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Workplace Violence Toolkit – Section 2c

Injury Cost Analysis Worksheet –Direct, Indirect and Operational Costs for Work Place Violence Programs

Direct and Indirect Costs -Injuries & Incidents Related to Work Place Violence (or any Injury Type)

Use the spreadsheet below to calculate Direct and Indirect costs for each reported work related injury. Profit Margin Analysis is included at the bottom of the spreadsheet

Costs/Data Breakdown of activity or cost item Total Cost $

Direct Costs of Staff Injuries Workers compensation costs - medical and time loss pay (total paid to date and also total incurred with reserves or at claims closure)

The following are potential itemized costs for medical care for injured employees if service cost is not included in work comp coverage or paid for outside of workers comp coverage

Inpatient care - hospital charges

Physician fees

Diagnostic tests

Lab work

Outpatient care - physician fees

Clinic charges

Diagnostics tests

Rehabilitation - Occupational

Physical therapy

Medical equipment

Pharmacy - medications

Employee counseling

Impact on WC premium (different for non vs. self insured) - e.g. rebates and/or change in insurance risk modifier & related impact on premium rates

Cost of care billed to worker comp

Cost of care not billed to workers comp


Number of days away from Wages ($/hr. include %

Breakdown of activity or cost item work and/or on modified Hours normally work per value of benefits if Total Paid to Temporarily
duty day/shift information available*) Replace Injured Worker

Indirect Costs of Staff Replacement costs for employees away from work or on temporary modified duty i.e., by other employees;
traveling nurses; agency/contract personnel and/or overtime costs
Injuries - Incident costs as
relevant to each incident


Calculate the following as applicable, for each person involved in management of each workplace injury e.g. nurse, human resources, supervisor, security personnel, manager, etc.
Note: this break down of costs can also be applied for management of patient injury if a patient was harmed during a WPV incident

Wages ($/hr. include %

Breakdown of activity or cost item Time Spent (hours) value of benefits if Total $ Cost
information available)

Time to Provide First Care or Onsite Medical Care (could be in facility's ED) e.g. first responder/nurse etc.
Time to transport to medical facility (and stay with employee)
Time to complete paperwork
Initial Incident 0
Time to secure area
Time for any other employees assisting with injury
1. Time taking to investigate incident
2. Time to complete paperwork; OSHA reporting etc.
Investigation Costs 0
3. Time for follow- up meetings to discuss incident (safety committee meeting, EH&S coordinator, supervisors, employees etc.)
1. Time spent to manage claim: phone calls, meetings
2. Meetings with injured employee and others
3. Phone calls
4. Paperwork

Injury Management Costs

5. Return to work program –
Injury Management Costs Time to organize
Job evaluations for placement
Partial wage replacement
Cost of Equipment or tool, workstation redesign etc.
6. Other costs
1. Legal Counsel fees
2. Management time/employee preparation time, witnesses, etc.
3. Expert witness fees
Legal Costs 0
4. Fines
5. Other Costs (Settlements, etc.)

Other Indirect costs Breakdown of activity or cost item Total Cost $

1.      Costs of clean-up/salvage

2.      Equipment repair/replacement

3.      Property/Structural repair/replacement

Damage Costs (if applicable) For the
following consider direct cost of 4.      Equipment rental cost
equipment and labor costs of all
5.      Material/Product loss

6.      Material/Product rework

7.      Cost of disposal of damaged equipment/product


Operatonal Costs $


The amount of
Total direct and indirect
costs and operational costs
of all injuries e.g. WPV Profit or operating revenue needed to
injuries (as calculated for margin for facility/ offset the cost of
each injury in this work organization % these injuries
sheet) for time period you
Impact on profit margin - amount of reimbursement required to are measuring in years (Total Costs/Profit
offset the cost of WPV injuries (or any injury type)

$80,000.00 4% $2,000,000.00

Workplace Violence Toolkit – Section 2c

Injury Cost Analysis Worksheet –Direct, Indirect and Operational Costs for Work Place Violence Programs

Operational Costs (potential gains/benefits) - Work Place Violence (or for any injury type)
Costs Operational costsBreakdown
could be defined asifdecreased
of costs applicableoutput from normal/expected/planned levels and/or increased Notes/Calculations
time/costs to perform support operations

Lost productivity (work time) due to disruption to service delivery time etc.

Impact on quality and delivery of care e.g. staffing to cover for injured employee
while seeking medical care etc.

On day of Lost productivity on subsequent days due to loss of team member - injured
accident/incident and employee
during investigation
Time to injured employee ‘up to speed’ re efficiency when returning to work or to
learn new processes/equipment that might have been implemented

Time/cost of coverage for follow-up medical appointments for injured employee

Advertising fees

Time to hire

Direct labor cost (hourly rate including fee if using agency or temp staff)

Include benefit burden if permanent employee

Turnover costs e.g.
replacement of
permanently disabled Time to training and orientation
Time for supervision (precept)

Impact on ‘productivity’ –getting new nurse or worker ‘up to speed’ on work

processes and procedures

Impact on quality of care/service

Additional staffing & workers

Compensating actions if
an employer is using the
following methods to Other
address WPV
Time to seek help from other staff when dealing with a WPV situation

Efficiency of Cost of additional staff needed to care of violence/aggressive patients and overall
care/productivity impact on staffing models e.g. are more agency staff needed to ensure adequate
related factors - these delivery and quality of service when extra staff needed for these patients etc.
may be more prevalent The skill mix of staff needed
when working with
violent, combative or
aggressive patients . Time to complete task
Consider costs when
addressing complex
clinical needs Time to care - overall

Impact of presenteeism e.g. employees working in pain or stressed from exposure

to WPV and related injuries that may not be reported

Impact on staff morale and satisfaction (e.g. Gallup Scores)

Impact on retirement costs

Regulatory compliance - Oregon OSHA specific to WPV regulation, OSHA General

Other Duty Clause; The JC, Magnet, CMS, etc. related to patient safety and quality of care

Impact on staff recruitment

Impact of staff fatigue etc. on user/human error and patient safety and related to
acute staff injury such as slips, trips and falls

Impact of proactive design vs. cost of retrofit e.g. bullet proof glass at admission
stations; camera surveillance systems; improved egress for staff, more controlled
access to facility
Patient satisfaction re quality of care e.g. Press Gainey scores; complaints; audit
data re perception of comfort and safety
Potential 'Costs' to

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