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The word ‘Deen’ refers to a system of life in which the humankind/

jinn and all the creation that is created by Allah the almighty has to
submit to the higher authority which it Allah himself. It is the
acceptance of oneself to surrender to Allah and to live ones life to
please the almighty and to avoid doing sin in order to save oneself from
the punishment of hellfire.
In order to understand the dos and don’ts, Allah revealed or sent down
the Quran to prophet Muhammad ( peace be upon him) that was
revealed to him through angel Gibriel (a.s). The Quran is the word of
Allah sent down for people to follow the right path and to follow the
Sunnah in order to not go astray.
Since the Quran is word of Allah (s.w.t) this means that “Deen of
Islam” is the truth as Allah says in the Quran that he have promised to
preserve the Quran because the holy book that was revealed before
Islam had been altered with time so the truth that is there in those
scripters are not all trustworthy which does not go parallel to the
teaching of Islam.
Deen of Islam teaches the mankind to be a better person that is ideal
and to be followed irrespective of time place or people. It teaches the
moral values that is a benchmark in any society. It teaches to be good
with parents. To have good relation with neighbours. It teaches not to
lie as well as to be just with others rather than treating someone
Deen of Islam means to submit oneself to Allah and him alone and not
associating any partner with him irrespective of time or situation. Allah
says in the Quran that the only Deen in front of Allah is Islam and any
other religion other then Islam will not be accepted by Allah.

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