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Drge no:

AName Aleesh s

Silica and aluming are he chie
coust As
CusB is also known 6.s SIAL
Comenls, the Condinenlal

As silica and magnesium cne chie Conlels he ceanic

Custis Gllo known as SIMA

2 The peot benealh he liihosphere wcher he maleials exisB

apaticlly moken slele is known as sastenosphe.

3 Based he mode oomation, 2ocks can be

ind e e 9neous, sedimateny. and melamo7phic

Acdiviy- 2

ya Palaeo lithic age

bMe solfilh 49e
cneolidhit age

5& Malch 1he lellwing

a Cude So ne ools -

Palaeolid hic age

ChalcolidhicAge Nealdhiege
Paye no


CEcdekke Jeridho - Neolihit Gge

cMico stone ools Mesolithic 4ge

Aclividy 3
6 The Legisldune in Tndia is known as The Palim en t
14Consil of nesident and he lwo houses námely
Rajya Sabhe cnd Lok Sabha The Rajya sabha is known
GS he uppes house Gnd he lok Sbha is lnon as he lswed house
Since id hs lwo houses id is known GS iCumeral
Legis la tune
Ragga Sebha elecled mambers is 238, 2 nominaled membex
non 4s Council St«les Peomand house , \Vile president presides

OYe he sessos Lok Sabhe.

2 Nominded membeas lnown asdiveelly eladed menbeas 543
Eleded So a e n 4five yecas House oRe mesentAves
presdd oYed by ihe speaer
1 Appoint p?ime misisles ond olhes ministeas.
Appo int ChieJustice and judyes i%e upreme Cout
No minale 12 membeas ot
Acd ashe supaeme Commadei
HGga scbha and 2 members of Lok Sabka
Give 4Ssend Ho bils Pessed
o armed loaces
by dhe pealicmh


. HiadlyPhies - Cnls

CHny -4lo -Chua
d.kudakkulhy megelhic mmum ent
Deye rvo 3
Acdividy- V Ale esha S

The ancient Ta mil aae classAied inlo AkampatHueal and

Putam atiukal. The beme of Akama Hekal is mainly persona
Glars Tike
Gnd humily alkoras. The Punumpcdhakal 4reat exenal
wc Cnd aode

o The Muclice of buay ing he Yemains f the decased by Placin

themin a biy uYn preriled in Gncent Hanikkam. sach
ans wee known as an burigls S NaRn Gnqod

tCis, olmen, Rock hun bey, Thop pikalla, Kugaks ay

ActiviHy -6

Ggead bdh- Hoappan rties Ciih2rion
o Sol&7 Culender Eauplien Cwili 2tion
cbnn bricks Llenapn Civilizdion
d Py7omid&Egyplion Civilizion

eiggunals- mesoPotcuniun CivilizaBion

3 Gnoveno

1G. Spekev
s Ram nth Ciovinc
6. Supreme Cou7
11 bil


This Civil zdion Sloun'shed in he valley of rive wile.
The kingsf Esupl weae know as phoncoh
ne matice ol preseving 4he bo da of he decd preval led i
A Copse preseaved
hus is lled a
Pyacumids wee fombs whez the mummiesmum.were esenve
hy deme in cas evideme kus he ex Cessi ve use as ancl we cha
Agoeuhoe ws ha backbone of dhis Civiliaalion lhetT
s3 med an od ol
wailing ieulyphie

The wo7d mesopodaimie mean dhe lomd belween he 7veis

20 tograppén ¬vtiion-meda be-

lemappen people macle dools andl weapns using bronze
Since bronze tas Jdel sed
in 4he Hupappan civilzadio
icome do be known as Don2e Age Civi izadion

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