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The pillars of Islam is also known as Arkan ul Islam which are the
foundation of Deen of Islam. There are total five Pillars of Islam as
1. Shahadah
2. Salah
3. Zakah
4. Hajj
5. Fasting ( During month of Ramadan)
1)Shahadah : It is to bear witness that none is worthy of worship except
Allah and prophet Muhammed (s.a.w) is the messenger of Allah ( La
Ilaha illalah, Muhammadur rasullalah)

2) Salah: Establishing salah only happens from heart once the person
submits to the shahadah and agrees that Allah is the only one worthy of
worship and not associating any partner with him. The salah is
established five times a day i.e fajar, duhr, asr, magrib, isha)
3)Zakah: Believing that Allah has created us and one day we have to
return to him and that this world is temporary so one must always be
humbled not to get attached to wealth and other materialistic things this
world has got to offer. Hence Zakah is giving a portion of annual salary
which is 2.5% of annual income to the poor or needy. Zakah is also
obligatory on Gold items also.
4. Hajj: It refers to pilgrimage once in a lifetime at least to makka i.e
Kaaba the house of Allah.
5) Fasting : During the month of Ramadan, once in a year every person
is obliged to fast. Fasting is not only restricted to not eating but also to
fast from all things haram and to control the nafs.

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