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Telomeres, Aging, and Nutrition

Chapter · December 2016

DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-801816-3.00010-8


0 954

3 authors:

Varinderpal Singh Dhillon Caroline F Bull

The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation


Michael Fenech
Genome Health Foundation


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Telomeres, Aging, and Nutrition
Varinderpal Dhillon, Caroline Bull and Michael Fenech
CSIRO Food and Nutrition, Adelaide, SA, Australia

K EY FACT S rearrangements and gene amplifications, are

recurringly generated during mitosis by
• Telomeres are nucleoprotein structures at the
chromosomal breakage-fusion-bridge cycles that are
ends of chromosomes that are essential for initiated by the formation of dicentric chromosomes
maintaining chromosomal stability.
caused by telomere end fusions or mis-repair of
• Telomeric DNA consists of a repeat TTAGGG DNA strand breaks.
sequence and together with its complementary • PARPspolyADPribose polymerases.
sequence, AATCCC, forms a T-loop structure at • Telomereshexamer TTAGGG repeats at the ends
the terminal ends of the sequence. of chromosomes.
• The length of telomeres can vary between 4-11 • ShelterinProteins (TRF1, TRF2, POT1, TIN2, TPP1,
kilobases in humans. However, telomeres become RAP1 and Tankyrase) associated with telomere
dysfunctional if they become too short to form DNA to form the shelterin complex which interacts
the T-loop structure or if they accumulate an with enzymes such as telomerase and other proteins
excess of DNA strand breaks and base damage. required for proper telomere maintenance and
• Telomere shortening and telomere DNA damage function.
accumulates with age and as a consequence of • Telomereshexamer TTAGGG repeats at the ends
poor nutrition and/or exposure to endogenous of chromosomes.
and environmental genotoxins. • T/S rationumber of telomere repeats (T) normalised
to the number of copies (S) of a reference gene, such as
• Telomere length in humans has been shown to GAPDH and expressed as a T/S ratio.
be influenced beneficially by dietary factors such
as the Mediterranean dietary pattern, higher
intake of plant foods, adequate folate status,
higher intake of 3-fatty acids, and weight loss.
• Telomere shortening in humans has been shown What Are Telomeres?
to be associated with increased intake of red
meat, processed meat, sweetened carbonated Telomeres are nucleoprotein structures at the end
beverages, sodium, white bread and with obesity. of each chromosome. The nucleic acid sequence of
telomeres is a TTAGGG hexamer repeat and its com-
plementary sequence AATCCC [1]. The number of
these hexamer repeats can vary greatly from very few
repeats to thousands of repeats with most reported
telomere lengths varying between 4 and 11 kilobases
Dictionary of Terms in humans [2,3]. Several proteins (TRF1, TRF2, POT1,
• Chromosomal instabilitya cellular phenotype in TIN2, TPP1, RAP1, and Tankyrase) are associated with
which an abnormally high rate of structural the telomere sequence to form the shelterin complex
chromosome aberrations, including chromosome which interacts with enzymes, such as telomerase, and

Molecular Basis of Nutrition and Aging

DOI: 129 © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

other proteins required for proper telomere mainte- restore or lengthen telomeres depends mainly on the
nance and function [2,4]. action of telomerase and tankyrase [4,8]. Telomerase is
the enzyme complex that can add TTAGGG hexamer
repeats to the telomere sequence and consists of
What Are the Mechanisms of Telomere three major proteins TERT, TERC, and Dyskerin [2,8].
Maintenance? Tankyrase is a member of the shelterin complex and
Telomeres can only function properly if they are long acts as a telomeric poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase to
enough to form the T-loop structure (Fig. 10.1) which is promote telomerase access by inhibiting TRF1, another
essential to prevent the telomeric ends of chromosomes member of the shelterin complex. Accurate replication
being wrongly identified as double strand breaks (DSBs) of the telomere sequence depends on availability of
in DNA [4,5]. This is important to avoid because DNA nutrient cofactors essential for DNA replication which
repair of DSBs leads to fusion of broken ends; if this include folate, zinc, and magnesium [9,10].
were to happen to telomeres it would result in the for- Surprisingly it has become evident that DNA damage
mation of abnormal chromosomes such as dicentric to the telomere sequence (eg, DNA strand breaks, UV-
chromosomes. Dicentric chromosomes are likely to be induced thymidine dimers) is not repaired [11,12].
pulled to opposite poles of the cell forming anaphase Furthermore such damage could cause replication
bridges which eventually break leading to daughter stress leading to formation of single- or double-
chromosomes without telomere sequences at one end. stranded DNA breaks in the telomere sequence which
This event triggers breakagefusionbridge cycles that could accelerate telomere attrition. Therefore, mitiga-
further amplify chromosomal abnormalities and gene tion of exposure of telomeres to endogenous or exoge-
amplification leading to aberrant cells from which can- nous genotoxic agents is important for their integrity
cers and other abnormalities may arise [57]. to be maintained. A possible approach is to optimize
Telomere maintenance is based on at least three dietary intake of cofactors required for function of
functions: (1) ability to restore telomere length to antioxidant enzymes (eg, selenium, zinc) to prevent
an appropriate size to form the T-loop structure, oxidative damage to the telomere sequence [13,14] or
(2) accurate replication of the telomere sequence, and intake of nutrients that may prevent UV damage, such
(3) prevention of damage to the telomere sequence by as thymidine dimers, to the telomere sequence (eg,
endogenous or exogenous genotoxins. The ability to folate) [15].

Shelterin complex


Telomere too short to
form T-loop

Sub-telomere DNA TTAGGG telomere repeats

NHP2, NOP10)
Aging &

Telomere long enough

to form T-loop

TANK1 TPP1 POT1 T-loop


FIGURE 10.1 The telomere and shelterin structure when telomeres are excessively short and when they are long enough to form the
T-loop structure. Note: it also possible that the T-loop may not form efficiently due to damage in the telomere sequence.



What Happens When Telomeres Become phosphorylated уH2AX [12]. The persistent DNA
Too Short? damage уH2AX signal induces the senescence asso-
ciated secretory phenotype (SASP), which is a com-
The actual terminus of mammalian telomeres is plex mixture of cytokines that is intended to trigger
not blunt-ended, but consists of a single-stranded cell senescence mechanisms to immunologically
30 -protrusion of the G-strand, known as the 30 over- remove cells with damaged telomeres and trigger
hang [5,6]. The 30 overhang of mammalian telomeres cellular regeneration [25,26]. However, with aging
varies between 50 and 500 nucleotides, which is con- the efficiency of immunologically removing the
siderably longer than the protrusion of most other accumulating number of senescent cells is dimin-
eukaryotes. T-loops are presumably formed through ished leading to an increasingly pro-inflammatory
strand invasion of the duplex telomeric repeat by the state [25,27].
30 overhang. As indicated above there is a critical length
that telomeres must achieve to form the T-loop. PCR
mediated analysis of short telomeres in human fibro-
blasts showed that at least 13 TTAGGG repeats (78 bp) TELOMERES AND AGING
are required to prevent telomere fusions [16,17]. This
means a telomere that is less than 78 bp long can be con- How Do Telomeres Change with Age?
sidered to be too short. Other experiments showed that
Generally telomeres reduce in length with aging.
as little as 400 bp of TTAGGG repeats can seed the for-
This reduction may be due to telomere attrition that
mation of a fully functional telomere [18,19]. When a
occurs as a result of the telomere end-replication prob-
telomere becomes so short that T-loops cannot be formed
lem [28]. Another explanation is that unrepaired
the risk of telomere end-fusions increases and could
double-stranded DNA breaks lead to the formation of
result in rampant chromosomal instability which may
terminal fragments containing telomere sequences that
trigger the evolution of cancer cells or senescence [20].
are lost during mitosis as they lack centromeres
required to engage with the mitotic spindle. With
What Happens When Telomeres Are Too Long? aging, other insults to the telomere sequence may
accumulate, such as point mutations, which may be
It is not yet clear whether telomeres may become
caused by folate deficiency leading to uracil incorpo-
too long for a lengthy and healthy lifespan. However,
ration instead of thymidine or formation of adducts on
there are reasons to suspect that excessively long
DNA bases which may either be small (eg, 8-oxo-gua-
telomeres may not be beneficial. Mice have telomeres
nine) or large (eg, benzo-[a]-pyrene diol epoxide
that are up to ten times longer than humans, however,
adducts). The accumulation of adducts on the telomere
their lifespan is 30 times shorter [21]. Therefore, one
sequence interferes with binding of shelterin proteins,
could argue that it is the quality rather than the length
such as TRF1 and TRF2, which play a key role in telo-
that matters. In addition, telomere length distribution
mere replication, recruitment of helicases, and T-loop
in leukocytes from exceptionally old individuals exhib-
formation [2932].
ited overrepresentation of ultra-short telomeres com-
pared with younger groups [22]. In addition both
shorter and longer telomeres have been associated
prospectively with cognitive decline [23] which sug- Does Telomere Length Predict Healthy Aging?
gests that excessively long telomeres may also be detri- Several studies have shown that shorter telomere
mental to cell survival or function and that there may length in white blood cells, buccal cells, or saliva in
be an optimal but restricted telomere length range humans is usually associated cross-sectionally or pro-
for longevity. One plausible explanation is that keep- spectively with increased risk of degenerative diseases
ing functional telomeres as short as possible has the of aging, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabe-
advantage that it makes them a smaller target for tes, and dementia [3338]. However, more recently
DNA damage [24]. some exceptions have started to appear such as the
association of longer telomeres in blood with increased
risk of breast cancer, lung cancer, pancreatic cancer,
What Happens When Telomeres Are Damaged? melanoma and cognitive impairment [23,3944]. This
It has been recently shown that damage to telo- brings to attention the possibility that both critically
meric DNA, such as DNA strand breaks, is not effi- short telomeres and dysfunctional long telomeres may
ciently repaired and leads to the accumulation of be hallmarks of unhealthy aging.



Which Factors Apart from Nutrition Affect to unexposed controls indicating the need to understand
Telomere Length with Aging? both the genetic and environmental factors that may reg-
ulate telomere integrity [5154]. There is growing evi-
There are several factors apart from nutrition that can dence that inflammation including related conditions
significantly affect telomere length. Mutations in genes such as life-course persistent asthma and obesity contri-
coding for proteins required for telomerase activity butes to accelerated telomere shortening [55,56]. The
(hTERT, DKC1) and the shelterin complex (eg, TRF2) mechanisms for these associations are not yet well-
lead to abnormal rates of telomere shortening and dys- defined but there is substantial evidence that increased
function [2]. Furthermore, it is evident from twin studies oxidative stress can damage the telomere sequence by
and parentchild association studies that there is a high causing oxidation of guanine and inducing DNA strand
heritability of telomere length and paternal age is posi- breaks that either leads to disruption of the binding of
tively correlated with telomere length [45,46]. There are shelterin complex proteins to the telomere DNA tem-
however some unexpected exceptions such as the recent plate or induction of persistent DNA damage response
observation that those with mutations in the breast can- or loss of telomeres due to terminal deletion of the chro-
cer genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 have longer telomeres mosome ends [12,29,57].
than normal and that the increased telomere length
occurred in both the carriers who had breast cancer and
those who did not [47]. Psychological stress caused by
different factors (eg, caring for those who are ill, sexual NUTRITION AND TELOMERES
abuse, harsh parenting, neuroticism, pregnancy-specific
stress in the mother, and social disadvantage) and lower Which Dietary Factors Are Associated with
socioeconomic status and lower attainment of education Telomere Length in Humans?
by the parents all impact adversely on telomere length in
somatic tissues [48]. Among lifestyle factors, smoking is Several dietary factors have been associated with
consistently associated with reduced telomere length telomere length usually measured in blood leukocytes.
even when it occurs indirectly via the mother during These associations have been derived from molecular
pregnancy [49]. In addition low physical activity and epidemiological cross-sectional or prospective studies
sedentary behaviors are generally linked with increased examining dietary intake and/or blood micronutrient
telomere attrition [50]. Several studies show that occupa- concentration as well as from dietary intervention
tional or therapeutic exposure to genotoxins may lead to studies. A summary of all the studies published to
either lengthening or shortening of telomeres compared date is provided in Tables 10.110.3.

TABLE 10.1 Cross-Sectional Studies—Dietary Intake, Dietary Pattern, or Vitamin Supplement Use and Telomere Length
Participants & country Longer TL Shorter TL Ref.

1958 middle-aged and older Korean adults Prudent dietary pattern characterized by high Red meat or processed meat and sweetened [58]
intake of whole grains, seafood, legumes, carbonated beverages
vegetables, and seaweed

840 white, black, and Hispanic adults from the After adjustment for age, other demographics, [59]
Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis lifestyle factors, and intakes of other foods or
beverages, only processed meat intake was
associated with telomere length. For every 1
serving/d greater intake of processed meat,
the T/S ratio was 0.07 smaller. Categorical
analysis showed that participants consuming
. or 5 1 serving of processed meat each week
had 0.017 smaller T/S ratios than did

4676 disease-free women from nested case- Greater adherence to the Mediterranean diet [60]
control studies within the Nurses’ Health was associated with longer telomeres
Study (USA)

217 elderly subjects (in Italy) stratified High adherence group showed longer [61]
according Mediterranean diet score (MDS) in leukocyte telomere length (p 5 0.003) and
low adherence (MDS # 3), medium adherence higher telomerase activity (p 5 0.013) compared
(MDS 45), and high adherence (MDS $ 6) to others



TABLE 10.1 (Continued)
Participants & country Longer TL Shorter TL Ref.

This study assessed the relationship between Higher baseline telomere length significantly [62]
telomere length and changes in adiposity predicted a greater decrease in body weight,
indices after a 5-year Mediterranean diet body mass index, waist circumference and
intervention in 521 subjects (5580 years, 55% waist to height ratio. The risk of remaining
women) randomly selected from the obese after 5 years was lower in those
PREDIMED-NAVARRA participants who initially had the longest
telomeres and increased their TL after
intervention (odds ratio 5 0.27, 95%
CI: 0.032.03)

521 subjects (5580 years) participating in the A higher adherence to the MeDiet pattern [63]
Prevención con Dieta Mediterránea strengthens the prevention of telomere
randomized trial were assessed over 5 years of shortening among Ala carriers of the variant
a nutritional intervention, which promoted Pro/Ala (rs1801282) in the PPARγ2. This
adherence to the Mediterranean diet (MeDiet) association was modulated by MeDiet because
in Spain those Ala carriers who reported better
conformity to the MeDiet exhibited increased
telomere length (P , 0.001). Moreover, a
reduction in carbohydrate intake (#9.5 g/d)
resulted in increased TL among Ala carriers

1743 multiethnic community residents of New Higher adherence to a MeDiet was associated [64]
York aged 65 years or older with longer leukocyte telomere length (LTL)
among whites but not among African
Americans and Hispanics. Additionally, a diet
high in vegetables but low in cereal, meat, and
dairy might be associated with longer LTL
among healthy elderly

5309 USA adults, aged 20 to 65 years, with no 100% fruit juice was marginally associated with Sugar-sweetened soda consumption was [65]
history of diabetes or cardiovascular disease, longer telomeres associated with shorter telomeres
from the 1999 to 2002 National Health and
Nutrition Examination Surveys

287 participants (55% males, 618 years), who A positive correlation between dietary total Higher white bread consumption was [66]
were randomly selected from the GENOI antioxidant capacity and telomere length associated with shorter telomeres (β 5 20.204,
study (Spain) (r 5 0.157, p 5 0.007) was found after p 5 0.002)
adjustment for age and energy intake
4029 apparently healthy postmenopausal Intake of short-to-medium-chain saturated [67]
women who participated in the Women’s fatty acids (SMSFAs; aliphatic tails of #12
Health Initiative (USA) carbons) was inversely associated with TL.
Intakes of nonskim milk, butter, and whole-
milk cheese (major sources of SMSFAs) were
all inversely associated with TL.

2284 female participants from the Nurses’ Dietary fiber intake was positively associated Polyunsaturated fatty acid intake, specifically [68]
Health Study (USA) with telomere length (z score), specifically linoleic acid intake, was inversely associated
cereal fiber, with an increase of 0.19 units with telomere length after multivariate
between the lowest and highest quintiles adjustment (20.32 units; P 5 0.001, P for
(P 5 0.007, P for trend 5 0.03) trend 5 0.05).

Framingham USA Offspring Study (n 5 1,044, Multivitamin use was associated with shorter [69]
females 5 52.1%, mean age 59 years) using telomeres in this cohort (P 5 0.015)
data from samples collected before and after
folic acid fortification

586 participants (age 3574 years) in the Sister After age and other potential confounders were [70]
Study (USA) adjusted for, multivitamin use was associated
with longer telomeres. Compared with
nonusers, the relative telomere length of
leukocyte DNA was on average 5.1% longer
among daily multivitamin users (P for
trend 5 0.002). Higher intakes of vitamins C
and E from foods were each associated with
longer telomeres, even after adjustment for
multivitamin use

766 adolescents aged 1418 years (50% Higher dietary sodium intake was associated [71]
female, 49% African Americans) with shorter LTL in the overweight/obese
group (BMI $ 85th percentile, β 5 20.37,
P 5 0.04), but not in the normal weight group
(β 5 0.01, P 5 0.93) after adjusting for multiple
confounding factors

TABLE 10.2 Cross-Sectional Studies—Biomarkers of Nutritional Status and Telomere Length

Participants & country Longer TL Shorter TL Ref.

43 younger (1832 years) and 47 older In older males, there was a significant inverse [72]
(6583 years) adults in South Australia correlation between telomere length and
plasma homocysteine (r 5 20.57, p 5 0.004),
but this effect was not observed in the younger
cohort or in the older female group

The association of plasma homocysteine and After adjustment for age, gender, smoking [73]
other CVD biomarkers with LTL were status, education and dialect, LTL was found
assessed in 100 samples drawn from the to be inversely associated with plasma
Singapore Chinese Health Study (SCHS). homocysteine levels (p for trend 5 0.014)
SCHS, a population-based cohort, recruited
Chinese individuals, aged 4574 years,
between 1993 and 1998

1319 healthy subjects were recruited from a LTL was negatively correlated with plasma [74]
population-based cohort in the UK. homocysteine levels, after adjustment for
smoking, obesity, physical activity,
menopause, hormone replacement therapy
use, and creatinine clearance. The difference
in multiply-adjusted LTL between the highest
and lowest tertile of homocysteine levels was
111 base pairs (p 5 0.004), corresponding to 6.0
years of telomeric aging

195 healthy men in Milan, Italy When plasma folate concentration was above When plasma folate concentration was below [75]
the median, there was a positive relationship the median, there was a negative relationship
between folate and telomere length between folate and telomere length

Framingham USA Offspring Study The leukocyte TL of the individuals in the fifth [69]
(n 5 1,044, females 5 52.1 %, mean age quintile of plasma folate was shorter than that
59 years) using data from samples collected of those in the second quintile by 180 bp
before and after folic acid fortification (P , 0.01). There was a linear decrease in
leukocyte telomere length with higher plasma
folate concentrations in the upper four quintiles
of plasma folate (P for trend 5 0.001).

786 participants in the Austrian Stroke Multiple linear regression analyses with [76]
Prevention Study 9 mean age of 66 6 7 58% adjustment for age and sex demonstrated that
female) higher lutein, zeaxanthin, and vitamin C
concentrations in plasma were strongly
associated with longer telomere length

2160 women aged 1879 years (mean age: Serum vitamin D concentrations were [77]
49.4) from a large population-based cohort of positively associated with LTL (r 5 0.07,
twins in the UK P 5 0.0010), and this relation persisted after
adjustment for age (r 5 0.09, P , 0.0001) and
other covariates (age, season of vitamin D
measurement, menopausal status, use of
hormone replacement therapy, and physical
activity; P for trend across tertiles 5 0.003)

43 younger (1832 years) and 47 older Ca/Mg ratio was positively associated with Negative association between lymphocyte [78]
(6583 years) adults in South Australia lymphocyte telomere length (r 5 0.55, telomere length and both plasma calcium and
P 5 0.007) magnesium levels, (r 5 20.47, P 5 0.03 and
r 5 20.61, P 5 0.001 respectively), in older
females; Intriguingly Ca/Mg ratio was
positively associated with telomere length
(r 5 0.55, P 5 0.007)

437 healthy children ages 3, 6, and 9 years in Lymphocyte TL was inversely associated [79]
Western Australia with plasma zinc (r 5 20.13, P , 0.001)

125 participants being treated for chronic In participants at the age 80100 years, a In participants at the age 80100 years, a [80]
essential hypertension, 77 old (age range significant positive correlation between mean significant inverse correlation existed
6079 years) and 48 very old (age range telomere length and intracellular labile zinc between % cells with critically short
80100 years) (r 5 0.502; p , 0.01) was observed telomeres and intracellular labile zinc
(r 5 20.456; p , 0.01)


TABLE 10.3 Intervention Studies on the Effects of Nutrition on Telomere Length
Participants & country Intervention and outcome Ref.

521 subjects (5580 years, 55% women) from the PREDIMED Increase in TL with reduced obesity after a 5-year Mediterranean [62]
intervention in Spain diet intervention

54 obese men on calorically restricted weight loss diets in Telomere length in mid-rectal biopsy tissue increased 4-fold and [81]
Australia 10-fold after 12 and 52 weeks on a calorically restricted weight-loss
diet respectively. Gain of telomere length was greater if more
weight and body fat was lost
35 men who had biopsy-proven low-risk prostate cancer and had Men in the intervention group who followed a program of [82]
chosen to undergo active surveillance in the USA comprehensive lifestyle changes (physical activity, stress
management, and social support), and a diet high in whole foods,
plant-based protein, fruits, vegetables, unrefined grains, and
legumes, and low in fat (approximately 10% of calories) and
refined carbohydrates had increased telomerase and longer LTL
after 5 years compared to the men in the control group who
underwent active surveillance alone
Prospective cohort study of 608 ambulatory outpatients in Individuals in the lowest quartile of DHA 1 EPA experienced the [83]
California (USA) with stable coronary artery disease recruited fastest rate of telomere shortening (0.13 telomere-to-single-copy
from the Heart and Soul Study between September 2000 and gene ratio [T/S] units over 5 years; 95% confidence interval [CI],
December 2002 and followed up to January 2009 (median, 6.0 0.090.17), whereas those in the highest quartile experienced the
years; range, 5.08.1 years) slowest rate of telomere shortening (0.05 T/S units over 5 years;
95% CI, 0.020.08; P , .001 for linear trend across quartiles)
Double-blind 4-month trial included 106 healthy sedentary The adjusted mean change in telomere length, expressed in base [84]
overweight middle-aged and older adults in the USA who pairs (bp), was an increase of 21 bp for the low-dose group and
received (1) 2.5 g/day n-3 PUFAs, (2) l.25 g/day n-3 PUFAs, or (3) an increase of 50 bp in the high-dose group compared to a
placebo capsules that mirrored the proportions of fatty acids in the decrease of 43 bp for placebo. Telomere length increased with
typical American diet decreasing n-6:n-3 ratios, p 5 0.02
Thirty-three adults ages .65 y with MCI in South Australia were The intervention did not show an increase in telomere length with [85]
randomized to receive a supplement rich in the long-chain ω-3 treatment and there was a trend toward telomere shortening
PUFAs eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA; 1.67 g EPA 1 0.16 g during the intervention period. Telomere shortening was greatest
docosahexaenoic acid DHA/d; n 5 12) or DHA (1.55 g in the LA group (d 5 0.21) than in the DHA (d 5 0.12) and EPA
DHA 1 0.40 g EPA/d; n 5 12), versus ω-6 PUFA linoleic acid (LA; groups (d 5 0.06). Increased erythrocyte DHA levels were
2.2 g/d; n 5 9) for 6 months associated with reduced telomere shortening (r 5 20.67; P 5 0.02)
in the DHA group

A 12-week placebo-controlled intervention trial with zinc Telomere length was not significantly affected but telomere base [14]
carnosine supplement was performed with 84 volunteers damage was found to be significantly decreased in the Zn
from an elderly (6585 y) South Australian cohort with supplemented group (p , 0.05)
low plasma Zn levels

The results from dietary pattern studies indicate that Studies on blood nutrient concentrations showed
a predominantly plant-based diet such as a prudent or U-shaped relationships between plasma folate and
Mediterranean diet is consistently associated with longer telomere length [69,75] and a reduction of telomere
telomeres [58,6064]. Some studies revealed associations length is associated with higher homocysteine (a
with specific components of the plant-based diet as metabolic biomarker of folate and/or vitamin B12
being protective, such as total antioxidant capacity of the deficiency) in older subjects indicating a rather com-
diet, fruit juice, dietary fiber, and higher intakes of plex relationship with B vitamins [7274]. Higher
vitamin C and vitamin E [65,66,68,70]. Higher intake of plasma zeaxanthin, lutein, vitamin C, vitamin D, and
processed meat, red meat, sweetened carbonated bev- Ca/Mg ratio was associated with longer telomeres
erages, white bread, short- to medium-chain saturated but, in contrast, higher plasma concentration of
fatty acids and their sources such as whole milk (and calcium, magnesium, and zinc was associated with
products such as butter and cheese), linoleic acid shorter telomeres (the latter in children) [7679].
(n6 fatty acid), and higher sodium intake (in those with In the very old (8100 years), intracellular labile zinc
high BMI) were all associated with shorter telomeres was positively correlated with telomere length and
[58,59,65,67,68,70,71]. Multivitamin use was associated negatively with percentage of cells with critically
with both shorter and longer telomeres [69,70]. short telomeres [80]. It is evident that a nutrient



biomarker profile that is associated with shorter What Are the Plausible Mechanisms by Which
telomeres can be identified. Nutrients Can Affect Telomere Maintenance?
We and others have performed in vitro modeling
experiments to obtain some insights on how micronutri-
Is There Any Evidence That Telomere Length ent deficiencies or excess may affect DNA and telomere
integrity. Deficiencies in micronutrients such as vitamin
Can Be Modified by Nutritional Intervention?
C, vitamin E, zinc, and selenium may lead to increased
Although it is too early to provide definitive answers susceptibility to oxidative radicals which can either oxi-
there are promising results that telomere length may be dize guanine in the telomere sequence or cause single- or
modifiable by diet and/or lifestyle. The 5-year double-stranded breaks in telomeric or subtelomeric
PREDIMED intervention observed an increase in TL in sequences [8692]. Alternatively, deficiencies in vitamins
those assigned to the Mediterranean diet intervention involved in one carbon metabolism could lead to uracil
[62]. In men with low-risk prostate cancer a holistic life- incorporation instead of thymidine and also induce breaks
style program including a plant-based diet significantly in DNA when excised by one or more of the uracil glyco-
improved telomere length and telomerase activity in sylases especially when uracils occur within 12 bases from
blood cells [82] whilst a weight loss program on either a each other on opposite strands of DNA [93]. Our studies
high-carbohydrate or high-protein calorie restricted diet showed that folate deficiency initially leads to telomere
increased telomere length in mid-rectal biopsies in elongation but subsequently telomeres start to shorten
obese men [81]. Three studies with ω-3 fatty acid sup- due to terminal deletions of chromosomes; both telomere
plementation showed marginal changes in telomere elongation and shortening occurred concurrently with
length with trends indicating prevention of telomere increased chromosomal instability indicating that telo-
shortening with decreasing ω6:ω3 ratios [8385]. Zinc mere lengthening on its own is not an adequate measure
carnosine supplementation did not affect telomere of chromosomal stability [94,95]. Another important
length but appeared to reduce telomere base damage in micronutrient is niacin which is required to generate
those with low plasma zinc; this was the first study to NAD as a substrate of PARPs, such as tankyrase, in the
report on telomere base damage in an in vivo human shelterin complex, which regulates telomere length
intervention study [14]. Most of these studies have through its interaction with TRF1 [96,97]. These plausible
several limitations such as small cohort size and short mechanisms are explained schematically in Fig. 10.2, but
duration of intervention and therefore can only be it is likely that other important roles for micronutrients in
considered as providing preliminary evidence. telomere homeostasis will be discovered.

Antioxidant deficiency Oxidized

or oxidative stress DNA bases Breaks in Loss of
subtelomere telomeres
Deficiency in
cofactors for Replication
DNA synthesis or stress Breaks in
repair enzymes telomere or Telomere end
(eg, Mg, Zn) failure to fusions and
form T-loops chromosomal
Uracil in instability

Deficiency in
methyl donors (eg,
folate, vitamin B12) Telomere
Hypo-methylated binding

Niacin or Loss of
nicotinic acid telomere
deficiency Reduced

FIGURE 10.2 Plausible mechanisms by which nutritional deficiency can to telomere shortening or telomere dysfunction.



KNOWLEDGE GAPS hexamer repeats can vary greatly from very few to thou-
sands of repeats with most reported telomere lengths
Although considerable progress has been made varying between 4-11 kilobases in humans. Several pro-
regarding the role of nutrition in maintenance of telo- teins (TRF1, TRF2, POT1, TIN2, TPP1, RAP1 and
mere integrity this progress appears to have been Tankyrase) are associated with telomere DNA to form
focused entirely on effects relating to telomere length. the shelterin complex which interacts with enzymes such
There is however sufficient reason to argue that pre- as telomerase and other proteins required for proper telo-
vention of telomere shortening or lengthening is not mere maintenance and function. Shortening of telomeres
the only aspect that should be addressed and other may increase excessively with age and lead to telomere-
measures of telomere dysfunction should also be con- end-fusions, chromosomal instability and accelerated
sidered. For example several studies show effects on senescence. Telomeres may become dysfunctional if base
telomere length of just a few tens or hundreds of bases damage and/or DNA strand breaks accumulate in the
but this may not be sufficient to make telomeres dys- telomere sequence. Several lines of evidence indicate that
functional and might be beneficial if it makes the telo- telomere shortening, telomere base damage and telomere
mere a smaller target for DNA damage. Furthermore, strand breaks may increase due to poor nutrition and
lengthening could be associated with indirect effects that dietary intervention has the potential to improve
caused by loss of telomere length control due to telomere integrity.
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of shelterin proteins. Therefore, incorporation of mea-
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