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5121723, 4:36 Pat Feedback fr Final Infographic - 202841.14453-PROP-4903-01 - PROF PRACTICE FOR OTPTA- Durham Colloge Advocacy Assignment (20%) ‘Activity, Final Infographic Course: 202341.14452-PROP-4200-01 - PROF PRACTICE FOR OTA/PTA Name: Rema Ani Criteria Levels Level? Level evel Citron Sore Mechanics © >0i8 2 points 3 points 4 points 44 @) ‘There are more Thereare3 There are 2or | There are no than 4 errors errors less errors in: | errors in Spelling Speling Spelling Spelling Punctuation Punctuation | punctuation Punctuation and/or andlor andor and/or Grammar Grammar | Grammar Grammar v professions POS 2 points 6 points points 78 smand Docs not Presents one's Presents one's | presents one’s Ethics presentone's professional professional | professional (adherence fale and/or roleandor roe, rate, to identityina identity nan responsiitties | responsibilities professional clear or accurate, legal and/or identity | andor identity values) (®) accurate andethical-—inanaccurate, | in an accurate. manner and/or manner. legal and Es violtes legal, ethical manner | persuasive, ethical orvatue SPECS — in accordance | legal and Principles of | withthe values | ethical manner the profession. of the in accordance profession. | with the values ofthe profession v auatyor OS 2 points 6 points ‘points 75/8 evidence Eyidenceis Legitimate Peer reviewed | High-quality supporting used however Canadian _—_andlegitimate_| peer reviewed the thelevelot sources are Canadian —_| and legitimate Infosrephic evidence used used sourcesare | canadian decreases the used sources are confidence in see the product v suomittes 07015 points Opoints O points oo Completed assignment Assignment Contract wit not be willbe graded sraded- allessential essential requirements requireme were folowed ‘ollowes v Total 185/20 |nps:idurhameolege desireZleam comd2Umsiéropboxuseriolder_usor_viow feedback 42I7db=4795424&crpid=4838 1 18isprv=0&bp=080U=465509 5121123, 436 Pa Feedback fr Final Infographic - 202841.14453-PROP-4903-01 - PROF PRACTICE FOR OTPTA- Durham Colloge Overall Score Level 4 Level 3 Y) tevel2 Level 1 |nlps:idurhamcolege desireZleam comd2Umsiéropboxuseriolder_usor_viow feedback 42I7db=429542&grpid=4838 1 18isprv=0&bp=080U=465509 22

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