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Name: Justine L.

Cellona Class Schedule: MWF 3:30 4:30

Course: BSED-English Date: March 03, 2023

1.) What are the 7 functions of Art and give the meaning of each function as what
you understand. (7 points)

Answer: These are the 7 functions of art and meaning of each function...

1. Personal Expression: The artist expresses their own experiences, sentiments, and emotions
via their work. One can express themselves through art, explain their views, and share their

2. Communication: People can communicate with one another through art. Art can express
sentiments, thoughts, and messages that are difficult to put into words. Art is a crucial
instrument for maintaining cultural heritage since it may be utilized to transmit historical and
cultural information.

3. Entertaining: Art can be a source of amusement. People like participating in art forms that
provide them with enjoyment, escape, and distraction from their everyday routines, whether it
be music, theater, or visual art.

4. Education: Art can be a teaching instrument that aids in the comprehension of difficult ideas
and concepts. Since art may be used to educate people about past, culture, and society, it is
crucial that educational programs include it.

5. Political, social, and cultural issues can be expressed through art as a way of social
commentary. Art can be used to promote social change, question the existing quo, and increase
public awareness of issues.

6. Therapy: People can use art as a therapeutic tool to communicate their emotions, manage
stress, and hasten the healing process. Many disorders, such as depression, anxiety, and post-
traumatic stress disorder, have been treated with art therapy.

7. Religion: Throughout history, many different religions have placed a high value on the arts.
Religious stories, symbols, and rituals can be depicted artistically, allowing viewers to better
understand and relate to their own spiritual practices and beliefs.

2.) Two types of categories of an art and give 5 examples of each category. (6

Answer: The two main categories of an art are,

Fine Art: Fine art is a type of visual art that is created primarily for aesthetic purposes and is
intended to be appreciated primarily for its beauty or emotional power. Here are five examples
of fine art:

Painting (such as oil painting, watercolor, or acrylic)

Sculpture (such as bronze or marble sculptures)

Drawing (such as charcoal drawing or pencil sketch)

Printmaking (such as etching or lithography)

Photography (such as black and white photography or digital photography)

Applied Art: Applied art is a type of art that is designed to be functional as well as aesthetically
pleasing. It combines form and function and is often created for practical purposes like interior
design, fashion, or advertising. Here are five examples of applied art:

Graphic Design (such as logos, posters, and packaging)

Industrial Design (such as furniture or home appliances)

Fashion Design (such as clothing or accessories)

Interior Design (such as furniture or lighting)

Ceramic Art (such as pottery or ceramic tiles)

3.) Give the 7 elements of art and their function and meaning (10 points)

Answer: The seven elements of an art and their function are

Line: Lines are the foundation of all art. They are used to create shapes, forms, and textures,
and can be used to express emotions and movement. Lines can be straight, curved, thick, thin,
or broken, and can convey different moods or feelings depending on how they are used.

Shape: Shapes are created when lines come together to form a closed space. Shapes can be
geometric (such as circles, squares, or triangles) or organic (such as irregular or natural
shapes). Shapes can be used to create visual interest, define space, and convey meaning.

Form: Forms are three-dimensional shapes that have height, width, and depth. They can be
geometric (such as cubes or spheres) or organic (such as the human body or natural objects).
Forms can be used to create depth and dimension in artwork, and can be used to create a
sense of realism or abstraction.

Texture: Texture refers to the surface quality of an artwork. It can be visual (such as the
appearance of a rough surface) or tactile (such as the feel of a smooth or rough surface).
Texture can be used to create interest and variety in an artwork, and can be used to evoke
emotions or create a sense of realism.
Value: Value refers to the lightness or darkness of an artwork. It is created by the contrast
between light and shadow, and can be used to create depth and volume in an artwork. Value
can also be used to create mood and atmosphere, and can be used to highlight or downplay
certain elements of an artwork.

Color: Color is one of the most important elements of art. It can be used to create emotions,
convey meaning, and create visual interest. Colors can be warm (such as red, orange, and
yellow) or cool (such as blue, green, and purple), and can be used to create contrast and
harmony in an artwork.

Space: Space refers to the area around, between, and within objects in an artwork. It can be
used to create a sense of depth and dimension, and can be used to create balance and
harmony in an artwork. Space can also be used to create a sense of movement or stillness, and
can be used to convey emotions or ideas.

4.) It is the ability or skills of a person that communicate the beauty... (1point)

Answer: Aesthetic competence refers to the ability of an artist to create art that communicates
beauty and emotion through their mastery of the elements of art, principles of design, and
techniques of their chosen medium.

5.) It is a domain of art that the goal is to make you understand, comprehend and
require new information of learning to have an intellectual growth outcome. (1

Answer: Educational art or art education

6.) The Domain goal is to appraise your emotions and appreciate everything in the
art. (1point)

Answer: Arts and Appreciation or Aesthetic Appreciation

7.) Another domain is to let you do the application or the task after you understand
and appreciate of what you have learned. (1 point)

Answer: Applied Art

8.) What is art and appreciation for you as your own understanding? (5 points)

Answer: Art is a creative way for people to transmit their feelings and imagination to others,
usually in the form of something visible or audible. The act of identifying and appreciating an
artwork's features, such as its beauty, emotional effect, technical competence, and cultural or
historical relevance, is called as appreciation of art. We can expand our perspectives, enrich our
lives, and get a deeper understanding of the world through enjoying art.

9.) Give at least 6 design and strategies under the principle of design and give its
function for an art work.
Answer: These are the six design strategies under the principles of design, along with their
functions in an artwork...

Balance - refers to the distribution of visual weight in an artwork. It creates a sense of stability
and harmony in an artwork. Examples include symmetrical balance, asymmetrical balance, and
radial balance.

Contrast - involves the use of opposing elements in an artwork, such as light and dark, rough
and smooth, or small and large. It creates visual interest and draws attention to certain
elements in an artwork.

Emphasis - refers to the use of elements in an artwork to create a focal point. It draws the
viewer's attention to a specific area of the artwork.

Unity - refers to the overall cohesion of an artwork. It involves the use of similar or
complementary elements and creates a sense of harmony in the artwork.

Proportion - refers to the size and scale of elements in an artwork. It creates a sense of balance
and harmony in an artwork.

Movement - refers to the use of elements in an artwork to create a sense of motion or

direction. It guides the viewer's eye through the artwork and creates a sense of dynamism.

10.) How can Art give significance to the society?

Answer: Art can contribute to society in a variety of ways, including representing cultural values
and beliefs, capturing historical events, and serving as a platform for personal expression and
communication. Art may also help with economic development, tourism, and city rehabilitation.
In conclusion, art can affect and alter society in a variety of ways, and its significance can be
observed in many parts of human life.

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