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Conference Paper · August 2020


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2 authors:

Fatin Azeez Sabah Ali

Istanbul Kemerburgaz University University of Mosul


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Evaluation of the Population Distribution Using GIS-Based Geostatistical Analysis in Mosul City View project

Evaluation of the Population Distribution Using GIS-Based Geostatistical Analysis in Mosul City View project

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Dept of Image processing Remote sensing center Mosul University Mosul, Iraq

Abstract - The interconnection between remote sensing techniques and GIS is currently an important application that is
widely used in the development of modern statistical methods. Recent advances in these technologies have made it possible
to detect changes in our surroundings and develop strategies based on these changes. Current study is a preliminary attempt
to make use of geostatistical advantages in GIS applications in statistical analysis of population distribution data in
residential neighborhoods of both sides in Mosul city based on satellite observations and available population data for 2007.
The research methodology was used to extract the forecast results through using the ArcGIS9.3/ Geostatistical Analyst
extension. The out results of the geo-statistical operations were calculated, including graphical congruence of semi-
variograms, covariance, standard error and QQ curve required to find the prediction map of the data used. Ensure the
statistical correlation between the population and the size of each neighborhood in the study area. Furthermore, the results
showed that there is compatibility between the population distribution data adopted in the research with the areas in the
residential neighborhoods of both sides in the city of Mosul except some areas.

Keyword - Semi-Variogram, GIS, QQ plot, Population, Cross Validation, Covariance

I. INTRODUCTION spatially independent, there is no possibility to predict

values between them[2 ].
The geographical distribution of the population
of any area is a reflection of natural, human and The present study aims to apply the geographical
economic conditions, since these factors have a direct information system (GIS) for the purpose of
impact on the population, and thus on the geostatistical analyzes and exploring data variability
concentration of population in a given area or on the and spatial relationships of the geographical
random distribution in another area. distribution of population according to the area in the
residential neighborhoods of Mosul city.
It may be the natural factors be the much direct The applied geodetic system of the used remote
impact on the spatial distribution of the population of sensing data and the output resulted maps was
a given region, but also the economic and social defined according to UTM_WGS84_Zone38N
factors can make an area densely populated on the projected system.
despite the lack of relevance in terms of natural
human habitation. II. STUDY EREA

Nowadays, humans have the ability to overcome the Nineveh Province is situated in the northwestern part
many obstacles that limits its spread in many regions of Iraq sharing borders with Syria to the west. It has
of the world, technological progress and the an area of 32,308 km2 and is made up of the
exploitation of some natural resources in many areas, following counties: Mosul, Alhamdania, Talkeif,
making them populated areas, and areas that attract Makhmor, Tallafar, Sinjar, Alshikhan, Alba’aj, and
population after it was sparsely populated. Alhad ba. Geological features are made up of three
distinct sections: a mountainous region, hills and
Geostatistics is a branch of science that applied wavy land, and the dunes [3].
statistical methods to spatial interpolation. Although
geostatistics was developed independently of GIS, it The weather varies with the regions and its surface
has become an integral part of GIS and defined as temperature generally varies between 3-6°C in winter
geostatistical analysis. Geostatistics analysis assumes and 30-40°C in the summer. In the present study,
that at least some of the spatial variations of natural Mosul city will be the study area which is located
phenomena can be modelled by random processes between Lat.360 17' 20.8'' and 36°25' 57.9" N and
with spatial autocorrelation. Long. 43° 02’ 58.0" and 43° 14' 4.5" E., as shown in
figure(1). The city lies in the middle basin of the
Geostatistical techniques produce not only prediction Tigris River.
surfaces but also error or uncertainty surfaces, giving
an indication of how good the predictions are [1]. The Tigris River runs in a wavy stream across the city
Since the goal of the geostatistical analysis is to in a north-south direction and divides into not two
predict values where no data have been collected, the equal halves in the area and population, and the
tools and models of geostatistical analyst will only biggest half is called the (left side) while the smallest
work on spatially dependent data. If datas are one is called the (right side) [4

Proceedings of International Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 20th - 21st November, 2019

Geostatistical Analysis of Remote Sensing Data by GIS

thought of as a dissimilarity function. The height that

the semivariogram reaches when it levels off is called
the sill. It is often composed of two parts: a
discontinuity at the origin, called the nugget effect,
and the partial sill, which added together gives the
sill. The nugget effect is simply the sum of
measurement error and microscale variation and,
since either component can be zero, the nugget effect
can be comprised wholly of one or the other. The
distance at which the semivariogram levels off to the
sill is called the range.

The covariance function is defined to be [6]:

C(si, sj) = cov(Z si , Z(sj)) (2)
Where, cov is the covariance.
Covariance is a scaled version of correlation. So,
when two locations, si and sj, are close to each other,
you expect them to be similar, and their covariance (a
correlation) will be large. As si and sj get farther
Fig 1.location of the study area
apart, they become less similar, and their covariance
III. THEORETICAL CONSIDRATION becomes zero. This can be seen in the Fig 3. which
shows the anatomy of a typical covariance function.
Spatial correlation is modeling as a function of
distance between pairs of locations. Such functions
are called covariance and semivariogram. Kriging
uses them to make optimum predictions[5]. In the
ArcGIS geostatistical analyst, the semivariogram and
covariance are based on the following formulae [6]:
Thus, semivariogram is defined as:

Y si, si = 1 2var Z si) − Z si)) (1)

wherevar is the variance.

If two locations, si and sj, are close to each other in
terms of the distance measure of d(si, sj), then
aperson can expect them to be similar, so the Fig 3. Anatomy of the covariance function
difference is in their values, Z(si) - Z(sj), will be
small. As si and sj get farther apart, they become less Fig 3.illustratedthat the covariance function decreases
similar, so the difference is in their values, so Z(si) - with distance, so it can be thought of as a similarity
Z(sj), will become larger. This can be seen in figure function. Furthermore, therelationship between the
(2), which shows the anatomy of a typical semivariogram and the covariance function is given
semivariogram. by[6]:
Y si, sj = sill − C(si, sj) (3)
This relationship can be seen from the figure (2 and
3). Because of this equivalence, you can perform
prediction in Geostatistical Analyst using either
function. These both functions were formulated to
find the optimum statistical prediction related
between population and the area of each
neighborhood in both sides of the study area by using
ordinary kriging method (spherical model).

The linear regression equation of the scattered

variable samples will be found by [7 ] :
y′ = a + bx′ (4)
Fig 2. Anatomy of a typical semivariogram function y 'is the dependent variable
x′is the independent variable
Fig 2.illustrates that the variance of the difference ais the value of the intersection of regression line
increases with distance, so the semivariogram can be bisregression coefficient .

Proceedings of International Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 20th - 21st November, 2019

Geostatistical Analysis of Remote Sensing Data by GIS

IV. MATERIALS AND METHODS Finally, normal QQ plot ("Q" stands for quantile) was
used to find the optimum statistical prediction results
Obtaining field observations can be expensive, and then continuous surface was calculated to
laborious and time consuming. Thus, it can be estimate the ensemble points.
extremely useful to predict a location value where we
have no recorded field observation. The process of V. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
obtaining such values for a variable of interest at an
unsampled location based on neighbour In current study, many of theoretical methods was
measurements called interpolation. Kriging is a group implementedto get an efficient predicted
of geostatistical techniques used to interpolate the map.Ordinary–Kriging method was used to extract
values at unobserved locations from observations of geostatistical analysis process for the adopted input
its value at nearby locations[8]. There are many attribute fields ( population and area ) . Figs (5 and 6)
methods of kriging that are suited for specific showed the semivariogram and the covariance results,
situations. respectively, which represented the preprocessing
In the current study, the ordinary kriging method was statistical analysis to observe the variation from the
used to predict the relationship between the attribute deterministic samples.
data fields of area and population collected by the
municipality of Mosul /GIS department for 2007 [ 9]
for the both sides of Mosul city as shown in Fig 4.

Fig 4. The both sides of the study area

Fig 5.Semi-variogram of surface and scatter plot for input data
The total number of the population has increased to
1,238,768 distributed in an area of 210 km2 . Based As shown from Fig 5. the resulting semivariogram
on the attribute field of the population and area, the surface revealed the effects of directional influence
total sample points adopted by the study are 219 on spatial variation anisotropy. Also the resulting
samples. The geostatistical analyst of the samples scatter plot shows a weakness correlation between the
done by ordinary kriging method. The methodology variables around the regression line. Fig 5.illustrates
of the study started by using the semi-variogram and that the semivariogram based on the shift data shows
covariance, a functions of distance and direction spatial dependence (i.e., spatially correlated). From
separating two locations, to analyze and quantify the the semivariogram surface, the extent of spatial
spatial autocorrelation in the sample data. autocorrelation and directional effects on spatial
variation are shown. The blue and green areas are
The semi-variogram is then used to establish the where the semi variance values are low; the orange
contribution of each data point to the prediction of areas indicate increasing dissimilarity with distance.
new values data at the unsampled location. The most The estimation of the covariance is similar to the
important statistical assumption supporting kriging is estimation of semivariogram, but requires the use of
stationarity, which means that statistical the data mean. Fig 6.Shows the behavior of the
characteristics (such as mean and variance ) do not covariance function for the data samples.Fig
depend on the exact spatial locations. Thus, the mean 6.explain that, the conformity of variation of
and variance of a variable at one location is equal to population data to the spherical model for all of the
the mean and variance at another location. After study areas, is an indicator of existence of spatial
defining and analyzing the spatial pattern of the autocorrelation. In addition to, Fig 6, illustrates that,
samples by the semi-variogram function, different the small data semivariogram values are relatively at
modes of cross validation were applied to solve the small distance between the pairs of points rather than
errors of the samples distribution. at greater distance.

Proceedings of International Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 20th - 21st November, 2019

Geostatistical Analysis of Remote Sensing Data by GIS

In standardization method all variables were

calibrated according to regression function. In order
to get an optimum solution for samples distribution
(without any randomly effects), Normal QQPlot
curve was implemented to perfectly solved the
problem of multi-linear correlation between input
samples andgive the best way of data distributing, as
show in Fig 9.
Actually, the QQ plot is where you compare the
distribution of the data to a standard normal
distribution, providing another measure of the
Fig 6. The resulted covariance of the variable sample normality of the data. The closer the points are to the
straight line in the graph, the closer the sample data
Fig 7. shows the results of cross-validation performed follows a normal distribution[10 ].
on the adopted input data (219 samples), in this
figure, all samples points cluster closely around the
blue line at a narrow part, while the typical result of
the cross-validation must have a line-best-fit. A line
with slop 1:1 is also drawn for comparison (broken
line, also barely visible in the top right- hand corner
of the plot). From Fig 7, it is clear that the prediction
model used to create statistical relationship between
the input data was not statistically acceptable to find
the optimum results. Theoutput regression functionas
shown through Fig 7.

Fig 9. Normal QQ plot curve

As shown clearly from Fig 9 the samples data is

relatively normally distributed except some part of
the curve. In fact if the data was normally distributed,
the curve would be similar to the line. According to
Fig 9 the samples data that have a best matching of
the population distribution with area of the
incompatibility between the population and available
Fig 7. The output of cross validation of geostatistical
Fig 7 and the regression function doesn't gave the
required predicted results, therefore, all variable must
became with (mean=0) and (variance=1) and these
conditions will be satisfy by using another
geostatistical method of cross-validation which is
called standardized error. Fig 8 shows the predicted
results and the regression function by standardized
error (standardization).

Fig 8.Standardization method Fig 10. Matching between the samples data

Proceedings of International Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 20th - 21st November, 2019

Geostatistical Analysis of Remote Sensing Data by GIS

extension (Geostatistical Analyst/Ordinary Kriging

method). The used data have been collected
bymunicipality of Mosul /GIS department for 2007.
It concludes that, when strong spatial correlation
exists, the semivariogram can help to reconstruct
missed values, and kriging makes reliable predictions
at the unsampled locations. If data are not spatially
correlated, there is no way to predict the value
between measuredlocation other than assigning an
arithmetical mean to all prediction locations. As the
data correlation gets stronger, fewer samples are
needed for reliable data prediction and interpolation.


Fig 11.Non- matching between the samples data

The authors would like to thank Miss. Aswan
Muhammad Taib at University of Mosul / College of
Finally, Fig 12 shows the relationship between Economy and Management, for her assisting in the
samples point on the continuous surface produced by statistical analysis of the output data.
ordinary kriging which is defined by the
characteristics drawn from the adopted data. The REFERENCES
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Proceedings of International Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 20th - 21st November, 2019


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