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CONTENTS PREFACE... |. THE GEOLOGY OF THE ORDENES COMPLEX: AN OVERVIEW... 1. INTRODUCTION: THE ALLOCHTHONOUS COMPLEXES OF NW IBERIA....... 4.1, DESCRIPTION OF THE UNITS. ae 4.11. AUTOCHTHON AND PARAUTOCHTHON... 1.2. BASAL UNITS. “ 1 413, OPHIOLITIC UNITS 4.1.4. UPPER UNITS 14 14 44.1. High-pressure and high-temperature units. 4.2 Intermediate-pressure units 2. THE ORDENES COMPLEX 2.1. THE BASAL UNITS OF THE ORDENES COMPLEX. 2.1.1. THE SANTIAGO UNIT. Lithologies and structure Syn-D, metamorphic zones Thermobarometry of the Santiago Schists....... ‘Stage M1: internal schistosity Stage M3: prograde crystallization... Stage M4: meiamorphic peak = Tectonic interpretation of the thermal inversion. Tectonothermal evolution of the Santiago Unit... 2.1.2. THE AGUALADA UNIT Lithologies and structure: Petrography of the eclogites..., Mineral chemistry and metamorphic stages Eclogite-facies stage: mineral assemblages with omphacite + garnet. Amphibolite-facies stage. Greenschist-facies stage, Thermobarometry of the gual lada ectogtes : Eclogite-facies stage. r Amphibolite-facies stage... 2.4.25. P-T path and tectonic interpretation 2.1.3. THE LALIN AND FORCARE! UNITS..... 21314 Structure of the basal unts in the Lalin and Forcarei Synforms. Fold and thrust nappes. EEE Detachments and late folds ., Metamorphic constrains in the Lalin and Forcarei Units 2.1.4, TECTONOTHERMAL EVOLUTION OF THE BASAL UNITS... 2.2. THE OPHIOLITIC UNITS OF THE ORDENES COMPLEX. 2.2.1. THE CAREON OPHIOLITE oe Lithologies an age of the ophiolite. Uttramafic rocks é Metagabbroic rocks 13 13 13 13 16 16 17 17 alt Amphibolite Dikes and sills... Age of the ophiolite... Age of metamorphism and P-T constraints Thrust geometry and related minor structures, Origin and tectonic evolution of the Caredn Ophiolite Emplacement of the Care6n Ophiolite en Final remarks on the Caren Ophiolite ...e..-m 2.3, THE UPPER UNITS OF THE ORDENES COMPLEX. 2.3.1. HIGH-PRESSURE AND HIGH-TEMPERATURE THE SOBRADO-MELIDE UNIT The high-pressure and high-temperature succesion of the Sobrado Window. Coronitic metagabbros: textures and mineral assemblages Coronitic metagabbros: P-T estimates and path Eclogites and mefic granules: clnopyroxene-garnet tnermobarometry and path 2.3.2. INTERMEDIATE-PRESSURE UNITS: THE BETANZOS-ARZUA UNIT... The Cortedoiras Detachment. ee Geometry and shear sense Microstructural evolution ‘Age and relationships wth cther main structures... 3.2.2. Lithologies and P-T constraints in the surrounding area of Mente Castelo 2323 UPD geochronology in the uppermost unit of the Ordenes Complex...... Results Age of magmatism ‘Ages of metamorphism s Significance of the new ages in the interpretation of tho IP upper unit Key relationships in the uppermost unit of the eastern Ordenes Complex: new evidences for a polyorogenic evolution Geochemistry and tectonic setting of the Monte Castelo Gabbro 2.3.3. INTERPRETATION OF THE UPPER UNITS 0.00.0 8) 3. TERRANES AND ACCRETIONARY HISTORY IN THE VARISCAN BELT OF NW IBERIA IL FIELD TRIP DAY 1. BASAL UNITS: THE LALIN AND FORCARE! UNITS Stop 1.1. The parautochthon Stop 1.2. Paragneisses of the Lalin Unit Stop 1.3. The Lalin-Forcarei Thrust Stop 1.4. Felsic orthognoisses of the Lal Stop 1.5. Amphiboiites of the Lalin Unit Stop 1.6. Contact of the Lalin Unit with the Campo Marzo ultrabasic slice Unit. DAY 2. OPHIOLITIC UNITS: THE CAREON OPHIOLITE. Stop 2.1. Basal thrust of the Caredn sheet... Stop 2.2. Diabasic dikes intruding the ultramafic section of the Caren sheet Stop 2.3. Tectonic mélange in the southern part of the Vilouriz sheet Stop 2.4. Basal thrust and metamorphic sole of the Vilouriz sheet. 105 144 11 116 117 117 118 118 118 120 120 123 123 125 ni i” DAY 3. HIGH-P AND HIGH-T UPPER UNITS: THE SOBRADO-MELIDE UNIT....... Stop 3.1. Eclogites and clinopyroxene-garet rocks of the lower slice. Stop 3.2. Migmatitic paragneisses of the intermediate slice . Stop 3.3. Vilarifio Gabbro.. Stop 3.4. Layer of fine-grained amphibolites Stop 25. Myionitic paragneisses of the upper slice (Tambre river quarry) ‘Stop 3.6. High-P mafic granulites of the upper slice. DAY 4. INTERMEDIATE-P UPPER UNITS: THE BETANZOS-ARZUA UNIT (EASTERN SECTOR) Stop 4.1. Chlorite zone uppormost metasediments of the Ordenes Complex - Stop 42. Low-grade metasediments close to the Corredoiras Orthogneiss . Stop 43. Corradoiras Orthagneiss: scarcely deformed facies. ‘Stop 4.4. Mylonitic Gneisses of the Corredoiras Detachment. ‘Stop 45. Xenoliths and shear zones in the Corredoiras Orthogneiss. DAY 5. INTERMEDIATE-P UPPER UNITS: THE BETANZOS-ARZUA UNIT (WESTERN SECTOR)... a ‘Stop 51. Monte Castelo Gabbro.. Stop 82. Granulte facies shear zene at the base of the Monte Castelo Gabbro. Stop 5.3. Granulite-facies metapelitic xenolith in the Monte Castelo Gabbro, Stop 5.4. Deformed granitoids in the contact of the Monte Castelo Gabbro Stop 5.5. Paragneisses of the Ordenes Series. ’ Ill, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTB....... IV. REFERENCES 427 130 431 433 134 135 138 140 144 142 142 142 “147 147 148 149 151 151 PREFACE The structure and evolution of the Ordenes Complex, the largest of the allochthonous complexes of NW Iberia, will be discuss during this 5 days fiel trip. Probably the more important fact in the Geology of the Ordenes Complex is the presence of the main Variscan suture, as well as all the existent units located in the footwall and in the hangingwall to that suture. This offers a Unique opportunity to consider first order aspects of the European Variscan Bell, such as the closure of the Rheic Ocean, the development of crustal subduction in the more external edge of Gondwana, and the origin and evolution of the terrane located in the hangingwall to the suture. Unfortunately, five days are not enough time to visit all the units forming part of the Ordenes Complex, and important sections and localities will be not covered during the field trip. This is the case of the Santiago, Aguaiada, Vila de Cruces and Bazar Units, as well as of the southein part of the uppermest and very large Betanzos-Arza Unit. Nevertheless, the selected stops are mainly representative for the evolution of the whole ensemble, and they offer a clear framework of this fascinating complex "1 el Introduction: the allochthonous comploxes of NW Iberia |, THE GEOLOGY OF THE ORDENES COMPLEX: AN OVERVIEW 4. INTRODUCTION: THE ALLOCHTHONOUS COMPLEXES OF NW IBERIA ‘The allochthonous terranes of Gelicia and North Portugel, in NW Iberia, outcrop in five eynforms or structural basins as megakiippen and are known as allochthonous complexes named after geographic localities (Figs. 1 and 2). They consist ofa pile of units, stacked during the first stages of the Variscan deformation, and subsequently thinned and dismemberod by exhumation (Arenas of al., 1986; Martinez Catalan et al, 1997, 1999). The allochthonous complexes were thrust over a metasedimentary unit known as the schistose domain (Farias et al., 1987), and the ensemble was in turn placed onto Upper Proterozoic and Paleozoic metasediments and igneous rocks that are usually termed the autochthon, The autochthon constitutes the largest part of the Iberian Massif, the westemmost outcrop of the European Variscan Belt and, in spite of its name, the successions are commonly repeated by recumbent folds and thrusts (Fig. 2). The term is used because the sequences were deposited over the same basement upon which they rest nowadays. The schistose domain was also part of the same continental margin but, due to its allochthonous character and intermediate structural position, is usually known as the parautochthon (Ribeiro et al., 1990). 4.4, DESCRIPTION OF THE UNITS What follows is a brief description of the more salient characteristics of the different allochthonous units and of their underlying domains, the parautochthon and the autochthon. For the allochthon, it is useful to classify their units into three groups according to their relative position in the original nappe pile: basal, intermediate and upoer units. Because the intermediate Units snow clear ophiolitic affinities, they are referred to as the ophiolitic units and will be interpreted as the suture separating two main paleogeographic realms. Further subdivision can be done based on the P-T conditions of the metamorphic evolution of the units. 4.4.4. AUTOCHTHON AND PARAUTOCHTHON, The autochthon, together with other comparable terranes of southern Europe, formed part ‘of the continental margin of Gondwana during the Upper Proterozoic and Paleozoic. This margin recistered the Cadomian (Pan-African) orogeny as well as Cambrian-Ordovician continental rifting processes, which resulted in the pulling apart of the Avalon microcontinent (or microcontinents) from the Gondwana mainland and the opening of an oceanic domain (Fortey ‘and Cocks, 1988; Soper, 1988). This ocean is usually known as the Rheic (Fortey and Cocks, 1988), but a distinetion is often made between its northeastern branch, separating Gondwana from East Avalonia and Ballica, and the southwestem branch, separating Gondwana from West ‘Avaloria and Laurentia. The first is then called the Rheic, and the second, the Theic, named after the Atlas's aunts Rheia and Theia, (Rodgers, 1988). Two main pre-Variscan sedimentary sequences can be distinguished in the autochthon. The lower, of Late Proterozoic age, is a rather thick and monotonous terrigenous succession with turbiditic facies comparable to the French Brioverian (D'Lemos ef al., 1990). Intrusive granitoids have yiolded ages of 620-70 Ma (Lancelot et al., 1985; Allegret and Iglesias Ponce de Leon, 1987). The upper sequence consists of Cambrian to Devonian sediments, most of them of shallow-water platform facies, which registered tectonic activity of extensional type, meinly uring the Cambrian and Ordovician (Lifian and Quesada, 1990; Robardet and Gutierrez Marco, 4990: Martinez Catalan ei a/., 1992). Tectonism was accompanied by granitic magmatism, dated in 490-450 Ma (Garcia Casquero et al., 1985; Lancelot et al., 1985; Gebauer, 1993), and 13 Introduction: the allochthonous complexes of NWV Iberia oe KG OS meee eo MASSIF AA. Alpine front Vatiscan thrusts AA. Main Variscan thrusts vas separating zones Main Variscan normal and strike-slip faults y , 3 500 km F- ee ea ARMORICAN MASSIF. BRITISH ISLES AND. RHENISH AND. IBERIAN MASSIF FRENCH MASSIF CENTRAL BOHEMIAN MASSIFS RELATIVE AUTOCHTHON: Cantabrian Zone West Asturian- Leonese Zone [EG centraltberian Zone Central Amorican Zone ‘Tepla-Barranclan Zone Schistose domain of ") Gaicia Trde-co Montes [HG Ossa-Morena Zone North Armorican Zone Saxothuringian Zone ALLOCHTHONOUS TERRANES: [aay Zillcchthonous complexes South Armorican ane fehl, Erbondort, Minchberg of Galicia Tras-05-Montes Arvemo-Vosgian Zones and Sowie Gory Massifs EXTERNAL THRUST BELT AND FOREDEEP BASIN: Rhenohercynian and South Portuguese Zone Gomwall Zone Matave- Siesta Zoned: Figure 1. Generalized geological map of the European Variszan Bett showing the location of the NW Ibarian Massif. fier Martinez Catalan (1990), and mainly based on Julivert of al. (1972), Autran and Cogné (1980) and Tollmann (1982) 14 > 2 ® wm iD Introduction: the allochthonous complexes of NW Iberia Figure 2, Geological map and cross-section of the NW Iberian Massif, showing the allochthonous complaxes and their units. Introduction: the allochthonous complexes of NW Iboria volcanism. Syn-orogenic Devonian and Carboniferous sequences have been preserved, mainly, in the external zones. ‘The parautochthon, also known as the.schistose domain, is characterized by Paleozoic metasediments, mainly schists, and a dominantly felsic magmatism. It is underlain by a thrust fault and shows an intemally imbricated structure (Ribeiro, 1974; Farias et al., 1987; Ribeiro etal., 1990). Even though the Silurian-Devonian sequence is here thicker than in the autochthon, stratigraphic correlation between both ensembles is still possible (Farias of al., 1987). Also, no significant metamorphic differences have been reported between the schistose domain and the autochthon. Consequently, it is not considered an exotic terrane. 1.1.2. BASAL UNITS 5. The basal units consist of schists, paragne'sses, and alterations of igneous felsic and matic focks. Granitic and peralkaline orthegneisses have yielded ages of 480-460 Ma (Van Calsteren etal., 1979, Rb-Sr whole rock; Santos Zalduegui ef al, 1895, U-Pb on zircons). The magmatism reflects an Ordovician rifting episode (Ribeiro and Floor, 1987; Pin et al, 1992). Since there vare no ophiolites separating them from the underlying parautochthon, the basal units are considered part of the continental margin of Goncwana. However, they are viewed as allochthonous because there is a drastic change in the metamorphic evolution between them and the parautochthon: the basal units registered an initial high-pressure (HP) regional metamorphic event (Martinez Catalan ef al, 1996). The basal units were probably part of the external edge of the Gondwana margin formed after the opening of an ocean, subsequent to the Ordovician rifting. Later on, they uncerwent a westward subduction (in present coordinates) 380-375 my. ago, under an accretionary wedge consisting of a pilé formed by the ophiolitic and upper units (Arengs ef. al, 1995, 1987; Martinez Catalan et al., 1996). 1.1.3, OPHIOLITIC UNITS y The ophioltic units include basatts, pillow breccias and hyalociastites, diabases, metagabbres, often pegmatitic, plagiogranites, amphibolites and ultramafics (Martinez Catalan ef al., 1984, Arenas, 1988). They appear repeated in several thrust sheets, the upper of which depicts the basal parts of an ophiolitic sequence, characterized in this case by the abundance of pegmatitic gabbros and diabase dikes in the basal section and the lack of banded gabbros and chromite pods (Diaz Garcia of al, 1999b). These characteristics point to a correlation with the lherzolite ophiolite type of Nicolas (1989), even though the ultramafic section is thoroughly serpentinzed and the criginal rock types cannot be identified. This type of ophiolites are interpreted as generated in a slow rate spreading ridge. ‘The ophiolites underwent a wide variety of metamorphic conditions, ranging from intermediate pressure granulite- to amphibolite and greenschis’-facies. The higher grades occur in the upper thrust sheets and the lower grades in the relatively lower units. A high-pressure metamorphic gradient has been identified in some of the thrust sheets. The ophiolitic nappes show East vergence, and were stacked during the closure of the previously opened ocean (Diaz Garcia et al,, 1965). The coeval amphibolite-facies foliation in the medium-grade units was formed some 390-375 m.y. ago (Dallmeyer and Gil lbarguchi, 1990: Dallmeyer ef al., 1991, 1997; “Ar*Ar on homblende concentrates), closely following oceariic crust generation es young as 395 Ma (Diaz Garcia ef al. 1999b, U-Pb on zircons) 16 wm i « m@ 1m Wi 1” @ ww Wupw ww Introduction: the affoctuhonous complexes of NW iberia 1.1.4, UPPER UNITS The upper units structurally overiie the ophiolites and can be subdivided into high-pressure and high-temperature (HP-HT) units, and intermediate-pressure (IP) units. High-pressure and high-temperature units Tho HP-HT units occupy the lower structural position. They consist of gneisses of sedimentary ongin, mafic rocks, and ultramafics. The characteristic rocks are metabasites, commonly garnet- clinopyroxene granulites and eclogites, retrograded to the amphibolite facies (Vogel, 1967). The REE spectra of eologites and some of the mafic units in the Cabo Ortegal Complex are characteristic of the oceanic crust (Bernard-Griffths ef al., 1985, Peucat ef al., 190) while the main bodies of ultramafic rocks are harzburgites of oceanic affinity (Girardeau and Gil lbarauchi, 1991), However, the abundance of sediments points to a different origin for many of the units. Gabbros occur in several stages of transformation, from virally undeformed and scarcely affected by the metamorphism, to coronitic metagabbros and HP granulites (Pablo Macia and Martinez Catalan, 1984; Martinez Catalan and Arenas, 1982). In the less deformed gabbros, subophitic and diabase textures have been preserved, indicating an emplacement at relatively shallow levels. The chemical characteristics of the gabbros are comparable to madern continental tholeites, and compatiole with a continental rft provenance (Van Calsteren and Den Tex, 1978, Galan and Marcos, 1997) The peak metamorphic conditions reached by the HP-HT units is variable, ranging between 9 and 18 kbar (possibly up to 22 kbar) and 700-850 °C (Gil Ibarguchi et al, 1990; Arenas, 1991; Arenas and Martinez Catalan, 1993; Mendia, 1996), Based on the age of the youngest detrital zircon grain {507 Me), Schafer et al. (1998) suggest that at least part of the metasediments are younger than the Cambrian. Several Lower Paleozoic ages, between 490 and 480 Ma (Peucat of al., 1990, U-Pb on zircons in metabasic rocks), were currently interpreted as dating the HP-HT metamorphism, but Schafer et af. (1993, ion- microprobe U-Pb) considered these the ages of the mafic protoliths. Schafer ef al. (1993), Santos Zalduegui et al. (1996) and Ordéfiez Casado ef a/. (1896) have obtained U-Pb ages on zircons, monazites and titantes indicating a metamorphic event between 405 and 390 m.y. ago. According to the authors, these ages correspond to the HP-HT event, which was followed by a subsequent retrograde amphibolite-facies metamorphism at 390-380 Ma (Dallmeyer et al., 1901, 1997; Valverde Vaquero and Femandez, 1995). Nevertheless, new Sm-Nd ages ‘obtained in high-P and high-T rocks of the Braganga Complex, indicatives of a Lower Ordovician age for the HP-HT event (Santos et al, in prep.), combined with new U-Pb ages obtained in HT rocks of the IP unit of the Ordenes Complex (Abati ef al., 1999), pose many doubts about the true chronology of the high-P metamorphism in these units, that could in fact be pre- \Variscan. Ifthis last interpretation is finally confirmed, the HP-HT units would have a polyorogenic history. Intermediate-pressure units The IP units occupy the uppermost structural position in the nappe pile. They include a very thick sequence of terrigenous metasediments, and large bodies of amphibolites, augengneisses and gabbros. In the uppermost, low-grade units, the metasediments consist of 2000-2000 m of pelites and greywackes (Matte and Capdevila, 1978). Generalized graded bedding and other abundant sedimentary structures indicate a flyschoid character. The augengneisses show intrusive relationships with the metasediments, as well as the gabbros, which often show subophitic and diabase textures, indicative of shallow level of emplacement. Deformed diabas= dikes are common. The metamorphism ranges from the geenschist facies, in the structurally uppermost units, to IP granulite facies in the lower. 7 The Ordenes Complex 2. THE ORDENES COMPLEX ‘The Ordenes Complex is the largest of the allochthonous complexes preserved as mega- Klippen in the axial part of the Iberian Massif (Martinez Catalan ef al., 1984; Arenas et al. 1986). It consists of a stack of thrust sheets, overprinted by extensional detachments, upright folds and faults (Martinez Catalan ef al, 1996; Diaz Garcia et al., 1999a). The complex is underlain and surrounded by parautochthonous sequences. Three main tectonostratigraphic units form the Ordenes Complex, essentially the same ones which can be identfied in the other complexes of the NW Iberian Massif. These are, from bottom to top, the basal, ophiolitic and upper units; the latter can be subdivided info HP-HT units, below, and an IP unit occupying the uppermost structural position (Figs. 2 and 3). Assuming that the ophiolites represent a collisional suture, the underlying basal units are interpreted as belonging to the margin of Gondwana and the upper units are considered as far-traveled terranes of doubtful provenance (Arenas ot al, 1986; Martinez Catalan et al., 1997, 1899) The basal units consist of monotonous pelitic and gresopelitic schists -commonly rich in albite porphyroblasts- and paragneisses, scarce quartzite horizons, felsic orthogneisses, biotitic augengneisses, greenschists, amphibolites and eclogites. In the Ordenes Complex, there exist three main basal units, known as the Lalin, Forcarei and Santiago Units (Figs. 2 and 3). They are considered parts of the same continuous sheet slightly broken by late orogenic events (Martinez Catalan et a, 1996). The main orthogneissic bodies occur to the N of Lalin (Marquinez, 1984) and in an elongated band, roughly 1 km thick, along the Santiago Unit. All of them are considered of plutonic origin on textural grounds, and viewed as extremely flattened and stretched granitoids. Small and very scarce mafic bodies in the Santiago Orthogneiss have preserved eclogite parageneses. Alternations of amphibolites are common as layers ranging in thickness from decimeters to a few meters. They are abundant in a band at the base of Lalin and Forcarei. Lenses of per-alkaline orthogneisses, a few meters thick, are also interbedded with the amphibolites (Hilgen, 1971) ‘A fourth unit outcrops in the W of the Ordenes Complex: the Agualada Unit (Diaz Garcia, 1990; Arenas ef al., 1997)) Itis a small tectonic slice, intercalated between the Santiago Unit and the ophiolites (Fig. 3), consisting of felsic orthogneisses similar to those of Santiago, migmatitic banded paragneisses, metabasites and rare ultramafics. The higher metamorphic degree and the abundance of eclogites in the orthogneisses are the main differences with Santiago. The Malpica-Tui Unit seems to be the continuation to the Wof the basal units of the Ordenes Complex, from which it is separated by an antiform (Fig. 2) The same rocks as described in the Ordenes Complex are common here (Gil lbarguchi and Ortega Gironés, 1985), but relatively large bodies of alkaline to per-alkaline orthognelsses are characteristic (Floor, 1967). In the Cabo Ortegal Complex, the Espasante Unit (ower catazonal unit in Arenas ef 2l., 1986) shows a lithologic association and a metamorphic evolution indicative of a probable link to the basal units. It consists of felsic orthogneisses, similar to those of Santiago, Lalin and Aqualada, amphiboles, retrograded eclogites, and scarce metasediments (Arenas, 1988). Radiometrical dating of the orthogneisses yielded ages of 450-470 Ma by the Rb-Sr method in whole rock (Van Calsteren et e/., 1979; Garcia Garzén et al, 1981), and of 480 Ma by the U-Pb method in zircons (Santos Zalduegui et al, 1985). They are interpreted as protolith ages, and suggest that the sediments they intruded were at least Lower Ordovician. A palynological study (Fombella Blanco, 1984) revealed a Medium to Upper Ordovician age for the culminating metasediments of the Malpica-Tui Unit. The bimodal magmatism, the per-alkaline rocks and the genetic relationship between the latter and the amphibolites (Marquinez, 1984), suggest a rifting episode and the formation of a passive margin during the Ordovician (Arenas ef al. 1986) 8 iv iv 0 ipeng zoqezu09 \ , j oe scuoly upiere9 zounseH ye joie Zea 4 X3TdNOO SAN5qHO BHL JO dW 191901049 Si soja momese9 0002 ejsI1e9 TooToo TET AWN NN A A a THOVITND NTT N TD AT APT TNH PH CA ee 5 "eieysoduiog ap obenues:s euno9 e+) s}00us 400 O 3 juiog souepi9 a4} Jo AEN “¢ 81NB1 SALINVHD NVOsruvA Tho Ordenee Complex Several incomplete ophiolitic units crop out discontinuously in the Ordenes Complex, ‘occupying an intermediate structural position between the basal and the upper units (Figs. 2 and 3}. They can be grouped into two sets and are assigned local names, being the lower formed by the Vila de Cruces Unit (Martinez Catalén ef a/., 1964). The Vila de Cruces Unit crops out in the SE of the Ordenes Complex, and it is essentially made up of greenschists- facies metabasites (probably derived from basic voleanic and plutonic rocks, though primary structures or textures were not recognized) and metapelites, with minor felsic rocks (probably plutonic in crigin): scarce small tectonic lenses of serpentinites are also found. The whole unit has a greenschist mylonitic foliation dated at o. 367 Ma (Dallmeyer et al., 1997; “As/*Ar, muscovite concentrate in phyllite), but intermediate-T relicts have been preserved locally, indicating a provious amphibolite-facies metamorphism in at least some parts. A first high-P metamorphic gradient has been recognized in the upper Sectors of the unit. A similar ophiolitic unit, the Moeche Unit, exists in the Cabo Ortegal Complex. It is a tectonically dismembered and imbricaied unit, in which Arenas (1988) recognized different parts of a typical ophilite with olivine-tholeiitic geochemical affinities, and composed of metabasalts, broken pillow-breccias and hyalcclastites, metadiabases, metagabbros and metaplagiogranites, as well as large tectonic lenses of highly serpentinized ultramafic rocks. The greenschists-facies foliation has been dated by the “Ar/*Ar method (whole rock in phyllite) at o. 364 Ma (Dallmeyer ef al, 1987. considered to represent the end of foliation development due to the low temperature of recrystallization). On top of these essentially low-grade units, an upper set of higher-grade ophialitic units is represented in the Ordenes Complex by the Bazar and Careén Units (Figs. 2 and 3). They are often less deformed, and consist of gabbro, metagabbro, amphibolite and ultramafic rocks. Neither volcanic nor metasedimentary rocks have been identified in these units. The Bazar Unit (W of Ordenes Complex) represents the lower part of an ophiolitic sequence composed of serpentinized dunite and isotropic gabbro with minor intrusions of pegmatitic gabbro. The isotropic gabbro rocks exhibit a tholeiitic character, with flat patterns in the REE diagram normalized to chondrite, and show similarities to volcanic arc basalts, based on positive anomalies in light lithoprile elements and marked negative No anomaly (Diaz Garcia, 1990) ‘The Bazar Unit reached granulite-facies metamorphism and later retrogression to the amphibolite facies. The Careén Unit is rather well exposed in the Serra de O Careén, in the eastern sector of the Ordenes Complex. It is made up of three tectonically imbricate sheets constituted by serpentinites, amphibolites of gabbroic origin and isotropic gabbros, often pegmatitic. The deformation is heterogeneous, with ductile shear zones bounding weakly deformed gabbros. Three fractions of zitcons from one sample of an almost undeformed leucogabbro gave an almost concordant age of 39542 Ma (Diaz Garcia et al., 1999b). This age is considered as magmatic and reveals the crystallization age of the leucogabbro. Also in the Gareon Unit, an hornblende concentrate from a medium-grained, wellfoliated amphibolite gave a ““Ar/*Ar age of c. 377 Ma (Dallmeyer et al., 1897). This is a cooling age following amphibolite-facies metamorphism, considered to represent the regional metamorphic conditions in the unit In the Gabo Ortegal Complex, the Purrido Unit (South and West of Cabo Ortegal Complex) shows a structural position equivalent to that of the Bazar and Caredn Units. It consists of medium-grained amphibolite, which locelly preserves a granoblastic texture indicative of a gabbroic origin, with E-MORB affinities (Arenas, 1988). The unit underwent amohiboiite-facies metamorphism, dated around 390 Ma (Peucat ef al, 1990; “ArP*Ar, two homblende concentrates). The high-pressure and high-temperature units outcrop in the eastern part of the Ordenes ‘Complex, as the Sobrado and Melide Units (Figs. 2 and 3; Martinez Catalan et a/., 1984). They consist of paragneisses, mafic and ultramafic rocks. The characteristic rocks are metabasites, ‘commonly gamet-cinopyroxene granulites and eclogites, retrograded to the amphibolite facies. Gabbros occur in several stages of transformation, from virtually undeformed and scarcely affected by the metamorphism, to coronitic metacabbros and high-P granulites (Hubreatse, 21 The Ordenes Complex 1973; Kuiper, 1979; Pablo Macia and Martinez Catalan, 1984; Martinez Catalan and Arenas, 1992). The tectoncthermal evolution of the units include a former high-P granulite- to eclogite. facies metamorphism, followed by decompression and partial melting and then, successively, by @ penetrative mylonitization in the amphibolite facies, recumbent folding and thrusting in the greenschist facies. The age of the last deformative and metamorphic events affecting these units is clearly Variscan, but doubts exist about the character Variscan or pre-Variscan of the high-P and high-T matamorphism The uppermost intermediate-pressure units are well exposed in the central part of the Ordenes Complex, and also exist in the Morais Complex, in Portugal. In the Ordenes Complex, the Betanzos-Arzia Unit (Martinez Catalan et al, 1984) consists of terrigenous metasediments, amphibolites. augengneisses and gabbros. The gabbros and augengneisses are spatially related, suggesting contemporaneity. The augengneisses have yielded ages of 500-460 Ma (U-Pb on zitcons: Kuljper, 1979, 1980; Abati ef al., 1999). The large Monte Castelo Gabbro, in the western part of the Ordenes Complex, has been dated in 499 Ma (U-Pb on zircons, Abati et al,, 1999). Deformed diabase dikes are common. The metamorphism ranges from the geenschist facies, in the structurally uppermost sectors, to IP granulite facies in the lower, The contacts between zones with different metamorphic degree are often extensional faults (Diaz Garcia, 1990) and, in the Ordenes Complex, the units are separated from the underlying HP HT units by an extensional structure, the Corredoiras Detachment (Martinez Catalan and Arenas, 1992; Diaz Garcia etal, 19992), dated in 375 Ma (““A:*Ar on homblende concentrates, Dalmeyer et a, 1987). Several U-Pb ages have been obtainad recently in the Ordenes Complex on zireons and monazites from granulite-facies metagabbros, high-grade metasediments, and @ granitoid generated during the migmatization of the latter (Abati ef af, 1999). These data range between 498-493 Ma and indicate that the shallow emplacement of the gabbros was immediately followed by its burial and by the regional IP metamorphism that reached granulite facies. Whereas the shallow emplacement of mafic rocks, including abundant diabase dikes, points to an extensional regime, the Lower Ordovician IP metamorphic event indicates an orogenic episode involving crustal thickening. The new U-Pb data indicate a poliorogenic evolution of the IP units. The significance of these units is, as in the case of the HP-HT units, problematic, and similar origins may be proposed for both of them. What is relevant to our discussion is that they once formed part of a thick tectonic pile which reached the eclogite facies at depth, and that they were emplaced on top of the ophiolitic units, The latter implies that an oceanic basin of unknown extent separated them from the continental margin represented by the basal units, the Parautochthon and the relative allochthon. TRKAAANRANAANNKH An nan oaA The basal units of the Onlenes Complex 2.4. THE BASAL UNITS OF THE ORDENES COMPLEX 2. THE SANTIAGO UNIT One of the most notable characteristics of a segment of the European Variscan Beit outcropping in the northwest of the Iberian Massif is the development of a Variscan high-P, low- to intermediate-T metamorphism (Ribeiro, 1978; Van der Wegen, 1978; Munha et 12-13 Kb were obtained. For mineral assemblage B lower P-T conditions of T = 485-508 °C and P > 11-12 Kb were calculated. The consideration of core or rim compositions of clinopyroxene in mineral assemblage B, does not significantly modify the lower P-T concitions deduced for this episode. Therefore, considering the slight and non-systematic nature of zoning in clinopyroxene |, core compositions were always used, both in assemblages A and B. Assemblage C.- Peak temperatures for mineral assemblage C were calculated using clinopyroxene II-gamet (prograde rim) pairs. For assemblage C equilibrium conditions of T= 658-736 °C and P > 12-14 Kb were obtained, These relatively high temperatures are consistent with the field relationship of eclogite boudins within gneisses that displays migmatization. They also support a cofacial relationship between the eclogites and their gneissic host rock. P-T data obtained for the different eclogite-facies mineral assemblage are plotted in Fig. 154 Amphibolite-facies stage Assemblage D.- Temperature was calculated using gamet-clinopyroxene (Krogh, 1988) and gamet-homblende (Graham and Powell, 1984) thermometers. By applying the first thermometer to gamet (retograde rim) and clinopyroxene Ill (including all the secondary textural types), a wide dispersal of values (492-740 °C) was obtained, probably indicating a local lack of equilibrium between these minerals. Taking into account that in the amphibolite facies, clinopyroxene is only stable at relatively high temperatures, values below 600 °C were not considered as representative. The gamet-homblende thermometer gave rather lower temperatures (595-679 °C). In order to estimate the pressure three geobarometers were used: jadeite content of the clinopyroxene (Holland, 1980, 1983); garnet-amphibole-plagioclase-quariz (Kohn and Spear, 1989) and gamet-rutile-ilmenite-anorthite-quartz (GRIPS) (Bohlen and Liotta, 1986). Fig. 158 shows the straight lines that these barometers define with their maximum dispersal and their intersection with the thermometers. The region of maximum overlap of the barometers in the range of temperatures considered defines @ polygon centered at T = 680 °C and P= 11.4 Kb Assemblage E.- Temperature was estimated using the garnet-hornblende thermometer (Graham and Powell, 1984) on green amphibole-camet retrograce rim pairs. and temperatures. generally ranging between 629 and 719 °C were obtained. Some temperature values obtained with this thermometer were too high, above 830°C, being thus inconsistent with the petographical cbservations and suggesting the existence of local disequilibrium. Pressure was calculated with the garnet-amphibole-plagiociase-quartz barometer of Kohn and Spear (1989), giving es a result a polygon centered at 575 °C and P = 7.2 Kb (Fig. 156). Graham and Powell (1984) point out thal in the eclogitic amphibolites there is generally no equilibrium between garnet and amphibole. In this case the composition of gamet retrograde rims was used, assuming that reequilibria can be established between this mineral, hornblende and clinopyroxene. Hence itis considered thet results obtained in this way, excluding those which clearly indicate a disequilibrium of the considered pair of minerals, can be essentially representative of the conditions under which the decompression of the eclogites occured. The results of the thermobarometry for the amphibolitic stages should, therefore, be considered with some caution. 44 Weir iP aep i? i iv = & e Wid € RVRAAKAAAKHRAMRARWW A v The tasal units of the Orcenes Complex 2.1.2. P-T path and tectonic interpretation The final part of the eclogite P-T path must cross the stability field of the andalusite, because this is a characteristic mineral of contact aureoles around late-tectonic plutons that intrude the basal units. Moreover, the Agualada paragneisses, cofacial with the eclogites, display kyanite and biotite as part of a decompressive foliation, but lack sillimanite; hence, the path must not cross into the silimanite stability field. The P-T path obtained with thermoberometry reveals a complex eclogitic evolution and a subsequent almost isothermal decompression (Fig. 16). The preserved syn-eclogitic P-T path begins with a first metamorphic event (T = 585 °C, P > 12- 413 Kb), followed by a significative cooling (T = 500 °C) probably with slight decompression (P > 11-12 Kb), and @ subsequent slightly compressive thermal progradation, which leads the P- T path until the metamorphic peak (T= 700 °C; P > 12-14 Kb; Figs. 15 and 16). However, the P-T evolution deduced for the eclogite-facies stage is affected by some uncertainty, which arise from the minimum character of the pressures obtained with the eclogitic mineral assemblages. Nevertheless, according to the low influence of P on the garnet-clinopyroxene thermometer (Ellis and Green, 1979; Krogh, 1988), this uncertainty should not affect significantly the obtained temperatures. The metamorphic events are related to the structural evolution deduced for the Ordenes Complex. A reconstruction of the Variscan orogenic wedge of the NW of the Iberian Massif is desctibed by Martinez Catalan ef al. (1998); in this model a westward polarity of the eo-Variscan onan aa 1 tel [eRrecoorencey crews ETARORPAICLY 50 ‘a PEAR 12 440 S10 = 5 gz 4308 a ér N 6b [mpnmoure mcd }20 Shaces alls 4.0 ab 300 400 500 600 700 800 T (°C) Figure 16. P-T path deduced fer the Agualada Unit eclogites. The obtained results frem thermobarometry ere also shown, cots and conficence polygons being used forte eciogte ‘and the amphinalite-facies stages, respectively. Stability of the ALSiO: polymomhs according to Holdaway (1971); jaopleths of jadeite molecular contont inthe cfnopyroxene according to Holland (1880, 1283); melting curve of wet granitic compositions according to Luth ef al. (1984), The basal units of the Ordenes Complex 3 AoUALAORUNIT A sevaco unt GONDNANA UPPERMOST UNITS OPHIOLITIC UNITS: ‘Oceanie cust Martie BASAL UNITS PARAUTOCHTHON [7 anbetarve AUTOCHTHON o 20 40 60 4 4 ° RS SS ei 4 14.7 Kb (Arenas of al, 1995). This suggests that eclogite facies cooling of the Agualada Unit may have: been caused by underthrusting of the cooler Santiago Unit, which should induce a temperature decrease in the hanging wall (Davy and Gillet, 1986). Also according to this model, the thermal disturbance induced in a unit by the underthrusting of another is more efficient when the thickness of the upper unit is low, as is the case of the Agualada Unit. The subsequent increase in temperature recorded by garnet rims and clinopyroxene Il may reflect the emplacement of the Agualada Unit directly under the mantle wedge, which should create an inverted metamorphic gradient (Toksiz et al.. 1971; Peacock, 1990; Peacock ef al, 1994). The thermal disequilibrium between the Aguelada Unit and the overlying mantle wedge must have favoured a conductive heat transfer, probably sufficient to account for the intense heating produced in the unit after the imbrication, which led it to reach the thermal peak while still under eclogitic concitions. This may explain why the Agualada Unit displays high-P, high-T mineral assemblages, in contrast. to the high-P, low- to moderate-T conditions manifested elsewhere in the basal units (Malpica- ‘Tui Unit, Gil Ibarguchi and Ortega Gironés, 1985; Santiago Unit, Arenas et o/., 1998; Lalin and Forcarei Units, Martinez Catalan ef al, 1999). In accordance with the deduced P-T path, the heating induced by the mantle wedge was probably accompanied by slight pressurization, thus suggesting that burial continued in both units during a certain time after their imbrication, perhaps unti the accretion of new units at the base of the pile (through continued underplating) ‘ended in the blocking of subduction and the general uplift of the high-P units (Fig. 17). In detall, the general evolution of the orogenic wedge, of which the Agualada Unit is part, reproduces accurately the dynamic model proposed by Platt (1986, 1987) for the Allps. The fact that post-eclogitic decompression occurs with no increase in temperature, but rather following a slightly retrogressive path (Fig. 16), suggests that the uplift of the unit cannot be explained only by the effect of erosion, and that participation of some tectonic mechanism must be considered, The presence of a great magnitude system of extensional detachments in the Ordenes Complex suggests that this mechanism must be syn-collisional extension (Arenas ef al., 1995, Martinez Catalan ef al., 1996; Fig. 17). The final part of the path is fairly close to an isobaric cooling, also compatible with uplift models controlled by extensional tectonics (England and Thompson, 1984; England, 1987) ‘Some of the theoretical models developed for the tectonothermal evolution of accreted units in orogenic wedges are difficult to confirm from real structural and petrological data, especially those concerning subducted units. This is mainly because of the general overprinting of the high-P mineral assemblages, which only allow their conservation in localized sectors, and also because of the complex evolution of the orogenic wedges, whose dynamics generates faults which usually cut the high-P units, hindering in many cases the conservation of primary relationships. The tectonothermal evolution of the Agualada Unit in general confirms parts of the models of Davy and Gillet (1986) and Piatt (1986, 1987). Refrigeration by underthrusting of colder units may play a major role in the geometry of the P-T path and in the subsequent thermal evolution of thin units. Furthermore, the succesive underthrusting and compensatory extension above seem to be able to maintain a moderate temperature in an accreted complex, helping to preserve high-P assemblages. 47 The basal units of the Ordenes Complex 2.4.3, THE LALIN AND FORCAREI UNITS: 24: Structure of the basal units in the Lalin and Forcarei Synforms Many of the present tectonic contacts in the Galician complexes are relatively late low- dipping faults which, in many cases, have fragmented and pulled apart the units. However, recumbent folds and early thrusis have been preserved in some areas, and deserve special attention. Figure 18. Geological map of the southern part of the Ordenes Complex showing the basal units of Lain and Fercarei. LFT: Lalin-Forearei Thrust. Detachments: CD: Coredoiras: CMD: Campo Marzo; PSD: Pico Sacro; VCD: Vila de Cruces, Fold and thrust nappes The hinge zone of a major fold outcrops in the area of Carrio, in the NE of Lalin (Marquinez, 1964). The fold is a recumbent structure (Figs. 18, 19 and 20) interpreted as an anticline because the regional vergence is to the E in this part of the Variscan bet and because its lower limb is affected by a ductile fault with eastward movement, the Lalin-Forcarei Thrust (LFT; Martinez Catalan et al, 1996). The inferred normal limb of the anticline is delineated by felsic orthogneiss (Fig. 19), and the similarity between the orthogneiss of Santiago, North of the Pico Sacro Detachment (PSD), and Lalin, suggests that the Santiago Units the westward continuation of the normal limb of the Carrio Anticine (Fig. 20, section D-D'; Martinez Catalan ef al, 1996). In the hinge zone of the recumbent fold, a foliation may be seen parallel to the bedding and folded with it A new foliation developed after folding, transecting the reverse limb of the Carrio Anticline, and dipping 10-20° steeper to the W than both limbs. Both the transecting and the 48 rerrerrere dd DP RAeerrerrperrerprervreert ware gen ‘The basal units of the Ordenes Complex previous foliations are generally medium-grained and, in the schists, both fabrics may be seen in thin section. An older fine-grained cleavage has been preserved as oriented microinclusions in albite porphyroblasts grown during the development of the later fabrics (Arenas et al, 1995). The LFT is a 40-80 m thick shear zone with mylonites and ultramylonites, which separates the Lalin Unit from the parautochthonous. Comparing the attitude of the foliation in the Lalin Unit and the parautochthen with the LFT, and considering them as a mega S-C structure, the sense of thrusting was toward the E (Fig. 19). Detachments and late folds ‘Several generations of detachments affected the nappe pile, along with three generations of upright folds. We will deal only with the particular structures concerning the basal unts. (One of the flat-lying faults, the Campo Marzo Detachment (CMD) in the NW of Lalin (Figs. 48, 19 and 20, section B-B’), carried a sheet of ultramafics over the Lalin Unit, inducing heating from above and giving way to an inverted metamorphic gradient (Martinez Catalan et al., 1996). Though the preserved extent of the ultramafic slice is limited, the inverted metamorphism can be followed in most of the Forcarei and Lalin Units (Fig. 21). The CMD postdated the nucleation of the recumbent folds, but was partially contemporaneous with the transecting foliation, The stretching lineations and kinematic criteria in mylonites East of Campo Marzo indicate a top to the S sense of shear. The Pico Sacro Detachment (PSD) is the later and more continuous detachment in the Ordenes Complex. Initially described in the S by Van Zuuren (1969) and then studied by Marquinez (1984), it can actually be followed from the Serra do Careén in the SE, to the S (Fig. 18), Wand NW until the coast. It shows a consistent top to NW sense of shear, Along its 140 km, there is @ metamorphic jump between the high-degree schists, migmatites and granites of its footwall and the less metamorphic, often low-grade rocks of the hangingwall. Some granites were late enough to pierce the detachment. On petrological grounds, the vertical component of the faultis estimated at around 5 km (Marquinez, 1964), and the horizontal one does not exceed Figure 19. Detaled map and cross-section of the Lalin Unit chowing the recumbent folds, the transecting schistesity and the cross-cutting relationships between the main detachments. Same legend as in Figure 18. 4g ‘The basal units of the Ordenes Complex ce a. . Tri ee Figure 20. Geological sections across the basal units of the Ordenes Complex depicting the rmain structures and the relationships with the other unts (Martinez Catalan et al, 1996). The Components of movement normal to the section are indicated by circles with @ dot or a cross: movement toward the reader or opposite respectively. two dozen km, because of the assumed initial continuity between the orthogneisses in the N of Lalin and in the S of Santiago. Severel smaller normal faults in the hangingwall, such as the Vila de Cruces Detachment (VCD), are listric and join the PSD asymptotically (Fig. 18). The detachment was locally reactivated either during or after the subsequent folding. The PSD crosscuts a set of late, roughly NW-SE upright folds: the Lalin and Forcarei Synforms and the Candan Antiform (Figs. 18 and 20). However, itis in turn folded by a younger set of upright folds, striking NS to NE-SW (Fig. 19), that are responsible for the present synformal structure of the Ordenes Complex (excluding the Lalin and Forcarei Units). The NS to NE-SW folds seem to be in relation to transcurrent sinistral shear zones, of which the Palas de Rei 50 7 Dap Wit ahd id WY in = 0 Wir PPD wD weer weg qgqeene The basal units of the Ordenes Complex Shear Zone (PRSZ) is the most important. Another set of upright folds ocours in N of Lalin, close to the PSD. They strike roughly E-W and interfere with the N-S set, giving rise to a dome and basin pattern (Fig. 19). These folds seem linked to the PSD. Metamorphic constrains in the Lalin and Forcarei Units After the initial high-P event, a prograde metamorphism of intermediate- to high-T affected the Lalin Unit, making it cifficult to identify the high-P assemblages. However, in schists and paragneisses, evidence for the first event is the same as in the Santiago Unit: an initial association METAMORFHIC ZONES E Sillimanite - Orthociase isogRans Sore Orthoclas Silimanite Sillimanite ‘Starlite Staurolite ont SEL amet Gamet Biotte Bene Chiorite First high-pressure assemblage slightly overprinted Taq) Variscan E=22] rantoias a er sre 21. Metamorphic zonation in the Lalin and Forearei Units and in the parautochthon. preserved in plagioclase porphyrobiasts. The P-T conditions seem to correspond to a gamet- epidote zone. The oldest associations preserved in the metabasites point to the same conclusion. However, the absence of eclogites suggests that the high-P event was of lower grade than in the Santiago Unit. The subsequent decompression was initially prograde, and the metamorphic zonation was again related to an inverted gradient. From bottom to top, the zones of staurolite, silimanite and sillimanite-orthoclase developed in metapelites (Fig. 21). in the upper part, the metasediments were partially migmatized and the muscovite is commonly absent. There, the metabasites are amphiboltes without gamet and with late to post-kinematic diopsidic clinopyroxene. Plagiociasic veins are common, pointing to a limited partial melting. The metamorphic zones crosscut the Carrio Anticline and the chronological relationships between mineral growth and deformation support 2 conductive transmission of heat from above: the staurolite is pre-kinematic in relation to the main foliation in the silimanite zone, being progressively younger downward until the base of the staurolite zone, where it is late to post-kinematic. Because the regional foliation transects the Carrio Anticiine, the inverted gradient cannot be explained by recumbent folding of a previous normal zonation. The P-T path for the top of the unit (Fig. 22, path D: Martinez Catalan et al., 1986) shows @ marked prograde decompression, starting from a P- peak somewhat lower than that of the Santiago Unit (path E). The final part of the path entered in the andalusite field. As in the Santiago Unit, the decompressive part of the P-T path is syn- kinematic with the main schistosity. This, together with the preservation of associations of the high-P, low- to intermediate-T event and of the inverted metamorphic gradient, suggests a quick exhumation. 51

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