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Jaixa Díaz

May 11, 2021

In Class Writing 5

Companies Should Make Video Games Less Violent

Even video games are a means of entertainment for people, it can also

affect them in a negative way. Many people around the world play video

games with friends and family to spent time, but some of this video games

contains scenes of violence that affect people in different ways. Every day,

companies create new games that are more violence. Companies need to

improve their video games with less violence because people are being

influenced in a negative way. The main reasons why there should be a law that

prevents companies from making violent video games are it makes people

more aggressive, they are a bad influence on children as they copy everything

they see, and people become less interest in the feeling of other people.

Violent video games make people more aggressive. Many people play

violent video games both young and some adult, and sometimes when people

see that action cause that they become more aggressive. People did a survey to

see how much affect video games people and 50 out of 48 were found to have

aggressive behavior after playing these games. All the actions that they see in

the games in some way influence people because they become to think that
can be experiment the same emotions of the game in real life. In some cause

violent video games cause fights between teenagers. In short, people need a

law that makes companies reduce violence in video games because it became

people more aggressive with other people.

Violent video games are a bad influence on children as they copy

everything they see. It is important that children have a great training because

their childhood affects a lot how they will be in the future. In addition, that

video game cause that children have a violence influence and they because to

do what they see in video games. Children learn through what they see and

begin to copy the words and actions they hear and see. For example, in new

jersey school 3 boys jumped off a ladder because they saw it in video game

and they got very hurt. In general, companies need to reduce violence in video

games because children learn dangerous actions that put their life in risk.

Another reason is people become less interest in the feeling of other

people. The article states that, “People may become less sensitive to the pain

and suffering of others’’. Violent video games make that people do not care

how others are since they only teach how to hurt others by making them think

that this is okay. In 2007 some student was in an excursion and one of them

kept quiet and the other did not help they said that they were like his favorite

character from video games called Mister Fi, and that he taught them not to
have mercy on others. In short, companies should reduce violence in the

video games because it makes that people have no compassion and interest in

the others.

Some critics argue that companies can’t reduce violence in video games

because that decrease their profits since these games are the best sellers.

Robert Smith president of the company Games Smith A.R.S state that “They

company tried to reduce violence the last year, but his profit was cut in half

and that’s why they had to do back to make video games like before”. As a

result, companies can’t reduce violence in their video games because this

affect them. Critics have a valid point about that companies need to reduce

violence in videos games because this can affect people and have a great

argument. Even though violence video games affect people in a negative way

is true, it still does not reduce violent in video games because this can also

affect the profit of the companies.

In conclusion, there should be a law what makes companies reduce

violence in their video games because this video games affect people in many

ways. Video games affect the behaviors of the people, and make them more

aggressive. Children are influence in a negative way and copies bad actions of

video games in real life. In addition, violent video games make people do not

worry or be interested in what other feel.

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