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Laboratory Activity No.

Multiple Regression Models

1. Introduction
Linear regression analysis is used to predict the value of a variable based on the value of
another variable. The variable you want to predict is called the dependent variable. The
variable you are using to predict the other variable's value is called the independent
variable. This form of analysis estimates the coefficients of the linear equation, involving
one or more independent variables that best predict the value of the dependent variable.
Linear regression fits a straight line or surface that minimizes the discrepancies between
predicted and actual output values. There are simple linear regression calculators that use
a “least squares” method to discover the best-fit line for a set of paired data. You then
estimate the value of X (dependent variable) from Y (independent variable). Some of the
regression models that will be encountered in this activity are: Ridge, Lasso, K Neighbors
Regressor, SVR, Random Forest Regressor, Bagging Regressor, Extra Trees Regressor,
AdaBoostRegressor, Gradient Boosting Regressor, CatBoost Regressor, and

2. Objectives
2.1. To train different regression models using a given training dataset and apply the
trained model to the test dataset.
2.2. To evaluate the performance of the trained regression models.

3. Materials and Devices

Jupyter Notebook

4. Machine Problem
Run a program that will perform learning of multiple regression models given a csv
dataset. (Run Multiple Regressor.ipynb)

5. Design Problem
5.1. Run all the regressor models available in Item 7 - Optimization and Item 7.1
Ridge and SVR models with Hyperparameters
5.2. Add a code in Item 7.2 Bootstrap Sampling to display the iteration number, score,
current time and cumulative processing time per iteration.
5.3. Apply bootstrap sampling in all regression models and add a code to record the
total processing time per model. Also plot the corresponding confidence intervals
per model.
5.4. Add codes before Item 8 Conclusion to plot the total processing time of all
5.5. Include your conclusion on each of the model performance in terms of processing
time in the Item 8 Conclusion

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