aspietes
Alexios Axouch
Bacurius the Iberian
Roussel de Bailleul
Baldwin of Antioch
John Bogas
Bonus (Sirmium)
Michael Bourtzes
Manuel Boutoumites
Philaretos Brachamios
Alexios Branas
Theodore Branas
Nikephoros Bryennios (ethnarch)
Nikephoros Bryennios the Elder
Nikephoros Bryennios the Younger
Theoktistos Bryennios
Celer (magister officiorum)
John Chaldos
Niketas Chalkoutzes
John Choumnos
Constans (consul 414)
Cours (Byzantine general)
Constantine Dalassenos (duke of Antioch)
Constantine Dalassenos (thalassokrator)
Damian Dalassenos
Romanos Dalassenos
Theophylact Dalassenos
Eustathios Daphnomeles
Kalokyros Delphinas
Michael Dermokaites
Constantine Diogenes
Leo Diogenes
Nikephoros Diogenes
Andronikos Doukas (general under Leo VI)
Constantine Doukas (sebastos)
Constantine Doukas (usurper)
Constantine Angelos Doukas
John Doukas (megas doux)
John Doukas (sebastokrator)
Konstantios Doukas
Michael Doukas (protostrator)
Elpidius (rebel)
Eustathios (governor of the Cibyrrhaeot Theme)
Hervé Frankopoulos
Gennadius (7th century)
Gennadius (magister militum Africae)
Alexios Gidos
Giovanni Giustiniani
Novak Grebostrek
Heraclius (brother of Tiberius III)
Iordanes (consul)
Isaac I Komnenos
John Ises
John (nephew of Vitalian)
John the Hunchback
John the Scythian
John VI Kantakouzenos
Joscelin of Molfetta
Justin (magister militum per Illyricum)
Alexios Kaballarios
Michael Kaballarios
Nikephoros Kabasilas
John Kammytzes
Manuel Kamytzes
John Kantakouzenos (Caesar)
John Kantakouzenos (sebastos)
Nikephoros Karantenos
Constantine Euphorbenos Katakalon
Katakalon Kekaumenos
Adrianos Komnenos
Alexios Komnenos (governor of Dyrrhachium)
Andronikos Komnenos (son of Alexios I)
Isaac Komnenos (brother of Alexios I)
John Komnenos (Domestic of the Schools)
Manuel Erotikos Komnenos
Constantine Kontomytes
Andronikos Kontostephanos
Andronikos Kontostephanos (son of Isaac)
John Kourkouas
John Kourkouas (catepan)
Romanos Kourkouas
Theophilos Kourkouas
Krenites Arotras
Michael Lachanodrakon
Andronikos Lapardas
Leontius (usurper)
Liparit IV of Kldekari
Longinus (consul 486)
Sabinianus Magnus
Constantine Maleinos
Eustathios Maleinos
Manuel the Armenian
Marcellus (brother of Justin II)
Marcian (cousin of Justin II)
Constantine Margarites
Michael Maurex
Maximinus (diplomat)
Melias (Domestic of the Schools)
Michael Melissenos
Nikephoros Melissenos
Basil Mesardonites
Michael (son of Anastasios the logothete)
Mjej II Gnuni
Michael Monomachos
Alexios Mosele (Caesar)
Alexios Mosele (general)
Al-Mundhir III ibn al-Harith
Nicetas the Patrician
Nikephoros II Phokas
Niketas (son of Ioube)
Niketas (son of Artabasdos)
Niketas of Mistheia
Niketas the Persian
Sergios Niketiates
Constantine Opos (megas doux)
Nikephoros Ouranos
Pacurius the Iberian
Gregory Pakourianos
Andronikos Palaiologos (died 1344)
Andronikos Palaiologos (late 12th century)
Constantine Palaiologos (son of Michael VIII)
George Palaiologos
John Palaiologos (brother of Michael VIII)
Michael Palaiologos (general)
Nikephoros Palaiologos
Syrgiannes Palaiologos
Theodore Parsakoutenos
Theodoulos Parsakoutenos
Leo Passianos
Peranius the Iberian
Peter (stratopedarches)
Petronas (general)
George Phakrases
Pharas the Herulian
Alexios Philanthropenos
Alexios Philes
Eumathios Philokales
Bardas Phokas the Elder
Bardas Phokas the Younger
Constantine Phokas
Leo Phokas the Elder
Leo Phokas the Younger
Nikephoros Phokas the Elder
Nicholas Picingli
Staurakios Platys
Progonos Sgouros
John Proteuon
Sico Protospatharios
Gregory Pterotos
John Raoul Petraliphas
Alexios Raoul
Theodore Rshtuni
Sabinianus (consul 505)

Leonidas the King of Sparta
Pericles and Demosthenes of Athens
Themistocles the one who won immortal fame at Thermopylae
Lysander of Sparta
Dionysius I of Syracuse
Epaminondas and Pelopidas of Thebes
Alexander the Great (52.127.4)

Khafre (26.7.1392)
Nebka II
Menkaure (37.6.1)
Sahure (18.2.4)
Pepi I
Merenre I
Pepi II
Merenre II
Netjerkare Siptah
Mentuhotep I
Intef I
Intef II (13.182.3)
Intef III
Mentuhotep II (07.230.2)
Mentuhotep II (cont.) (07.230.2)
Mentuhotep III
Qakare Intef
Mentuhotep IV
Amenemhat I (08.200.5)
Senwosret I
Amenemhat II (14.3.17)
Senwosret II
Senwosret III (26.7.1394)
Amenemhat III (24.7.1)
Amenemhat IV
Tao I
Tao II
Ahmose (2006.270)
Amenhotep I (26.3.30a)
Thutmose I (30.4.137)
Thutmose II
Thutmose III (1995.21)
Hatshepsut (as regent)
Hatshepsut (29.3.2)
Amenhotep II (66.99.20)
Thutmose IV (30.8.45a–c)
Amenhotep III (56.138)
Amenhotep IV
Akhenaten (66.99.40)
Tutankhamun (50.6)
Haremhab (23.10.1)
Ramesses I (11.155.3a)
Seti I (22.2.21)
Ramesses II
Merneptah (26.7.1451)
Amenmesse (34.2.2)
Seti II
Siptah (14.6.179)
Ramesses III (33.8.7)
Ramesses IV (30.8.234)
Ramesses V
Ramesses VI
Ramesses VII
Ramesses VIII
Ramesses IX
Ramesses X
Ramesses XI
HP Herihor
HP Paiankh
HP Painedjem I
HP Masaharta
HP Djedkhonsefankh
HP Menkheperre
Psusennes I
HP Smendes
HP Painedjem II
HP Psusennes
Psusennes II
Sheshonq I
Osorkon I
Sheshonq II
Takelot I
Osorkon II
Takelot II
Sheshonq III
Sheshonq V
Osorkon IV
Pedubaste I
Iuput I
Sheshonq IV
Osorkon III
Takelot III
Iuput II
Shabaqo (55.144.6)
Shebitqo (65.45)
Taharqo (loses control of Lower Egypt) (41.160.104)
Tanutamani (loses control of Upper Egypt)
Necho I
Psamtik I (X.358)
Necho II
Psamtik II
Apries (09.183.1a)
Amasis (35.9.3)
Psamtik III
Darius I
Xerxes I
Artaxerxes I
Darius II
Pedubaste III
Psamtik IV
Amyrtaios I
Psamtik V
Psamtik VI
Amyrtaios II
Nepherites I
Nepherites II
Nectanebo I
Nectanebo II (34.2.1)

Artaxerxes III Ochus
Darius III Codoman
Philip Arrhidaeus
Alexander IV
Ptolemaic Period
Ptolemy I Soter I
Ptolemy II Philadelphos (12.187.31)
Arsinoe II (20.2.21)
Ptolemy III Euergetes I (66.99.134)
Berenike II
Ptolemy IV Philopator (66.99.166)
Ptolemy V Epiphanes
Cleopatra I
Ptolemy VI Philometor
Cleopatra II
Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II
Ptolemy VII Neos Philopator
Ptolemy IX Soter II

Khalid ibn al-Walid
Hamza ibn Abdul-Muttalib
Abu Bakr
Sa`d ibn Abi Waqqas
Amr ibn al-As
Al-Qa'qa' ibn Amr al-Tamimi
Abdallah ibn Sa'd

Ottoman Osman I
Murad I
Bayezid I
İsa Çelebi
Süleyman Çelebi
Musa Çelebi
Mehmed Çelebi
Mehmed I
Mustafa Çelebi
Murad II
Mehmed II
Murad II
Mehmed II
Bayezid II
Cem Sultan
Selim I
Suleiman I

Brennus 4th century BC Gallic Chieftain of the Senones. Famous for his
victory over the Roman forces at the Battle of the Allia and the subsequent sack of
Brennus 3rd century BC (died 279 BC) Gallic (Do not confuse with his
homonym) One of the Gallic leaders during the Gallic invasion of the Balkans.
Notably famous for his victory at Thermopylae and the sacking of Delphi.
Divico und Caesar.jpg Divico 2nd century BC Gallic Leader of the
Helvetian tribe, Divico defeated a Roman army and killed its leaders Lucius Cassius
Longinus and Lucius Calpurnius Piso Caesoninus during the Battle of Burdigala.
Oenomaus 1st century BC (died 73/72 BC) Gallic Gallic gladiator of
Capua and leader during the Third Servile War.
Crixus 1st century BC (died 72 BC) Gallic Firstly known as gladiator in
Capua, the most famous of the leaders along with Spartacus during the Third Servile
Gannicus 1st century BC (died 71 BC) Gallic Gallic slave, he became
leader of a slave army along with Spartacus and fellow Gauls Crixus, Oenomaus and
Castus during the Third Servile War.
Castus 1st century BC (died 71 BC) Gallic Another Gallic slave, and co-
commander along with Gannicus during the Third Servile War.
The colossal statue of Vercingetorix, Alesia (7701006540).jpg Vercingetorix
c. 82-46 BC Gallic Chieftain of the Arverni tribe; he united the Gauls
in a revolt against Roman forces under Julius Caesar. After his notable victory at
Gergovia, he was finally defeated at Alesia.
Postumus Antoninianus.jpg Postumus 3rd century (died 269) Gallic Gallo-
Roman general and then emperor of the Gallic Empire. Postumus campaigns against the
Franks and Alemanni in 262 and 263 were so successful that Germanic raids stopped
for a decade and the title of Germanicus maximus was given to him.
Riothamus c. 440-510 Breton ‘High King’ of the Britons in Gaul. Ally of the
Roman Emperor Anthemius, Riothamus brought 12,000 soldiers to support the Romans
against the Visigoths. Betrayed by Arvandus and ambushed at Déols c. 470 by Euric,
Riothamus gathered the battle’s survivors and escaped to the land of the
François-Louis Dejuinne (1786-1844) - Clovis roi des Francs (465-511).jpg Clovis
c. 466-511 Frankish Successful leader of the Franks who quadrupled
Frankish territory.
Steuben - Bataille de Poitiers.png Charles Martel 686-741 Frankish Famous
victor at the Battle of Tours in 732. The Christian triumph has captured the
Western imagination ever since.
RolandRoncesvalles.jpg Roland 8th century (died 778) Frankish Count Roland
was Charlemagne's commander on the Breton border and regarded as his very best
warrior. His bravery was immortalized through modern-day France, Italy and Germany
in medieval culture.
Charlemagne and Pope Adrian I.jpg Charlemagne 742/747-814 Frankish Charlemagne
established the strongest central administration in the Western world since the
fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476.
Siege of Paris (885–886).jpeg Odo of France c. 852–898 French Count of
Paris and then King of Western Francia. Along with 200 men-at-arms, Odo
successfully defended Paris for months against tens of thousands of Vikings from
885 to 886.
Bayeuxtapestrywilliamliftshishelm.jpg William the Conqueror 1028–1087 Norman
William, Duke of Normandy, won the Kingdom of England by conquest. The Norman
Conquest tore England away from the Scandinavian sphere of influence and brought it
to the French sphere of influence. The successors of William held extensive lands
in France, challenging the authority of the French kings.
Raymond IV of Toulouse.jpg Raymond IV, Count of Toulouse c. 1041–1105 French
Perhaps the most powerful leader of the First Crusade, he distinguished
himself at the Siege of Antioch in 1098. After the success of the crusade, Raymond
refused to rule over the Kingdom of Jerusalem.
Baldwin of Boulogne entering Edessa in Feb 1098.JPG Baldwin I of Jerusalem c.
1058–1118 French Godfrey of Bouillon's older brother, Baldwin of Boulogne
was the second ruler and first king of Jerusalem. One of the leaders of the First
Crusade, as king he expanded the kingdom with the captures of Arsuf, Caesarea and
Godefrey of Bouillon.jpg Godfrey of Bouillon 1060–1100 French The
most popular leader of the First Crusade, he became the first ruler of the Kingdom
of Jerusalem after the successful siege of 1099. He was made Advocatus Sancti
Sepulchri ("advocate" or "defender of the Holy Sepulchre") after Raymond IV refused
Baudouin du Bourg.jpg Baldwin II of Jerusalem 1060–1131 French As king of
Jerusalem, Baldwin of Rethel defeated a much larger Seljuq force at the Battle of
Hugues de Payens (Versailles).jpg Hugues de Payens c. 1070–1136 French
Co-founder and first Grand Master of the Knights Templar.
Eustace Grenier c. 1071–1123 French Crusader lord, involved in the
Battle of Ramla and the siege of Tripoli, Eustace defeated an Egyptian invasion at
the Battle of Yibneh.
Balian2.jpg Balian of Ibelin c. 1143–1193 French Famous for the defence
of Jerusalem against Saladin.
Baldwin of Antioch Unknown-1176 French General in service of the
Byzantine Empire, one of the most trusted Emperor's advisors in his battles against
the Seljuk Turks, he died at the Battle of Myriokephalon during a cavalry charge.
William of Champlitte c. 1160–1209 French Leader of the great Crusader
victory at the Battle of the Olive Grove of Koundouros during the Fourth Crusade.
Philippe II Auguste.jpg Philip II Augustus 1165–1223 French Under his
leadership, the French won at the Battle of Bouvines against the combined forces of
England, Flanders and the Holy Roman Empire in 1214; France emerged as the most
powerful state in Europe.
Lehmann - Louis VIII of France.jpg Louis VIII the Lion 1187–1226 French
After his victory at the Battle of Roche-au-Moine (1214), he invaded southern
England and was proclaimed "King of England" before being repelled. His reign is
marked by his intervention with royal forces into the Albigensian Crusade in
southern France which decisively moved the conflict towards a conclusion.
Emile Signol, Louis IX, dit Saint Louis, Roi de France (1215-1270).JPG Louis IX of
France 1214–1270 French The most powerful European ruler in his time,
regarded as "primus inter pares", first among equals, among the kings and rulers of
the continent. King Louis IX firstly distinguished himself against Henry III of
England at Taillebourg, winning the Saintonge War and defeating Plantagenets
pretensions to take over former continental possessions. Then Louis IX took an
active part in the Seventh and Eighth Crusade in which he died from dysentery.
Palazzo Reale di Napoli - Carlo I d'Angiò.jpg Charles of Anjou 1227–1285 French
Younger brother of Louis IX of France and Alfonso II of Toulouse. He won the
Kingdom of Sicily by conquest after his victory at Benevento.
Du Guesclin Dinan.jpg Bertrand du Guesclin c. 1320–1380 French
Carried out a wonderful ten-year campaign (1370–1380) during the second phase
of the Hundred Years' War that saw the French recapture nearly all of the territory
lost under the Treaty of Brétigny.
Xaintrailles and La Hire.jpg La Hire c. 1390–1443 French Most famous
for leading the French vanguard in the spectacular victory at Patay.
Bureau, Jean.JPG Jean Bureau c. 1390–1463 French French artillery
commander during the later years of the Hundred Years' War, Jean Bureau aided in
the French victory at Formigny and commanded the victorious French army at the
decisive Battle of Castillon that saw the last English troops pushed out of France
and ensured French victory in the war.
Jeanne d'Arc - Les vies des femmes célèbres.jpg Joan of Arc 1412–1431 French
Turned the tide of the Hundred Years' War by leading the French to victory at
the famous Siege of Orléans.
Armorial de Gilles le Bouvier BNF Fr4985 f17v.JPG Arthur III, Duke of Brittany
1393-1458 Breton Constable of France and step-brother of Henry V of
England. A French commander at Agincourt, where he was severely wounded. Rode
beside Joan of Arc at the Battle of Patay. Seized power in a bloodless coup at the
instigation of Yolande of Aragon in 1433. Used his Burgundian connections to
arrange the Treaty of Arras (1435). Reformed the French Kingdom’s finances and
army, and created the Ordonnances. Led Breton cavalry in the decisive intervention
in the Battle of Formigny.
Pierre daubusson.jpg Pierre d'Aubusson 1423–1505 French 40th Grand Master
of the Order of Malta, Pierre d'Aubusson successfully defended the city of Rhodes
in 1480 against a large invasion force of the Ottoman Empire.
Villiers de l Isle-Adam.jpg Philippe Villiers de L'Isle-Adam 1464–1534 French
44th Grand Master of the Order of Malta, Philippe Villiers resisted for 6
month with 7,500 troops against 200,000 Ottomans at the Siege of Rhodes.
Bayard sur le pont du Garigliano.jpeg Chevalier Bayard 1473–1524 French
"The knight without fear and beyond reproach". Bayard distinguished himself
in many battles during the Italian Wars such as Fornovo, Agnadello and Ravenna, but
his greatest achievement probably is the successful defence of Mezière along with
1,000 French soldiers facing 30,000 soldiers of the Imperial army under Charles V.
Gaston de Foix Duke of Nemours.jpg Gaston de Foix 1489–1512 French
Remembered for the great French victory at the Battle of Ravenna in 1512,
where he also died.
JPDV.jpg Jean Parisot de Valette 1495–1568 French The most illustrious
Grand Master of the Order of Malta for commanding the resistance against the
Ottomans at the Great Siege of Malta in 1565. Valletta the capital of Malta is
named after him.
Portrait of Pontus De la Gardie.jpg Pontus De la Gardie c. 1520–1585 French
French nobleman and general in the service of Denmark and Sweden. De la
Gardie was the most renowned military commander in Sweden during the 16th century.
Anjou 1570louvre.jpg Henry III of France 1551–1589 French In his young
age, Henry led the royal army at Jarnac, Moncontour and La Rochelle during the
French Wars of Religion until he was crowned King of Poland & Grand Duke of
Lithuania and later King of France.
Augustins - Henri IV, roi de France et de Navarre - Jacques Boulbène.jpg Henry
IV of France 1553–1610 French Succeeding to the throne at a low point
in the history of the French monarchy, Henry IV's victories over the forces of
Spain and the Catholic League restored stability and royal power, ending the French
wars of religion.
JacquesNompar de Caumont la Force.jpg Jacques-Nompar de Caumont 1558–1662
French Marshal of France under Henry IV, Jacques-Nompar de Caumont
distinguished himself for his conquests in Piedmont and Lorraine.
Cardinal de Richelieu.jpg Cardinal Richelieu 1585–1642 French French
clergyman, noble and statesman. Known for commanding the Siege of La Rochelle and
his great military reforms to contest the Habsburg power.
Antoine d'Aumont de Rochebaron (1601-1669).jpg Antoine d'Aumont de Rochebaron
1601–1669 French Captain of the King's Guards and Marshal of France,
Antoine d'Aumont participated in many campaigns of the king Louis XIV and played an
important role at the Battle of Rethel.
Graincourt - Abraham Duquesne - Versailles.jpg Abraham Duquesne c. 1610–1688
French French naval officer. After a short service in the Swedish Navy,
Duquesne became most famous for his fight against Michiel de Ruyter and his
combined fleet of the United Provinces and Spain at Stromboli and Augusta.
D’Artagnan - 1704.png D'Artagnan c. 1611–1673 French D'Artagnan was the
most popular member of the Musketeers of the Guard in which he served as captain.
Henri de la Tour d'Auvergne, Vicomte de Turenne by Circle of Philippe de
Champaigne.jpg Turenne 1611–1675 French One of the greatest
commanders of all time, Turenne dominated the battlefields of Europe for several
decades throughout the 17th century. His death at Sasbach in 1675 was universally
Jean Armand de Maillé (1619-1646) Marquis of Brézé by a member of the French School
(École Française).jpg Jean Armand de Maillé-Brézé 1619–1646 French
Perhaps the most talented admiral France ever had. His repeated victories
over Spain confirmed French naval dominance in the Mediterranean until his
premature death at 27 years old.
After van Egmont - Louis, Grand Condé - Versailles MV 3478.jpg The Great Condé
1621–1686 French He and Turenne were the dynamic duo that carried
French armies to victory after victory during the reign of Louis XIV. His victory
at the Battle of Rocroi in 1643 ushered a new era in military history, with cavalry
attaining an operational importance unseen since the Middle Ages.
Decaisne - François de Blanchefort de Créquy (1629-1687) - MV 1037.jpg François de
Créquy 1625–1697 French Distinguished during the siege of Lille in
1667, François de Créquy was, along with Turenne and The Great Condé, one of the
foremost French military commanders of the 17th century and the pattern of the
younger generals of the stamp of Luxembourg and Villars.
Paul de Beauvilliers, duc de Saint-Aignan - Versailles MV 3571.jpg Maréchal
Luxembourg 1628–1695 French Shined during the Nine Years' War, leading
French armies to famous triumphs at Fleurus and Landen, among others.
Sebastien le Prestre de Vauban.png Vauban 1633–1707 French Arguably the
greatest military engineer of all time, Vauban restructured the French defensive
system so thoroughly that France became almost impregnable for much of the 17th and
18th centuries.
Nicolas catinat.jpg Nicolas Catinat 1637–1712 French Most famous for
his decisive victories over the Duke of Savoy at Staffarda and Marsaglia during the
Nine Years' War before to be outmanoeuvred by Prince Eugene of Savoy during the War
of the Spanish Succession.
Tourville-musee-marine.jpg Anne Hilarion de Tourville 1642–1701 French
French naval commander who served under King Louis XIV. Tourville is mostly
known for his victory at Beachy Head which ensured French naval dominance over the
English channel during the War of the Grand Alliance.
Noailles Grenoble.jpg Anne Jules de Noailles 1650–1708 French Commander of
the French army in Spain during the War of the Grand Alliance and the War of the
Spanish Succession. Following his victory at Torroella, duc de Noailles took
Palamós, Girona, Hostalric and Castellfollit de la Roca.
Hyacinthe Rigaud - Portrait of a man, traditionally identified as Claude Louis
Hector, duc de Villars.jpg Claude Louis Hector de Villars 1653–1734 French
The last great general of Louis XIV, Villars saved France from disaster at
Denain during the War of the Spanish Succession recovering most of French
territorial losses.
Duc de Vendôme, 1706.jpg Louis Joseph, Duke of Vendôme 1654–1712 French
Regarded as a remarkable soldier, as skilled and innovative in leadership as
particularly brave in combat. Worthy antagonist to Prince Eugène of Savoy, Louis
Joseph count numerous notable victories such as Cassano, Villaviciosa, among others
in his military career.
Portrait, Pierre Le Moyne d'Iberville, Montréal Archives.jpg Pierre Le Moyne
d'Iberville 1661–1706 French French soldier and explorer, founder of French
Louisiana, d'Iberville is famous for his numerous victories over the English in the
New World. The most famous one was the Battle of Hudson's Bay.
James FitzStuart, Duke of Berwick.png James FitzJames, 1st Duke of Berwick
1670–1734 French Anglo-French military leader, the Duke of Berwick is
famous for his victory at Almansa described as "probably the only Battle in history
in which the English forces were commanded by a Frenchman, the French by an
Englishman". Frederick II of Prussia referred later to Almansa as "the most
scientific battle of our century".
Portrait of François Marie de Broglie, Duke of Broglie, Marshal of France (member
of the circle of Hyacinthe Rigaud).jpg François-Marie, 1st duc de Broglie 1671–
1745 French Marshal of France, duc de Broglie fought in Italy during the War
of the Polish Succession where he won the Battle of Parma and Guastalla.
Jean-Baptiste Desmarets, maréchal de Maillebois.jpg Marquis de Maillebois


Acco of the Gallic Senones
Acichorius of the Gallic invasion of the Balkans
Ambiorix of the Belgic Eburones
Aneroëstes of the Gallic Gaesatae
Autaritus of the Gallic Mercenary Army
Bellovesus of the Gallic Bituriges
Bituitus of the Gallic Averni
Boduognatus of the Belgic Nervii
Boiorix of the Cimbri
Bolgios of the Gallic invasion of the Balkans
Boudica of the Brittonic Iceni
Brennus of the Gallic Senones
Brennus of the Gallic invasion of the Balkans
Britomaris of the Gallic Senones
Caesarus of the Iberian Lusitanians
Camulogene of the Gallic Aulerci
Calgacus of the Brittonic Caledonians
Caratacus of the Brittonic Catuvellauni
Cartimandua of the Brittonic Brigantes
Carvilius of the Brittonic Cantiaci
Cassivellaunus of the Brittonic Catuvellauni
Castus of the Gladiator War
Catigern of the Celtic Britons
Cativolcus of the Belgic Eburones
Cerethrius of the Gallic invasion of the Balkans
Cingetorix of the Brittonic Cantiaci
Commius of the Belgic Atrebates
Concolitanus of the Gallic Gaesatae
Corocotta of the Iberian Cantabri
Crixus of the Gladiator War
Divico of the Helvetian Tigurini
Ducarius of the Gallic Insubres
Dumnorix of the Gallic Aedui
Erispoe of the Brittonic Bretons
Galba of the Belgic Suessiones
Gannicus of the Gladiator War
Gausón of the Iberian Astures
Indutiomarus of the Gallic Treveri
Julius Classicus of the Gallic Treveri
Julius Indus of the Gallic Treveri
Larus of the Iberian Cantabri
Leonnorius of the Gallic invasion of the Balkans
Lucterius of the Gallic Cadurci
Nominoe of the Brittonic Bretons
Oenomaus of the Gladiator War
Olyndicus of the Iberian Celtiberians
Riothamus of Brittonic Dumnonia
Segovax of the Brittonic Cantiaci
Segovesus of the Gallic Bituriges
Punicus of the Iberian Lusitanians
Tanginus of the Iberian Celtiberians
Tautalus of the Iberian Lusitanians
Taximagulus of the Brittonic Cantiaci
Togodumnus of the Brittonic Catuvellauni
Venutius of the Brittonic Brigantes
Vercingetorix of the Gallic Arverni
Viriathus of the Iberian Lusitanians
Viriathus of the Iberian Gallaeci
Viridomarus of the Gallic Insubres
Viridovix of the Gallic Venelli
Vortigern of the Celtic Britons
Vortimer of the Celtic Britons

Cristopher Columbus (West Indies, 1492–1504)
Alonso Fernández de Lugo (Canary Islands, 1492–1496)
Hernán Cortés (Mexico, 1518–1522, Baja California, 1532–1536)
Pedro de Alvarado (Mexico, 1519–1521, Guatemala, El Salvador 1523–1527, Peru, 1533–
1535, Mexico, 1540–1541)
Francisco Pizarro (Perú, 1509–1535)
Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada (Colombia, 1536–1539, Venezuela, 1569–1572)
Pedro Fernández de Lugo (Canary Island, Colombia 1509-1536)
Pedro de Candia (Panama, 1527, Colombia and Ecuador, 1528, Peru, 1530)
Francisco Vásquez de Coronado (United States, 1540–1542)
Juan de Oñate (New Mexico, United States, 1598–1608)
Juan Roque (Zape Confraternity)
Juan Vásquez de Coronado y Anaya (Costa Rica)
Diego de Almagro (Perú, 1524–1535, Chile, 1535–1537)
Rodrigo de Bastidas (Colombia and Panamá, 1500–1527)
Vasco Núñez de Balboa (Panamá, 1510–1519)
Juan Ponce de León (Puerto Rico, 1508, Florida, 1513–1521)
Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (United States, 1527–1536, 1540–1542)
Lucas Vázquez de Ayllón (United States, 1524–1527)
Sebastián de Belalcázar (Ecuador and Colombia, 1533–1536)
Jerónimo Luis de Cabrera (Peru, Argentina, 16th century)
Domingo Martínez de Irala (Argentina and Paraguay, 1535–1556)
Gonzalo Pizarro (Perú, 1532–1542)
Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar (Cuba, 1511–1519)
Juan de Garay (Peru, Paraguay, Argentina, 16th century)
Diego de Ordaz (Venezuela, 1532)
Juan Pizarro (Perú, 1532–1536)
Francisco Hernández de Córdoba (Yucatán, 1517)
Francisco Hernández de Córdoba (Nicaragua, 1524)
Hernando Pizarro (Perú, 1532–1560)
Sebastián Caboto (Uruguay 16th century)
Jerónimo de Alderete (Perú, 1535–1540; Chile, 1550–1552)
Diego Hernández de Serpa (Venezuela, 1510–1570)
Juan de Grijalva (Yucatán, 1518)
Francisco de Montejo (Yucatán, 1527–1546)
Nicolás Federmann (Venezuela and Colombia, 1537–1539).
Pánfilo de Narváez (Spanish Florida, 1527–1528)
Diego de Nicuesa (Panama, 1506–1511)
Hernán Venegas Carrillo (Colombia, 1536-1544)
Cristóbal de Olid (Honduras, 1523–1524)
Francisco de Orellana (Amazon River, 1541–1543)
Hernando de Soto (United States, 1539–1542)
Gonzalo García Zorro (Colombia, 1536-1544)
Inés Suárez, (Chile, 1541)
Francisco de Aguirre, Peru,(1536–40), Bolivia,(1538–39) Chile, (1540–1553) and
Argentina (1562–64)
Martín de Urzúa y Arizmendi, count of Lizárraga, (Petén, Guatemala, 1696–1697)
Juan de Céspedes Ruiz (Colombia, 1521-1543)
Pedro de Valdivia (Chile, 1540–1552)
Jorge Robledo (Peru and Colombia, 1521–1543)
Pedro Menéndez de Avilés (Florida, 1565–1567)
Juan de Sanct Martín (Colombia, 1536-1550)
Pedro de Mendoza (Argentina, 1534–1537)
Antonio de Lebrija (Colombia, 1529-1539)
Alonso de Ribera (Chile 1599–1617)
Alonso de Sotomayor (Chile 1583–1592, Panamá 1592–1604)
Martín Ruiz de Gamboa (Chile 1552–1590)
Juan Garrido (Multiple campaigns 1502–1530, Hispaniola, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Florida,
Miguel López de Legazpi (Philippines, 1565–1572)
Juan de Salcedo (Philippines, 1565–1576)
Diego Romo de Vivar y Pérez (Mexico, 17th century)
Gonzalo Suárez Rendón (Colombia, 1536-1539)
People in the service of Portugal
Afonso de Albuquerque
Jerónimo de Azevedo
Phillippe de Oliveira
Constantino of Braganza
André Furtado de Mendonça
João de Castro
Duarte Pacheco Pereira
António Raposo Tavares
Domingos Jorge Velho
Francisco Barreto
Fernão Mendes Pinto
Álvaro Martins
António de Abreu
Jorge de Menezes
Pedro Mascarenhas
Duarte Fernandes
Diogo Lopes de Sequeira
António de Noli
Antão Gonçalves
Bartolomeu Dias
Cristóvão de Mendonça
Lourenço de Almeida
Diogo Cão
Diogo de Azambuja
Diogo Gomes
Francisco Serrão
Dinis Dias
Fernão do Pó
Fernão Magalhães also known as Ferdinand Magellan and Magallanes, served Spain too.
Fernão Pires de Andrade
Francisco de Almeida
Francisco Álvares
Henry the Navigator
Gaspar Corte-Real
Gil Eanes
Gonçalo Velho
João Afonso de Aveiro
João da Nova
João Grego
João Álvares Fagundes
João Fernandes Lavrador
João Gonçalves Zarco
João Infante
João Vaz Corte-Real
Jorge Álvares
Tomé de Sousa
Lopo Soares de Albergaria
Luís Pires
Luís Vaz de Torres
Martim Afonso de Sousa
Miguel Corte-Real
Nicolau Coelho
Nuno Álvares Pereira
Nuno da Cunha
Paulo da Gama
Nuno Tristão
Paulo Dias de Novais
Pedro Álvares Cabral
Pedro Teixeira
Pêro de Alenquer
Pêro de Barcelos
Pêro da Covilhã
Pêro Dias
Pêro Vaz de Caminha
Tristão da Cunha
Tristão Vaz Teixeira
Vasco da Gama

Cnut the Great
2Ragnar Lothbrok
3Rollo (Göngu-Hrólfr)
4Erik "the Victorious" Segersäll
5Leif "the Lucky" Eriksson
6Sven Forkbeard
7Björn Ironside
8Erik the Red
9Harald Fairhair
10Harald Bluetooth
12Ivar the Boneless
13Valdamarr (Vladimir the Great)
14Ingvar Vittfarne (Ingvar the Far-Traveled)
16Eric Bloodaxe
17Helge (Oleg the Prophet)
18Sigurd Ring
20Sveinn Asleifsson
21Gorm the Old
23Olaf Tryggvason
24Styrbjörn Starke
25Gunnar of Hlíðarendi Hamundarsson
26Gardar Svavrsson
27Ubbe Ragnarsson
28Halfdan Ragnarsson
29Egil Skallagrimsson
30Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye
31Rognvald "the Møre-Earl" Eysteinsson
33Freydis Erikdottir

Adham Khan
Ali Quli Khan Zaman
Chin Timur Khan
Ghazi ud-Din Khan Feroze Jung I
Islam Khan I
Nawab Khair Andesh Khan
Qasim Khan Juvayni
Bahadur Khan (Moghul General)
Bairam Khan
Diler Khan
Munim Khan
Yakut Khan
Khusrau Shah Kokultash
Kilich Khan
Mahabat Khan
Mir Jumla II
Mir Khalifa
Mirza Faiz Muhammad
Muhammad Zaman Mirza
Qasim Khan Chishti
Sayyed Ahmad Khan Barha
Sayyed Mahmud Khan
Sayyid brothers
Shahbaz Khan Kamboh
Pir Muhammad Khan Shirwani
Man Singh I
Tardi Beg

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